Chapter 50

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Lillie is still in a heated debate with the girls, and Lillie says, "Is that so? Then let me tell you this, Ash and I share something so intimate that none of you had experienced it before. Don't believe me? Then let me ask you something then." Lillie says with a mischievous smile, "Has Ash ever cooked for you guys before?"

The group is now confused and it is enough for Lillie to smile in triumph, but she doesn't stop them. "Had he taken you guys to a fancy restaurant before? Has he treated any of you to a candlelit dinner before? Did he compose a musical composition for you guys? Had you guys ever heard him playing the violin or the flute before and if you have, were you the one he was serenading?"

Gladion is surprised to learn how much Ash has done with his sister, and they can also see the hate-filled glare the girls are emitting intensified. Lillie says, "And have you guys, even once, received a kiss from him, and I am not talking about a kiss on the cheeks, or on the forehead, that is boring, I am talking about the kiss to the lips?"

This causes everyone to get a heart attack, except for Clemont and Bonnie, who witness it firsthand when they are at the Airport. Lillie, taking the silence as an answer, chuckles, "I'm glad, looks like I am the first and probably, the last person who has tasted Ash's sweet lips."

Amber says, "What does he taste like? And you don't need to worry about me taking your boy."

Lillie turns to her and says, "Like Strawberries and Chocolate, he is very good with his tongue."

The girls are now angry as they try to attack them, but with Max, Gary, Brock, and Alain trying to hold them back, they aren't able to do anything to her. The boys know for sure that if Ash notices how Lillie was scratched, let's say that those Aura Weapons are going to be their doom.

"You witch..." May growl in anger, and Lillie turns to the girls, "Maybe I am, but at least I never used him for my personal gain, unlike you four."

"What?" The four of them are startled by her words, and Lillie says, "Firsts of all, Misty, you follow Ash just because he destroyed your bike. Even though as a gym leader, it was your duty to coach Ash as he is just a newbie, according to Ash, you pushed him out of the way so that you could make Togepi yours, and you also threatens him for anything you want with that mallet of yours."

Then she turns to May, "You didn't have an ounce of skill in raising or training Pokemon if Ash didn't find you, the reason you got your Pokemon is just a way to get out of the house because you don't want to be a gym leader like your father. Not to mention if it wasn't for Ash, you wouldn't have even known about the Pokemon Contests."

Dawn is next as Lillie says, "You, on the other hand, have your entire life planned, but you cling onto Ash because you lack the confidence and nerves to actually go solo."

And finally, it is Iris, Lillie says, "As for you, you were just calling Ash a kid, and you would always use Ash to make yourself look better even though you were much more a kid than Ash, and besides. If you didn't find Ash, you wouldn't open up with your Excadrill as well."

The four girls are now seething in anger and Lillie smirks, "I haven't and I won't deny it. I adore Ash and I want him all to myself at times, hell, right now, I admit and I am not ashamed to say it out loud, as selfish as this may be, I want him by my side for as long as I live. I love with all my heart, and he knows it."

This causes several people to actually gasp in shock, especially Kristen and Gladion. Brock and Gary can also hear the hearts of the female companions breaking a bit.

"Personally, I dislike you four, the reason why is because you guys used Ash to either further or to start your careers. I can't completely hate you four because Ash, bless his soul, was glad to help but, every night, I always think to myself, 'what if he didn't meet you four, what if he didn't bother taking care of you four throughout his career, what would happen to him, what would happen to you four? And how would he be with his life right now?' Since the day I met him, I asked those questions to myself and the answer is the same, he is better without you four in his life. Arceus knows he'll be more successful." Lillie says, and before she turns around, and leaves.

The girls are in a rage as they really want to hurt her, but those boys and Pikachu are stopping them before they would do something they would regret in the end. Just then, Lillie gets a call from Aria and she asks, "Aria? What's the matter?"

After talking for a while, Lillie smiles and says, "Okay, I'll be there. So I'll see you soon." After she ends the call, Gladion asks, "What is the call about?"

Lillie turns to her brother and says, "Well, the Kalos Queen has asked me to perform in the stadium. Since I was close to getting her title, she wants me to help her so that the Galar would know about the beauty of Showcases."

"That sounds like a good opportunity." Gabena says as she pops out of her Pokeball. Pikachu says, "Yeah, you can also show those girls their place as well."

"Thanks, Pikachu. They will know that they are no chance with me." Lillie says.

After a while, the group is now at the stadium since May and Dawn are offered to perform in front of the crowd along with the other performers and coordinators. But both May and Dawn are not in the good mood. Dawn says, "Arceus, I want to throttle that girl." Dawn mutters.

"Me too, I just don't know what Ash sees in her." May says.

"Don't know, but there is one thing I can guarantee you." Dawn says, "After we leave this place, I am not going to let Ash out of my sight. That bitch has her claws all over him for far too long."

"Misty, Iris, and I will help." May assures her, "I don't know what kind of spell that girl has Ash under on, but I will not lose him to her, not by a long shot."

"You know." Lillie's voice causes them to turn around, and the two girls are groaning at the sight. "You guys already lost him to me; you guys just don't want to accept it yet."

"What are you doing here?" May snarl as she and Dawn glare at Lillie, who is wearing the outfit of her first Showcase, and beside her are Gabena and Pikachu.

"For your information, I am one of the performers that are going to show off the beauty of the Performers." Lillie says. "Do you like my outfit? Ash actually sew it to me when I entered my first Showcase."

"Are you here just to gloat or just to annoy us?" May asks as she is trying to calm down.

"Would you believe me when I say both? I'll be seeing you perform, and I hope that Ash didn't waste his time helping you guys with your careers." Lillie says.

"You, perform? I wonder how are you going to survive since there are many performers with good shows." May says with a smug.

"If you don't know, I have another name and it is called Serena. I was the one who almost beat the Kalos Queen Aria. Besides, I can go on pair with my sister for over 5 minutes, something that you two and those Water and Dragon girls barely accomplished last time. Heck, if my memories are correct, you guys didn't even last a minute against her and it was four-on-one, how pathetic."

This causes the girls to seethe in anger, and Lillie is being called as she is going to perform. She says, "By day's end, I'll show you both the reason why Ash is so fond of me. I may be his one-week stop but at least I know what I am to him, what about you two? Do you guys even know what you guys are to him?"

Just that, she leaves the two girls alone, and the two girls are trying to throw chairs at her, but she dodges them and ignores them.

As Lillie is going to prepare, she notices a boy walking towards her, and it is actually Ash in Red's disguise. Lillie kisses him and asks, "What are you doing here? Ash? I thought that you have some business in the company."

"I got an invitation from my grandma since this is where the best Coordinators and best Performers are going to show off their performances." Ash says with a smile. "Anything happened to you while I was away?"

After explaining to Ash what happened, Ash is growling in anger and he says, "How dare they call you my one-week stop, of all the brazen audacity..."

"Calm down, Ash. They are not that annoying." Lillie says while kissing him to calm him down.

"But was it necessary to provoke my friends?" Ash asks with a smile and Lillie frowns, "I don't like them. Brock and Gary, even our friends in the Kalos, are okay, and I could get along with them, but those four, on the other hand, hate me as much as I dislike them. Ash, I know you want me to eventually get along with them, but they just don't like me and vice-versa."

Ash has to suppress a groan at that, he says, "I see, there's that difficulty, huh? Just don't break them."

"Of course." Lillie smiles, and then they hear the staff calling Ash to go on the stage, and Ash says, "Looks like after mine is yours. I am looking forward to it."

"Me too." Lillie says as Ash goes on stage to show off his own performance.

After Ash's performance, he is now sitting in the waiting room while watching how Lillie is doing in her performances, and May and Dawn notice him and they are surprised, Ash notices them and he quickly steps aside before they are going to crush him.

"What are you doing here, Ash?" May asks after getting back up, and Ash says, "I am also attending the performance show, I just finished mine."

"What? You were performing as well?" Dawn asks, and Ash says, "Why shouldn't I? I was a Top Coordinator and it is obvious I got the invitation."

The girls are surprised, and before they can annoy Ash further, they are called by the staff as it is their turn to go on stage.

After the show is finished, Ash and Lillie are actually back at the bed with Lillie still clinging onto Ash.

"Are you going to finish seeing this through or could I interest you in a comfortable bed?" Ash asks, already knowing her answer.

"Are you included in that offer?" Lillie asks with a purr.

"Why of course, watching your performance is quite a turn-on." Ash answers as he sexually nibbles on her ear.

Lillie blushes slightly before nodding. "Let's do this."

Here is a new chapter, and this is how Lillie has her debate against the four girls. I just hope you like this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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