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"So your parents don't get on anymore and your dad is moving house"


After Fin completely destroyed me at a few rounds of CoD (he was a much better gamer than me and his collection was absolutely huge) and we'd had dinner I had to leave, however reluctantly.

This was the moment I'd been dreading for three days. I haven't gotten any calls from either of my parents. I doubt they noticed I've been gone for days. They've been too wrapped up in their own little world's to notice me. Not that I minded much, I wasn't the needy type. It was just the arguing that got to me, it never seemed to stop.

Almost as soon as I open the door, my little brother ran up to me, arms swinging about as he wobbled on his little unstable six-year-old legs. "Coli! Your back. Mummy and daddy won't stop yelling."

He hugged me, or rather my legs since he couldn't quite reach my waist yet. "Make'm stop. Please?"

"I'll try my best tyke." I patted his growing afro. Mum refused to cut it, claiming it looked better this way. She has a point, he looked adorable. Dad hated it though, yet another thing they couldn't agree on. Why did they even get married in the first place? They clearly hated each other. "No promises though. Come on Benji."

I walked into the kitchen, where sure enough mum and dad were arguing. Again. They didn't even notice my presence till I picked Benji up and said, or more like yelled really: "Benji's hungry."

I didn't know if he was, but that was usually enough to get Mum to leave an argument momentarily. It was either that or tell her the lasagna is burning, which always worked even if she didn't have any lasagna in the oven. For dad, I just need to say 'a game' was on. It didn't matter which one: football, basketball, rugby, tennis. Anything to distract him from his own family. Those solutions were temporary though because they'd always just go right back to fighting.

"Cole? Where in the Lord's name have you been?" My mother asked, while my father muttered. "He's been gone?" Mum ignored him, although I knew he'd be getting an earful later.

"I was at Fin's place." I lied smoothly, knowing she wouldn't be happy to know I'd been crashing at Willow's house, high out of my mind. "You could have called if you were worried."

"Ok, so far you're safe." She smoothed out her skirt, a nervous habit of hers. "Anyway, boys your father and I have something we need to tell you."

"You're getting a divorce?" I asked while setting Benji down on the floor, only half joking.

I can't say I was surprised when my mother actually said: "Yes."

"About time." Maybe I'll finally get to have some peace and quiet. "Well, I'm beat. Think I'll hit the sack. G'night."

Then, rather unceremoniously, I left but not before I heard Benji ask mum one last thing.

"Mummy. What's a divorce?"


Saturday always has this annoying tendency to be really, really long. I think I have to be the only teenager on the planet who doesn't love them. But I can't help myself, they give me too much time to think.

I don't want to think anymore. I don't want to feel.

I finished my math homework and barely glanced at my other homework. After that, I don't really have much to do. I stared at my guitar on the other side of my room, almost completely obscured by old laundry. I hadn't touched it in months, since the day I wrote the song. The one that changed my life forever.

And might have even ruined it but it's too early to tell yet.

I showered and stepped out of my bedroom groggily, almost tumbling down the stairs to the kitchen. Mum was probably out at the hospital, she works the morning shift on Saturdays, and dad had left overnight, taking some of his things with him. He'd be back for the rest later since mum had threatened to throw all of it into the garbage if he didn't soon. Benji would be out at the daycare by now, so I had the house to myself for now. Mum wouldn't be back till four in the evening.

As I stepped into the kitchen, I was expecting to find it empty and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Instead, I met Fin inside, standing in the middle of a mess of utensils and ingredients with a bewildered look on his face. "What the hell? How did you get in?"

He grinned, looking ridiculous with syrup dripping down his face. "Spare key under the mat, honestly you guys need a better hiding spot. That was way too cliche."

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why you're here."

"I was coming to see you anyway and I thought 'hey Cole's been going through some shit lately, why don't I make him some pancakes?'. Turns out it's much harder than my mum makes it look. Help me?" He ran his fingers through his golden hair, spreading more flour. I wanted to say no, but one look at his big cornflower blue eyes had me melting. Was it possible for blue eyes to make me feel that warm, especially when they looked like ice?

"Fine, you goof. Where are the pancakes first?" If I was going to start cleaning first thing in the morning I might as well get some fuel first.

"Right. About that. I didn't really get around to making them. Let's just order take out. My treat."

"Idiot," I grumbled, not really meaning it of course. He knew that and just smiled back. His smile was intoxicating. There was flour on his face too and I had to resist the urge to lean forward and lick it off.

Damn him, damn me and damn those, really, really tight jeans he's wearing. Damn it.

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