Chapter 1: traveling and meeting

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(Cherno POV)

It be a week since I became overlord and everything is starting to get better with Tut in charge of the newly formed empire that be rename as The Alliance Empire and instead of being a Emperor Tut decide to call himself the grand king. He call himself that because he decided to be the one who sign laws and decide what to pass but he did need a council and a jury to see if the laws and decisions is a wise and right choice. And so he created a council which is made up of members of the ruler of kingdoms and tribes along with his sister who represents the newly name 'Shadows of rebellion' into the Furious Nine which had recently became a group of nine people instead of eight. He also gather a few people that are wise and respectful which are now members of the jury. Both the council and the jury gain a name among everyone which is: 'Talanton council' and 'Elder Jury' which is a fantastic names for the two groups.

Which is why I thought of creating a system that can expand the power throughout the Multiverse. But first I need to go to a few worlds that need order and balance which led me to the library trying to find a book about worlds that need it. Even though it be 12 hours of searching I couldn't find nothing. Which I sigh stressfully as I sit on a chair near the desk in the study room with my hands on my face. Until I heard knocking coming from the door which I yell "enter" as I look who have enter. "Good evening Cherno" Savo voice spoke as he enter the room and close the door. I sigh and put my left hand on my cheek looking at Savo who took a sit in front of the desk. "Good evening to you too" I spoke with a upset tone as Savo look at me with a raise brow "may I ask what are you seeking mm?" He ask. "Trying to find a book that involves the happening in other worlds and a mean to travel there" I said which cause Savo to rise his eyes and have a smirk on his face. "Then you need to enter the secret room under this room" he said in a chuckle which cause me to look surprise. "How!?" I spoke in a joyful tone.

He chuckled again then stand up before heading to a wall far from the door and shelves to where a large hanging picture is at which reminds me of a ancient armor long before I was born. "Nothing is hiding unless you reveal the secret" Savo spoke before pressing his hand against the picture which reveal to be a armor stand as he pull the armor finger. I look surprise as the armor stand went up before a hidden spiral staircases is reveal leading downwards. I stand up and went to the hidden staircase and went down as Savo follow me before the hidden staircase is hidden again. As we walk down I notice the torches are being light up in a flames of darkness as we head down. When we reach at the bottom I am shock to see a retire hidden room as the fire place is suddenly light.

I look speechless as Savo walk pass me and head towards another section of the room where many things from a book on the table to plants in a planting plot.

However what got my attention is a pair of two different gauntlets which seems to match my arms sizes.

(Left handed)

(Right handed)

I pick the left handed first before putting it on as it fit perfectly but when I try picking up the right handed it suddenly fly at me and merge with my right hand as it felt amazing on my right arm. "I see you found two of your father gifts for you" Savo say smiling as I look at him in surprise. "Although there seem to be three more he wants to give you the three of them seems to be in a enchanted case" he finish as he point to a glass window where a chest is inside. I walk toward there and stop in front of the glass and I touch the glass with my left hand which cause the glass to vanish. I look surprise again and stare at the chest before opening it. Inside is three things; a amulet with a strange aura as it sit in the middle, five vials with strange substance inside as they are at the right side of the amulet, a bracelet with five slots missing, five rings that also have missing slots and ten different size stones that match the sizes on the bracelet and rings that are on the left side. I stare at the gifts before I pick up the bracelet and putting it on my left hand which click onto the gauntlets then I pick up the rings as I place them on my left hand fingers which click onto the gauntlet too. I look at the amulet before picking it up and putting it on which match perfectly then I look at the vials before picking them up and put them away. Finally I look at the stones as I got a feeling which cause me to hover my left hand over them before they magically enter the slots as all ten slots and stones have merge on the left hand.

I smile and turn around but when I did Savo is behind me smiling as he hold out a chalice in his right hand to me. After a second I realized what he is thinking and I then took the five vials before pouring them into the chalice which mixes into a darkest red color.

He smile and hand it to me as I accept it but I look at the liquid before drinking it all not letting any substance drop and when I done drinking I gave it to back to Savo. "I don't know what those were but something tells me you might find out as you travel" He spoke before walking to a table and placing the chalice there. I notice that across from the table is a work station with a book and two crystals. I walk there to see what these are and I open the book to see what is written.

I read the book for a few seconds before widening my eyes to discover what these two crystals are. "It seems that these crystals here and the ones in the bags are a material used to traveling between dimensions instead of realms" I spoke as Savo look at me surprise. "Which means we need to find a device or something that your father was building or discover" Savo spoke as I nod in agreement. I grab a small bag filled with a couple crystals and put it away but before I do I look at the shelves to find a book about seeing worlds or events happening in other worlds that need order. After a few seconds I discover a book that have a gem on it and when I touch the gem it open and reveal a map of worlds.

I smile to myself and close it before putting it away as I look at a suspicious book before pulling it out then opening it to discover a hidden location where a place is hidden far from here. I close it and put it with the other book before heading up stairs with Savo behind me. When I reopen the hidden pathway I enter the study room with Savo as he excused himself before leaving. I clean the study room before leaving too as I went to my private room. When I got there I look around the room before gathering a few things then I told my sister to inform everyone that I will be back then I got on my horse Nightmare before riding off to the hidden location.

After two hours of horse riding I finally reach the location and when I got there it is a ruin tower, I stop my horse right in front of the entrance then I jump off from her. I look around before I tied the handle from the saddle to a stone pillar, which is small, then I walk up the smooth path before entering the tower. When I enter the tower it is dark so i use a torch to see my way into the tower but after a while I stop myself in front of a door with a weird symbol on it. I touch the symbol which cause the tower to have light in the ceiling. I was confused until the door open to reveal a room with strange stuff all around but as I walk inside the room I notice a glass frame on the wall. When I got close to the window I saw something inside as I look closely at the frame to realize that this is a door of some kind. I look to the left to see a different symbol on it and like before I push the symbol which cause a reaction to the door.

I back away as the door open in a weird way but when it finish opening I saw a strange being with it eyes close however I notice that it is a female judging from the eye, lips, and hair. Suddenly the female open her eyes which look at me as she walk out through the open door "Sir may I ask your name?" She spoke in a strange vocal. "Um I am Cherno, Overlord of Neva" I reply which cause her to panic "oh dear i am so sorry for your loss" she spoke as tears started to form in her eyes. "Um it alright but explain who you are and how do you know about my father" I ask as she wipe her eyes a little before answering "I am Serena, I was sent here as a helper to your father but when I got here it was under attack so I went in here to hide as the room went into lockdown before it unleash a blast within the meter of the tower" she said. I sigh and look at her before rubbing my hand on her cheek which surprise her "I so sorry if I knew you were here I would immediately come here before attacking the empire" I said. Her eyes widen as she look at me when I remove my hand from her cheek "you mean you reclaim this world back to the rightful owner?" She ask. I nod my head which cause her to smile and cry with tears of joy "I guess I ain't a failure" she said as I chuckle a little. "No you ain't but may I ask what is this place?" I said as she wipe her tears away and giggle "this is a outpost that my father and his helpers built when he came here during your father rule" she reply. I look around and look confused "um explain how?" I ask as she giggle before walking towards the end of the room where a strange device is at. She push a button as the device starting to make a noise until a strange swirling vortex appear in the center of the circle of the device. "This is call a warp portal it allow anyone from one place to another but it seems that the location is underground far away from here" she said looking at a strange map. It is similar to the map I have to find this place and so I brought out and look at it and the strange map to see that this is a copy of the original map. "Hang on it seems that the place is near where I am at so I think it safe to say that this is a quick fast travel from here to there" I said as she look surprise "guess there something wrong with the power source over there" she said. I look at her as she have her hand on her cheek thinking "maybe we go there but first I got to free my horse so that she can return home" I said. She nod as I put the map away and head out the room.

After a few minutes of freeing my horse and telling her to go home I return to the room where everything look clean like it be remodel. I look at Serena to see she is wearing a armor of some kind as she is near the warp portal. I walk toward her until I am beside her as she look at me and smile which I smile back as she enter the portal first then a few seconds later I enter the portal too. Suddenly I came out into another similar room but it look like it be completely trash and wreck as I look at Serena who look shock at the place. "Who or what cause this!" She said in a anger tone as I walk to stand beside her as I put my hand on her shoulder as she look at me then calm down. "Let see where the power source is" I said as she nod and we went to the door that was force opened by a something strong. A few minutes later we arrived at a massive room where a big device is in the center that look like it is empty. Serena look shock and ran there to look at a empty place where something is missing "someone stole the canister that got the purest energy to power the big crystal that is in the reactor without it the crystal is empty" she said. I look around to see a piece of cloth on a railing "someone was definitely was here but judging from this cloth it was at less 10 years ago but something tell me that person was being chase" I said looking at Serena who stand beside me. We start to follow the trail of rip clothing and I notice that there are marks that look like claw marks on the ground and the wall meaning we are gonna be in a fight. After a while we stop at a door that have a rip hole in the center which look like it will only allow a mountain lion to crawl in. We both look at each other before entering the hole which I allow Serena to crawl in first before joining her but when I stand up I saw Serena looking at something to the left. I follow her gaze to saw a blood stain on the wall leading to a hallway on our left which I got suspicious and pull out a dagger in case. I let Serena to go first as I look at behind us while I follow her and after a while of walking she suddenly gasp making me look at her. I stare at a bloody stain room where ten skeletons is gather in the center of the room as if a pile of leftovers were thrown here.

I spot something glowing behind the desk and when I went over to see the glowing I saw that it coming from the drawer on the right side of the desk. I open the drawer to reveal a weirdly glass holder as it have substance inside of it that is pulsing with energy.

(The one that is not connecting under the other unconnected one)

I show the canister to Serena as she look at it with a smile and hug me softly before stopping to look at me "this is the one we should go back before what ever make this scene come back" she said as I agree. However when we got out of the room we both stop to see a creature with glowing eyes staring right at us. After a few seconds of getting used to the dark I realize that the creature in front of us is a wolf that look like it be mutant into a monstrous form of it old self. Suddenly Serena run pass the wolf to where we came from but when she did that the wolf chase after her as I chase after the wolf. She ran to the crack hole in the door but stop in front as she wait for the wolf which make me realize that she is planning to use the wolf as a ramming tree log. When the wolf is within the jumping area Serena dodge the jump as the wolf ram into the door breaking it down as the wolf is knock out when I reach the door. Serena pant a little as I pat her back as 'good job' before I walk pass the wolf with Serena behind me.

When we reach the generator room which what Serena told me what that room was since I am trying to understanding these technology she told me so far about. But as so as we reach the reactor a roar was heard from the left side of the room. I look at another path as a shadow shape started to show on the ground coming from that entrance while I look at the door where the wolf were to see another shadow on the ground coming this way. "Serena I want you to go hide since they are probably looking for a meal meaning me so I will try to defeat the wolf and this new animal" I said to Serena who nod and hide inside a room at the north side of the generator and lock herself inside but look through the window from the door. I grab another dagger as I ready both my daggers in a duel position as two creatures came from the left and right paths. From my left is the wolf while at the right is a monstrous tiger that look like it be mutant too. I went into a defense position as both creatures are circling around me as I notice that their eyes are not filled with hunger or rage but rather determine which cause a sudden flashback.

(Flashback to 10 years ago)

I was eight at the time as I was outside of the kingdom since I got punished for something i didn't do and while Dave murky got praise by his mother and father for something he didn't do. However on that day when I got into the forest I heard two wimping sounds like two animals in pain which I ran towards the sound to discover a cave but when I got in front of the entrance I am shock to see two baby animals a wolf and a tiger cuddling each other as they have bruises on their hips and legs. I got enraged at the ones who hurt them but I hold back my rage and help nurse the two babies animal. After a whole day the two animals were heal and started to lick my cheeks as I laughed softly before petting them. Since that day I be raising the two in secret however I had noticed their growth size which is increasing every day but I ignored it because it showed that they are growing up.

It be a whole year and I was now eight but when I got to the cave I notice that five men are outside the cave holding swords as I heard them saying about killing two animals for the price of one. I got enraged but before I do anything the two animals suddenly attack the men in a speed beyond anything I ever see as all five men were killed as the two animals started to eat their skin which make me curious and surprise at their behavior. However when I was a foot away from the two, they both stop eating and stare at me with determination to survive but also in a defensive way. After a second they recognize me and their eyes is back to a happy look as they continue to finish their meal. Since that day I name them in two different names which were.

(Present Cherno POV)

"Accalia and Aine?" I spoke looking at the tiger and wolf which cause them to stop circling me as they stare at me before jumping on me and licking my face. "Haha I miss you two" I spoke hugging the two as they stop licking when I itch their secret happy stops causing their tails to wag in sync. After a few minutes I stop and got up as I yell Serena to come out to meet my old friends/pets that I nurse back to health. After a few seconds of introducing I pull out the canister and gave it to Serena who nod and walk to the reactor as I knee down beside Accalia and Aine as they stare at what Serena is doing in curiosity. She place the canister in the empty spot and hook it up then closing the panel to cover up the canister. She then went to the console and type onto the keyboard as she work on a hologram screen that reveal a syncing moment. When she finally sync the moment the reactor starting to humming to life as bright blue light emitted from the reactor as lights come online. Serena smile before walking to me as I then stand up and when she is in front of me our eyes met for second before she spoke "we can now go back to the tower and see outside to see if it is working" she said. I nod as we went to the north room where Serena was hiding and when we went inside I look surprise to see a circle teleport in end of the room. "This is a different kind of teleport for this will allow you to travel to any place within a tower or a vehicle ratio which is a good distance unless you are in space which is difficult but for now let see if this old thing still work" Serena said. She hold a technology watch and try to give it to me until suddenly my right hand spit out a sticky substance on the watch before it merged with my hand creating a watch on my wrist as it started to show a list of a few places including the one for the tower where I found Serena. "Okay look like your living armor can merge certain things into it body and gave it a advancing to only show lists of location points instead of holographic maps" she said. I nod my head as I push the button saying 'tower warp gate' and suddenly we were warp towards the tower.

(3rd person POV)

A portal open at the tower and suddenly Cherno, his two animal friends and Serena walk out the portal and after a few seconds they stare in shock at the tower which seems to be now more rebuilt as a dark light is coming from the tower and into the sky creating dark clouds over the tower only.

(Cherno POV)

I snap back to reality and look behind to see the portal gone before heading inside the newly built tower with Serena and my animal friends walking behind me. After a few minutes we arrived to the room which seem to rebuilt itself too as I look around before stopping my eyes to a door where the window to reveal inside is dark. Serena help open the door using the console and when we enter lights came on and standing at the end of the room is a big circle gate with a canister near a panel. When I got close to the canister it is reveal to be empty "hey Serena do you mind answering why there a empty canister on this panel" I spoke loudly which caught Serena attention and ran to stand beside me. "Shit we need to refill this canister with a few crystals to allow us to travel to where my father is at" she said sighing. Suddenly I realize something and grab the sack filled with crystals and I look at her "are these the type of crystals we need?" I ask. She look inside the bag to widen her eyes in surprise and shake her head yes "where did you find them?" She ask as I explain what I found in my father secret work place. After grabbing five crystals from the sack Serena got the empty canister ready and I put the five crystals in the canister then she close the lid before putting it in the panel. When she hook up and cover the canister she went to a console and power up the gate. Suddenly the gate hummed to life and in the empty space is a big portal and beside the console is a holographic screen showing two worlds at the moment. "Okay it seems that my father world is the only one available so we can go there and back here anytime we want and maybe we can upgrade your arms armor a little" Serena said. I nod as I look at my two animals friends to see the adventurous in their eyes "Alright let got there and see if he can help us travel to different worlds" i said.

We stand at the front of the portal before entering the portal to travel to another world but when we got there we see that the portal led us to another portal but in a similar yet white room but after a second Serena gasp and cover her lips with her hand before she ran towards the door where glass widows that look like it is a viewing room. When I got to the door with Accalia and Aine behind me I stare at Serena crying near a old man with robotic right arm and legs sitting on a chair overseeing the portal. "Why dad why!" She yell as I look at her and the half robotic father before I notice a glow in a drawer and open it to reveal a weird canister with a mysterious aura in it.

(Image the stuff inside is filled full and it is emitted a purple red color instead)

I pick it up and look at Serena as she seems to be sleeping from crying to much but before I lift her up I saw a weird small device on the desk and push a button to reveal a hologram of the same old man but a little younger. "If you are reading this then I am sorry to put you into a dangerous position at the world Neva, my daughter Serena even though you are the youngest I treasure you the most because you remind me so much of my real daughter who died at a young age because of that fucking governor fault for kidnapping her and torment her in the most brutal way. I spare you the detail but I can tell you this my dear it be 180 years over here when over there it be 18 years because of a issue with the portal traveling. That has be fix yesterday which turns out successful but I won't make it love because today I have reach my lifespan because of my soul has been overdo with death. However that doesn't mean that I won't be there in flesh when you and the new overlord who is the son of my dear friend who I look up as a brother. Now to answer your question of what I meant by flesh is I meant I gotta become fully robotic with my brain and a new heart so that I can help you and the overlord. The catch is I won't be fully there, I am leaving my conscience in a canister so that way it still me but ain't yet my conscience will have all my love for you and your robotic mother who I had to put into hibernation stasis because I want her to meet you after all she does have a brain like me but with a conscience instead so you are gonna met two parents who loved their real daughter and in their broken heart is a similar yet different daughter so I hope you will accept us as your family in robotic when you accept me as your father. With that say *put the canister in the drawer beside him and lay back before closing his eyes* begin the transfer of brain and termination of holo echo" then the hologram end as soon as a machine is covering his face. I look at the ground before sighing.

I look above the man to see the same machine he used to transfer his brain and I follow a pipe with my eyes from connecting the machine to a pod with a dark window frame as it is hiding what I suppose the new body. I went to the pod and stare at it then I found empty slot with a tube coming from the bottom and into the back of the pod. I took a deep breath and put the canister in the slot and cover it up then I pull a lever near the pod as I hear it started to make a humming sound before the canister in the slot enter the tube and went to the back of the pod. I heard many noises as it sound like music using piano pipes to create the musical notes but when the music end steam came out the pod as it open fully to reveal who I suppose is the new host of Serena father.

(Replace the golden screen with a clear glass to reveal a face and a brain like a hybrid design between: the brain (villain teen titans) and robo cop but with the face robotic and the brain human)

After a few seconds the eyes open to look around the room as until it stop me which it tilt it head before speaking "hello there I am Professor Aakil Boman or you can call me Prof Mind" Mind spoke. Before I could speak he run past me and pick up Serena then carry her to a wall which suddenly became a bed as he set Serena down on the bed then tuck her in before walking back to me. "Sorry I have to lay her on a softly area or else she might spring her spine" Mind spoke in a fatherly way "it fine i was gonna do the same since she help me find you or rather the intelligent mind itself" I said as Mind chuckle a bit. "So I suppose you the son of my old brotherly friend?" He spoke as I nod softly "he sure did chose his successor wisely" he spoke before walking toward the exit as he wave his hand as a way of following him which I shrug and follow him.

As we reach outside I saw the great view of the world as it is a massive city that should seem impossible but I guess that doesn't work for this world law.

"I take it you like the view of my design city?" Mind said surprising me "you design all this?" I ask in shock as Mind chuckle a little "sorta your father help me add the final touches and that tower in the center is what your father help me with" he said. I look at the center tower in wonders as I follow Mind until we reach a study room with a lot of books in shelves. "Stay here for a moment" he said as I wait at the door while Mind went behind his desk and pull a drawer then he lift a chest similar to the one my father hidden away but the chest is futuristic. He put the chest on the desk and I start to walk until I stand in front of the chest as Mind push some buttons until he turn it around to show me a gem on the lock of the chest. When I press the gem, suddenly the chest unlock then Mind open it to reveal a few things inside. "These are the gifts that your father wanted to give you" he said as I nod and look at the gifts. In the middle is a strange device that look like it will fit on my left arm, on the right side of the device is a few things a right handed bracelet, a hand claw, a small device, and a circle device. And on the left side is a handle with no blade, a mask of some kind, a canister with substance of some kind and a circle center piece that fit into a chest armor. A few seconds later I grab the left handed device and hook it on my hand as it click beside the bracelet then I try getting the right handed bracelet but my arm suddenly grab it along with the hand claw, and the two devices which merge into my arm. I sigh as Mind chuckle a little meaning he is used to weird and surprising stuff. I then grab the center piece and fit it into my chest which merge with my armor after that I grab the mask before putting it on along with the canister which I open and suddenly the substance went inside of my armor merging with it as it also merge the mask. Finally I grab the handle and suddenly a blade start to form from the handle until it have two tip edges along with a sharp tip as the color of the blade is black in the center and white on the edges. After a second I make the blade vanish and put it on my hip then I look at Mind who smile and offer a handshake which I shook.

As we return to the portal room we see my animal friends near the entrance then we enter to see Serena looking around to find me until I cough catching her attention which she turn around to see me and Prof Mind. "Hey dear" he spoke which cause Serena to widen her eyes before running to hug Mind which he turn the hug. "I thought-" she started but Mind stop her "I am sorta dead but I explain afterwards for now I want to see the fortress" he said with a smile. They stop hugging and look at me which I sigh and nod before leading them to the portal which cause my two animal friends to follow us too. When we reach to the portal I tap on the watch to see another section above the list then I tap on the world Neva to see the familiar list which I tap the button saying 'Heart fortress' which cause the portal to change color. We then enter the portal to come out inside the throne room which close behind us as soon as all of us are inside the room.

After a hour since i return I call in everyone inside the throne room which is all the generals, rulers and leaders along with my kind family and friends as they all stand in front of me looking at the two people and the two animals. I explain to what happened and when I finished they now understand the people and animals sudden appearance. "My word it be a long time since we last met Prof Mind" a familiar voice spoke catching attention of everyone to see Savo walking towards Mind who look surprise to see Savo. "Haha it seems even we both change old friend Savo" Mind said offering a handshake which Savo accept. "Indeed except I ain't a walking ghost" Savo joke which surprise a few people except me "still have that sense of humor I see even though I more active while you are not" Mind joke which cause the two elders to chuckle a little. "So why are you here?" Savo ask as Mind smirk "simple I gonna help with the expansion of the overlord conquest" he said. Savo smile and look at me "you chose a wise decision to help Savo but I suggest building a portal somewhere in the fortress since it will help move thing a lot faster" Savo said. Mind and myself agree to the suggestion and everyone depart except a few who want to help Mind which he accepts.

(3rd person)

It be a whole day since the building of the portal which is located beside the tower underground where a cavern and a large entrance that can fit a carrier spaceship which was what Mind spoke to a few people who is interested of knowing the knowledge of other worlds including Cherno himself who spent the whole day sleeping in his master bedroom. After finishing the final touches the portal is operation which allow the next phase to commence which is building a space shuttle. It would've took months to finish the spaceship but thanks to Mind helpers it took only a week to finish the shuttle. Cherno who got a week and a day of rest finally enter the hidden location where it be rebuilt into a massive room with the cavern entrance having a blend in door to match the outside. As he enter the room it have some helpers standing at the entrance creating a path for Cherno to follow to where Mind and the few people are at.

(Image them having a purple and black color)

(Cherno POV)

I reach the room where Mind is located at thanks to the robotic helpers who have a ai system that allow them to think and have instructions of what to do. When I enter the room Mind and four people are standing in front of me and behind them is a coverup shuttle that I gonna travel in along with a few people who I can teleport onto the shuttle from a room within this base. "Cherno thank you for coming as you know the process of both the portal and shuttle is finish with thanks to these four people and my helpers" Mind spoke in a cheerful tone. Beside him are two women and two men: the first woman is a elf name Tina who is a young searcher with black hair, wearing a brown dress, who find knowledge as a key of unlocking magic in technology call technomancy. The second woman is a human name Dela a young apprentice with blue hair, wearing a light armor, who is under Mind teaches who also want to be a engineer and a scientist to understand the ways of building machines using Magitek. The first man is a dwarf name Boman a old tinker with brown hair, wearing a blacksmith armor, who want to combine magic with machines which is called Dwemer magic or know as Animonculory which made automons from dwarf knowledge, materials and arcana magic. And the second man is a hybrid of a Alfar and Cambion name Daft a technomancer with red hair, wearing a sinister coat, who wants to create demonic technology or technomonic magic which is demonic energy and technology.

I smile at the four including the head chief of the Techno's division, Mind, who is looking at me with joy "Alright reveal what you four built for me and a few to travel Techno's Division" I said as the five nod their head in agreement. They pull down the cover to reveal a shuttle that is quite large with dark flames design on the busters with many of the areas in dark, purple, red, black, and grey colors.

I look in excitement and joy as I look at the ship "dayum you five have outdone yourselves" I said in a tone of pure wonder which make them chuckle and giggle "it is a combination of all our knowledge, magic and a few materials that create the shuttle" Tina said in a elfin tone. "There is a navigational ai to help you to know what the world you are currently at" Dela said in a childish tone "including a few crew rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a defense weapon system for the crew to fire at enemies and a captain's quarters for you" Boman continues. "And all of it is power by a special energy core made out of a few magic and a pure energy source in the generator room which is located at the top end of the busters" Daft finishes. I look in surprise at the information and I stare at Mind who smirk "I discovered that with their help of storing the magic that combines all their magic into a canister that is filled with pure energy and a crystal in the center of that energy to fuse all of it" Mind said. "Holy mother of crap that is very powerful" I said as Mind laugh a little "boy you have see nothing yet compared to the work we are going to do at my world" he said. I look confused until they explain that they are gonna working at Mind city along working here and getting some people from other worlds so that they can live there to help them build many ships, armies, weapons, and armors including devices that can help in my conquest.

I thank them then I receive a key from Mind as he and the other four went to a different room before I enter the ship and go to the control panel to turn on the ship. The entire ship came to life as the hanger doors started to open which I stare out the window to see Mind in the viewing room to see that he was the one opening the doors. I wave to him before I set the navigation to a nearby world in a dimension beside Neva and Kiber (Mind and Serena home world) as I took a deep breath and hit enter. The ship started to hover and after a second it fly out of the hanger as it headed to space with me sitting on the chair then I smile at the new adventure I have started.

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