Kuroinu chapter 1: Dark elves love and dog smuts

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(3rd person POV)

Above the world where a land called Eostia, which is in a war, a familiar space shuttle appears above the world and in the control room is a Overlord name Cherno who was be sleeping until he woke up when the ship stop. He look at the window to see the world below him "I guess this is where I come in but first let call in a few friends" he said.

After a few minutes four people suddenly appeared in the teleport room where Cherno is waiting and when they walk to where he is he informed them of the issue below which anger all four of them. They are four people who know and trust Cherno since he save them during their time of need and so they became friends with him, two of them even fell in love with him while the other two think of him as a friend who save those in dire need. He told them his plan which sounds mess up but also can turn the change of the war and so they get everything ready as Cherno teleport himself to the fortress where it being overtaken by men and monsters.

(Cherno POV)

I got teleport inside the dark fortress in a bedroom which seems to belong to the queen of this fortress but immediately I got to the door and listened as two men call the Mercenary Dogs or something. When I took a peek through the side of the door it is clear which I got out the room and close it but not before making a rune symbol to hide the door from anyone but myself as I quietly ran through the hall until I stop at a door where I heard voices from inside. I took a peek and saw a group of men and orcs as they have a dark elf chain up as one of them smirk at a another dark elf who sat on the throne with a staff in her hands then I listen to what they are saying.

(Olga POV)

First they make the monsters turn against me and my people then kidnapped Chloe and now a Wizard is canceling my magic which enraged me but I kept a serious stare as the bastard leader who is telling me to get off from his throne! "I will never give up this throne to the lives of a bastard who think it is his in the first place!" I yell at Vult who kept his smirking face as he stare at my body. "Well you have two options either surrender now or I will order my men to force you then allow the orcs to have some fun with that whore" Vult said in a serious tone. "What purpose do you have in overthrowing me!?" I yell at Vult who laugh evilly before answering "I will create a Sex Empire where women are nothing more but tools to give us men pleasure!" He yell as both me and Chloe eyes widen in fear as all of men and orcs laugh along with him. "Now since you choose to not surrender I think it time to do this the hard way, Men! Grab her and hold her as she watch helplessly as the whore will be used like a toy for the orcs" Vult yell as a few men started to walk towards me in a walk like a predator about to rape their prey as orcs rip Chloe armor off and show her their cocks as she have a look of terrified. "I won't do that if I was you gentlemen" a new voice spoke in a dark and sinister tone causing everyone to look surprise and look around including myself until I saw a figure in a armor appears from the darkness which cause everyone to look at where the figure is standing.

(Cherno POV)

Before things got out of control I spoke out loud while walking towards them in the darkness as quietly as a mouse "I won't do that if I was you gentlemen" I said which caught everyone off guard even the wizard as they didn't think that there would be a person in this fortress. When I step out of the shadows the first person to spot me is the dark elf queen who look quite a beauty to stare but as soon as she stare at me the man name Vult I suppose caught the elf attention and stare at where I stand.

"Hey who the hell are you! I don't remember hearing about a knight coming with us!" He yell in a anger tone as i laugh softly which cause everyone look at me with confusion before I reply "I better keep your mouth shut if you know who you are dealing with mutt!" I yell with a hint of venom. Vult eyes started to filled with hatred until he calm down before speaking "hey if you think about helping us then I let you the honor of breaking the queen pussy first" he said. My eyes is filled with rage as the dark elf queen look scared of me raping her which cause me to spoke in tone beyond anything a normal man could do. "I am not a monster who think women are just used for giving pleasure you ungrateful bastard of a asshole mutt! I hope your mother is looking down at you in disappointment because that is what you are!" I yell in a devil tone which cause the orcs to walk back in fear away from the human males and the dark elf. Both the dark elves look at me in shock as they are probably thinking that a male would turn down a offer like Vult did. But the men who jaws are drop in shock at what I say to Vult as they never thought they would meet a man with no interest of raping a queen however Vult himself look at me in so much rage that steam could be coming out from his ears as he are probably thinking a comeback.

(Olga POV)

I look at the stranger who voice is so mighty and venomous that even the orcs are scare of him and all I could be thinking about is having a pleasure time with him and Chloe which make me blush red. Is this what feeling love is like?

(Chloe POV)

I look at the stranger as his voice is powerful and true which is causing me to have thoughts of him ramming in me while my queen and mistress Olga kiss him and slap my ass like I am a pet to her and the stranger while calling out to call him master. I probably a red mess right now but I don't care as long as this man no king save his future queen and lover while saving his pet.

(All Orc POV)

He is a the one who can properly lead us to a age of pure power! They all thought looking at the stranger in fear.

(Cherno POV)

Vult snap back to reality as he look at his men in rage "all ten of you kill this bastard while a few of you grab the slut and rape her!" Vult order as ten of his men ran at me as five men ran at the dark elf queen. I smirk as I pull out my sword and infused it with darkness which surprise the ten men before I brutally kill them all in a quick and quiet moment causing everyone to look at me in shock as the ten men were no longer but a pile of flesh and bones. All the men got so scared they back away slowly except for Vult and a wizard who I suppose is the one that is blocking the queen magic.

The dark elves look at me not in terror but in a stare that is seductive as they are sweating a tiny as they move their hips in a begging swing however I ignore the hips as I stare at the pile before I smirk behind my helmet. I raise my left hand as I chat in a language that no ones here know about until I shout "Grim Reborn!" which cause a dark beam from my hand and hit the pile and when the beam vanish the pile started to rise and remold. The men including the wizard and Vult to look shock as the pile became undead skeletons as there are ten in total as I look at the Mercenaries who are shaking in fear. "This is what you do when you mess with me! I show those a quick and painful death and bring them back to life but without their souls and in their place is only one thought obey the Overlord Cegus!" I yell revealing my name to Vult and the others.

(Olga POV)

I am surprise as I an at the present of a Overlord but his name Cegus doesn't seem right but I have feeling that is a coverup for hiding his true name in front of his enemies and strangers. Yet it doesn't matter because all I could feel is my heart pounding softly as if it is telling me to run to him right now and kiss him but I kept myself in check and waited until Vult and his men are no longer here.

(Chloe POV)

I am both shock and surprise as I am at the present of a Overlord and although his name doesn't seem right I don't care I want him to filled me up and impregnate me then once he done I can please my queen as he claim her too.

(Cherno POV)

I stare at Vult before he look at his wizard then back to me "Kin teleport us out of here!" He order and the wizard Kin nod and cast a spell which cause Vult and Kin to teleport somewhere far as I smirk. The remaining men look at each other then at me as they then got onto their knees and beg for me to spare them. I smirk as I will spare them but with a sinister plan in my head before I look at the orcs and spoke in a language that surprise them "Tell every kulshodar kigija had remains katu ve gather ul men agh throw tak shal ul bauruk ka dau loga any mubullat parar" I spoke in orcish. The orcs nod and grab the men before leaving me and two dark elves here as they stare at me.

I smile and walk to the chain up elf first then I broke her chains as she look at me with a heavy blush as I rub her cheek a little before I walk to the queen who is looking at me with a heavy blush before standing and curtsy to me. I smile behind my mask and put my hand on her cheek when she stand up to face me as she look at my eyes before I rub her cheek before sitting on the throne. "So tell me your names lovely highness and cutie advisor" I spoke looking at the dark elves as they are blushing like a wild fire.

"I i I am Olga que en of th e the dark elves" the queen said as she is stuttering a little which I guess is a first then I look at the other elf "i a m Chloe right hand of her highness dark one" the elf spoke with a spilt second stutter before controlling her breathing. "It is a pleasure to meet you both but before I tell you two my real name I want to heard if there more that share the power of the dark elves" I spoke in a calm tone. They look at each other then at me before telling me yes and told me the other dark elf name which is Luca who is the spy of the dark elves and there is a suppose dancer name Mistiora.

I thought for a moment but before I ask the orcs return with a elder orc that Olga nor Chloe never saw since I can tell from their confusing looks but the two didn't speak as the elder orc kneel before me and spoke "Overlord Orcism I hope you can give us for what we cause to the elves by betraying them" the elder spoke. "Orcism?" Chloe ask as I chuckle a bit "earlier I spoke in their forgotten language which earn me the title Orcism which is what orcs call the most fear and mighty above even a Orc lord" I explain to Chloe who make a oh face. "Now then have the elves be free and all the men capture elder Danish" I spoke which surprise the elder orc like many other orcs. "How do you know my name!? Orcism?" He spoke in complete shock as I smirk behind my mask "I know your elder brother Laro who taught me that language and is living a happy life with his wife, his three children, nine grandchildren and eighteen great grandkids and boy let me tell you his wife is a woman who take no as a answer" I spoke as I shiver a little remembering what happened during that day. All the orcs in the room and the two dark elves look at me in shock "how!" Many orcs ask as Chloe is trying her best to ask the same question which I find funny. "Time was different over at where I was which is a different world in a different dimension that is different to this one but I can tell you this from what your elder brother told me about how he met his wife is still shocking and the way she acted like a beast trying to milk a cow has drain him completely until his wife was carrying triplets" I said as Danish eyes widen in amazement. "Anyway since you did as I ask I gonna let you have fun with the willing females that are in the cells" I say with a sinister tone which cause the dark elves and the orcs to look confused.

After what felt like minutes i finally reach the dungeon which i enter and lock the door behind me. Once I am inside I turn and stare at all fifty men in ten cells I smirk to myself as I call in Vyllia and told her to teleport near me. A second later she teleport beside me as she look at all fifty men then she look at me confused until I whisper her my plan. When I finished explaining my plan she have a sinister smile on her face as she look at the men as a dark aura is emitting from her body which cause all the men except for me to be terrified of Vyllia. I shake my head laughing inside my thoughts before standing in front of a cell and I point my hand at a man who back away looking at me in fear. "We thought you would spare us!" A man spoke as I chuckle softly before looking at the man as Vyllia giggle insanely which spook a few men "I am but there a price that you fifty need to learn plus it is a way you all will be a free person once I done" I spoke with a dark laughter as my glove emitting a dark pink light as the man in front of me scream as the light cover him. After the light dim the person that was hit had change into something that make every male in the cells to scream at what I am doing to them.

After ten minutes I walk back to the throne room where all four dark elves along with the orc elder with his orcs and my other three friends; Wendy, Clay, and Blaze who are standing by the throne left side as the four elves stand by the right side. I walk toward the throne and sat on it as Vyllia stand beside Wendy and I stare at the door "allow me to introduce the women who gonna be the mates to the orcs" I spoke. When I did that, the door open and everyone except for me and Vyllia is shock to see female bimbos who was once the men in the dungeon "Hi~" all fifty female spoke in a feminist tone as the orcs are completely speechless to see these once male into such sluts with in ten minutes. "They are no longer their old selves which mean you all get the honor of taking their virgins and planted your seed in them as much as you like after all this is their price for me sparring them" I spoke looking at the orcs who find the bimbo women attractive. "Without a further ado enjoy yourselves to these fifty bimbos in your private room on the left side" I spoke as all the orcs including the elder run at the bimbos and grab them before heading into their private room for a orgy.

(Olga POV)

I am completely speechless with the power he processes it is even more powerful than any magic I know however I snap back to reality when Cegus ask me a question "is there a ruin place close by that is a tower Olga?" He spoke. I thought for a moment before I remembered a ruin tower fort east of here and so I told Cegus the location which he nod and told Vyllia about the location and place a 'device' there so that he can call in a few soldiers. She agree and ran out the throne room in a speed beyond anything I ever see however that didn't stop as Cegus told Clay the welder of battle axes to check for any close by villages or camps which he agree too and left. Then he told Wendy to go ahead and check the kingdom where the maidens and princesses are located at if there anything activity which she just nod and left. Finally he told Blaze to go inform the villagers about the bastard then see who is working with Vult which he agrees and left however I am curious as why send a archer to gather information about enemies and allies instead of Wendy. However I snap back to reality as I notice that the only ones here are just us four and Cegus who haven't even look at our body once but instead he just relax there with his helmet on covering his face as I am curious to see who is behind there. Suddenly a idea came into my head as I smile softly before asking Cegus a question that may start my plan.

(Cherno POV)

I was so distracted by planning that I was in a zone until Olga snap me back into reality when she ask me a question "hey do you want to rest at my bedroom so that in the morning you can give a speech to everyone at the balcony" she said. I think for a moment then I shrug and reply "sure I go there and I must say you sure have a wonderful taste in design since I appear in your room when I first got here" I said before standing up and head to her bedroom.

(Olga POV)

I am a blushing mess when he mention my room as I am quite embarrassed which caught the attention of Chloe, Luca, and Mistoria who are looking at me then I sigh and told them my plan which cause all three of them to blush before they ask want to join me which I don't mind as we all gonna have a pleasure time.

(Warning the rest from here point of is lemons so if you are not interested or ain't mature skip or if you are read ahead until you see Lemon end)

Lemon Start

(Cherno POV)

I was changing into my light clothes yet when I finished putting on my shorts the door slowly open and I hear four people enter which cause me to turn around to see the four dark elves wearing clothing that made me blush as they all look at me with widen eyes as they saw my face without the helmet.

(Through Cherno eyes)

(Though all four dark elves eyes)

I am wondering why they were doing in here until a thought came to me which make me realize that Olga is the one who planned this which I smirk and i put my hand up and wiggle my finger to Olga who look at me as I want her to close to me. She look nervous but she walk over towards me until she is standing a inch away from me yet before she could speak I rest my hand on her cheek as I stare at her eyes as she stare back. "If you want to enjoy a pleasure time with me then all you need to do is ask that includes you three too" I spoke as the three elves blush like crazy as I chuckle before I wave my other hand to close the door and locking it.

Olga look at me as her eyes is begging me to do something which I did by kissing her on the lips wrapping my hands around her hip as she start to relax into the kiss and starting to enjoy this. After a few seconds we stop and I pull away leaving a trail of saliva connecting to our lips "all three of you sit on the bed and I kiss you three next in the order of chain in command" I order at the three dark elves who immediately walk to the bed and sit on the bed. I then kiss Olga again but in a passive way as I lick her lips asking for entrance which she allow as I dominate her mouth with my tongue. We kept this going until we stop to catch our breaths as a trail of saliva connecting from our our mouths when we depart but I let go of her and head to Chloe who stare at me when I got standing in front of her. I lean towards her and kiss her as she accepted and embrace the make out in a passionate way with me dominating her mouth. However that end when we depart to catch our breaths but I kiss Luca next connecting the trail of saliva from Chloe mouth to Luca who is enjoying this as much as I do with it being passionate and me dominating her mouth. Finally when we depart for air I kiss Mistoria as she was waiting patiently and now it was her turn to get a kiss which was amazing for both of us as it is both passionate and dominating with me exploring her mouth. However that end when we depart for air but it was just starting. "Olga I gonna save you for last because I want us to enjoy the most since I gotta be a wild beast with all three of you" I spoke before kissing all their necks which cause them to moan softly.

After a few seconds of undressing the girls making me to stare at all of their skin as it look so lovely as they are embarrassed until they look down to see my boner which I don't mind since they are gonna having it inside of them. "Chloe crawl here and pull down my shorts using your teeth so that Mistoria can suck on my cock when I sat on the bed leaving you and Luca to suck or lick my cock or balls" I order. Chloe smile happily as she got on her knees and crawl towards me before biting on the end of my shorts and start to pull them down.

(3rd person)

As soon as Chloe pull down Cherno shorts his cock spring slapping on Chloe cheek as everyone, except for Cherno, to see his 15 inch cock fully hard including his bull size nuts stack which is making Chloe and Olga all wet and horny as hell. "How do you hide your beast of a cock!" Luca said blushing as Cherno chuckle "it was always limp and I never got stress over 18 years of my life" he said. All four dark elves stare at him in shock as they are looking at a virgin with a beast for a rod.

Mistoria got off the bed then move Chloe to the side a bit before taking her spot in front of Cherno cock which is pulsing softly which cause her to blush before kissing the tip and the length causing him to groan softly before smiling as he look at Olga. She look at him before offering him her breasts as she wiggles them a little in front of his face while Luca and Chloe join Mistoria by licking his balls which have a taste of delicious causing both the elves to suck on his nuts while Mistoria starting to lick his rod. Cherno groan more as he grab Olga hip and suck her right tit which cause her to moan as his mouth suck her tit like a baby, then using his teeth to tug on her tit, finally he started to lick them like a wolf licking it wound. While he please Olga the three dark elves starting to use their breasts to rub his cock between them in a triangle as they lick, kiss and suck his cock tip earning a groan from him.

They were at it for five minutes before he stop sucking on Olga tits and grab Mistoria head before slamming his cock deep in her mouth and throat then suddenly he unleash shots of cum loads into her throat as her eyes roll back to her head as his seed taste delicious and a tiny salty. He let go of her head then start to pant a little as Mistoria pull his cock out of her throat and cough a little. "Sorry you three were doing an amazing job that I couldn't help but to come" he spoke with a hint of blush on his cheeks as Chloe and Luca giggle but for Mistoria all she did was kiss his cock tip and smile. "I hope you don't mind doing that again once Luca and Chloe have their turn my lord" Mistoria spoke as both Chloe and Luca look at her with their eyes widen "mm~ guess you want me to claim your virginity" He spoke. Olga kiss his cheek purring a little as Mistoria press her cheek against his cock purring too "it because you are a great man who love women of any species with equality" she said as her eyes stare at his. "Well then I hope you don't mind me taking your virginity now while the two wait since I can last a while" he spoke with a smirk. Mistoria eyes is suddenly filled with joy and lay on the ground with her legs up in the sky wiggling her ass in front of Cherno "yes please claim me!" She said in a lustrous tone as he smile before getting off the bed and started to lick her pussy surprising her.

She moan as her pussy is being eaten out by Cherno as she held her hip with her hands as she continue to moan "yes! Please keep licking me my lord" she said as Cherno suck her pussy while licking her insides causing her to moan louder. Olga, Chloe, and Luca look at the two as they are enjoying themselves but suddenly Luca was pull in by Cherno who started to finger her pussy which cause her to moan. "Ahh~ that feels good my lord" she spoke as she doesn't care if she was weird calling him that too as she is enjoying her pussy being finger in all the right places. Mistoria look at Luca who is moaning with her as she suddenly pull Luca towards her and they starting to make out while they were being lick and finger by their lord Cherno. Cherno smile as he started to went faster as his tongue and finger hit both the girls g spots causing them to scream with pleasure as they both squirts onto his face and hand. He stop and let them catch their breath while calming down from their first climax but after a minute they regain themselves. Then Luca got off the floor and lay on the bed trying to recover before her turn as Mistoria went to lay on her stomach as Cherno got into a position with him on top of her aiming his cock at her pussy entrance.

"Please go easy before going full wild my lord I don't want to injure myself when we are about to go to the main course" Mistoria said as she blush a little then Cherno kiss her neck earning a moan from her. "Oh course I don't want to injure anyone who isn't my enemy" he said before pushing his cock in a slow and steady pace as Mistoria biting her bottom lip as she feels his cock entering her but instead of pain she is enjoying herself at the pace he is going. Suddenly she felt his cock press against her womb entrance which seem fast but there weren't any pain when it reach her womb entrance. "Sweet goddess your cock has filled my entire pussy up my lord!" Mistoria said as she feel his cock starting to move in a slow pace as she notice blood coming from her pussy but thanks to pace he went it didn't hurt at all. "Want me to go full force?" He ask as Mistoria spoke two words "Hell yes!" before he thrust hard and fast as his cock is hitting all her spots in a rightful way while she is crying tears of joy.

He turn her chin a bit so that he can kiss her tears away as she smile and kiss his cheek before he continue going all out as he rest his chin on her shoulder as his cock feel like it is getting squeezed by her tight pussy. After another five minutes of thrusting with sounds of groaning and moaning both Cherno and Mistoria scream together "I cumming!" then Cherno fill Mistoria womb with his seed as his cock is cover in her squirts. They both pant before he pull out and lift Mistoia who pass out from the climax and onto a chair with her head on a pillow then he walk to Luca who is fully awake as she look at him with a smile. He kiss her before lifting her up and carry her to a table where he lay her on the table with her back against the surface but before he push his cock in Chloe is beside him with her mouth open. "Please used my mouth to clean your cock" she said in a begging tone which he smile and aim his cock at her mouth before ramming it in her mouth as she gag a little but after a few thrusts she is now used to his size.

He pull out from her mouth and aim his cock at Luca pussy as Chloe stand up and starting to kiss his neck which he smile and look at Luca who nod before he went to a similar pace with Mistoria but once he see blood coming from her pussy he started to go rough. Luca is moaning like a complete mess as Cherno kiss her tears before kissing her on the lips as she is enjoying this pleasure she is receiving. Chloe who is rubbing her breasts against his back staring to hold onto Luca legs and pull her towards Cherno as they both groan and moan as they felt that his cock has kiss Luca womb entrance as it is begging to be filled. Chloe stop holding Luca legs as Luca wrap her legs around his hip as she is making moaning like a wild animal as Cherno is ramming his cock in her g spots while holding her. "I am close!" Luca yell "me too" Cherno said as they kept going for a few more minutes before "I'm cumming!" they both scream as Cherno fill Luca womb up while she cover his cock in her squirts. After a few seconds Cherno pull out and lift Luca to another chair beside Mistoria as Luca also passed out. Then he turn to face the last two women who are both on the bed waiting for him.

Chloe smile as she got on all four knees and wiggle her ass at Cherno who is on the bed behind her as Olga is in front of Chloe with her pussy in front of Chloe who started to lick her mistress and queen pussy who reply with a moan. Cherno aim his cock at Chloe asshole which surprise her to cause her to stop and look at Cherno "please go easy in that hole, I never thought your go for my asshole instead of my pussy" she said blushing as Cherno kiss her cheek. "Which is why I gonna filled both of them" he said causing her to look surprise but before she could reply Cherno slowly enter his cock in her ass causing her to moan a little then she started to eat her mistress pussy out. Both the females moan as Cherno groan until he stop halfway through her asshole as he smack her ass earning a help from her "Let see if you are a good girl to make your mistress come before I do or else I will punish you" he said in a commanding and powerful tone. Chloe heart beat with love as she start to work hard and fast of eating out her mistress while she is being fuck in the asshole. Olga and Cherno starting to moan and groan softly before they kiss each other as this went on for five minutes before Olga cum all over Chloe face as Cherno soon shoot out a load of cum into Chloe ass.

After they calm down from their climax Cherno pull out then lift Chloe up before switching her to face the other way as he set her on her legs as he grab Olga then pull her up so that she is beside him then he hold her hip while making out with her. Chloe saw all this as she smile knowing that her dream of being in this spot have finally become true "mistress please smack and slap my ass while I am being fuck" Chloe beg. Cherno stop making out with Olga as he smirk and aim his cock at Chloe pussy but before he could go Chloe stop him "don't show mercy on me fuck me like a prey that is enjoying herself to her predator" she said. Cherno nod and ram his cock in her pussy which cause her to scream in both pain and joy as blood come out of her pussy. After a second Cherno starting to go full beast and fuck Chloe like a wolf going into mating season as Olga smack and slap Chloe ass hard and quick as Chloe moan and scream as she feel like she is in paradise. This went on for five minutes as Olga stop as Cherno went faster and harder which should be impossible but yet it is as Olga look at Cherno fucking Chloe like a horse while Chloe has her eyes rolled back at her head while she is sticking her tongue out from her squirting nine times from within five minutes with Cherno hitting all her g spots and womb. Cherno grid his teeth and growl until he slam deep in Chloe pussy who scream "Master!" and unleash a powerful blast of load into Chloe pussy filling her up.

Cherno finish and pull out from Chloe who pass out from the extreme pleasure leaving only Olga and Cherno to enjoy themselves at last "come my love let me give you pleasure before you claim me" she said before laying on the bed offering her breasts to give him a tits job but he refused and instead kiss her. She was at first surprise but then melt into the kiss as Cherno rub her breasts together while rubbing his cock against her pussy which cause her to moan a little. They both stop kissing as they pant a little as she wrap her arms around Cherno neck before Cherno took his time to push his cock into her pussy in a slow and gentle pace as it is a pleasure feeling for her. She smile and moan a little as she is enjoying this pace until she feels a shock in her pussy causing her to moan louder as she feels his cock at her womb entrance as she cry a little as her pussy is pouring out blood. Cherno kiss her tears before resting his forehead on her forehead as he look at her eyes with her staring at him "please my love give me everything you got and filled me until I am pregnant" she said Cherno nod as he pull his cock out all the way until the tip is all that remains.

He slam his cock with a mighty force as Olga scream with pleasure as Cherno fuck her like a dragon as his cock repeatedly hit her womb entrance as she wrap her legs around Cherno as she scream out his name. This went on for ten minutes before a Cherno shot out his seed but he wasn't done for he went into a jackhammer position and fuck her in that position for another ten minutes before shooting another load as he change position again. He kept going into different positions after every ten minutes of him filling her without stopping for a break which she doesn't mind because she is in paradise. After getting into a position call suspended congress but with Cherno holding Olga legs with her back against his chest as he is ramming her pussy with a more powerful force until he enter her womb. Causing her to make a ahegao face while sticking out her tongue as she squirts all over his cock as he filled her womb.

After a few seconds Cherno then pull out and cover her in sperm before passing out on the bed with Olga beside him as she passed out too while cuddling him but after the massive amount of sperm he gave to Olga has suddenly merge with the embargo, unknowingly a symbol of a dragon is at the place where Olga womb is located which happened to the other three dark elves.

(Lemon End)

As all four dark elves and Cherno himself sleep for the know at one of the forts where a young princess with pink hair is located at have stare at out through the window as she day dream of being save by a young man who would save her from evil. Until her cousin who have blonde hair and dress as a knight has enter the room and ask why she was up which she explain her day dreaming about a young man who dress in a armor and a mask leading a army against this evil. Her cousin sigh before sitting beside her and told her a story but under the castle is a man with a beard getting inform from a man in the shadows that the attack will start soon which the beard man smile evilly before the scene turn dark as the princess went to sleep on the bed as her cousin whispered sweet dream prim before heading out the room.

//first chapter with a lemon with four women, tell me what you all thought about it and decide if I should make a lemon scene just for a few certain girls and the main character in a later chapter//

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