Pets and Companies part 1

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Role: animal friend/pet

Species: Wolf

Owner: Cherno


Role: animal friend/pet

Species: tiger

Owner: Cherno



Weapon: scythe and a whip

Job: as a warrior maiden and scout but also as a tormentor to male

Likes: Cherno (she is in love with him after he save her when they were children from a bunch of teenagers who were gonna rape her) Cherno  kind family, sweets and animals.

Hate: rapers and perverts (she will not hesitate of killing any male 'except Cherno' who uses women as whores, failing or disappointing Cherno.

Family: none since she kill her parents and brother when they were making her force to marry a fat disgusting bastard who try to rape her if Cherno didn't rescue her by smashing into the window and beating the bastard into a bundle of broken bones when they were eleven year old.


Weapon: dagger and crossbow

Job: assassin and sniper

Likes: Cherno (love him since he save her when she was abuse by her drunken father in forest at a young age by kicking her father nuts then beating him to a bundle of flesh and bones), cats, and killing dirty bastards.

Hates: evil fathers, drunken bastards and male who abuse females.

Family: Marley (young sister who is adopted by her father before his death)


Weapon: battle axes

Job: hunter and battle warrior

Likes: his young sister and his pet wolf Maxie (he was able to raise them when Cherno save him, his sister and his pet from his father who was gonna torment his pet, his mother of raping him, and his uncle who was gonna rape his sister but thanks to Cherno getting there in time and killing his father and uncle but his mother was sent to a new husband which was a orc) also food.

Hates: men, abusers, certain women and rapists.

Family: his aunt who is a lovely motherly figure, his new uncle who is a humanoid orc, his sister and his pet Maxie.

Ranger Blaze

Weapons: sword and bow

Job: archer and tracker

Likes: his pet eagle and his wife (when he was younger his parents was murder as his lover was right about to be rape in a brutal gang bang as he was tied up watching everything as his tormentor is a greedy bastard who was supposed to marry Blazes lover but got rejected. However before the men was about to rape Blaze lover Cherno came out from the door and murder all the men leaving only the greedy bastard as he was terrified of Cherno. He untied Blaze and told him that he can have the honor of killing the bastard which he did but in a way that also humiliating the bastard before killing him) And his soon to be child.

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