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"I heard that you skipped school today
And you know that's against the rules
They told me you've been smoking in the park again

And you know it's bad for you"


I plopped down on the chair across from Mr. Green, guidance counsellor and sweater vest collector, propping up my legs on the oak desk between us.

"Cole." He spoke calmly, he didn't seem bothered by my legs on his desk. "I assume you know why your here again?"

I shrugged and shook my head, even though I was well aware of what I did. "Not sure. Memories a bit foggy. Care to enlighten me?"

He took in a deep breath but was otherwise unaffected. "You skipped school for the past two days and when you did show up it was to smoke in the school parking lot."

"Oh, I think I remember that now." That had been fun right up until we got caught. By we I mean Clark, Willow, Claire and I, my 'friends'. "You know weed is legal in this state."

"Cole I'm not here to argue about Colorado's marijuana legalisation with you, although if I was I would point out that you're a minor and shouldn't be touching that stuff." He sighed then added. "Which is the only reason you didn't get arrested by the way."

"Not for much longer." I pointed out, ignoring the last part. "I'll be eighteen and out of here soon."

"Which is why we're here." Mr. Green folded his hands across his chest and leaned in with his elbows on the desk. "I thought you were getting better Cole. What happened?"

I shrugged, not to bothered about answering him. It wasn't his business anyway.

"You realise your almost or outright failing most of your classes right? You can't expect to graduate at this rate."

"So? I was going to drop out anyway." I've only stayed this long to keep my mom happy.

"And do what Cole? What kind of jobs can a high school drop out get nowadays?" He questioned. "Do you want to serve food and work retail for the rest of your life?"

I fell silent then, unable to come up with a quip or comeback. I hadn't really thought about what I'd do beyond that. Before it was music now...

...now it was nothing.

"See? No plan." He cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Now that I've managed to make you stay quiet, we can finally get on with this."

"You used to be in the music club till a few months ago right?" He asked, looking up at me from the brim of glasses. "That's also the only class you're doing well in, that and math. You played guitar?" I nodded. "Do you see yourself going into a career in music after high school?"

"I-I... I don't know."

He sighed and I thought he was just going to go back to quizzing me, instead he rolled up his sleeves and looked me dead in the eyes. "Look Cole, people are worried about you. Your teachers don't know what's gotten into you, you've never acted up like this before. One of your classmates, a Finnian Snow-" I flinched involuntarily at that name, of course Finn was worried about me. Goody two shoes. Mr. Green didn't notice my reaction, or if he did he didn't comment, and continued. "-mentioned you to me, he's worried about you to."

"Of course he is." Finn just didn't know when to stop did he? He had this stupid idea in his head that he could fix anybody. No matter how broken. And for some reason he decided I needed fixing. He didn't know he was part of the problem. "He's a perfect golden boy isn't he? Perfect marks, perfect family, perfect life. He has everything."

"You sound resentful. I thought the two of you were friends."

"We are. That doesn't stop me from being jealous though." I stated honestly, then sat back in my chair, planting my feet back on the floor.

"The way you talk about him, it's a bit little more than jealousy."



I slammed my locker shut after shoving my books in haphazardly. I have math homework tonight. Lucky me. No, but seriously, for some reason math comes easily to me, like music. Although I haven't picked up my guitar in a while.

As I walked through the parking lot, towards my beat up old pick-up truck, I heard someone call out my name.

"Cole! Wait up."

Now, under normal circumstances I would just keep walking, making the person calling out for me work to catch up, but this wasn't just anybody, so I ground to a halt.

"Thank God you're here. My parents were busy, couldn't pick me up practice." Fin said once he caught up to me and caught his breath. Fin was shorter that me but fitter (he'd gained those muscles from swimming, he was on the school team), with long golden hair his mother was always bothering him to cut and friendly blue eyes. If I had to describe his personality in one word it would be puppy-like. Technically that's two words but who's counting? You get the point.

"You really need to get your drivers license you know." We continued walking back to my car, with me stealing little peaks at him once in a while. "We'll be eighteen soon and you can't even drive."

"I'm working on it Okay? I just need to convince my parents to get me a car." He responded as he slid into the passenger seat, shutting the door quietly behind him as I revved up the car engine. "Hopefully one better than this old thing."

"Don't insult my baby unless you want to walk home." I threatened playfully, trying my best not to smile.

"Sorry, sorry I'll never insult her again." He lifted up his hands a mock surrender. He was grinning now, his usual wide friendly grin. I couldn't help but feel pulled in.

"You better not, she's a sensitive soul." I patted the dashboard. "Isn't that right Beatrice?"

"Beatrice? I can't believe you name it. And Beatrice of all names?"

"What's wrong with Beatrice? It's a perfectly fine name. My grandmother's name is Beatrice."

"I know you well enough to know that's a lie. But I'm going to let you get away with it." He shrugged then added cheekily. "Besides, it's a suitably ugly name for a suitably ugly car."

"That's it. Out." I stopped suddenly, making sure there was no one behind me first.

"Sure, why not?" He hopped out, and onto the pavement. We were in front of a row of perfectly neat suburban houses with meticulously manicured lawns. "We're already here anyway." Of course, these were the perfect houses for a golden boy. "Want to come in? You can stay for dinner."

He said it so casually I almost didn't think much of it. How could I? This was Fin we're talking about, questioning him would be like being suspicious of a kitten. They were both completely harmless. But he knew as well as I that I didn't like going home most nights, not with my parents constant arguing. This was his way of keeping me off the streets. He wasn't as naive as he seemed sometimes.

I didn't comment on this however, no point ruining our good mood to bring that up. "Sure, why not. I'm always down for your mom's cooking."

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