Chapter 5

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Ash's journey through Hoenn is amusing, he has two new travel companions as well as an old friend who decides to travel with him again. There is May, who wants to be a Coordinator, Max, her brother who isn't a trainer yet, and finally Brock, his first travel companion who is also the Pewter Gym Leader.

Every weekend, Ash and Lillie will meet each other secretly without the others spotting them. And during the time they are together, they have been taking online classes, sewing clothes, cooking food, or dancing with each other depending on what they want to do. They all have a wonderful time together while Arceus and Pikachu watch them happily.

Before they capture Pokemon, they are wondering what they are going to do as their Pokemon has to keep a secret, and fortunately, Arceus manages to have a friend helping them out: Mewtwo. Mewtwo offers them an Island and it is also a place where they can store their Pokemon without being noticed by others. Ash is thankful to Mewtwo to help them out, and Mewtwo also joins their team since he also wants to destroy Team Rocket, who treats him as a tool rather than a Pokemon. They also name their island Sevestar Island, because seven stars mean the greatest and they think the island is the greatest gift for them.

"So what kind of Pokemon should we capture first, Ash?" Lillie asks as they have been preparing a lot of Pokeballs and their Pokemon are also ready to battle.

"Thanks to the learnings from the Narauva University, do you remember that we made a list of the Pokemon that we want to capture and the Pokemon that we already have?" Ash asks.

"Of course, but those are all suggestions, are you telling me that we're going to catch them all?" Lillie asks with surprise.

"Of course. Let's start with the Bug and Rock Type Pokemon in Hoenn, and the Fairy Type Pokemon in Johto. How is that sound?" Ash asks.

"That sounds great." Lillie says with a smile. "Although I'm still worried if we can take care of all of them..."

"I'm sure Arceus, Mewtwo, and the rest of my Pokemon will be able to help. They can also do with some special training that makes getting experiences easier." Ash says.

Ash and Lillie capture a Nincada at Route 116, and after evolving it into a Ninjask, they notice that another Pokemon has already appeared in the Pokeball: Shedinja. They didn't expect to have four Pokemon at the same time, but they aren't complaining. They capture a Marill at Route 102, and they work on the Pokemon and evolve it into an Azumarill. They teleport back to Johto Route 38 so they can capture a Snubbull, and by training the Pokemon, it evolves into a Granbull. Sevestar Island is also rich with a lot of fossils, Ash manages to find a Claw Fossil and a Root Fossil. With Arceus reviving the two fossils, they manage to get a Lileep and an Anorith to train. And they also evolve into Cradily and Armaldo in the end. They also get to Meteor Falls, and they capture a Lunatone who was roaming there.

"By the way, didn't you just capture a Taillow and a Treecko? Why don't you want to let them train as well?" Lillie asks.

"They are captured during my travel with those other three. I don't want them to be suspicious." Ash says. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll evolve in the end."

"If you say so." Lillie smiles.

During these weeks of disappearing, May, Max, and Brock also notice something strange about it. Ash always disappears on weekends and when he came back, he has a smile on his face that looks creepy to them. Not only that, every night, Ash has been using earphones and watching something on his phone, when Max asks him what he's watching, he only replies that it is something that he won't understand until he becomes older.

Right now, they are in Dewford Town. It is Saturday and both Ash and Lillie are leaving once more. May says, "I think we should find out what he is doing on weekends since this is very weird."

"Are you sure it is a good idea? There must have been a reason why Ash will have to be alone for weekends, right?" Max asks. The two of them are now stalking Ash as they hide behind the bush.

"Quiet, Max. He would hear you." May says while trying to cover Max's mouth.

"You two should shut up, here comes Ash." Brock says as they see how Ash is talking to Pikachu. "What is he saying?" May asks.

"I don't know, we can't hear anything since he is too far from our hearing range." Brock says.

"I still don't think it is a good idea, if Ash catches us then we will be doomed." Max says.

"Ash will catch us if you continue talking like that." May scolds him.

"Brock, how did she talk to us about this?" Max whispers to him.

"Well, Ash has been disappearing every weekend. May and I want to know what Ash has been doing during these days to make him so happy." Brock says. "For my reason, Ash has never been like this in Kanto and Johto, so I feel like something is fishy about it."

"This is not going to end well." Max sighs.

"Shut up, Max, or you are the one that is not going to end well." May threatens again.

"Brock, please talks some sense into her." Max begs Brock, but Brock just says, "Sorry Max, but I am curious as well."

"You two are hopeless, what Ash does every time he disappears is his business, not ours." Max says angrily.

"But we are his friends and we have the right to know what he's doing." May retorts.

"We don't have the right, you just have a creepy crush on Ash." Max says with a devious smile, and it causes May to try to strangle her brother.

"Just please be quiet." Brock pleads, but then Ash says, "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt over there."

As Pikachu did, then the bush is gone as three people are revealed, Ash suddenly turns into a dark face that even scares the Gyarados.

"We can explain...Ash..." May says while sweating.

"Why are you following me?" Ash asks in a cold voice that even makes Glalie shiver.

"Well, we are just curious, since you always disappear every Sunday." Ash glares at Max since he is the one that says it. "Don't look at me like that, it is May's idea."

"Is that so?" Ash turns to May, who is cowering in fear. "Do not follow me." Ash says in an emotionless tone as Pikachu also agrees. May was about to cry, but she can't because she is scared. Brock tries to calm the situation and says, "Easy there, Ash. We're just worried about you, that's all. Since you were different now compared to Johto."

"I am indeed different from now, but that doesn't mean that you can invade my privacy. Now don't worry about me and stop getting into my business." Ash says as he tries to leave, but Brock grabs his hand and says, "Ash, this isn't you. Why are you so worked up with this? Is it because of the upcoming League?"

"It has nothing to do with it." Ash says. "Then why are you hiding it from us?" Brock tries to pry some more, and it is getting on Ash's nerves.

Suddenly, Ash easily lets go of his arm, and then much to his surprise, he shoots out a blast that causes Brock to fall down. "Brock..." May and Max are shocked, but Ash just yells, "NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER BOTHER ME AGAIN. WHAT I AM DOING IS MY BUSINESS AND MY BUSINESS ALONE, AM I CLEAR?"

The others just nod in fear, including Brock, then Ash leaves with Pikachu, without seeing them again. "Arceus, what did I just do to him...I know that I am angry that they do this...but I never meant to hurt him..."

Arceus says, "That was your Aura. You see, you are special, but I can't tell you more until later."

"How much later?" Ash asks. "I mean, when can I know about this?"

"You'll wait and see." Arceus says. After meeting Lillie, he cries in her arms as he told her that he accidentally injured his best friend Brock. Lillie comforts him and then does some stuff to make him feel better. And it works, just then, Lillie shows Ash an egg, much to his surprise.

"Where did you get that egg?" Ash asks.

"Adam gave it to me." Lillie smiles, "I have been trying to hatch it after I told them how I get cured of my fear."

"I see." Ash says. "And what do you think is in the egg?"

"I don't know. But I am going to call her Snowy since it is white and it has flowers that look like Snowflakes." Lillie says with a smile. "And I was wondering if you can be a dad for this egg here?"

Ash says, "Of course, it is my pleasure. I can show you how to hatch it if you want to."

Lillie smiles back and says, "You are nice, Ash. I'm glad you'll be able to help. So today, we're going to capture Fighting Type in Hoenn, and the Flying Type Pokemon in Johto, right?"

"You're right." Ash says with a smile. "Now let's go."

Now they decide to continue what they're doing, and they head to Granite Cave to capture a Makuhita and a Meditite, after training, they all evolve into Hariyama and Medicham. They also got a Torchic egg from Arceus and hatch it, also training this Pokemon to eventually become a Blaziken. They also head to the Ruins of Alph, capturing a Natu and evolving it into a Xatu in the end.

After the separation from Lillie, Ash goes back to his three traveling companions, Ash is being glared at by Brock, but Ash just smiles and says, "Brock, I am sorry, since I didn't know what happened to me."

This confuses the others and then Brock asks, "You didn't know how you attacked me?"

Ash shakes his head and says, "I was just angry that you tried to invade my privacy, but I never once tried to hurt you guys. I don't understand...but it seems like I have some special powers inside me."

Max says, "You mean, just like those superheroes we saw in those comic books?"

Ash says, "Maybe, but still. I know that you are curious about what I was doing on weekends, but people have privacy and you guys won't want me to invade yours as well, right? So please understand. I really don't want this to be the reason that we decide to stop traveling together."

The three people can only sigh and reluctantly agree, but they aren't going to let it go, but by thinking about what Ash would do to them with his new powers, then they are shivering.

"Anyway, what's for dinner? I'm kinda starving." Ash says as he asks Brock, who sighs and says, "It's my special soup."

"Cool, I'll like to have a bowl, please." Ash says while he helps them prepare the table, and Max whispers to Brock, "Ash is weird right now..."

"Let's not talk about it. I hope it will be better if we forget everything that happened this morning." Brock sighs.

Here is a new chapter, Ash and Lillie are going to capture a total of 360 species of Pokemon, and they begin by capturing Johto and Hoenn Pokemon. I hope you like this chapter.

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