Chapter 35

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Ash gets a call from Lillie and he manages to sneak away from the others. Lillie asks, "Look, Ash! I won the Kalos League! I'm now a Nine League winner just like you!"

"Congratulations! Lillie! You won't believe who I run into today." Ash says. "Our group met with Kristen, who seemed to be here for a survey."

"Kristen?" Lillie groans a little. "You're not going to let her flirt with you, right?"

"She tried, I just don't feel like it. I like your flirting better." Ash says.

Lillie chuckles a little and says, "So anything interesting happened?"

"Yeah, I won the Academy Ace tournament again and we managed to stop two Paradox Pokemon from getting out of Area Zero." Ash sighs. "I'll call you later."

Lillie smiles and says, "Love you too. I'll be waiting for your call."

Then after Ash ends the call, he notices the fight between Day form Lycanroc and Night form Lycanroc. Ash sighs, "This is not going to be well..."

After Kristen's victory against four girls together, they realize that Ash isn't back yet. Just then, they hear the sound of the violin and they go check it out, then they see how Ash is playing the violin and it calms the pack of Lycanroc down with ease.

"Ash knows how to play instrument? Since when?" This causes the girls to get shocked. Gary says, "Well, Ash has been learnt how to play it because his father taught him...but he didn't play it after he went missing...why now?"

Kristen looks at the Lycanroc Day form and Night form, she says, "I think that he plays it to calm those packs down. You see, those two packs have been fighting and music can help soothe their hearts."

"That was a nice music you have here." They turn around and see the group. Ash says, "You all heard that, right?"

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us that you can play the violin?" Iris asks.

"Well, I didn't want to...since it brings bad memories. But now I am fine for now because I think it is time to move on." Ash says. Everyone nods, but Kristen feels like he is hiding something and she decides to say, "Hey Ash. Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" Ash asks in confusion.

"From the looks of it, I can sense that you are a high skilled Aura User. And if it is possible, may I have an Aura Battle with you?" Kristen asks with a smirk.

This causes Ash to freeze and the others are confused except for Brock and Gary, who has witnessed first hand. "Did I hear it wrong? You want me to have an aura battle with you right in front of those people? I mean...I don't want them to get hurt because of it..."

"It will be fine." Kristen says with a smile. "I know that you have been training with it behind our backs, and I have been wanting to see how strong you are."

Ash sighs in defeat as he says, "Fine. I'll play with you for a while."

As for the others, May asks, "What is Aura Battle?"

"I don't know...but I think it is somehow related to Aura?" Cilan asks.

Just then, they are surprised to see that Kristen takes out a Gun while Ash takes out a Needle. Then they charge each other and then they start to attack each other. Ash dodges the Gyro Ball and then injects the needle in her skin, causing her to be poisoned.

"Not bad...but I am not going down easily." Kristen says.

"Wait, are they actually fighting with weapons?" Iris asks.

"That's really dangerous, they might be killing each other." Misty yells, but Gary mutters, "Says the girl who has a dangerous mallet with her." Then he has been hit by the same thing.

And unknown to them, Kristen has already set up a drone camera as she records it live to the Aether Foundation, where the others are watching it. Lusamine says, "It seems like Kristen is battling someone with an Aura Battle."

"What?" This causes surprise to everyone in the room, as they all look at it. Lusamine, Adam, Ruka, and Lillie gasp, the one who battles her is Ash, with the others by his side as well.

Gladion says, "Even though it is surprising to meet someone who can use Aura, but I am sorry for him since Kristen is a good Aura User."

"I am not sure about it, he manages to poison her, maybe it is going to be interesting." Professor Burnet walks into the room and says.

As for the others, Ruka says, "How about a bet? I bet a hundred thousand on my daughter."

"Or I'll bet half a million for my son." Adam says to her, but Lillie says, "I bet a million for a tie." This causes them to be confused.

At the same time, Ash takes out the Gun, and then it forms into a tail, and then it slaps Kristen, who winces a little, but then she just takes out the Wand and then making a Dazzling Gleam, Ash is hit by the light as he is a little blind as he closes his eyes.

"Even though you make me blind, I still can see your movements, Kristen." Ash says as he takes out the Wings and jumps into the sky. Then he uses Aerial Ace to deal some damage. Kristen then feels her power is going to erode her, so she decides to take out the gloves and then uses the Final Gambit, causing both of them to fall down to the ground at the same time, not only that, but the two weapons, the gloves, and the wings are also on the ground as it means the match ends with a tie.

"What just happened..." Dawn asks.

"From the looks of it, I guess the match is a tie..." Gary says. "They sure look equally strong."

In the Aether Foundation, Lillie says, "You two owe me money." Then the two adults groan as they lost a lot of money to the princess.

Kristen gets back up and then Ash does the same. Kristen says, "Ash, nice battle. I can see that you may be my strongest rival in this era."

"Why thank you. And I have never been this great ever since I battled my mother in the Kanto Region." Ash says while they shake hands. This movement causes Kristen to blush a little and then the others decide to ask them.

"Ash, Kristen, where did you get those weapons? They look so cool to use Pokemon moves like that." Max says.

"Yeah, Ash. Can you teach us how to do that? It looks very cool if we put them inside the contests." Dawn says.

"Do you realize that the Contests are for Pokemon, not for humans?" Ash sighs and says, "First of all, the whole aura thing is a birth thing, unless you're a part of a family that is capable of using Aura. And even if you are, you need to be blessed by a Legendary Pokemon, for my sake, it is Mew from the Tree of Beginning." Ash knows that it is a lie, since he can't tell them about Arceus, and she understands that.

"As for me and my family, besides my sister, we are blessed by Lunala, the Legendary of my region." Kristen says. "But one day if you find out that you can use aura and you are blessed with it, I am sure that I would like to take apprentices."

The others groan as they can't do those tricks, but they understand that there must be risks to do such tactics. Ash says, "And now you have been blessed by the aura powers, you will need a Pokemon for each type to master that type of aura. Like Pikachu is helping me with the Electric Type Aura, and Charizard is for Fire Type."

"But you didn't have a Psychic or a Fairy Type, right?" Max asks.

"Who said I don't have Psychic or Fairy Type Pokemon?" Ash frowns a little, "Just so you know, I actually have a total of 360 species of Pokemon in my place."

"360 species of Pokemon?" Now this catches Kristen's interest. "Wow, Ash... how were you able to get that many Pokemon? If all 360 of them are just like Pikachu, that must've been tiring for you, right?"

"Not at all. I can just use Double Team to ease my workload." Ash says. "Double Team is actually a great move for aura users after all."

"Ah, I know the magnificence of using Double Team." Kristen asks, "So Ash, I want to ask you, do you have any nicknames of some sort?"

Ash flinches a little and then he says, "Well, I do have one, and I am not going to tell you how I get it. I was called Crimson Red for one time because of my powers."

"I see. That sure is a suitable name for you." Kristen smiles.

"Crimson Red? Does that mean you were the one who beat me back at the Sinnoh Grand Festival?" Dawn asks in shock.

"Wait, what?" Brock asks. "You mean that guy was you all this time, Ash?"

"Sorry that I beat you in your first grand festival." Ash says. "But to become a Pokemon Master, I intend to win one Grand Festival for myself."

Then Dawn wants Ash to teach her the moves that he learned back then, but Ash can only sweatdrop as Dawn won't be able to learn that move.

That night, Ash is able to stay in his dorm room at the school, there, he won't need to worry about the others. Lillie contacts Ash and says, "Ash! I saw your battle against Kristen. That was amazing."

"Although I'm sorry if I disappoint you. I hold back because I don't want to hurt your family." Ash says. "Our weapons can be materialized after all, and if we are careless, Kristen might have some wounds on his skin."

"Don't worry, she already got a lot of scars from doing something inappropriate." Lillie sighs. "But the fact that you do the Aura Battle in front of those people, are they trying to ask you how to do that?"

"Even if they want, they can't do it, their families weren't like the two of us. They don't have roots with the aura." Ash says. "Although I did reveal my nickname Crimson Red."

"Why would you reveal that? You tried really hard to keep that name a secret..." Lillie gasps.

"They already snuck into my room and noticed the trophies that I had, there was no reason not to reveal that secret as long as it is not about us." Ash says.

Lillie sighs and says, "Well, I'm going to bed, so I'll just call you later."

"Okay, good night, my angel." Ash says as he ends the call. But just then, Ash gets a call from his mother. "Mom? What's wrong?"

"Ash. Are you still in the Paldea Region? We manage to locate Team Rocket in the Alola Region. They want to summon Necrozma and capture it."

"What?" Ash is slightly angry, and he says, "Okay, I'll be right there."

He laments a little as he has to give up sleeping to stop what Team Rocket is doing. But he isn't complaining as he quickly rushes there using his own plane at the RPA Company's airport.

Now that the new chapter is out, and you see that Ash and Kristen has an Aura Battle and in fact, the Ketchum Family and the Aether Family all can use it. I hope you like this chapter.

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