Chapter 25

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In the next day, Lillie and Gabena are walking around the campsite when Adam notices the two by the table. "Lillie, Gabena. What are you two going to do today?" Adam asks as the two of them turn around and face him. They didn't see Gladion and Lusamine and she thinks that they are still asleep, so it is fine for her for now.

Lillie says, "Gabena and I are going to Pallet Town, I want to see what is going on there."

"Pallet Town..." Adam sighs as he remembers a certain memory. He really misses his wife and his son, but after that happened, he doesn't feel like seeing them for fear that they hate him for leaving their life.

"Have you eaten breakfast? I have brought two sandwiches for you and Gabena." Adam gives them the sandwiches and Lillie says, "Thank you, Adam. Still, I am really surprised that it is only three days and you treat Gabena as a human rather than a Pokemon."

"What do you expect? You treated her like she's your own daughter, so it is natural for me to treat her as my granddaughter." Adam laughs a little. "But seriously, why are you going to Pallet Town? I don't think it is just for seeing what's going on there, right?"

Lillie looks at Adam first before looking at the sky, "I just want to visit the place for myself and there's nothing wrong with a bit of relaxation once in a while. Please don't worry about it."

"What if I have to worry because you know I can tell that you are lying, right?" Adam asks as Lillie shrugs. "You changed so much during these four years. You're so much like your mother but only better in my opinion."

"Really? Is that a bad thing? Since I am my mother's daughter after all." Lillie says.

"Well, I was just curious about what happened. Back then you couldn't touch any Pokemon but now you and Gabena are best friends as well as Snowy that I gave you."

"I never gave up until it's over, that's all." Lillie smiles, then she looks at Adam's face and she can't help but feel that he must have a connection to Ash, or else they wouldn't look the same.

At the same time, Ash was having breakfast as well as talking about his past journeys to everyone, but he missed out on the Serena part to the others. The 4 girls are trying to gain Ash's attention, only to fail, Gary would try to tease the girls about it, but he gets hit and the others find it amusing.

"So can you tell us about your travel partners back in the Kalos Region? We want to know about everything." Misty suggests, and Ash tenses up, he doesn't want them to know about Lillie and he decides to tell the truth.

"Well, my travel partners are Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Clemont is a Gym Leader and he specializes in Electric Type."

"You sure seem to travel with Gym Leaders." Dawn says as Ash giggles a little. "Yeah, and Bonnie is his younger sister, their relationship is kinda like May and Max."

"Oh really, maybe Max can get to know about this Bonnie." May smirk as Max is blushing a little, he decides to change the topic so that he won't be embarrassed.

"So this Team Flare that you mentioned, he tried to take control of you because of your powers with Greninja?" Max asks. "Can we see the special Greninja?"

"Maybe, but right now it is with Zygarde to clean the red vines, so he isn't available now." Ash sighs.

"Now how many evil groups did you get rid of when you are traveling? I guess that only Team Rocket is left, huh?" Brock asks.

Ash and Delia tense when hearing the name Team Rocket. Delia knows that all of the Cyborgs are gone except for one, and there is still the main base of Team Rocket that they still haven't found out.

"I am not sure, since I know that the boss of Team Rocket is very dangerous compared to those three idiots." Ash says with a slight anger.

"So that means you have met the boss of Team Rocket before?" Max asks.

Ash says, "I met him back in the Unova Region when we were staying at Cynthia's villa. His target was Meloetta and he tried to control it for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus."

"Wait, did it happen after I left?" Dawn asks in surprise.

"Yeah, he also tries to kidnap Ash for some reasons unknown, but after that, he was controlled by the Reveal Glass, and in the end, they retreated." Iris says.

"We only stopped them, but we didn't make them give up." Ash says with a frown, "But if anything, I want to stop Team Rocket for good."

Ash notices Delia's sadness and he doesn't want to talk further. Then he stands up and says, "Now I am going to train for now. I'll see you guys later." Then Ash leaves with Pikachu following him. No one dares to follow him for fear that the same thing happened to them.

Once they are out of their sight, Ash heads to the Unova Region as he is going to watch Lillie win the Unova League. He has complete faith in Lillie as she manages to become the winner like him.

"Thank you for cheering me on the spot, Ash. I got my seventh league win." Lillie says.

"Of course, you will win, compared to the others, you're an advanced trainer with amazing Pokemon." Ash smiles at her. "And the Alola League is just a few weeks away, since you already have enough Z Crystals, are you going to take part in it?"

"You bet. That reminds me, how was your Alola Elite Four doing?" Lillie asks.

Ash remembers that for the Elite Four, he and Lillie have to find three more people for the spot. It is a good thing that they find three people who are willing to help them out. The first member is a girl named Gina, who specializes in Psychic and Poison Types. The second member is a boy named Wade, who specializes in Ice and Steel Type. And the final one is Dean, who specializes in Bug and Flying Types. Lillie specializes in multi-type and she is the final Elite Four before facing Ash. Although the only problem is that the Alola League keeps the secrecy from the other regions.

Then Ash and Lillie go to Sevestar Island and they show them the place, after that, they battle every Pokemon and they are really tired, there are some wins and there is some loss, but what matters to them is that they are happy. Ash feels sweaty as he takes off his shirt, not noticing that Lillie is looking at him lustfully. Ash freezes as he realizes that Lillie is behind him and he tries to put it back on, but Lillie stops him.

"Don't. You look really nice like that." Lillie says as she touches him, feeling his body, Ash somehow doesn't resist it for the first time, until Lillie also takes off hers, causing him to blush a little and Lillie blushes as well. Ash says, "Lillie, I know that we are adults, but don't you think that it is too soon to do this?"

Lillie pouts, "But I have been waiting for you to do this...Fine, I am tired, can we sleep for now?"

Ash sighs and says, "Sure." Then they all fall asleep while cuddling each other. Some new Pokemon, like Annihilape, asks Gabena, "Is this really normal for them?"

"It is, but only on weekends since if the others know the truth, it will be a disaster." Gabena replies.

Some of the Pokemon know very well how violent Misty and Iris are, and how May and Dawn react to it also made them shiver as well.

Ash comes back to his house in the afternoon, and all he did is train himself with push-ups or some sit-ups, or sometimes he is reading books, especially novels that contain a lot of words. The others are now feeling abnormal, they start to wonder if this is the same Ash they know.

"Ash, I have something to ask you, can you help me?" Delia calls Ash, Ash stops his reading as he quickly rushes downstairs to help her, but unknown to him, the others decide to sneak into Ash's room to see his secret. But just as they're inside, they are shocked to see 10 League Trophies and a Ribbon Cup at the desk.

"What the...Alola, Galar, and Paldea? Did Ash also win all of the Leagues there as well?" Max asks in surprise.

"And I recognize the Ribbon Cup! This is actually the Sinnoh Region Ribbon Cup. How did Ash get his hands on that?" Dawn asks as well.

"Guys! There is a diary here." Misty says. "Maybe we can find out what's going on in this diary."

But just as she tries to open it, it won't work as there is a lock on the front of the locket. "Seriously? He uses this kind of book to write diaries?" Iris says with slight anger.

"Knowing Ash, he must have kept the key with him, let's just leave before Ash finds us." Cilan says as the others reluctantly leave.

Ash is helping his mother in the kitchen, Delia says, "Since the others are not here, how about you tell me about your business making?"

"What business? You mean the RPA Company?" Ash asks.

"Of course, the news has been talking about it. RPA was a company from the Galar Region, 2 years ago, it starts to expand to other regions and a year ago it rises to fame with all kinds of stores and services there. A lot of people say that it can one day take over PLA to manage the region's Pokemon League."

"Those people are overexaggerating." Ash chuckles. "I mean, Lillie and I do this because we want to be happy, but if the PLA wants us to take over the Pokemon League system, we won't mind as well. It's a good thing that Team Rocke doesn't know that we're the president..."

"Speaking of Team Rocket, how many Cyborgs have you actually killed or destroyed?" Delia asks.

"17 out of 18. The last one manages to escape and he's the one who made the trio frame Uncle Rose. If only we have some sort of surveillance cameras or other ways to prove them guilty and prove Uncle Rose innocent..." Ash frowns.

"Elena has been taking over the Macro Cosmos, right? She's a smart one and I'm sure she'll be able to find a way." Delia says. "By the way, can you please check the bread in the oven? I'll handle the stir-fry here."

"Okay." Ash puts his spatula down and goes to the oven, bringing out the bread that they made the other day. Delia says, "The bread looks amazing. I'm glad to have an S-Class Connoisseur in our house."

"You're exaggerating, Mom." Ash chuckles. "Their job is just to evaluate between trainers and Pokemon, they are not actually related to cooking, you know."

"Most of them become restaurant chefs, so sorry that I misunderstood that." Delia chuckles as they continue to prepare dinner without noticing the group heading downstairs from Ash's room.

And here is a new chapter, you can see that the others find out about Ash's achievements and they start to get confused. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the meeting with Lillie again.

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