Chapter 30

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The seven of them sit down at their secret hiding spot, with Pikachu and Gabena glaring at Gary, Brock and Lillie's aunt Ruka. Ash and Lillie stop their glare and then Ash turns to Lillie, "Why didn't you tell me that your friend Adam is my father?"

Lillie says, "I can ask you the same thing about why didn't you tell me that your friend Professor Mohn is my father as well. It seems like we are even."

"You're right." Ash says with a sigh. "Dad, why didn't you bother to call us when you were found in the Aether Foundation? You know that Mom and I really miss you."

Adam frowns, "I heard of it, and I am really sorry about that. If time didn't forbid me then I would want to see you again."

Lillie asks, "What about you, Dad? You could have called us after you arrived at Professor Oak's Lab."

Mohn says with a frown, "I have the same reason as Adam as well."

Then Adam turns to Gary and asks, "Hello Gary, did you remember me?"

Gary nods and says, "How can I forget about you, you are Ashy boy's father and both you and dad, as well as Gramps helped us a lot with the Pokemon."

"Good, then tell your friend over there to stay calm, or else he would be in big trouble." Adam says, referring to Brock as Gary nods.

"Brock..." Brock cuts off Gary, "I know."

Ash says, "Dad, this is not the safe place for us to reunite." Then he opens up the Psychic Ring and a portal appears, then they all enter the portal and they find themselves on an island that no one has ever seen before. There is a big mansion and a small forest on the island and they can see some Pokemon they haven't seen before roaming here freely.

Ash and Lillie open the door and let all of them inside. Once they are in the living room, Lillie sighs, "If you have any questions, then please ask us now. There nobody is going to eavesdrop on us."

The others nod and Mohn asks with enthusiasm and curiosity, "So when did you two start dating?"

Ash says, "It was after the Johto League, we met each other in the Viridian Forest."

"So you mean you two met after we separated for the first time?" Brock asks.

"Yes. At that time, she is afraid of Pokemon and it is much worse since she was lost. We hide from the rain together and that is another story." Ash says.

"Okay, I'll ask for the details later." Ruka says, "But why did you two keep this a secret? It should be easier to let your family know about it, right?"

Lillie says, "Actually, Ash told his mother while I told my mother. I asked my Mother to keep it a secret because Gladion would make a ruckus and your daughters,who are my cousins, would also make my or Ash's life miserable."

Ash hugs Lillie protectively and says, "We would also tell you two since you're our fathers, but you weren't in our lives. The two of us agreed to keep our relationship a secret until we both have the decency to tell our friends on our terms. We always met on weekends ever since that day, so we would always come here and enjoy ourselves."

The others nod and then Ruka says, "You know, you sure look just like your father, good-looking and handsome, but you have your mother's eyes. Ash."

"You know my mother as well?" Ash asks in surprise.

Adam says, "Ash, you see. Our family and Lillie's family go way back. In fact, we are best friends."

Ash nods and says, "Dad, even though I am hurt that you didn't contact us, but thank you for taking care of Lillie and her family."

Lillie says, "You too, Dad. Thank you for taking care of Ash's family."

Mohn says, "It is no problem. I still can't believe that you two are secretly dating."

Gary asks, "But back then where did you get those knives and when did you learn how to use weapons?"

Ash says, "It is Aura. The more training we get, the more aura can be transferred into weapons and we can use Pokemon moves with the weapons. The knives are mainly for Ghost Types."

As Ash takes out the knives, he swings them into a circle and then a Shadow Ball appears, which flies behind the two boys as they are in surprise.

"Okay...that was scary..." Brock says.

"But Dad, why didn't you tell us that you can use Aura as well?" Lillie asks Mohn. Mohn coughs and says, "Well, ever since I got separated from you, I don't feel like using it as I want to help Professor Oak with his work until I find a way to go back to you."

Adam says, "I feel the same way as well. But in order to gain aura powers, you must have help from the Legendary, how did you get them?"

Ash says, "We did get help from the Legendary in fact, and not to mention that our journey is always Legendries, right? Brock?"

Brock freezes and says, "Yeah...Somehow he attracts Legendries and even Arceus is one of them."

Lillie says, "But now Dad, can you tell us how did you get aura powers?"

The two adults look at each other with Ruka also watching them, they sigh and say, "It is going to be a long story."

Then they start to mention how the two of them are childhood friends who lived in the Rota Kingdom. They accidentally step into the Tree of Beginning and they were saved by Mew from the blood cells of the tree. And then Mew decides to train them as Aura users and they can use them. When they separated in their own journey, Adam goes to Kalos and he is attracted by a girl who has been using Aura weapons to dance at the lake. At first, Adam blushes after seeing this, but then he sees how three Dragonite appear and they are going to attack the girl. Not wanting to be an observer, he comes to her rescue and they work together to defeat the three Dragonite, and the person he saved is Delia Yashino, the daughter of the founder of Showcases, Palermo. It is after that they fall in love with each other.

As for Mohn, he goes to the Alola Region and attended the trainer's school. And at that time he sees a girl who has been bullied for having freak powers, so Mohn saved her and they become friends. The freak powers they are saying are actually the Aura weapons, and the girl who Mohn saved is Lusamine. Together they have been falling in love just like Adam and Delia. After their journey or their school ended, they met again in the Rota Kingdom and they have been training together as well as being best friends.

Ash and Lillie are amazed to hear the story of how their family met and Gary and Brock are also touched by how they helped their wives. Then Adam turns serious and then he asks, "So Ash, Lillie. I can see that you are similar to us, but we have made a mistake, and an incident causes us to be separated. What if one of you must separate from the other one? Are you sure you can handle it?"

This causes them to look unsure, and Lillie seems like she is going to cry. But Ash says, "Dad. I know what you mean. But I met a lot of girls, on my journey, but no one can compare them to her. She is one of a kind and I love her. I truly love her and I don't want to leave her just like what you did to Mom. Even though you didn't want this either. If fate really made us do so, then I will try to find her back and rekindle our love." Ash's words have deeply touched them and Ash continues, "The day I fell in love with her, the day I confess to her, the day we started this relationship, is the day she became my dream, my life, and my world. I am going to marry her no matter what and not even Arceus can break us apart."

Ash can feel a cough from his head, but he can see Brock and Gabena are crying and Gary is trying not to hide his tears. And Ruka is torn of being joyful and crying hard. Adam and Mohn look at each other and they grin.

"Looks like our promise is fulfilled I suppose." Adam says to Mohn.

"Yeah, the promise that our children will be married. Should we start planning a wedding?" Mohn asks.

"Not yet. Since it is a big moment, we decide to wait until we finish our current task." Ash says.

This causes them to get curious, "Current task?" Ruka asks.

Lillie says, "Adam, aunt Ruka, you may be wondering who cured my phobia of Pokemon. It was Arceus herself." This causes them to get shocked.

"Wait, you mean you met Arceus?" Mohn asks as they nod.

"It was also the time when we first meet each other, we also saw Arceus injured in the same cave and we healed her. It is because of her that we get the Aura powers and..." Ash takes a deep breath. "She is my Pokemon."

This causes a silence and then Mohn asks, "What?"

Lillie says, "Arceus is our Pokemon. Ash and I share Pokemon and Arceus decide to come with us on the journey."

"No way...Arceus in your wonder you have become this strong..." Gary says.

"But don't you dare tell it to anyone else." Ash says with a glare that sends them shivers. Ash says, "But there is a price to use Arceus, which is the fact that we have to stop the evil teams lurking in the 7 regions."

"So far the other groups are either disbanded or destroyed, the only one left is Team Rocket." Lillie says, causing Adam to feel unease. "I know...Mew asked us the same thing, but we didn't stop Team Rocket in the end..." Adam frowns.

Ash says, "I know. Which is why I want to stop them before more families are torn apart and more evil would arise. With my Mom and Lillie's mother's help, we manage to find out their plan of creating the cyborg army."

"Cyborg army?" Brock and Gary gasp in shock, and Ruka says, "Wait, you mean they manage to create the cyborgs?"

"Yes, we manage to destroy 17 of them while one ran away." Lillie says with a frown.

Adam and Mohn then stand up and Mohn says, "Ash, Lillie. If you must, we want to see how far your training goes."

This causes them to get surprised and Ruka asks, "Mohn? Adam? Are you going to..."

Adam says, "Yes, Ruka. And there is no holding back." Then they take out a gun and a rod, Ash takes out the whip and Lillie takes out an arrow and a bow. Brock and Gary feel like they are seeing a ghost as they didn't make any sound for fear that they might be in danger.

The four of them are fighting like true warriors, but in the end, it is a draw since the constant movements are tiring them out. Adam says, "You have become this strong. I am really proud of you."

Mohn says, "Indeed. If things aren't this tense, we would like to have a rematch again."

"I know." Ash says with a smile. "The time is going fast, I think we should go back for now, or else Mom is going to get worried."

The others nod and then Ash asks, "Dad, are you going to come with us? I am sure that Mom will want to see you again."

Adam says, "I will like to, but I still have work in the Aether Foundation, so I am sorry that I can't do it now."

"I also have some work in the Lab as well." Mohn says with a frown as the two children give them a hug before leaving the island.

Now Gary, Brock, Ruka, Adam, and Mohn learn the truth about Ash and Lillie's relationship and also their duties as the Aura users. I hope you like this chapter.

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