Chapter 2: meeting new faces and a hidden power.

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Cherno, his lovers and friends reach Neva and landed inside the hanger then they unload their resources before putting them into storage while the women are heading towards a empty hallway which turns out to be a massive long hall with several levels fit to house a army of mistresses. Cherno who receives heard news of this is shock to discover this news however he were explain by Savo that these rooms were once storages but after a long few days the heavy lifters robots clean out all storages then the put everything into a separate system that will help organize the loots. Cherno sigh thinking his father must have been gather a crap ton of resources but he couldn't blame him since he thought about his birth mother who had to give him away into his nun mother orphanage. He is thankful he has a chance to have a family he never had because of his adoptive parents and jerk of a brother but his sister is a sweet heart. However he snap back into reality by a newly designed robot which surprise him as this robot is a newly made robot too.

"Hello sir I am Ka your messager sent by Mind himself to give you a message" she said which Cherno is still surprise before asking "um what is the message?" He said as Ka giggle before revealing a hologram. "Hello Cherno my boy I hope you get this beautiful messager because I need your help with a issue involving a new discovery so that it hope you can make it here" Mind hologram said before vanishing. Cherno sigh and got up from his throne and walk with Ka to a warp gate that brought the two to Kiber where Cherno notice a few changes that involve newly robots, people, and buildings that are shops or businesses. After getting to the location where Mind is at Cherno is speechless as in front of him is a huge robot all repaired but power down "I see you are staring at our discovery" a male voice spoke.

Cherno turn his head to see a male wearing a red and black lab coat as the man smile is gentle yet sinister "I am Prof Win Robotic or you can call me Windotic and I am the descendant of the original Robotink" the man said. "What is this robot?" Cherno said pointing at the huge robot "that is a out worldly alien or they are call the cybertronian these aliens are very ancient but judging from this model it is a newly created alien" a female spoke as Cherno see a woman coming behind of Windotic. This woman look like a doctor carrying a advance tablet "I am Dr Alice a pleasure to meet you mr Cherno" she said looking at him before checking something off from the tablet. "We discovered that this cybertronian were drain of a power source we discovered but it was the only cluster we found so we need your help with the new source" a male voice spoke.

Cherno look at a figure standing in front of the window as this male is wearing some armor that is the size of a golem "I am Cad and as you see I am a iron golem but I give you the details later" the golem said. "We look at it databanks and we couldn't access it but we did discover it name" a female voice spoke which cause Cherno to look at a woman standing with her back against the wall. "I am Rarity and if you want I can give you my information later" she said as Cherno nod then look at the four people who are in the room "so what is the cybertronian name?" He ask but a familiar voice spoke out. "Why it call DemonicRadio Cherno" Cherno turn around to be speechless at a newly modified Serena who is walking towards him with Prof Mind beside her.

"Glad you can arrive Cherno" Mind spoke with a cheerful tone as Serena smile rolling her eyes smiling before standing beside Cherno "father be like that ever since you left and believe me he be busy with gathering allies and creating new creations even some new vehicles" she said with a soft smile. "Anyway I want to show you the source we are talking about" Mind said as all of them went and enter a room with all sorts of machines that is producing energy liquid for the robots. They stop in front of a large container with a largest crystal that Cherno ever see.

"This cluster is pulsing with a energy that we can't seem to figure out until we discover DemonicRadio who have a unlocked data informing us that this crystal is call energon which is what fuel these cybertronian" Mind said. "And because we already did a scan throughout the three worlds we are already claim we didn't find any energon so we need a source of power so that we can infuse it with a similar and more effective as energon" Windotic said. Cherno thought for a moment and look at a table with a crystal inside a container which got him an idea. He explains to them his idea which cause them to start thinking about his idea which sounds like a great start. And so they work for hours but after five hours thanks to the entire team working as a single unit they finish the pure crystalline energon which is a crystal with the same standard as energon crystals.

Then they started to liquified the crystalline energon into a canister but they stop as the canister is full which should be impossible since it a gallon size canister but the amount of liquid is enough to make a cybertronian a hundred years but if share between four it can be twenty five years for the four.

They store the 3/4 pure crystalline energon into a empty storage room which isn't big but it can hold a few crystals if they make more but at the moment they are carrying the canister to the supply line that is connected to DemonicRadio. Thanks to Cad and Mind strength they are able to bring DemonicRadio online and so they got all systems ready and after they got everything set they start him up. The liquid enter the cybertronian and after a few seconds they stop filling him up when the canister is 3/4 which allows the cybertronian a good twenty five years before refilling. After a few seconds DemonicRadio started to move until it was fully awoken which they cheer as it were a success but they stop as the cybertronian is staring at them in a serious stare "Where in the blazes am I!" he spoke in a robotic demonic voice. "Well you were drain and you were in ruins so my friends help you" Cherno said as DemonicRadio look at Cherno in a curiosity "and how ... wait woah what kind of power source did you filled me up with! I am seeing 24 years before refilling!" He said in a happy tone.

They explain to him what they create which surprise him in so many ways that it was hard to not laugh but he stop and look at them "it seems that wherever I am I need to return... Oh sweet allspark I forgot my friends!" He said. They look at him confused until he explains to them about a few friends who are mostly females since their other friends were dying by a powerful nano storm which is a plague for cybertronian. When he got the females onto the ship and enter the cryo pods a few female humans got on because they were worried about their friends so he agreed to let them to enter similar cryo pods but these put them into a deep sleep frozen in time. "Oh are you talking about these?" Rarity said pointing at a pod behind her "Yes!" He said then Rarity move out the way as he start to type into the pod panel.

The pod open to reveal a humanoid cybertronian, the same size as Rarity with a similar design as a motorbike "mm? DemonicRadio? Are do you look-" the female stop talking as she is staring at Cherno. She suddenly got red and try hiding her blush (key word try) "um Arcee you okay there?" DemonicRadio said as he look at her in a worry tone "ye ah just g ot warm th at all" Arcee said.

"Okay?" DemonicRadio said before walking to the other pods and woke up the other two which is Airachnid, Strongarm, Windblade, blackairachnid, and Elite one then after them is Miko, Sari, and June Darby.

An: gonna reveal them after chapter three because it will be too long to get all of them into this chapter so you all gonna wait until then but I will say this they are gonna be the cybertronian harem.

The females all blush at Cherno who hasn't notice yet but it gonna reveal soon as Cherno then ask them if they want to stay with him while DemonicRadio help Mind and his team with creating newly cybertronian that is the same as DemonicRadio but in different versions and models. They all agree and so Cherno and his newly harem along with Serena return to Neva as they spend the time with each other but soon once night falls Cherno went to his chambers and slept unknowingly about a shadow sitting on a chair as it stare at the sky. "I hope you are alright dear because Cherno is about to meet his ancestral ancestors  who train me in the mind" the figure said before vanishing into the darkness.

Cherno Mind:

Inside his dreamscape is a large void where he is in the center of a mysterious symbol on the ground he try to walk but he felt very weak as if he couldn't move but suddenly eyes of all kind surround him. He try to get into a defensive position but couldn't however the eyes started to laugh? He look confused until a pair of eyes started to move forward to reveal as a male figure "you were like us when we were all training" the figure spoke. Cherno got a closer look at the male as he is reveal as Sōsuke Aizen "you see Cherno every single one of us were train to be a 'force of order' if you could say that" he said. Next to come out is Lelouch "although some of us are call villains we are see as saviors to many" he said then came out is Light Yagami "true and we cause massacres during insanity" he said. One by one every eyes is reveal as males villains who have earn titles as the most powerful ( ) while others be called the most black hearted. ( )

However only seven figures remain in the darkness as these seven are not just top evil but also caused so much destruction, pain, suffer, darkness, and then death that they were sent to either time or space or killed. These figures are: 

The Major Who cause so much suffering that he were chosen by Hitler.

Thanos who were so focus on order that he cause pain for everyone including himself as he cause himself pain as he kill his adoptive daughter to get the soul stone.

Frieza who cause many deaths to become emperor but he is a great rival to Goku who beats him more than one.

Ganondorf/Demise this is the demon king as both Ganondorf who is the very host to Demise powers and soul as the Demon king who spread darkness throughout the land.

Sauron the lord of the one ring who seek domination over the land of middle earth.

Alduin the world eater who were a cruel and powerful dragon who devour the souls of men.

Leading all six is a myth among all evil who killed their own hero which is none other than the headless horseman.

"We are the Seven Lords and we are here to train you before you meet your fathers father!" The horseman said confusing Cherno "he means your grandfather from your father side we know him but your mother side of the family is a mystery" Frieza said. "Now the reason you are here is because you are taking the paths of Overlords young man" The Major said smiling sinisterly "Yes and once you reach the path of the undefeated which is the Horseman domain and where the gate to the Five Riders are" Ganon said. "They are the second path where you will be battling against the five bosses who will test if you are worthy to learn the knowledge from the Three Anti Divines Who is led by your grandfather" Sauron said. "But once you reach there it will be a whole other level for your grandfather couldn't teach your father who made a wise decision to return to Neva since he knew you can handle the power where many would seek" Alduin said.

Cherno look at them then sigh "it isn't power I seek it the knowledge to contain that power since power isn't always a true path if you ain't wielding it right like a empire that once rule with an iron fist. But they fall in a defeat where knowledge of great strength isn't from force but rather the people who have a savior that doesn't seek power, frame or even doing to make people think they need that savior for protection. A true savior is three main things: the people they show respect to, the selfless deed with no desire, and the major part of all. Is the love for the people you save, for without it you are nothing but a selfishness bastard who desire is women as pleasure and frame for buying useless products for nothing but it lasted fashion" Cherno said. Clapping can be hear as everyone look at the gate to see a man in armor which cause everyone except for Cherno to bow to the man "well done well done you figure out the important question that I was gonna ask when you reach the gate of inferno" the man spoke in a old yet happy tone. Cherno eyes widen as he is facing his grandfather who is walking towards him but stop in front of him before removing his helmet to show Cherno his grandfather smile and tears of joy.

"I be waiting for you ever since your father told me about you yet he couldn't be here because of a role he play" Cherno grandfather said wiping his tears away before looking at Cherno eyes "You must have many questions but we can chat after you finish your training and proving yourself to the riders however I can answer you this" Cherno grandfather said. He put his hand on Cherno shoulder "I am proud to call you my grandson for you were raise different than me and your parents but either way you became a man I would never become in your age so give your Grandfather Apollyon" Cherno grandfather said. Cherno hug his grandfather as Cherno is crying with tears of all 18 years of his emotions that he hide from everyone even his own friends and family he have found.

Everyone is crying even the most brutal and heartless villains as they are witnessing a family reunion that be kept apart for a long time but soon the crying stop as Cherno smile with happiness which seem to effect the void as it cause the void to change into a massive field. Everyone is shock at this except for Apollyon for he is wiping Cherno tears away using a napkin "now then let begin your training but we need a little time magic to make you young so that you can train when your were ten years old" Apollyon said. "So all the training I learn from Neva will be in my younger self?" Cherno said which Apollyon answer with a nod causing Cherno to smile evilly as his eyes is filled with flames of determination. Apollyon smirk at his grandson spirit then Apollyon used time magic to reverse Cherno age until he is ten years old once he there the magic stop as Apollyon walk toward the gate and stand by it before putting his helmet on then nod to a shadowy man who smirk and place a music disc into a radio. Then once Cherno get into a attack position against the first opponent the shadowy man hit play starting the training music from Fall out Boy.

The fight begin cutting with Cherno against his opponent Tai Lung face to face before changing into another scene with Cherno learning from many teachers while they send attacks at him which he defend easily but the lessons and battles are getting tougher with every day. Each time he finish one lesson he went to the next until he got knock down by a villain who laugh a little before helping Cherno up. When they grab each hands the scene change to Cherno chatting with  another overlord while Cherno is focusing on unleashing a energy blast aiming at a target which he fire and make a bullseye. Cherno smirk and thanks Ainz for the chatting which he nod as Cherno went to go to his next lesson.

The scene change to Cherno going against Major in a mind game which involve many intelligent boards. After a few rounds Cherno won as Major smirk proud of Cherno strategic planning as Cherno head to the next path then the scene change to him going against Thanos in close fist combat while changing into a great sword combat. After a few rounds Cherno beat Thanos in both fist and great sword combats causing Thanos to smile knowing that his lessons help Cherno where he fail at being a father to a great teacher. As Cherno enter the next gate the scene change to Cherno fighting against Frieza in flight close combat while range combat which continues in a few rounds until Frieza tired of his energy uses summit defeat which Cherno smile before giving Frieza a bottle of water. Frieza smile as he took a sip as he thought of Cherno as a great and powerful opponent except for the monkey as Cherno walk through the gate the scene change to Cherno duel wielding great swords against Ganon. They change weapons to tridents as they fought until Ganon change into his beast form and attack Cherno who dodges and jump into the air before slamming his trident against Ganon forehead causing the beast to dissolve and in it place is a weaken Ganon who summit.

Cherno help Ganon up before giving him a cook meat which Ganon thanks and starting to eat it as he recalls all the fights against the hero and princess which he chuckled as Cherno walk through the gate. The scene change to Cherno fighting against Sauron which Cherno is in defense while Sauron is in attack but it soon switch as Cherno saw an opening then he attack Sauron striking Sauron arm which cause Sauron to be disarm as Cherno is hold his blade against Sauron throat. Sauron submit defeat which Cherno smile before helping Sauron up and walk towards the gate but Sauron is remembering the time he were defeated by a son who cut his finger containing the ring. He smile as he walk towards his throne remembering another time that Cherno remains him of his lord. Cherno walk through the gate as the scene change to him fighting against Alduin who is flying and using his shouts at Cherno keeping him grounded until Cherno uses his own shout to ground Alduin who immediately crash as Cherno uses this to shout at the sky to unleash a massive dark lighting right at Alduin.

Alduin weaken summit defeat which Cherno nod before he gave Alduin a massive cook fish then pat Alduin head before walking through the gate, Alduin smirk as he remembered a woman who had treated Alduin wounds from a fight before he became the destroyer. Alduin shake his head slightly with a smile as the scene change to the battle against Cherno and the horseman which involves the horseman uses ghostly flames at Cherno who dodge and summon a dark flames orb and throw it at the horseman which missed but hit the horse. The horse kick the horseman off and the two warriors fight each other in a sword duel which continues until Cherno eyes glow and his sword burst into a darken color which pulse with energy. Cherno slash at the horseman blade cutting it in half surprising the horseman as Cherno held his sword right at the horseman skull causing him to submit defeat. Cherno smile as he put his sword away which cause the music to end as the scene reveal Cherno as his eighteen year old self again but with a small bread growing.

Cherno stood at the gate where the Five Riders are waiting he suddenly look behind him to see everyone who train and help him standing there as they all yell "go and become the greatest Overlord Cherno!" which cause him to chuckle softly before opening the gate and walking through the gate to face against the bosses.

To be continued in the next chapter.

An: This is part one of Cherno power up but the third chapter will be longer since it gonna be the second part to this yet also part one to meeting with the boss himself along with two surprise guests so stay tune for Overlord of Negative worlds!

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