Chapter 3: Overlord knowledge and a devil chat with surprises.

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An: this is part two of hidden power and part one of the surprises so read to find out ps wait until you reach the office where the boss is waiting before you play the music since it match the theme there.

Cherno mind:

Inside of Cherno mind is Cherno taking his steps to seek the knowledge his grandfather Apollyon contains but at the moment he is gonna face against the Five Riders who each is different sizes from his height till they are huge. And these Five Riders are:

Lich king with his armor of steel and his blade of frosts he is call the Rider of Undead

Ares in his armor of blood wielding  his flames sword of pure rage as he is call the Rider of War

Zalgo with his powers of demonic and his claws of victim bloods as he is call Rider of Horror

The Darkness the main source of all that evil in the land of skylanders he is call Rider of Shadows

Apophis the serpent deity of chaos and enemy of Ra he is call Rider of Destruction

All the members of the Five Riders is a force that isn't to be taken lightly for these five are: Death, War, Horror, Darkness, and Chaos which is what made of people most deepest evil when it involves anything under the category of these five. But to Cherno he isn't like them sure he done all those things but it is different if those five were used against the innocent. Yet he didn't used them against the innocent but rather the people using them instead. However in front of him is definitely not forces but the people themselves that emitted the five powers of evil yet he wasn't backing down. "So you are the grandson of our leader?" Lich king said pointing his sword at Cherno who show no fear but nervous as he never fought beings who have powers of those equal to a might of divine.

"I can sense his nervousness fellas guess he can tell we are not a fucking joke" Zalgo said laughing demonic "mm I agree but he doesn't show fear which is different compared to the others that stood before our last fighters" Ares said. Cherno look over to see a massive field of piles of piles on piles of skeletons which surprise him "mm it sseemss he issn't throwing up likess thosse before him" Apophis hiss. "We will see if he worthy of the knowledge that the three contains" Darkness said slamming his fist against his hand "mm i gonna admits you Five are more than that Werewolf Vult I fought even though he was given that power by a jester boss" Cherno said. Suddenly both Ares and Lich king look at each other in serious before looking at Cherno "do you know what the jester look like?" Ares ask surprising everyone except for Lich king.

"No but whoever you two think he is I have a feeling he isn't the jester you two think it is" Cherno said as Ares chuckle a little "we know two clowns that are completely insane while the third is a mind breaker" Lich king said. "Mm I guess I can take a memory photo so that way I can returns and show it to the two of you" Cherno said "as long as you bring snacks and some stuff for us all to catch on since we haven't be received new outsiders in our prison yet paradise realm" darkness said. Cherno laugh a little as the four other riders smirks shaking their heads at darkness hunger "sure but it gonna be hard" Cherno said "not unless you use the deliverance which opens from your realm and allows stuff to enter but no one can leaves" Zalgo said. Cherno mentally wrote that  "now should we fight with all of you going against me?" Cherno ask as the Five Riders smirk and smile at each other thinking one thing "I like this kid" in their thoughts in unison.

Midwhile with all the villains who teach him are gather in a luxury theater watching Cherno about to fight the Five Riders "how much do you bet he gonna run for the serpent?" M. Bison whisper to Mukai. "I bet five sodas he go for the dark machine man" he replied. Many villains are betting on who Cherno will fight as in the viewing private sits is the Seven Lords who all bet him going in random. In a pocket dimension is a few insane people who powers of chaos and madness is so powerful they were locked up by these 'heroes' who think they are nothing but freaks of unstable powers. However that doesn't mean they can't enjoy a show "I wonder who will be defeated first!" Discord said eating popcorn as he is a guest instead of a prisoner "mm I wonder who indeed~" Bill Cipher said taking a sip of orange soda from a glass cup. "Well gentlemen we are gonna find out won't we?" Alastor said in his radio voice "heheheh chaos sure is a marvel isn't it~" Jevil said. Loki roll his eyes "very funny joke boy but I ain't a marvel character!" Loki from the Mask yell hitting Jevil on the head with a hammer "weeeehhhhh" Marx screams while spinning in the air. Dimentio chuckle as he snap his fingers causing the the author himself to appear in a chair beside the couch "Dimentio! I thought I told you don't bring me here unless" An said but was silence by everyone stare "I brought you here for the fight" Dimentio said. The An eyes widen and got everyone popcorns as he make the tv into a large flat screen tv with high quality "woah!" All of them said looking at An as if he is an insane man "thanks I nearly forgot" An said drinking a can of soda. "Um if the An here who is" Loki try to speak but got a stare from An "I can multitask so shut up and watch because the music is about to start" An said which catch everyone attention and look at the screen with excitement.

Cherno got into a fighting stance as the Five Riders ready their weapons and attacks then music begin to play which Cherno smile.

Ares charge at Cherno who charge at him but dodge at the last minute before circling around the four riders who look surprise even Ares as Cherno jump into the sky and slam his fist on the ground causing Ares, Lich king and Zalgo to fall on their knees. Darkness and Apophis unleash blast of darkness and chaos at Cherno who smirk and slow motion back jump flip when the blasts hit the spot he was at. Dust cover the area as the Five Riders look at the area to see if there is motion until a shadow ran to the left causing the Five Riders to unleash their blasts at that shadow while in truth Cherno uses a skeleton to throw while he ran to the left as soon as they unleash their attack. Cherno got behind the five Rider again and wait for a moment as the dust clear from their attack but as soon as the dust were almost clear Cherno ran up Apophis back which felt like slow motion for him.

Apophis senses something running on his back he quickly coil to see Cherno smirking at his face before dealing a powerful punch to the eye causing Apophis to roar in pain causing the other four Riders to see Apophis eye all black but Cherno was gone when Apophis roar. Behind Darkness is Cherno and this time he jump with double the force and slam his fist against darkness back head. Darkness face slam on the ground causing the ground to quake making the other three riders to fall back on their knees but in front of Zalgo face is Cherno who smile before pulling his arm back and strike at Zalgo face. Zalgo howl in pain causing a powerful scream of a thousands voices to make Ares and Lich king to cover their eyes from the screaming however as they were covering their ears Cherno neck lock Ares neck and twist Ares neck just to a position of pain. Ares groan in pain as he neck is bent a little while Zalgo stop screaming making Lich king to look around for where Cherno which is unknowingly aware that Cherno is in the sky.

Without any warning Cherno slam kick Lich King to the ground hard causing a crater in the impact of Cherno kick however he dodge a punch by Darkness who have a bloody face which Cherno wince a little until he notice that all Five Riders are standing side by side. The Five Riders smirk before a powerful aura cover all their bodies as Cherno is witnessing all Five Riders are slowly vanishing but their auras are merging into a single being. Cherno smirk as he look at the Fifth Rider or they are called the Gate Raider which is all of them merge into one opponent.

"Mm we are Know as Void Wolf so be prepare for your demise Cherno" the Gate Raider said pulling out two swords and charge at Cherno who is smirking behind his helmet before he dodge Void Wolf attack. The two face each other as they move in a circle like predators over territory but without warning Void Wolf jump and sky attack Cherno who chuckle before unleashing a howl right at VW who is knock back to the spot he was standing at. Cherno is emitted a aura that is more powerful than his time against Vult but this time he is facing against a true challenger. Cherno eyes stare at VW who is standing there until suddenly he vanish which cause Cherno to look up as he see VW charging up a blast with all the combine powers of the Five Riders right at Cherno.

Instead of being scared Cherno laugh before he pull out his katana before infusing it with half of his aura while the other half is infusing into his left hand then he push his knees to the ground before launching at VW who is about to unleash his blast. Everything went into slow motion as VW unleash his blast at Cherno who is a few inches from VW but with a smirk he pull his left arm back then as the blast were a inch away Cherno fist hit the blast. Suddenly everything went back to normal motion which ended with Cherno punching the blast into nothing and stab VW into the right while his fist punch VW crotch causing all the villains who are watching to wince and cover their areas as VW make a wolf wince that sound like it just went to hell. Cherno pull the sword out and ground landing with his feet as VW slam into the ground. Cherno smirk as VW became the five Rider again but they all are beaten ending with Cherno as the victor.

(Music ends)

All the villains cheer at Cherno epic battle while the chaos team is fist punching each other while screaming "Hell yeah boy!" while An smile at the battle "did you see that did you see that!" Bill cipher said shaking Loki who is trying to pull him away. An laugh at the scene which cause the others to laugh too before An stretch his arms and got up "well then I hope you enjoy that because there more coming up so clean this place up before she comes" An said before vanishing. All the men faces turn pale and immediately start to clean the room.

Back to Cherno.

Cherno pant and breath heavy as he done the most epic battle of his life so far but  he know that he must enter the final room to learn the knowledge since he want to use that knowledge to defend his home from outworldly forces. He smile before take a short breather then he help the Five  Riders up and gave them some drinks and food as he head to the final gate. He stand before it and took a calm and relaxing breath then he push the door and enter the room. He saw that inside is a white endless void with four chairs and a table in the center he think but sitting on the three chairs is his grandfather Apollyon and two other people who are having a serious aura that can easily get him injured. "Well Cherno? Are you gonna sit down and enjoy a chat with your grandfather and his two oldest friends?" Apollyon said with a smile which Cherno smile back before taking his armor boats off setting them beside the chair and remove his gauntlets and setting them beside his boats then he sit on the chair.

Apollyon took a sip from his cup before setting his cup down on the table and put his hands on top of another and set his head on it looking at Cherno who is still trying to recover from his battle. "Eh he is good Apollyon I gotta admit but he sure does have a long road before he reach a level beyond our own" the male wearing armor on the right side spoke "indeed morgoth but with the knowledge he will be able to suppress us" Apollyon said. Cherno fully recover look at Morgoth who smile at him "I am Sauron lord if you didn't know" Morgoth said surprising Cherno.

"Although you and I were defeated easily despite our failures" the demonic man on the left side spoke in a deep and creepy voice "right you are Scarlet King" Morgoth said as Cherno look at Scarlet King who is chuckling demonically.

"I sure you notice how similar Zalgo and myself are Cherno" SK said as Cherno nod slowly "well think of him as a mini me since I do teach him to unlock his true power hidden inside of him" SK said surprises Cherno. The two laugh a little until they sigh and look at Apollyon who is smirking "As you know Cherno this knowledge is great which same knowledge is call the Overlord Infernos which is all knowledge about overlords before me, your father, or yourself yet you will follow in the steps that your ancestors walked even my own but be warn because once you contain this knowledge you will feel great pain and suffering from your soul, mind and heart itself before you gain the knowledge for it isn't just knowledge it also a gift that be pass down to generation of overlords who seek order" Apollyon said. He pull out a cube with symbols on it but for some reason it is emitted an aura of serious energy that Cherno can see it "mm alright I accept since I am strong and determine" Cherno said.

Apollyon nod his head before pushing four buttons at the same time then hand it to Cherno who hold it the same as his grandfather and push the same buttons until the cube open and suddenly intense auras fly right out of the cube and enter Cherno head, heart and body which he grid his teeth as this is more powerful than he thought. The three men look at each other with worry until what felt like hours all the aura have enter Cherno who is breathing heavy "are you alright!" Apollyon said with a worry tone. Cherno pant as he stare at Apollyon with eyes full red until they return to normal which Cherno breath normally again then he spoke "I never felt so much in a single cube" Cherno said.

All three men look at each until Cherno laugh happily "I am feeling like every pulse of my body is freshly born!" Cherno said with a smirk as he got off his chair and punch his fists in the air in a quick and fast pace that none of them couldn't see the speed. "Woah" Cherno said relaxing his muscles a bit "uh that never happened to me" Apollyon said with a pout "maybe it different with every new owner?" Cherno said confusing Apollyon. "Owner?" All three men spoke "yeah I don't know why but what ever knowledge and gift it gave me is giving me a history of how the cube work" Cherno said which cause Apollyon eyes to widen in surprise. "Cherno I believe you better sit and gentlemen I need to talk to him in private" Apollyon said with a serious tone which cause the two men to nod and vanish leaving Apollyon and Cherno to be alone. Cherno sit on the chair in a serious position while his grandfather sigh and shake his head "I cannot believe you are the reincarnation of our founder and ancestor Overlord Chernabog" Apollyon said.

After a hour of explaining.

Cherno walk out of the room after discovering his own ancestor who is a literally god of evil he sit with all the villains at a table eating some food, the ones who notice Cherno face is the Sevn lords who look at each other before sighing and told Cherno that they all want to give him their powers, weapons and armors that is a literally copy of the originals. He smile and accept which was easily to him but to the seven they are speechless because usually they have gone to pain or worst. He laughed a little before sighing and explaining them about what happened however he stop for a moment for everyone to take in the information before he told them he the reincarnation of Chernabog. All the villains spits out their food and drinks as they all yell one sentence "Fucking hell" before all of them passes out from shock Cherno is confused until he notice that his form is vanishing probably meaning he is heading back. He smile one last time before returning home.

Cherno bedroom

Cherno woke up with surprise as he look at the window to see it is six am but he remembered that when he get transported back everything will froze in a specific time meaning 8 years over there act like an switch to froze time here while over there time is endless. He sigh before resting his head on the pillow but not later a big explosion happened outside causing him to run to the window to see smoke from the village that is slowly being build. He thought of a idea and open the window before stepping back and focus until he grew Alduin wings which he smile and fly out the window he was a natural at flying with wings. He fly towards the village to see a monstrous monster destroying an area of the town which he sigh and walk towards the monster before yelling "Hey knuckle head!" He said which caught the attention of the monster.

The monster called Ruby crystalline monster stare at Cherno until it roll it eyes and continues what it was doing but across on top of a building is Emo who is viewing everything "mm guess Cegus decide to change his armor into something light" Emo said seeing Cherno wearing his adventure clothes. Cherno got a little tick off and suddenly his voice became commanding "Hey! Stop what you are doing!" He yell which cause some sort of effect on the monster as it stop and turn around then got on it knees like a lost dog that woke up from the wrong side of the bed. However with Emo his jaw is literally down as he were recording this which cause his boss to have the same expression "if that the business partner Emo found me I am giving him a rise and a bonus!" The boss said with a cheerful smile. Suddenly Emo phone went off causing him to snap back to reality and shut it off but suddenly he felt his spine shiver in fear as if he is being stare by someone who is tick off. Emo turn around to be face to face with Cegus who is making a fake smile as he have stress ticks around his forehead "um sorry? I kinda thought you would beat that tough sleepy Ruby crystalline monster not command it" Emo said with fear.

Cherno pinch his nose in a disappointing way "is this about meeting with your boss from the world you were sent to go?" He said as Emo nod his head yes the Cherno sigh holding out his hand for Emo phone. He give it and Cherno open it to see the last caller is the boss which he dialed then waited until it answers "an Emo are you alright? I try calling you but it got hung up so what happened?" The boss said. Cherno point at the phone while looking at Emo who nod then Cherno spoke "oh he alright just spook that all when do you want to have a face to face meeting mr boss?" He said. The boss spit out liquid of some kind and he cough a little before answering "sorry I didn't expect to talk to you this soon mr Cegus" the boss said as he is moving while holding onto the phone. "We discuss my real name later at the moment I am free so does that work for a meeting?" Cherno said looking at Emo who is fixing his tie and trying to get serious again but failing at it. "Um give me ten minutes but Emo will allow you to wait outside the office so that way it private between us" the boss said as the sounds he is making is him putting on clothes on as it sounds like to Cherno. "Alright" Cherno said before handing the phone back to Emo who took it and talk for a few minutes before sighing and ending the call then he open a shadowy portal. "Right this way sir" Emo said in a butler way which Cherno roll his eyes then enter the portal with Emo behind as it closes behind leaving the Ruby crystalline monster to help the villagers with rebuilding again with the bartender as the short term overseer.

An: I am so sorry I completely forgot to add the bartender as allies so here is him who came from kuroinu ps he is the most kindest man you will meet in that dark hentai since I thought of helping the kindest man by moving him an the people in the bar to move to live a new life in Neva ps the next photo is when you want to play the music on top.

Inside the waiting room where Cherno is waiting while Emo is by the door that is where the meeting will take place. After ten minutes Emo heard a whisper and nod before signaling Cherno to enter. Once inside is a office with a devil theme with black and red. (Cue the music!)

(Ps image another chair in front of the desk for Cherno)

Cherno spot the chair and took a sit as he stare at a young man who is smiling at him while Emo is by the door which is close but ain't lock so both Cherno and the boss stare at each other for a few minutes until the boss spoke. "I am Lord Hadie son of hades and the usual introduction but now you can call me Hadie as I am in a dire need of a help" the boss said in a begging tone unaware of a person listening to the meeting outside. "Well Hadie something tells me that I am your first business partner ever since well you got the job mm?" Cherno said as Hadie nod his head for yes. Cherno sigh before pinching his nose "what is it you want me to do since I need am busy back at home as being conquering worlds to bring order from chaos" Cherno said crossing his arms. Hadie smile and clap his hands "well here is where we can help each other out, I send you some allies who is independent while you conquer worlds in exchange for you to collect some um demons that is out of control and right now my cousin who is the new boss in charge of the divine is really getting on my nerves because of these demons breaking the laws and due to a barrier no high demon nor helper can handle this problem which is where you come in" Hadie said clapping his hands again.

Cherno thought about it and if he does do this then he can have a second ally to gather an army however a thought does come to mind "hey do your cousin treat other gods with equal respect?" He ask. Hadie face turn sadden "no ever since he became the boss he be nothing but a unfair boss and I already talk to the other family members and they were receiving the same treatment as myself" Hadie said. Cherno grid his teeth until he stop and smile evilly "then why don't we take those closest to him like saying turning his followers and soldiers against him while I do this task you want me to do as I conquer worlds?" Cherno said. This shock the two men except for the mysterious person outside who is reveal as a young woman "are you insane!" Hadie said. "Maybe or maybe not but I do know that he doesn't have the heart to be a leader if he is unfair with his family" Cherno said as he stare at Hadie who is questioning his thoughts "just give me time to think because this is quite the new development" Hadie said. "Take your time Hadie but in the meantime I am gonna return home" Cherno said standing up "oh course mr?" Hadie ask stopping Cherno who chuckle. "I am know to enemies as Cegus while friends and family call me Cherno" he said which cause the two men to look shock however at that same moment the doors open to reveal a young woman with a shock and questioning look on her face. "Cherno?" She spoke confusing Cherno who turn to see the woman that is very familiar to him but when. 

To be continues 

An: hope you all like the chapter because after this is part two of the devil deal and it is the moment you the readers will finally enter the world of the book Overlord of negativity worlds so stay tune to-

???: woah there busto I didn't do what I can do so move over and let the magic of the grove begins! 

*suddenly a ghost with a suit appears and starting to sing*

*the ghost finished and he got smack in the head causing him to rub his head looking at an Angery An*

???: hehe well people I hope you like that because you probably see me more unless An don't beat me up in puddle so stay tune next time in Overlord of Negativity worlds! *runs away being chase by An who is holding a massive flying pan*

An: I gonna hit you Music!

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