Allies and enemies part 3

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An: alright so here is the allies and enemies you gonna meet since I am trying to do these photos in there own separate chapters so hope you all not mad about me revealing them.



He came from Neva at a young age who were save by Cherno but as soon as they were separate Quill found this portal that appears below him and he were sent to the Tokyo kingdom where he train under the world government.

Job: the newly chief of civilian affairs policy of the Tokyo kingdom.

Skills: He can perform multiple tasks and get a job done which was thanks to the government best teachers and masters.

Weapons: knife, pistol, iron knuckles, and a silencer.

Clothes: a trench coat with long pants and body armor behind his trench coat.


A demon lord who see Cherno as an ally and can be worthy of being call boss for his old boss pass away when he were order to kidnapped Lucy but now he is free and is helping Cherno until Cherno return home.

Job: a loyal man who seek respectful bosses as he is like a familiar but different as he need to make a contract with a person he call worthy enough to be his boss since he is like a butler who serves a powerful and respectful man or woman.

Skill: he can travel to different timelines of different dimensions but he cannot allow to travel in time. He is an great loyalty man who only want to help his boss from the shadows.

Weapons: knives, cane, swords, pistols, guns, and a invisible string.

Powers: teleportation, travel to different places of any different timeline minus time, shadows claws, eyes of paralysis, and hidden shadow.

Clothes: suit with pants and a bow tie.

Chef Drove

Owner of the cafe that Cherno be visiting as the chef is quite grateful for Cherno saving his cafe a couple times. 

Job: head chef and manger of his cafe

Skill: master of cooking

Weapons: knives, pans, and spoons.

Clothes: chef clothes and a hat.


A class S demoness that was imprison by Hadie himself but he will allow her An redemption for her crimes to serve as Cherno servant and ally. At first she think it was dumb but Cherno show her a side that hell have never have which is what she never have.

Demon class: Class S

 Job: servant of Cherno and a ally

Skill: an demoness that be able to make anyone lives a living nightmare

Powers: demonic suffering, nightmare, and demonic magic

Weapons: dremora dagger, whip, and a knife.

Clothes: sexy latex dress.


A warrior who seek a peaceful life without any corruption empire

Job: traveler and a hunter

Skill: tracking

Weapons: duel blades

Clothes: light hunter clothing.

Enemies from Brisha empire:


A crime boss who work for Lord Brisha and is a man who can gather an army of humans, terrorist and cruel mercs who want money and power.

Job: recruiter

Skill: knows how to charm any male from any species to join his lord side

Weapons: cane, pistol, knife, and poison

Clothes: fancy suit.


A robotic lord who have advanced armor and weapons and humans mobsters who are both heavy muscle and greedy criminals

Job: weapon and armor advancement seller

Skill: intelligence of weapons and armor

Weapons: sword.

Clothes: suit with a combat armor and helmet.

King Aric

The ruler of the furries dimension where Cherno lover came from but the ruler is secretly a greedy lord who stole his brother throne by false crimes he blame on the true king. The ruler want dominance over Neva as he wants furries and anthros to see that humanity is nothing but killers.

Job: currently ruler of the furry/anthro dimension.

Skill: deceive and lying

Weapon: spear of blood.

Clothes: imperial armor.


The brother of the young man that was shock by Brisha and he is call the blood lord who is a cruel prince that seek nothing but blood of innocent women and a feast on man.

Job: vampire prince

Skill: hypothesis on women

Powers: drain, bloodlust, and vampire transformation.

Weapons: Quarterstaff, sword, claw gloves.

Clothes: royal vampire armor.


The brother of Rayo. And he is the young man that were shock by Lord Brisha himself. He is call the half blood prince as he only gain vampire powers and not the full transformation. Yet he is the newest member of Lord Brisha empire.

Job: ceo of a human slavery organization.

Skill: lies and gather human to become slaves

Powers: charm and summon bats

Weapons: pistol and dagger.

Clothes: robes and suit.

Enemies from Matthew:


A bully and jerk who is friends with Matthew. He is also interested of breaking women hearts as he is the half son of Apollo.

Job: intel and a prince.

Skill: smooth talker

Powers: music, light, and poetry.

Weapons: sword.

Clothes: light clothing.


Pervent and the brains he is a friend to Matthew but he isn't really interested into all women no he is interested in a certain type of women which is sexy models. He is also the middle son of Poseidon.

Job: researcher and a smart man

Skill: knowledge and picking

Powers: ocean and command of the sea creatures

Weapons: trident.

Clothes: business trench coat.

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