Chapter 29

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Ash and Lillie have been enjoying their chocolates and they are talking to each other, while the five people have been watching them. Ruka just shakes her head, "This is so wrong..."

"I know, but Lillie is like a daughter to me and Ash is my son that I didn't have the honor to see for ten years, I really need to see this and how far they are in their relationship." Adam says as he continues to look at the two people in front of them.

Ruka sighs as her expression changes, she says, "But still, you should have told me more about Delia and him...who knows how long you have met those two and you should have just gotten back to their life."

"I know...but I was just being paranoid after I was found by you guys in the Alola Region." Adam sighs. "I have been a terrible father to fact, I don't know if I could ever face him once we find out."

Ruka notices the sullen tone from Adam, she gives him a comforting tap on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it, Delia is the kindest person I have ever known, she even waited for you when she was captured by Team Rocket for a year. And you said that Ash is your son, right? He might have his mother's kindness and I am sure that he will forgive you."

Adam nods and says, "You are maybe right. But right now, I want to see how Lillie and Ash's relationship is going..."

At the same time, Brock and Gary are hidden behind a bush. Brock says, "I can't believe this, all this time Ash is seeing someone behind our backs..."

"I know, I saw those two acting all lovey-dovey with each other and I still can't believe it." Gary says. "But are we really this desperate to find out more about it?"

"I guess so." Brock says.

"But come to think about it, that answers why he always disappears every weekend." Gary says.

"That means that those two have been dating for more than four years." Brock says in realization. "But why didn't he trust us? Aren't we even friends with him?"

Gary says, "I think Ash keeps it a secret because he's afraid. I know that girl, both her mother and she tried to commit suicide 10 years ago but failed. Since then, Ash was never been the same. Now that I see it, I think that he won't be trying to let go of her this time. He is not that dumb after all if he had managed to keep this a secret from you guys for more than four years."

Brock is not understanding what Gary is talking about, and Gary decides to take another approach, "In these four years, who were Ash's traveling companions beside you?"

Brock says, "There is Max, May, Dawn, Misty...and from the Unova, there is Iris and Cilan..." Brock then realizes what Gary is meaning and he says, "Oh...I see."

"And do you see, if those girls ever find out the truth, let's just say that hell is a better place to stay at the moment..."

Brock shudders a little and then he knows that Gary is right, once they know the truth, it will be a bloody massacre. "Okay, but you know. I am really impressed, I can't believe that Ash actually knows about their crush on him."

"If that's the case...he sure is a good actor for acting that dense around those girls." Gary says.

Ash and Lillie are sitting on the grass and Ash says, "Lillie, do you want to do our usual thing? I bought some tools here."

"It will be wonderful, sure." Lillie smiles as Ash takes out a jewel. Then he carves it into a rose and then places it on her hair. "How is it?"

"It is very beautiful, Ash." Lillie says. "You're probably the only one that carves a jewel while retaining its beauty."

"Why thank you." Ash says. "After all, a jewel is a perfect present for you."

"You really are spoiling me too much." Lillie sighs.

Ash says, "It doesn't matter if I spoil you too much, you have a very hard childhood, with your father going missing in your life, you had to deal with your phobia for not touching Pokemon for several years, not to mention that you also had to help your family with the research of those Ultra Beast things, I can tell you don't have a normal childhood as I did. What I am doing right now is showering you with gifts, spoiling you, and showing you a world that seems like a dream to others, you deserve it, every bit of it, and much, much more. I promise, as long as I draw breath, I will treat you like the Goddess that you are, nothing less would suffice."

"Why does every time you speak, it always ends with me wanting to kiss you?" Lillie asks with a faint blush and teary eyes.

"Because I always tell the truth. That's why." Ash says.

Gary is watching and he says, "Okay, now how did Ash do that? He just takes a jewel out of nowhere, and then he made it into a rose."

Brock is not listening to Gary as he is busy taking notes, Gary asks, "What are you doing?"

"I am taking notes, if I want to find a girlfriend, I need to do this." Brock says, Gary sighs and shakes his head in disappointment.

As for Ruka, she turns to Adam and asks, "Did you do the same thing to Delia as well?"

Adam nods and says, "I did the same thing to Delia when we are younger, seeing how Lillie enjoys them brings back old memories, those were the happiest times in my life."

Just then, Ash hears his phone ringing and he turns to Lillie, "It's from Elena."

"Really? Your cousin? What does she want?" Lillie asks.

"Probably about our uncle." Then he answers it and Elena says, "Thank goodness you get my call, Ash."

"Elena, what's wrong? You do know that today is Valentine's Day and I am having a date with Lillie." Ash says while rolling his eyes.

"Is that what you can say?" Elena asks with a bossy tone, "Are you even worried about my father? He has been framed and he is still in jail!"

Ash and Lillie wince at the voice and Ash says, "Okay, Elena. So any new evidence?"

Elena softens her glare and says, "We manage to find some video footage of those three people sneaking into the Hammerlocke Labs. But I don't think it is good enough."

Lillie asks, "Should Ash and I help you? We can go back to Galar if you want us to help you?"

Elena sighs and says, "As much as I want to, I know that today is Valentine's Day and you should enjoy yourselves. I called just to keep you updated on the evidence. But another thing to tell you is that we manage to get Uncle Peony's help. I know grandpa hated him for running away from our family, but in order to save him, he reluctantly agrees to help out."

"That's good." Ash says as he ends the call. Lillie says, "Your cousin sure is a scary one."

"Believe me, her heart is as tough as steel, it is no wonder she is a Steel Type specialist in the Galar Region and the acting chairwoman of the Marco Cosmos." Ash says.

Ruka turns to Adam and asks, "Do you know who called Ash?"

Adam says, "If I remember, that must be Elena, she is my niece who is also the Gym Leader in the Galar Region. But I was surprised that Rose was framed and arrested, what happened?"

"Maybe we will find the truth later on." Ruka says.

As for Brock and Gary, they didn't expect the call and Brock says, "I never knew Ash has a cousin."

Gary says, "I have heard from Ms. Ketchum, she has two brothers and they lived in the Galar Region. I knew that one of them is actually the chairman of the Pokemon League in that region."

"Galar... that reminds me... Ash has a League-winning cup in the Galar Region as well... when did he go to the Galar Region? And why didn't he even tell us about it?"

"I don't know... Kalos, Alola, Galar, and Paldea... we haven't heard anything about Ash's journey in those four regions after all..."

The two are talking so concentratedly that they didn't notice a Poliwag jump towards them. It suddenly gives a scream due to being surprised, and it causes Ash and Lillie to break out of their chatting. Ash yells, "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on that bush."

Pikachu fires the attack at the bush, causing Gary and Brock to be revealed. Both of them are now petrified as Ash spotted them. He walks towards them with aura flaring and he says, "Gary, Brock, please give me a very good reason not to kill you two because I am very much tempted to kill you." Then he takes out a Ghost Knives from the air and it terrifies them.

Gary and Brock are frozen in fear after seeing how Ash is holding a knife and his eyes show that he is actually serious. Adam notices the knife and says, "Those are Ghost knives..."

"You mean, the Ghost Type Aura? How did he know about aura?" Ruka asks in shock.

"I don't know, but right now our top priority is to help those two before Ash does something that he may regret doing."

But before they leave, they see someone beat them to it as a Shield has blocked the knives. "What?" Ash turns around and yells, "Who is there?"

Just then Mohn appears out of nowhere and Ash yells, "Professor Mohn, what is the meaning of this?"

"It is obvious, I am stopping you from making a mistake." Mohn replies as he says, "I am sorry that I have to do this to you."

Lillie is shocked to see the man that tries to use the Ground Rope to activate Sand Tomb, she rushes in front of Ash and says, "No, don't hurt him!" Then she uses the Wings to blow away the rope, much to Mohn's surprise.

"Thanks, Lillie." Ash says as he decides to attack Professor Mohn with the Fire Cannon, but before the bullet can hit him, Adam rushes forward and pulls Mohn out of the way, causing the bullet to hit the tree and it causes the fire.

"What the..." Mohn is surprised and he realizes the one that saves him is no other than Adam. "Adam?"

"Mohn, are you okay?" Adam asks, and Mohn nods, but Ash and Lillie aren't going to stop their attacks as they try to use the Ice Arrows, but then Adam takes out the flute and then he starts to play the tune, causing Ash to stop his attack, Mohn takes out a gem and shows Lillie, who starts to recognize it.

"No way...that tune/that gem..." Ash and Lillie say in unison, and then they have mixed feelings because their fathers are in front of them. "Dad..." Lillie says with tears in her eyes and Ash is doing the same. Then they give the two people a hug, much to the surprise and confusion of the others.

Gary and Brock are trying to leave, but only to be stopped by Gabena, who just used the Moonblast at the tree, she uses Telepathy and says, "Move again, that will be your death."

Gary and Brock nod as they can only stay in fear while Pikachu and Gabena are keeping an eye on them while Ash and Lillie are embracing their fathers.

Well, Ash and Lillie finally get to meet their fathers, and if you want to know, both Ash and Lillie's parents are capable of using Aura. Which will be revealed in the next chapter.

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