Chapter 14

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"Look at you, an actor for a great movie." Lillie says with a smile. Ash has auditioned for the new movie filming and he gets the main protagonist, and he has been doing a great job.

"You're also great as well, a voice actress with the newest series." Ash says to her with a smile. Lillie decides to use her voice to do some voice acting and she also gets the female protagonist for the show. "We've really become famous, aren't we?"

"Only that we used Red and White as our names..." Ash sighs.

Ash and his original group are having a problem with nightmares and they witness the fight between Darkrai and Cresselia. Ash manages to stop the fight while Darkrai just leaves.

For Normal Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie travel back to the past and capture a Hisuian Zorua, they train the Pokemon and evolve it into a Hisuian Zoroark. Then they also capture a Bidoof nearby and evolve it into a Bibarel. They also receive a Porygon from Chairman Rose and do two trades to evolve the Pokemon into a Porygon-Z. By traveling to the past, they also capture a Stantler and evolve it into a Wyrdeer.

For Steel Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie capture a Nosepass at Mt. Coronet and evolve it into a Probopass, they do the same thing to a Magneton and evolve it into a Magnezone. And they also find an abandoned Piplup and capture it, training the Pokemon to become an Empoleon.

As for the Galar Region, they also capture a lot of Pokemon and also travel around the area. For Ghost Type Pokemon, they find a Galarian Corsola at Giant's Mirror during overcast and evolve it into a Cursola. They also purchase a Chipped Pot and find the Antique Sinistea in the Glimwood Tangle to evolve into Polteageist.

After the sixth gym, Ash, Dawn, and Brock have another Team Galactic crisis at Iron Island, where Mars led a group of Grunts to Iron Island, where a shrine to Dialga and Palkia was located. Using it and the Spear Key, an electromagnetic beam that disturbed the Steel types that inhabit the island was blasted at Mt. Coronet. But they have help from Riley and they stop their plan.

"It is a good thing that we didn't bring any Steel Type Pokemon with me." Ash says with a slight smile after telling Lillie about this.

"You're right about that." Lillie sighs.

Staravia also evolves into a Staraptor when Ash takes part in the Pokemon Ringer, the same competition that evolves Taillow into a Swellow.

For Flying Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie capture a female Combee using the honey trees and evolve it into a Vespiquen. They also travel to the past so they can find a Hisuian Braviary and capture it.

For Ice Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie find an Eevee at Trophy Garden and evolve it into a Glaceon at Route 217. They also find a Swinub nearby and train the Pokemon to be a Mamoswinie. They also travel back to the past and find a Hisuian Avalugg, capturing it. And also the same Snorunt that Ash manages to save back with Dawn and Brock, they use the Dawn Stone to evolve it into a Froslass.

In Galar, Ash and Lillie stumble across a treehouse in Galar, and it turns out to be another one from the Team Rocket Base. So they contact Macro Cosmos and the International Police to help them out.

"So you two have been causing us a lot of trouble..." The Cyborg is a girl named Betty, and she is wearing like a princess. "Do I really have to fight you all by myself? Those grunts that the boss gave me are weak..."

"Say all you want, but that won't help you." Ash says in a cool tone as he goes for Bullet Punch, but Betty dodges the attack and goes for Fleur Cannon, hitting Lillie.

"You know, I really hate rich people. So don't blame me if this is your deathbed." Betty says as she raises all the stats using Geomancy, then using Light of Ruin to deal a lot of damage to both Ash and Lillie.

"Hang in there." Lillie says as she decides to go with Icicle Crash, but Betty manages to dodge all the attacks with ease. Then it goes for Nature's Madness, hitting Ash and cuts half of his health.

"Ash!" Lillie yells in horror. Betty smirks and uses Springtide Storm, just as it is about to hit Ash, a Pokemon suddenly appears and takes the hit.

"What the..." Betty is annoyed, and the Pokemon turns out to be Zacian.

"Zacian?" Ash and Lillie gasp in shock, and Zacian uses the sword to use Behemoth Blade at Betty, it wasn't enough to kill her, but Betty is horrified as the blade has poison on it, and she screams before falling to the ground killed.

"What did you just do, Zacian?" Lillie asks.

Zacian points the blade at the document on the table, and Ash decides to look at it.

Betty: Age:30. Born: Galar. When he was little, she lives in poverty and rich people will often mock her and even try to rape her for her own pleasures, with the humiliation inside her heart, she joins Team Rocket to get revenge on people who treats her as trash. After joining Team Rocket, he becomes one of the testers of the Cyborgs. Her typing and code name are "Fairy" She also absorbs the power of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon of Fairy Type for Team Rocket. The Weakness of the Cyborg is the poison.

"So your blade has poison on it. Thanks for your help." Ash says.

Zacian roars and Arceus says, "Zacian decides to join your team, so accept her Pokeball."

Ash nods as he takes Zacian's Pokeball before she leaves. Then both Macro Cosmos and International Police are cleaning up the mess and both Ash and Lillie decide to make the treehouse their own new base.

For Fairy Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie capture a Galarian Ponyta and evolve it into a Rapidash by training. And they also get a Milcery at the dessert store, and Lillie accidentally spins it and gives him a Ruby sweet, and it evolves into an Alcremie.

For Flying Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie capture a Rookidee at the first route and evolve it into a Corviknight in the end. They also find a Cramorant that likes to mess with Pikachu and capture it, much to Pikachu's frustration.

For Rock Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie capture a Stonjourner at Lake of Outrage, and they also capture a Rolycoly at Galar Mine and evolve it into a Coalossal.

Ash's constant absence worries Dawn ever since the first day, and now Ash is gone again once they arrive at Lake Acuity, Dawn decides to ask Brock about what is going on. "Brock, why does Ash disappear every weekend? What's even going on here?"

Brock says, "Trust me, he has his own business. He always does that ever since we traveled together in Hoenn. There is no need to worry about him."

"But it is really suspicious. Why don't you follow him?" Dawn asks him.

"I tried, but it didn't end well for me..." Brock says, "And when I think of it, it still hurts..."

"Hurt? What do you mean?" Dawn asks.

"Last time when I tried to follow him, he gave us the cold tone that I never felt scared before in my life...and then he also attacked me with Aura." Brock says.

"He attacked you? Is this the same Ash we are talking about?" Dawn asks in surprise.

"Yes, but that time he didn't know what he was he apologized to me back then. But I am not going to take any chances now that he knows what he is doing." Brock says with a frown.

"He couldn't be that bad, right?" Dawn asks, still trying to persuade the breeder. Brock says, "Dawn, the way he does it will be much worse than your hair gets messy."

Dawn pales and says, "Okay...maybe it is much worse."

Back with Ash and Lillie, Ash decides to tell Lillie about how Arceus was going on a rampage in the Michina, and Lillie is surprised to hear that they travel through time so that they can save her. Arceus lowers her head in shame as she accidentally attacked Ash, and also Giratina, the love of her life.

As they change the topic to talking about the battle against Paul, Lillie says, "Still, you shouldn't hold back on that battle. I really want to see how you sweep his team with Pikachu..."

"But then my secrets will be revealed, and I don't want that." Ash says. "By the way, how are your parents doing?"

Lillie says, "I told them that I want to go on a journey to challenge the gyms and contests like you. My mom and brother didn't agree at first, but with the help of Adam, they decided to let me do it. However, Gladion has to come with me during the journey to Kanto..."

"I it would be harder for you to find me..." Ash frowns.

"I am sorry, Ash. But I promise that I will try to find some chances." Lillie says with an assured tone.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock also meet up with Looker, who is here for Team Galactic, Ash wants him to keep their constant meeting a secret, and Looker also wants him to do the same. As for Team Galactic, Ash and the group finally get to meet their boss Cyrus, and he has created the Red Chain to control Dialga and Palkia. Ash knows how the Red Chain works because of the past of stopping the frenzy, so they manage to find a way to free the Lake guardians and stop Dialga and Palkia. However, Cyrus left for the new world and the rest of Team Galactic is arrested.

"That is one more team down. Four teams left." Lillie says with delight.

"Yeah, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Skull, and Team Rocket... the worst one should be Team Rocket." Ash says.

"Now that I think about it, the Galaxy Expedition Team turning to be Team Galactic is really sad as well..." Lillie says.

"But it is thanks to the fact we made Red Chains together that we know how to stop this timeline's Red Chain." Ash says with a smile. "We're also finished collecting all of Arceus' plates so we can change her form on her free will as well."

"You're right. There are 2 of them left." Lillie says.

After the journey, Ash gets a Gible for his team, and Monferno evolves into an Infernape after another Blaze was activated. Because of Team Rocket's interference, Ash loses his chance to battle the final gym, so they decide to go with the Grand Festival first.

Thanks to Arceus, who manages to disguise herself as Ash for the time being, he wins the Grand Festival without others noticing. He feels a little horrible after beating Dawn in the Semi-Finals, but Dawn isn't mad at it and she also cheers for him. And it is thanks to his Pokemon that he is able to beat Zoey in the finals.

But due to the fact that he can't always bring the Ribbon Cup with him, so he decides to call his mother and tells her the truth. Delia is surprised that he wins the Sinnoh Grand Festival, but she also agrees to keep it a secret. Ash also sends the package back to the house and Delia receives it and places it in his room.

Here is a new chapter, you can basically say that this whole Sinnoh Journey is actually all of Gen 8 games combined. With Arceus' help, Ash and Lillie have a way to complete everything. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the conclusion of Sinnoh and Galar parts.

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