Chapter 6

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During the travels, Brock, May, and Max aren't going to ask Ash about what he has been doing on weekends, and Ash also makes sure that Team Rocket isn't going to spy on them by teleporting to Sevestar Island.

Before the third gym, Ash and Lillie are going for the Grass Type Pokemon in Johto. They capture a Hoppip at Route 32 of the Johto Region, and they train it to become a Jumpluff in the end.

They also head to Ilex Forest, they stop in front of the Ilex Forest shrine. Celebi is waiting for them there as it floats around Ash and Lillie.

"Long time no see, Celebi. How are you doing?" Ash asks the Pokemon, who smiles at him with a nod. Lillie says, "So this is the Time Travel Pokemon: Celebi... it is the first time I see it in person..."

Ash says, "Celebi and I go way back. It has the power to travel across time and plant life flourishes wherever it has been."

Arceus says, "Celebi here decides to join your team because he finishes his mission to send back your friend to the past."

"Time sure is confusing, it has been a couple of months since we've met, after all." Ash says.

Celebi gives Ash his own Pokeball, and Ash keeps it so that whenever they need help, they will use the ball to summon Celebi.

While Ash is with his traveling companions, he also wins his third gym badge from Wattson, but he got an unfair win because Pikachu was overpowered. And there is a time when Misty comes back and meets May and Max, but it is a good thing that Brock didn't tell her that Ash is being strange since the last meeting, and Ash also has to threaten Brock not to tell as well.

A few weeks later, they meet up again. Lillie says, "So you have both met Team Magma and Team Aqua on top of Mt. Chimney? And they are fighting over a meteorite?"

Ash says, "Yeah, although it is thrown into the lava, at least they are not going to get their hands on it."

They decide to try to capture the Dragon and Fire Type Pokemon from Hoenn, and Bug Type Pokemon from Johto before the fourth gym. They capture a Bagon at the Meteor Falls, and it takes them some time to evolve it into a Salamence. And nearby Route 114, they capture a Swablu that evolves into Altaria in the end. They capture a Numel at the Fiery Path and evolve it into a Camerupt. Ash wants to capture a Torkoal, but Celebi and Arceus tell Ash that he can wait because he will capture a Torkoal with Brock and the others. They also find a Spinarak in the tress of the Johto Region and evolve it into an Ariados.

Then Ash and Lillie arrive at an island because Arceus wants them to get another Legendary there. Ash asks, "Arceus, why do you bring us here? What is this place?"

"This is the Southern Island." Arceus says, "As for why you're here, let's say you have a Legendary Pokemon that misses you a lot."

Ash is confused until he feels something tackle him to the ground. Lillie is surprised as she asks, "Ash, are you okay?"

The figure turns out to be Latias, the same one from Altomare, and it has been nuzzling Ash since it misses him.

Ash says, "Latias, I can't believe you're here. What are you doing here anyway?"

Arceus decides to reply for her and says, "Altomare has a new Latias and a Latios as guardians, so the Latias is free and has been waiting for you to come and capture her."

Lillie says, "So I have to guess it is another Pokemon that you befriended back in Johto?"

"You can say so." Ash says, and for some reason, Latias notices Lillie and starts to be protective towards Ash, Ash says, "Latias, this is my girlfriend, Lillie. She doesn't mean any harm."

Latias realizes that the person in front of her is Ash's mate, and she quickly apologizes. Lillie says, "It's fine. I'm glad that we become friends."

"But if you're here, what about the Soul Dew that has Latios? What is going to happen with it?" Ash asks.

Latias takes the Soul Dew and Ash holds it in his hand. Ash says, "The Soul Dew can only be touched by those with pure hearts. I guess I'm delighted that I can hold it..."

"So that was Latios? How we are going to free him from that?" Lillie asks.

Arceus says, "Latios sacrificed himself to save the whole Altomare, unless we make a new body for the Pokemon, it won't be that easy."

Ash says, "But you can create Pokemon, right? Surely creating a new body won't be that hard, right?"

Arceus sighs, "It won't be that hard, but it takes time. Months or maybe years, especially since Latios is a Legendary Pokemon."

"I see..." Ash frowns a little, "But with Sevestar Island, we can make the process there, right? Just tell us what we need to do."

Latias is touched when Ash and Lillie are trying to revive her brother, and she also shows determination to Arceus as well. Arceus says, "Very well. Right now you just leave everything to me. I will be staying on the island using my powers to create a vessel for Latios."

Then Latias wants Ash to capture her, as she gives him her own Poke Ball. After that, Latias decide to stay at the Sevestar Island to watch over Arceus and Latios.

Before getting to the fifth Gym, Ash captures a Torkoal and evolves Treecko into a Grovyle during his journeys with May and the others, and while with Lillie, they manage to find one of Team Rocket's Bases located in Mt. Chimney and decide to fight against them.

"Those Cyborgs have the power of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon by their side. If we use a Legendary Pokemon to fight, maybe they will also find a chance to capture them and take their power for their own." Arceus replies.

"So it is a gamble... but I'm pretty sure that we can win this no matter what." Lillie says.

Just as they enter the base, they are ambushed by Team Rocket grunts without a doubt. But Ash and Lillie are not scared as they manage to defeat all of them with ease. Ash also manages to contact agent Looker from the International Police, and he comes with the other police force to arrest all of the grunts.

The leader of the base is a cyborg named Honoka, her hair was on fire and one of her arms is made of a giant cannon. "Looks like we have some intruders in the area. What should we do with you?"

Then she tries to fire them with Sacred Fire, but Ash and Lillie dodge the attack and Ash has Feraligatr out. "Feraligatr! Attack the Cyborg with Hydro Pump!"

Feraligatr blasts the water at the cyborg, but the cyborg just dodges the attack with ease. "If you think mere Pokemon moves are going to hit me, think again." Honoka taunts as she goes for Blue Flare. With the attack, Ash and Lillie can feel the heat, and the whole base is surrounded by fire.

"Are we really this suicidal to challenge such a base?" Lillie asks with worry.

"Feraligatr, Rain Dance!" I have Feraligatr set up the rain, trying to get as cool as possible, but Honoka continues to attack by using Fusion Flare and Magma Storm.

"Damn... how many moves did she uses that are actually Legendary or Mythical Pokemon moves?"

"Blue Flare and Fusion Flare are Reshiram's. Magma Storm is Heatran's, and Sacred Fire is Ho-oh's!" Lillie says as she has Lunatone use Rock Tomb on Honoka, but Honoka dodges the attack with ease.

"Trust me that I can actually do more. Take these!" Honoka goes for V-Create and Searing Shot, both of them are Victini's moves, and both Feraligatr and Lunatone faint.

"Oh no..." Ash and Lillie are panicking as the cyborg tries to attack them once more. At the same time, Looker and the other International Police members come in and Looker says, "Ash! Lillie! Use these."

The International Police give them each the Water Balloons and Fire Extinguishers, and both Ash and Lillie decide to use them to put off the fire on Honoka. Honoka screams in pain until the only thing left on the site are the machine parts of the body.

"D-did we just kill the cyborg?" Lillie asks with slight panic.

Looker says, "It seems so. Maybe it would be a better idea if we bring this body back to the International Police...we can research the cyborgs and learn what we can."

Arceus says, "When the cyborgs are defeated, they will die from their greatest fear... this is one of the things Mewtwo told me about their cyborg plan."

"It must be how they are set up..." Ash shakes his head. "Giovanni sure is a heartless man."

Honoka: Age:19. Born: Hoenn. When she was little, people mocked her for being ugly and fat. She tried to approach others, but others would just leave and not want to talk to her. Getting angry at how people treated her, she joins Team Rocket and burns the victims' houses to make them suffer. After joining Team Rocket, she becomes one of the testers of the Cyborgs. Her typing and code name are "Fire" She also absorbs the power of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon of Fire Type for Team Rocket. The Weakness of the Cyborg is that it can't stand the water or cold.

Ash says, "So this Honoka is a Fire-Type Cyborg, at least that's one typing down and 17 more..."

"And there might be other typings as well..." Lillie looks around the area and asks, "So...what are we going to do with this place? I mean, we can't just leave it right here after the fire..."

"We can recreate this into our own vacation house." Ash suggests, "It might be risky because the location is close to the volcano, but I'm sure it will work somehow."

"That might be a good idea." Lillie says with a smile, and then they decide to have Mewtwo teleport some materials and use Psychic powers to create a house so that they can live in there.

Once they finish with the house building, they decide to go to Sevestar Island before parting ways. Arceus manages to create a new vessel for Latios after some weeks, and Latias put the Soul Dew on it, and much to their delight, Latios is revived and he is surprised.

"How..." Latios looks around, only to be hugged by Latias, who nuzzles him, happy that he's revived.

"Arceus revived you because Latias cares for you a lot." Ash says.

Latios is surprised that Arceus would save him, and he thanks the Pokemon. Lillie says, "Latios can make its foe see an image of what it has seen or imagined in its head."

"Yeah. We've seen it before. And that's why Latias asks us to save him back at Altomare." Ash says. Latios decide to be on Ash's team and stay on the island with Latias, the two of them are happy to become the guardians of the island for Ash and Lillie.

Here is a new chapter, and this chapter marks the first battle with Team Rocket's Cyborg. Latios from the fifth movie is also revived from the Soul Dew with the help of Arceus, and now the two Pokemon are also in Ash's team. There will be more of them coming and I hope you like this chapter.

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