Chapter 34

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The group is entering the school grounds, with the group looking at Kristen like star truck fans, however, Ash is having a light conversation with Kristen, oblivious of her ulterior motives, knowing that she is also trained with aura.

Kristen is enjoying her conversation with the young man beside her, and he is the most interesting person she had ever met. She knows that Ash is also a highly skilled Aura User and he might not be able to share some secrets in his heart, so she decides to ask, "Hey Ash, back at the battle with Professor Hassel, you manage to have your Tinkaton use the Queen's Hammer, which is a combination of Gigaton Hammer, Skitter Smack, and Play Rough. How were you able to do that?"

his also causes the others to ask the same questions. Ash says, "Even if I tell you about my secret behind it, you or other people can't duplicate it. Gigaton Hammer is only a move that a Tinkatuff can learn, and we had worked for months to get that move working."

Kristen sighed and giggled, knowing that she wouldn't find the answers from him, but the others, especially Max, are keen to know. Max says, "Come on now, Ash. We are friends and you can tell us everything."

Ash just shakes his head and says, "Sorry. I can't tell you, since it will be unfair for Tinkaton since she has been doing harsh training." But Max isn't going to give up, so Ash decides to ignore him for now.

"That jerk...I just want some tips..." Max mutters. Kristen says, "You can't understand him because it's his move. He has been through hardships and he had worked so hard to master them."

"What do you mean by that?" May asks.

"Ash is a trainer who won 9 Leagues." Kristen says, "You didn't suffer the same hardships that Ash had, which is why he can't teach you. Besides, I am sure you can come up with some cooler moves than Ash does. You just have to think."

Max says, "You're right. I am going to think of a move to outshine Ash." The others also have the same determination, and for Ash, he is amazed at how she helped him with that, but he knows that if Lillie is here, she would do the same thing as well.

Just then, they notice a Paradox Jigglypuff and a Paradox Delibird attacking other Pokemon, and Ash says, "What the... what are those two doing here?"

Kristen is the only one who heard Ash, she also notices the two Paradox Pokemon and she pales, "Oh shit, not again... You guys wait for me here, we'll be right back."

After Kristen leaves, Ash also rushes with her. "I'm not going to let you deal with them alone. You're going to be at my wedding with Lillie..." Ash thinks.

"Hey guys, let's go! Ash is rushing towards where Kristen run off to!" The group notices it and they follow him without any words.

Once they manage to chase after the Scream Tail and the Iron Bundle, they start to attack with Psychic Fangs and Ice Beam. Ash takes out the Pokeball and says, "Iron Viliant! I choose you!"

After sending out the Pokemon, he yells, "Shadow Sneak on Scream Tail. Pikachu! Electro Ball on Iron Bundle!"

After the two Pokemon deflect the attacks, Ash asks, "Kristen, are you okay?"

Kristen blushes a little and says, "I could have dodged that, but is that an Iron Valiant?"

"Yes, just leave it to me." Ash says. "Pikachu, Shadow Volt on Scream Tail. Iron Valiant, Leaf Blade on Iron Bundle!"

When both Pokemon are attacking, Kristen notices the Pikachu and thinks, "That's not an ordinary Pikachu... when did Pikachu can use Ghost moves?"

At the same time, the others were there, and they though, "I never saw Ash and Pikachu do this move... and what was that? It looked like a Gardevoir but also a Gallade when Mega Evolved..."

Ash says, "Okay, Pikachu. Let's do this!" Ash takes out the Tera Orb and places it on Pikachu, when it turns out to be Steel Type, Ash smiles, "Good. Iron Tail!"

Pikachu slams the attack onto Iron Bundle, knocking it out. Ash says, "Kristen, the Iron Bundle was knocked out, deal with it. I'll deal with Scream Tail."

Kristen nods as she takes out a Pokeball, capturing the Pokemon. Ash turns to Scream Tail and says, "Iron Valiant! Electric Terrain!"

Iron Valiant creates the Electric Terrain and causes the field to become electric. And just then, Iron Valiant's Attack is raised.

"What was going on? The Attack Stat was raised." Max asks.

"That's Quark Drive. Iron Valiant's ability. It boosts the Pokémon's most proficient stat on Electric Terrain or if the Pokémon is holding Booster Energy." Kristen says.

"Pikachu, Iron Valiant, let's work together. Spirit Lightning!" Both Pokemon use Spirit Break and Thunderbolt together, eventually defeating the Scream Tail.

"That was an amazing Contest move..." May says.

"I'm glad we didn't get to face Ash when he got his Ribbon Cup... or else we wouldn't have a chance..." Dawn adds.

"How did Ash do that? That is not logically possible..." Max says.

"I wonder if Ash's girlfriend knows about this attack..." Brock mutters, but Ash, who is the only one who heard it, says, "You shouldn't mention that in public, Brock."

Brock flinches after seeing Ash giving a terrifying glare. Kristen captures the Scream Tail and says, "Good job, Ash. Although I wonder how those two Pokemon get here all of a sudden?"

"Wasn't that just a normal Jigglypuff and a Delibird?" Cilan asks. "Although that Jigglypuff has a giant tail, and the Delibird looks metalic."

"No, they are Paradox Pokemon who live in Area Zero." Kristen says. "Inside the area, researchers find 14 Pokemon that look different from their originals. They deduced that 7 of them are from the ancient past and 7 of them are from the distant future. That Jigglypuff is one from the past, while the Delibird and the Iron Valiant that Ash used are from the future."

"But if that's the case, how did you get your hands on Iron Valiant?" Max asks.

Ash sighs and says, "Me and my classmates got an invitation to Area Zero. I captured about 12 Paradox Pokemon there."

"12 Paradox Pokemon?" The group widens its eyes in shock. May says, "How come we never get to see them in person? Did you put them in Professor Oak's Lab?"

"Of course not, they are dangerous Pokemon after all." Ash rolls his eyes.

Just then, Ash's Rotom Phone rings, and Ash says, "Excuse me, it's an emergency call." Then he rushes away.

Kristen turns to the girls and says, "Does that happen a lot?"

"He's been doing this since 5 years ago." May says with slight annoyance.

Kristen giggles at that, the group seems very interesting. She then thinks of an ingenious idea, and she smiles because the idea is brilliant.

"Hey ladies, do you want to have a battle with me, for the heck of it?" Kristen asks. The girls perk up at that, a battle with her would be an honor for them.

"SURE!" The girls reply in unison. Kristen smiles as they are very easy to manipulate.

"But first, can you guys tell me about that Ash boy? He seems to be very interesting." Kristen asks in a calm tone, hiding her hidden motives in asking them that question.

The girls seem not to notice her hidden motives and proceed to answer that question. Misty says, "Well, I was probably the first and the longest person to have ever traveled with Ash. And I could sense him as a naïve, stubborn, and clueless guy. During my journey with him, he always says that he is going to be the best trainer and he always helps Pokemon that need help rather than training. And some of the wins are based on luck and the Johto League is as well."

Kristen doesn't seem to buy her words and she says, "So he doesn't train that often? If you ask me, I quite find it hard to believe."

"In Ash's defense, we always run across people who need help. Ash purposely slacks off in training because he prefers in helping those people with their problems." Misty says.

"I see... so he's a kind-hearted person who neglects his dream for a while to help people." Kristen nods.

May says, "During the start of the Hoenn journey, Ash takes training seriously and he has been helping us as well. If it wasn't for him, we couldn't find our dreams and we wouldn't manage to move forward."

"And in the Sinnoh Region and Unova Region, it is when we, Iris and Cilan travel with him, and all we can say is that he is quite mysterious and he is good at keeping secrets."

Brock knows that the conversation can't go off the track, as he says, "I agree with Dawn, just think about it, the way Ash and Pikachu, as well as his other Pokemon battle that we had never seen before, just how much he had hidden those techniques when he traveled throughout the nine regions? Have you ever thought about that?"

Kristen nods and she asks, "So you said that he has traveled through 9 regions, but from what I heard, none of you have traveled with Ash in the Kalos, Alola, Galar, and even this Paldea Region. Does something happen to him in those regions that you know?"

Brock says, "Though we heard that he had a special Greninja that can change the form, from what he told us, he called it Ash-Greninja."

"Ash-Greninja..." Kristen says while holding her chin, "I have never seen it would be a great thing to check about it."

"As for Alola and Paldea, Ash only told us that he got there just to take part in schools that could provide distance learning classes, that is, the Alola's Trainer School and the Narauva University." Max says. "Now that I realized it, Ash told me that I'm too young to see what Ash's watching with the videos, those videos were online classes from Narauva University."

"And for Galar, we heard from Ms. Ketchum that she had two brothers there, one is the famous Chairman Rose, who was arrested for bringing out the Darkest Day." Cilan says.

"Darkest Day? Do you guys know what you're talking about?" Kristen asks with shock, and the group just shakes its head.

"The Darkest Day is a phenomenon, in the form of a black storm, that caused Pokémon to Dynamax and Gigantamax. However, those Pokemon went berserk in the process, almost destroying the region." Kristen says, causing them to gasp.

"Don't tell me Ash is getting himself in danger again..." Iris mutters. "Just how many times he had almost died because he tried to save the world..."

"Is that also often to Ash as well?" Kristen asks.

"You have no idea, there is this Team Magma and Team Aqua who want to use Kyogre and Groudon to create more ocean or more land." Max says.

"There is Team Galactic, who tried to use Dialga and Palkia to create the new universe." Dawn says.

"And there is Team Plasma, they try to control Reshiram." Cilan nods.

Kristen is amazed at how many things Ash has done, but she decides to begin their battle before finding Ash.

Here is a new chapter, and Kristen is trying to know more about Ash from his travel group, I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the aura battle with Ash and Kristen.

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