Chapter 24

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The news of Ash winning the Kalos League has spread throughout the other regions, and Delia decides to host a welcome home party for him as she invites all his former travel companions from Kanto the Unova to come. Ash, Pikachu, and the invisible Arceus have finally arrived at Pallet Town, but Ash is just looking at the house from afar.

Pikachu asks, "Are we going back already?"

"Well, I know that they have been waiting for me in my house, but I don't like to be the center of attention just yet. Besides, those girls would think that I may be a perfect husband for them. But the truth is, I don't even like them that matter."

Arceus says with a sarcastic tone, "Aren't you excited to see your friends again after such a long time?"

Ash says, "I'm excited to see them, but I do wish that they won't start traveling with me again. Not that there is somewhere we can actually go..."

"Why not? They are our friends, and why wouldn't you want to travel with them again?" Pikachu asks.

"Easy, with so many people traveling with us, it will be harder for me to meet up with Lillie, and that will not do." Ash sighs. "And I hope my Mom would not let them enter my room without my permission, who knows what will happen if they notice the cups I've won in my room..."

"Speaking of it, are you going to cheer Lillie for the upcoming Unova League?" Pikachu asks.

"Of course I am. She cheers for me a lot of times and I should also do the same." Ash says with a smile. "Speaking of Lillie, maybe I should call her right now."

While Ash is dialing her number, Pikachu turns to Arceus, "Arceus, why do I have a love sick trainer?"

"Who knows." Arceus replies.

At the same time, the past travel companions are waiting in the room while talking to each other, Misty asks, "Where the hell is that Ash? He was supposed to be here an hour ago."

"I don't know." Brock says, "But it is not the first time that he goes missing."

"Yeah..." Max says, "But today is not Saturday or Sunday, right? Why would he go missing?"

"You mean he went missing even in the other regions?" Iris asks.

"Wait, you mean he did that in Unova as well?" Dawn asks them as they nod.

"But he didn't do that when we are in Kanto or Johto. In fact, I wouldn't believe that he would train when we were traveling. He was kind of depending on luck to win the Johto League." Misty says.

"Are you saying the same Ash?" May asks. "Since I find it hard to believe it."

"Yeah, I thought that he was just joking when he told us that he got his Kanto Badges given from him instead of winning battles." Cilan replies, causing the two Gym Leaders to look at them with a curious faces.

"So Ash actually mater all these years, it is a pity that I missed it." Misty says.

Brock says, "But I agree with May if I were you. After I caught up with Ash in Hoenn again, he changed a lot and it is very disturbing to me, considering that before we separated for the first time, he was just like his usual self."

"By the way, did you mention that one time Ash accidentally hurt you with aura when you tried to stalk him?" Max asks as May and Brock pale at the memory. Dawn says, "You mean, what Brock said is real? About Ash making you in fear?"

"Wait, it happened before as well?" Iris asks, causing them to look at her in confusion. Cilan says, "You see, when we traveled with Ash in the Unova Region, we also found him missing on weekends, so we decide to find out the truth, but then he beat up Iris just with the creepy smile, he has eaten something very sweet and bitter."

"Even though I didn't know what Cilan is talking about, but I know that since that time, I wouldn't want to fight him again." Iris shivers at the mention.

At the same time, Delia, Mohn, Gary, and Professor Oak are talking to each other, and Delia is frowning, recently she hears the news of how her brother got arrested for almost destroying the Galar Region. She tries to believe that Rose is innocent, but she doesn't know the details.

"Delia, are you alright?" Mohn asks, "Ever since you heard about what happened to your brother..."

Delia shakes her head and says, "Rose is framed! He isn't the one that would bring something called the Darkest Day to the Galar Region! There must be a mistake, I just know it."

"We believe you, but right now we don't have the proof for that." Oak says. Delia sighs and says, "Just why does it happen to me, first Adam is missing, and now Rose is arrested...just why did Arceus have to play pranks on me..."

The others decide to ignore the question, and Gary decides to ask his grandfather, "So where is Ashy Boy? Where is he? I haven't seen him since he arrived."

Professor Oak says, "I got a message from him and he says that he is going to train his Pokemon at my lab before coming here, and he wants me to tell only you, Delia, Mohn, and me. I can tell the reason since he doesn't want those people to stalk him."

"But surely, he can't be that serious when it comes to training, right?" Gary jokes, but he earns a glare from Professor Oak.

"It is because of this hard training that he manages to win all the leagues." Oak says. "Not to mention, when I hear what those travel companions saying, I feel like he is going to be like his father time after time."

Delia mutters, "And you just have to mention that..." She remembers how Adam was sucked into a wormhole because of Team Rocket. Mohn notices it and says, "It's in the past, Delia. I am sure you will find him eventually."

"I hope so...I really missed him." Delia says with a tear forming in her eye. Gary asks, "What happened? By the way, where is Ash's father all this time?"

Professor Oak says, "About that, we still haven't got a clue about it, but about what happened, I think it is another story to tell."

When Ash is training with aura in the woods, Pikachu and Arceus are by his side. As Ash is resting, he is covered by the eyes and hears a voice, "Guess who is it?"

Ash turns around and smiles, "Well if it isn't my angel, Lillie. What are you doing here? It isn't Saturday nor Sunday, what if you are followed by the staff members?"

"The Aether Foundation is still busy in Viridian City, as they found some readings about Ultra Beasts. My mother gave me permission while trying to cover the whole story for me, so they won't bother to look for me just for a while. And for how I got away from my Brother, let's say that Snowy gives him a freezing sleep." Lillie smirks, and Ash shivers as he knows how aggressive Snowy can be. "What about you? I thought that you are going back to your house."

" former companions are there and I don't feel like going back here." Ash says. "But does your brother often bully you? If so, he'll have to pay for that."

"But then we will have to explain everything about us, and I am not going to do that." Lillie says. "We have kept the secret for 4 years and do you think it is time just like what your grandmother said?"

"I am not sure, but I want to keep it longer for now." Ash says with a smile. Lillie asks, "So what are you going to do next? I mean, now that you have won all of the Leagues, what are you going to do then?"

"I might have to train some of my Pokemon since a few of them are still unevolved." Ash says. "And I will also come to your Unova League to cheer you on."

"That will be great." Lillie says with delight. "If you want training, we can always meet up at Sevestar Island."

"That will do." Ash says. "Sometimes you can always make me happy."

Lillie says, "And you're happy makes me happy as well." Then they share a long kiss until Lillie almost does the unthinkable by going towards her shirt, showing her belly as well as unclasping her bra, just as Ash hears the sound, he quickly stops her. "Please don't show me that, Lillie. It is bad enough that I'm always dreaming of you every day, I don't want you adding dirty thoughts to my thoughts about you, I mean I already had enough of them..."

Lillie realizes what she was doing and flinches, but she then shows an evil smirk, "Ah, so you have been thinking 'naughty' thoughts about me? How was I in the bed in your dreams? Do you want me to make your dreams a reality? We can do it here and now."

"Stop it, Lillie. Why are you torturing me? I don't want to be a pervert." Ash begs for her, but in vain as she leans closer to Ash. "But you are MY pervert." Then she starts to show a little of her bra.

Ash can't take it anymore and he faints with an intense blush. Lillie giggles and says, "Well, it works every time." Then she decides to stop it and after Ash wakes up, they bid farewell, or else the others are going to be worried about them.

Once Ash goes back to the house, he is immediately tackled by the females who have been waiting for him.

"Ash, welcome back." They all say together. Ash feels uneasy and says, "Can you girls please get off me? I can't breathe."

After Brock, Max, and Cilan's help, Ash gets off them and says, "It sure is nice to see you guys again, I am sorry that I came home this late since I was training."

Delia says, "It is fine, Honey. But remember to wash first."

"I'll go do that, Mom." Then he leaves with Pikachu and the invisible Arceus by his side. "I am glad that it was over for the first part. But there is a second part...I just hope that I survive all of it."

Arceus says, "I am sure you will be able to survive."

At the same time, Lillie gets back to the room and sends out Delphox to unfreeze Gladion. Gladion is shivering and says, "What is that for? Lillie? Why did you freeze me?"

"To make sure that someone won't treat me like a baby even though she beat the Kanto League." Lillie sighs, "I hope you learn your lesson..."

"You are going to be evil just like Mother..." Gladion sighs as he looks fearfully at his sister.

"Be what like me?" Lusamine and Adam walk into the room as Lillie hugs her mother. "Did I miss something here?"

"No, mom. How is the search?" Lillie covers Gladion's mouth and says.

Adam says, "We found out that there is a huge energy in the Viridian Forest, and what the statistic shows is that it may be a Buzzwole. Don't worry about it, because our team would be able to handle it."

"Do you need any help?" Gladion asks after Lillie takes her hand off. "Silvally can help take care of them if you want."

"Thank you, but we can handle it since from what we have seen, it does stuff like showing off his muscles."

"That weird?" Lillie asks in surprise.

"Yeah." Adam says, "But we will be staying here for a week before returning to Alola. Do you have any other plans to do?"

Lillie says, "Well, I am going to look around the Kanto Region if possible."

"I'll just training." Gladion says, fearing that if he says that he is going with Lillie and he would get frozen by Snowy again.

"I see. I hope you guys are happy about it." Lusamine sighs as they all leave, but Adam feels like Lillie is hiding something and he is going to find out tomorrow.

Here is a new chapter, and this time I made something that explains why this is a mature story. I hope you like it.

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