Chapter 36

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Ash is now at Poni Island since Arceus warned him that Team Rocket might be trying to summon Necrozma from the Ultra Wormhole and take control of it, doing so might cause Ultra Beasts to roam in the wild and it might cause the world in danger. So Ash has to go there and he mutters, "I really hate this job..."

"I know, but it will be a step closer to destroying Team Rocket in the end." Arceus says. But then, he hears a phone ring and then he answers it. Pikachu says, "Ash, you are in a job! What are you doing?"

"Lillie comes first." Ash says as he answers the call, "Hey, Lillie? What's up?"

"Am I interrupting something?" Lillie asks, noticing the winds blowing behind Ash.

"No, Arceus just has us giving a mission to destroy one of the troops of Team Rocket, and that is a secret mission."

"I see, who are you going to rescue now, or better yet, who are you going to kill now?" Lillie asks.

"I am rescuing Necrozma and please, for the sake of my sanity, don't ask me who I am going to kill." Ash says.

"Come on, Ash, you could share it with me; it helps lift the burden in your heart." Lillie asks with a comforting matter, then Ash sighs in defeat, "Okay, from what I heard, the group is called Matori Matrix, their commanders are Matori, Gozu, and Amber, which I am going to kill this group so that they won't be a bother to us."

Just then, after hearing the news, Lillie suddenly begins to cry and says, "Ash, please, I beg you. You can kill anyone else, but not Amber please."

Ash is surprised at what Lillie said and was further shocked at the tears that she was shedding. "What? Why? Is she close to you?"

"Yes, she is my cousin." This causes the group to get shocked. "She became a member of the Team Rocket by force...Giovanni targeted Aunt Ruka and her family and they could be safe if only Amber joined them..."

Ash says, "Wait, you mean she is Kristen's sister? And Team Rocket force her to be a part of them?"

Lillie nods and says, "Please, don't kill her. Kristen and Aunt Ruka won't want you to kill her as well. Please... You are the only one that can save her."

Ash sighs and says, "I will do my best to save one of my cousins-in-law. And thank you for telling me and Arceus about this, or else I would make bad blood with your family and I don't want it."

Lillie nods and thanks him, then Ash cuts off the call and then turns to Arceus, "You heard everything, right?"

"Yes. I can't believe that one of their members is being forced to be one...but the question is if she is corrupted by them." Arceus says.

"If she is corrupted, then I would bring her back to Lillie so that she can make her judgement." Ash says as he hears the sounds of the helicopters, they look up into the sky and see three helicopters approaching the altar. "And there they come."

Then Ash sends out Charizard and Greninja, and both of them fire the Flamethrower and Water Shuriken together, causing a mass explosion of one of the helicopters.

"Sir we are under attack." A rocket member tells the 3 commanders. Matori says, "Who did this?"

Then they show a screen and then they see the boy. Matori says, "Not him again..."

Gozu asks, "Matori, you know him?"

"He has ruined a lot of our plans and he is the most wanted person by the boss. Not to mention he is the one who killed 17 of our experiment cyborgs." Matori says. "ATTACK THE BOY, DON'T SHOW MERCY."

Then they fire the missiles at the boy, but he uses the sword to block the move and then he says, "Greninja, ride on Charizard and then use Hydro Pump on the main helicopter."

The two Pokemon nod and then they do what Ash has instructed, and then the main helicopter is exploded and falls down to the alter. Once the three commanders find that the other Rocket grunts are gone, Amber says with a tremble, "You killed them..."

"Yes, I did. And you three are going to be the next one." Ash says as he holds the sword harder.

"As if you can kill us." Matori says, "We will kill you before you can even do anything." Then they send out Alolan Persian, Mega Aggron, and a Mega Salamence. Ash says, "Pikachu, Volt Tackle on the Salamence, Greninja, X Scissor on the Persian, and then Charizard, Blast Burn on the Aggron."

The three Pokemon charge at the three Pokemon, who also fight back, but in the end, they are no match for the three Pokemon. Then Charizard suddenly raises its Shadow Claw and slashes Gozu's head off while Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to electrocute Matori to her death.

"No way...who even are you?" Amber asks in shock to see that the boy in front of her killed everyone who is a member of Team Rocket. As she is thinking that she is going to share the same fate, Ash suddenly says, "I am sorry to do this."

Just then, a Gardevoir appears and Ash says, "Gabena, please use Hypnosis on Amber."

Amber widens her eyes as she sees that her cousin Gardevoir knocked her out with the move. Arceus says, "Now that it is done, we must take the Ultranecrozium Z."

Ash nods and he finds the Z Crystal in Amber's pocket. He sighs and asks, "Now what should I do with her..."

In Sevestar Island, Amber manages to wake up after feeling the sun's rays hit her face, she notices that she is in the bedroom and she feels like her body has been stabbed by a lot of swords. But she finds that there are several bandages on her body and she feels like someone has healed her.

As she tries to sit up, she feels sore and then Ash goes into the room. "You should rest some more. You are not fully healed yet."

Then Amber glares at the boy and asks, "Where have you taken me? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Relax, I am not going to kill you. You are in my secret hideout, in here nobody will be able to find us. I notice that a pretty girl like you joining Team Rocket is not usual, so I want some answers." Ash says as he places the medicine on the table.

"What are you going to do with me? Arrest me and let me rot in jail?" Amber asks while showing her malice, but Ash knows that she is pretending to do that since she is in fear.

Ash says, "Why should I do that? Thanks to my lover that I know your reasons for joining them."

"Lover? Did I know your girlfriend?" Amber asks in confusion, and just then, Ash feels an embrace behind him as Lillie appears, "I am glad that you are fine, Amber."

"What? Lillie? What the..." Amber gasps as she sees that they are having a Kalos kiss and that they feel like she doesn't exist once they are doing that. She has mixed feelings, whether to be angry because some boy was kissing her cousin or shocked that she kiss someone that she barely doesn't know. After the two broke the kiss, Lillie asks, "Ash, can you leave me and my cousin alone for a while?"

Ash nods and he leaves, and then Lillie looks at Amber, who is still flinching. "So when did you have a boyfriend? Lillie?" Amber asks.

Lillie says, "It is a long story. But he is Ash Ketchum, the one who won a lot of leagues just like Kristen."

"I have heard of him...he also beat a Darkrai with a Sceptile and four Legendaries with only a Pikachu. But that doesn't explain how you met and why you are this lovey-dovey?" Amber says.

"It is a long story, but he is Adam's son and he is a skilled Aura User." Lillie says as she then tells her how they met. And unlike other girls, she doesn't have strong feelings for Ash, and this causes confusion to Lillie as she knows that Ash is a charmer.

"So you Mom knows about this and Kristen even had a draw with him with the Aura Battle? No wonder he is this strong..." Amber says.

"And because of him, I am the same as him." Lillie says dreamily.

"Okay, I know you love him, but please stop with the dreamy voice and tone. I find it weird since it is coming from a girl like you."

Lillie glares at her and says, "I am sorry, Ash and I tend to be overly passionate with each other."

Then Amber thinks of something and then she asks, "Wait, don't tell me that you two did that..."

Ash walks into the room and says, "Don't worry, we didn't have made love yet. Though Lillie tried to do those to me and I managed to suppress it, I am sure you aren't ready to be an aunt yet."

Lillie pouts and Amber giggles a little, Ash says, "And I am sure that Kristen doesn't want to be an aunt as well. Though she didn't know about our relationship."

This causes Amber to be confused, "Why didn't you tell her about it?"

"Because she is lusting for Ash and he doesn't want to break her heart yet." Amber groans at Lillie's words, and she says, "Not that again...Kristen sure is a witch..."

Ash and Lillie giggle at Kristen's response, and then they see Adam and Ruka come into the room, Ruka rushes towards Amber and says, "Amber, I have heard everything from Ash and Lillie, are you okay?"

Amber is surprised to see her mother in front of her, she says, "Um...hi Mom?"

"Is that what you are going to say after that happened?" Ruka sighs as she turns to Lillie, "Lillie, your mother asks you to go back, as she is going to research the Ultranecrozium Z."

Lillie nods as she leaves, but as Amber heard about the Z Crystal, she tries to search her clothes, only to find that she has been wearing different clothes and she asks, "Where is my uniform?"

Ash says, "Lillie and Aunt Ruka take care of it. You don't need to work for them anymore since we decide to train you with your Aura Powers."

"Aura Powers? But how? I am not like you guys or my family. I didn't have any aura." Amber frowns.

"We know about it, which is why we have Arceus to help you." Adam says, causing her to be shocked. Ash says, "I know you are surprised, but Arceus decides to give you Aura Powers after hearing your tragedy, and I am tasked to teach you how to use it."

"Why you?" Amber asks. "Not that I don't like it..."

"Or will you rather let Kristen teach you?" Ash asks with a tease and she blushes, "Absolutely not. I won't let that witch do that to me."

"Witch? Even though you are siblings, it is weird to hear you say that." Ruka says.

"If you live with her for 10 years or more, you will know that she is quite annoying compared to Lillie." Amber says, only to be hit by Ash in the arm.

"Don't you say that Lillie is annoying." Ash says with a huff.

"Fine...should we get started now?" Amber says as Ash sighs.

Well, Amber was actually a forced member of Team Rocket. But now that she is going to train Aura, she doesn't need to go there anymore and I hope you like it.

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