Chapter 51

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Ash and Lillie know that the time to finish Team Rocket is about to happen, and that's why they realize that good times are about to come to an end. They love each other so much. The two of them cannot imagine a life without each other; they cannot even imagine holding another or being with another. For them, they belong in each other's arms, and they would stay there. They are at home in each other's arms, and that made them feel loved on so many levels.

None of them are sure if they will be able to survive the attack with Team Rocket, but they did the one thing that shows each other the unending love they have for each other: The act that validated the love they have for each other: They made love.

Lying naked together on their bed they fall into a slow, unhurried rhythm. Ash kisses Lillie and squeezes her supple breasts as he thrusts in and out of her.

"Ash, I love you." Lillie pants happily.

"I love you too, Lillie." Ash says back.

She closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling of his body pressing down on hers. She treasures the pulsing that was building in her towards a climax. This is what love feels like, she thought. This is their way of sharing the love they have for each other, the unending love and passion that they thrive on. As she holds her lover, Ash, tightly, she cannot help but remember the feelings and emotions that she feels when she meets the love of her life.

She starts to wonder what kind of girl she was before she meet Ash. She is shy and timid, and she usually rebels against her mother for everything, Rhyhorn racing, Clefairy's evolution, going to Summer Camp... But she also shares the interest of committing suicide with her mother because of the fact that her father wasn't in her life. She didn't remember what happened until the day before their Kalos Journey.

He has a brother, who battles just to keep her safe. And there are Kristen and Amber. Kristen wants to be known and acknowledged by everyone and she has so much thirst for knowledge, with training skills unmatched by anyone. Her elder sister, Amber, can't escape the life that she enters so that their family will be safe from the harm from Team Rocket.

Then Ash comes into his life, unknowingly, she thought it was just love at first sight, but it turns out that they've already met before then. But that did not stop her from falling head over heels in love when she met Ash again on that day. And as she spends more and more time with him, she slowly realizes that those feelings mattered to her: Their love is not easy, but it is worth it. Ash changed her for the better, and she changed him for the better as well, both of them brought the best out of each other. And they taught each other to be selfish. Both of them were very selfless, they always valued their friends and family over themselves, but when it comes to each other, they were the most selfish people in the world and both of them love that.

Her train of thought is interrupted when she feels herself nearing her release, and the same goes for him. She opens her eyes to look into the eyes of the man that she loves so much, the eyes of the person that is everything to her.

"I love you!" He whispers lovingly as they climax together.

"I love you," She replies with as much love and passion that she can muster.

As they recover from their climax, the two look at each other for a moment, before they change position and make love once again. The lovers are addicted to each other's bodies and tastes, and they cannot help but drown themselves in each other's love.

After they make love for what seems like 10 hours straight, their bodies are covered with sweat and other fluids. Lillie says, "Tomorrow is the day we're going to fight Team Rocket, right?"

Lillie lays her head on her lover's chest, his heartbeat slowly lulling her to sleep. They are holding each other tight, their bodies pressing onto each other, the two of them enjoying the warmth that the other is providing.

"Yeah... Ark seems to be the strongest Cyborg..." Ash says as he caresses the blonde hair of his lover, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through her smooth, silky hair. "You want to stay here for a while, just the two of us?"

"As much as I want to, Team Rocket won't wait for us." Lillie says with a smile.

Ash sighs at this, disappointed but he understands it perfectly. "If we manage to survive the battle with Team Rocket, I'm going to focus on my time spoiling you and running RPA. After all, now that I'm already a Pokemon Master, my dream is to have a family with you."

"You sometimes make me feel like I don't deserve you." Lillie says with tears in her eyes. "Why can't I make the same level of sacrifice that you are making?"

"Because my dreams are merely childhood fantasies, and that also influences your dreams." Ash says.

"You are making me feel very cruel right now." Lillie mutters.

"My apologies," Ash chuckles silently before kissing her on the forehead. "But I will not budge, my decision is final. In this war, I will go all in, no holding back, no regrets, and after Team Rocket is destroyed, the two of us can finally be together."

The two of them smile at this. Together forever sounds very pleasant for them, and the two of them are confident that they can make it happen. Together forever, if it is the two of them, then it can be a reality.

"You are so perfect, you know that." Lillie grumbles, feeling blessed for having such a perfect lover. It is not the first time that she wonders what she did in her past life to deserve such a wonderful person like Ash in her life. He is like her burning sun, the light that illuminates her world. Being with him, being his lover, pushes her to be a better person.

"Being perfect is the only way for me to keep you." Ash states as he intertwines his left hand with her right hand. "You deserve nothing but perfection, after all..."

No words are uttered anymore, as the two drifts into a deep slumber, content in each other's arms.

Ash and Lillie are now in front of their private plane of the RPA, and much to their annoyance, those traveling partners are stalking them as they are also there. Adam asks Ash, "So it is time that the two of you are going to do that, huh?"

Ash says, "Yes, Father. This is the reason why we were able to get the Aura Weapons in the first place."

Lillie says, "And because the quest is so horrible, which is why we are not going to let anyone else come on the plane with us."

This causes the girls to growl again, and Brock says, "I understand fighting Team Rocket is dangerous, but are you sure we can't come with you?"

Ash says, "Well, besides our families, who are capable of using Aura, we would need someone capable of healing our Pokemon, someone who is capable of fixing machines that were destroyed during their attack, and we would need a Professor who is capable of doing documents."

"In other words, Brock, Gary, and Clemont. We would want you three to come with us, that is only if you are capable of following the rules."

The three of them nod in agreement, and Dawn says, "Hey, why can't we go as well?"

"Yeah, we can help you out as well." Iris says.

"You guys hinder more than help." Lillie retorts back, "Just like I told you, you guys were using Ash for personal gain, and you would just try to flirt with him in the plane instead of thinking how to stop Team Rocket."

"You..." The girls are now angry as Ash says, "Lillie, you don't need to waste your breath on my friends. They are not worth it."

The girls start to think that Ash is helping them as they start to smirk, but Ash says, "But as Lillie said, I can't take you guys with us because you don't know anything about me. You are just like followers who just want me to help you out."

Lillie is the one that smirks again, and the girls are feeling a knife stabbing into their hearts. Ash says, "That reminds me, Mom, Dad. There is something that I will need to do with Lillie first because we are not sure if we will be able to survive this."

"And what will that be?" Delia asks, and the others are also confused.

Ash turns to Lillie and says, "One day, I will call you my wife in front of the world, just wait for, I promise you, by the next month, you will be my wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, till death do us part."

"You mean..." Elena can not finish her statement as Ash slips a ring into her right hand.

"After we stop Team Rocket and survive all of it, will you give me the honor of having you for my wife?" Ash asks in a whisper before taking several steps backward. He is now feeling wary of the various emotions that he is feeling, and the emotions that are surrounding them. He can protect both himself and Lillie, but he doesn't want to take the chance. His female friends, with the exception of Bonnie and Amber, are scowling at him while his male rivals and friends, with the exception of Max, are giving him loud wolf whistles.

"Ash." Lillie suddenly tackles him to a hug, and it takes him all his strength not to fall down when catching her, their lips are also locking for a kiss.

This show of passion surprises Ash and because the kiss is brief, he is not able to kiss back. Lillie pulls back before burying her head in the crook of Ash's neck. "Of course... I want to call you my husband as well."

Then their lips touching ignites a small fire in each of them as they concentrate on showing their love to each other. Wrapping his arms around her, he gently takes hold of the back of her head as their tongues dance with each other.

Both of their parents are happy about the confession, meaning that their wedding is going to be near the future. Even Gladion is actually happy for the two of them, giving up his dislike towards Ash. However, those who don't like Lillie are willing to strangle her, if Amber and the boys aren't stopping them.

Ash turns to Cilan and Alain, "I would need you two to have an eye for those girls, make sure they aren't doing something."

"You can count on me, Ash." Cilan says as Ash and Lillie go onto the plane, followed by Adam, Delia, Lusamine, Mohn, Gladion, Ruka, Kristen, Amber, Dean, Wade, Gina, Brock, Gary, and Clemont. After a short while, the plane takes off as the group is now heading toward the Kanto Region for their ultimate goal: Team Rocket.

Here is a new chapter, and in the next chapter, we're going to battle Team Rocket. I don't know how many chapters are there, but this might be the biggest battle in this story and I hope you like it.

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