Male and female readers/ five lovers of childhood

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An: basically a chapter with two characters that will be you readers while the five lovers are childhood females from Cherno past meaning he gonna have five mistresses but each lover will receive a title so that they won't be confuse to be call by in the future.

Male reader (any name you want)

nickname: the Dark Knight

Your normal looks:

Your Dark Knight looks:

Your weapons:

Your Background:

Your a seventeen year old who be treated badly by bullies who are in the Union Academy. The teachers care about you but they cannot report you to the headmasters and headmistresses because many of the higher ups don't give shit. You got a lot of friends but even they cannot stop the bullying. Sometimes a bully girlfriend who is in secret try to make a fool out of you by being your girlfriend but you always say no since you know a step ahead that they are gonna break you. But one friend who is a childhood friend is in love with you and try to act all nerdy to keep bullies away but when you and her is alone she reveal her real colors aka real self and chat with you like normal.

However one day you were decided to run away from the bullies and those that treat you as a nobody but your childhood friend were also running away but in the shadows following you. Then you ran into a cave where a mysterious shadow figure stand which surprise you but the mysterious shadow reveal as a man who needs to pass his gift to a successor which is you but outside is your childhood friend who is also be given a gift but from a woman made from a glow. The two readers accepted their gifts but when they did they were immediately got teleport to a world where they will meet Cherno who will send them to be teach under two teachers he know who taught him everything from balanced because that is what you two are two forces of opposites powers that if not balanced will be destructive.

Female reader (any name you want)

Nickname: The Light Maiden

Your nerdy disguise:

Your real and normal looks:

Your Light Maiden looks:

Your weapons:

Your Background:

Your a seventeen year old who is a hidden princess that fell in love with the male reader. You don't want anyone but the male reader to know who you really are because of a fear of being force to marry to a asshole. The reason the male reader is the only person to know about your real self is because he isn't after money but rather real meaning of trustworthy (or lover) which cause a beating pulse in your heart which is feel with love.

You decided to run away with the male reader but you hide in the shadows because of a fear of him thinking you are gonna bring him back. Fates soon have other plans because both yourself and the male reader were met by two figures one that is light and the other is darkness. You were given the gift from the woman of light but once you two accepted you two were immediately teleport to Cherno world where his two teachers masters of the culture yin and yang but in their words darkness and light.

Bullies: Dxd: issei and riser | Mha: Bakugo, a few of class b and c |Rwdy: Cardin, Team CRDL |Naruto: Ami, Kasumi, and Fuki|

An: tell me more anime bullies that you want to see because these are the ones I have at the moment.

Friends: DXD: fallen angels, Risa peerage (they don't hate you but Risa want to tougher you), Vali Lucifer| MHA: class 1a, b, and c and Mei| Rwdy: team Rwdy and most female members of teams| Naruto: all teams|Jojo: Jotaro, Josuke, Stardust group, and Diamond group|Fairytails: many guild members| 

An: sorry but I need your help in this friends list because there to many people who are good to be your friends ps you don't receive the female friends as members of your harem but you will receive nine worldly oc along with your female reader making ten in total since all readers need a limited.

Headmasters/headmistresses heartless: DXD: Sirzechs and Michael| Rwdy: Ozpin (not Ozma) |Naruto: Danzo |Evangelion: Gendo Ikari |

the Headmasters/headmistresses good: DXD: Azazel| MHA: Nezu| Naruto: Tsunade| Jojo: Joseph|Fairytail: Makarov |

An: right now it even so tell me more people who you all want as headmasters/headmistresses ps there only one at the moment so send some females that is cold and heartless while others aren't.

Cherno five childhood lovers:

Each woman from the five lovers met Cherno when he was either a baby or growing up until the age ten years where he began his training up to the point where he became an adult where he will see his five childhood lovers. Starting with the first when he was a baby, next when he was three years old, then five years old, after is seven, and final is nine ps all these are three years apart but there a reason to the three year gaps. So each childhood lover will be when he was alone, with his father (mostly because of mother's defending their children) or when he is wondering around.

Real name:




Ages: before: 3 now: 20-21


Sword (Bloodrose)

Chains of suffering

Background: Met newborn Cherno at age 3. When herself and her mother was visiting her mother friend aka Cherno mother they were shock to see the newborn Cherno in the mother arms. They are looking at Cherno asking when did this happened until a old friend of the mother came in and reported that her husband has be killed by the 'heroes' which cause the mother to wrap baby Cherno in a basket and told them bye before dashing with the mother friend. Both Freyja and her mother left to immediately tell freyja father about this but when they reach there they were heartbroken as freyja father told them that it was too late the tower has went into the ground. While the world were under the control of this empire with these high and mighty people who think they should treat everyone as trash while they live a luxury life. However Freyja who were growing up were heartbroken as she couldn't get the chance to hold Cherno when they was there. No matter what her father do she refused to even spend a time with some royal asshole who is only interested in her looks not her personality however she did tell her father to let her train while they wait for news on Neva which be 18 years since then. But soon they might heard about Neva and Cherno very soon.

(Ps I couldn't find any peasant women that wear a kelda dress so I may change the photo if someone can help me with the anime peasant woman you can)

Real name:





Flying pan

Ages: before: 3 now: 18

Background: a peasant girl who was with her mother till the day her mother were killed by Cherno adoptive father but that same day Cherno saw the whole thing and so in secret he gave her a bag of gold so that she can live and survive however ever since the attack Charlie be doing jobs like hunting and selling any ingredients to markets. But after eight years she is now own a small ship that she runs by herself and were overseas when Cherno claims Neva but were returning home soon to be surprise of a lifetime.

Real name: 





Knives, claws, whip, and a pistol with bullets

Ages: before: 7 now: 20

Background: she were a poor girl who parents abandoned her because of them discovering her anomaly which is when she kill certain people like a hound that hunt it target. After she was abandoned Cherno met her in the ally at first she were scared because of her anomaly but soon her anomaly didn't happen. She look at the five year old Cherno who is smiling at her which cause her heart pounding with love which she didn't know at first. However the two became friends for a few years until his disappearance during the attack. She somehow escape and discovers a ruin with advance technology but wasn't advance like Minds and so she started to live in the ruin and uses the resources there to help her to become huntress.

Real name:









Ages: before: 8 now: 19

Background: she was an eight year old as she was a thief trying to survive by stealing however as she was sneaking into Cherno room at night through the window she was face to face with Cherno who look at her eyes causing her to blush as Cherno ask if she want something to eat which she did. The two became friends in the night for years until his sudden disappearance during the attack which cause her to feel heart in pain and decided to take all his belongings which isn't much like. Then she stole all the parents gold and bought herself a small building however as the years went by her small building became a bar including a secret room where she keep all the stuff she stole and sell them. Except she never sell Cherno stuff but instead she kept them inside her other secret room where her equipment is to become the bloodnight which is her name during the night. However since the war began and end she never stole again because all the people are starting to live a equal like which she find interesting however she will enter the most secure place ever which is Cherno fortress to see who this Cegus is without the helmet.

An: Final lover for Neva lovers but it ain't for the Neva harem along with four other worlds close to Neva and one of them is Kiber so I hope you all don't mind having this woman as Cherno lover at age nine.

An: I hope to anyone who a furry fan I thank you but to those that are a furry racist, f#ck off to you because even a story gonna need a furry lover once in a while and please don't confuse these with the spirit foxes because that is rude. Anyway let get down to this final information.

Real name:








Ages: before: nine after: eighteen (I don't know the normal lifespan of an anthro fox so I gonna so the human lifespan instead)

Background: she is from another world in another dimension where it rules by furries no humans but she somehow found a portal leading her to a forest where Cherno were at feeding his two animal friends. She saw him a new creature she never saw at first until Cherno turn to see her which frighten her at first but Cherno whisper in a calm and smooth tone to show her that he isn't dangerous. When he did she was so deep in Cherno tone that her heart is pounding with love which she didn't know about but as she got close to Cherno he show a smile that warm her heart. The two became friends for a year until Cherno start to get curious and rub her back ears which cause her to moan which in turn a purr. He continues until he stop making her pout but he said he can continue later. Which never happened because he vanished the day of the attack which cause her to look scare at the view and ran deep into the forest and entering a portal that appears in front of her and she returns home. However she since then she hasn't be herself for eight years since her return. Her mother is very worry but she couldn't find out why since her mysterious disappearance and now she return all sad. However that might change because of the ruler will soon reveal his true colors and the furries will meet humans including Cherno who she would see soon.

An: woah that was a lot and if you all have any anime you want me to add into the Union universe tell me here in the comments because I am gonna be writing more than most so till then stay tune for Overlord of negativity worlds.

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