Chapter 5: Cherno + readers vs Gods

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(3rd person POV)

Cherno, his lovers, his friends and his daughter Lucy all return home and unpack while Lucy meet her new family and mother which Cherno chuckle until he was tackle from behind by someone which reveals to be his new dog who he rename as Garrison. The three headed Garrison is a more smaller version of Hadie puppy Xander who is the son of Cerberus but different. However Cherno smile and rub Garrison ears which he enjoy "alright Garrison I need to see my wife so that we can enjoy our time with (both genders) 'readers' since they pass their three tests within two weeks which is impressive" Cherno said. Garrison barks and run towards his dog house while Cherno got up then dust himself before walking towards where Freyja and their adoptive daughter Lucy is at. However outside by a dark alleyway is a portal that open and three figures came out which is reveal as Matthew, Ennis and Dug but as soon as they came out all three god are shock by the marvelous of the buildings.

Matthew grid his teeth in anger "this Overlord Cegus will pain to think he can do as he pleases by building a village without the gods approve!" He said as he look at the design of the build before punching it. Only to have his hand to feel pain "ow! Why did that hurt a lot more than any wall I punch!" He said as Ennis study the material "strange this material seems to be made out of an out worldly ore that we gods have never seen" he said. Matthew scowl before heading out into the exit of the alleyway with Ennis and Dug behind him but they suddenly stop as soon as they were hit by light. The three gods look to see an growing town where a fortress of some kind stood at the mountains which the village is connected to "*tsk* this village will burn since they don't worship us gods!" Matthew said. All three gods walk around the town which make Dug and Ennis marvel at the view but Matthew is just getting angry at the people who ain't worshipping at shrines like the peasants they are. However as all three gods walk towards an empty field five familiar people are starting to set an picnic up which reveals the five as Cherno, Freyja, and their daughter Lucy with (both genders) 'readers' helping the two parents.

When the picnic is all set up both Cherno and Freyja relax on the blanket while the readers and Lucy play around "so what do you think my love?" Cherno ask Freyja who giggle "I think it marvelous" she said kissing his cheek. As both lovers relax the winds starts to blow a lot more which blow Freyja hair along with the wind which is when both lovers kiss on the lips but as soon as they did a booming voice interferes. "Freyja!" A male voice yell in hatred which cause Freyja to froze in fear which cause Cherno to stand up while holding his wife in a defensive position. The two look at the three gods with Matthew marching towards the lovers while the other two gods stand behind "I can't believe you choose this worth of trash over me! Son of the most powerful deity in the Multiverse!" Matthew yell. Freyja got enrage "WORTH OF TRASH!" She yell which surprise Matthew and the other two gods "He is more than you as he is the one who doesn't treat me like a prize" She yell. Matthew grid his teeth before looking at Cherno "I only see a nobody who isn't a deity! He is just useless and will never give you a life like a god!" Matthew yell.

Freyja snarl "well sorry to disappoint but he and I are already married and already have our first pleasure where he let me enjoy myself while you are nothing but an asshole who doesn't deserve to be call son of Zeus!" She yell. Both the two gods drop their jaws in complete shock while Matthew is furious "you belong to me! You sl" Matthew couldn't finish his sentence as Cherno punch Matthew in the jaw sending him towards a tree which he crashes onto. Cherno blew his steaming hand before looking at Freyja "get your father I gonna deal with this bastard" he said. Freyja nod and teleport to her father office while Cherno walk towards Matthew who is slowly getting up as he wipe his cheek but when he did he felt a sting which he look at his arm to see blood. Matthew got enrage "he think he can hurt me!" He thought and jump from the tree charging right at Cherno who smash his fist right in Matthew face sending him flying again however as his two friends try to run after Matthew they were stop by both readers who is wearing their armor. "Sorry but we cannot let you hurt our friend Cegus!" (Female) reader said as she attack Ennis "yeah and we are both gonna make sure you two won't interfere!" (Male) reader said as both readers and the two gods fought.

Matthew crashes onto the ground as he got furious again standing up as he look at his body which is cover in bruises "no one should have cause me bruises! He gonna pay!" Matthew thought as he look in front of him. Cherno walking towards him in a calm and gentle way which anger Matthew "leave Papa and Momma alone bastard!" A young and innocent voice spoke which cause both the god and Overlord to look at a young girl standing in front of Matthew. He got enrage and was about to say some to Lucy but she slap Matthew on the cheek causing a red mark on Matthew face. Lucy stare at Matthew who snap and done something that he shouldn't have which is slapping Lucy in front of everyone including Hadie, Freyja, and a demoness which send Lucy flying and slam against a wall knocking her out. "No bitch will slap me! You ungrateful brat!" Matthew yell which cause Cherno to snap and suddenly he went into his head which is surrounded in darkness.

"Where am I?!" Cherno yell but a voice spoke "at ease descendant for we are in a part of the Overlord knowledge" a mysterious voice said which cause Cherno to look around. "Descendant? Alright I don't know why you brought me here but I need to teach that son of a bastard a lesson!" He said as the voice sigh "you will but not in your current form" the voice said.

Suddenly a figure appears before Cherno as this figure is looking at Cherno "I am know as the ninth Overlord and I am here to give you the power to teach that bastard a lesson for no one can treat kids like that!" Ninth Overlord spoke. The ninth gave Cherno a mysterious orb with a symbol of a skull surrounded by flames and when Cherno touch the orb a bright light break the darkness and replaced the darkness with a field and where kids are playing around the field. Cherno eyes widen as he look at an smiling and crying Ninth "your the Overlord of protection!" Cherno said as the Ninth chuckle "yes and now you are able to use my powers and armor so I thank you for releasing the prison that kept my true form" Ninth said. Suddenly the Ninth is reveal as a human "I may not remember my name but I am proud of you to keep the family line of protection" The human Ninth said. The ninth walk towards the children who all spot him and cheer as they ran and hug the Ninth who hug them back before looking at Cherno "you are always welcome to visit descendant" the Ninth said.

Suddenly Cherno return to reality but this time he is much better which is why he changes into the ninth form while Matthew yell at Lucy "I hope you die because your nothing but a little s*** who should be kill!" He said. However he look to where Cherno was and suddenly his face pale as all of his body could reacts is just pure terror at the figure standing in front of him as he just gulp.

As soon as he gulp Cherno (Ninth form) grab Matthew by the neck and begin to punch Matthew in all kind of places which mostly ends up with a black eye a bloody lip and a sore crotch as he is truly in pain but he didn't back down "really? *cough* I am a god" Matthew said. Which cause him to experience another pain by Cherno who just got all muscular and grab Matthew by the foot.

Matthew were knock out by Cherno who kick Matthew face hard and quick then Cherno start to calm down but with the readers they are both finish fighting Ennis and Dug and is tying them up "good job dealing with the pervant" (female) reader said to (male) reader. The two readers chuckle before dragging the two gods towards where Cherno is but what they saw is Cherno hugging both his wife and daughter while Hadie throwing Matthew to a cage. They throw the other two gods into their own cages as they lock the three gods inside before looking at Cherno who is healing Lucy cheek which have a small scratch on it. Hadie walk towards Cherno but was stop by Freyja "father I don't want getting close to my fiancé as he just witness his daughter getting hurt and injured" she said. Hadie look at Cherno and Lucy before looking at Freyja then he hug her "alright but that bastard Matthew is gonna be sent back to heaven and have his many stuff be taken away but not before he received punishment" Hadie said. Cherno finished healing Lucy cheek as she cuddle Cherno which he smile at then lift her up and carry her to Freyja "he received punishment" Hadie said which caught his attention.

"I think I know the perfect punishment" Cherno said surprising Hadie and Freyja as they saw Cherno with a evilly smirk with eyes that read pure hatred "which is?" They both ask but all they received is a look that tells "just wait and see". After an hour Matthew starts to wake up and when he did he is trap in a cage on a stage while surround by all the people from Neva, Kuroinu and Taimanin as they hold; turnips, garlics, tomatoes, buckets of spoil milk, buckets of all kind of insects juices, and everyone favorite stuff poop inside of jars. "Is everyone ready to teach this bastard of the untrusted gods!" Cherno yell as he is on top of an balcony "Yeah!" The crowd roar as Matthew pale. "Why do you turn your backs on the gods! We gave you everything!" Matthew yell trying to win the crowd but he fail as they boo before screaming "You took away our freedom! Our homes! Our justice! And our true lord!" The people of Neva said. "You gods never care about us the ones who you turn your backs against us when we were force to live a suffering life with a unfair empire!" A old man yell. "Not only that but you ignore our pry because you favored the empire more than the poor who serve a missable life!" An adult woman yell "yeah and you gods in the so called heaven with higher powers is nothing but like the selfish and greedy royals who treat us like nobodies!" A old woman yell.

Matthew got angry "So! How is that different then the life that bastard Cegus gave you" Matthew yell only to receive glares of pure hatred towards him "Because he is the one who save all of us from fates worst then death!" The bartender yell. "And he help so many while you untrusted gods with the so call promise of peace is nothing but lies as Cegus is the only savior who we can call a pure hero!" the chef yell. Matthew snap when they call Cegus an Hero "Hero! That bastard you call savior is nothing but a F#rt retard!" He yell which snap everyone "HE IS A MAN WHO SAVE OUR LIVES FROM CORRUPTION YOU WORTHLESS BASTARD OF A FAKE GOD!" Everyone yell. They all throw everything they are holding and make Matthew a freaking mess with him all nasty and gross that he will smell like that for the rest of time "HOW DARE YOU ONCE I GET OUT I WILL" Matthew said only to be stop by Hadie.

"Enough you brat! You serve your punishment now your time against my partner and son in law has cost you every thing you 'brought' and be sold to the people of Neva and other worlds while you work for a living!" Hadie yell. "You can't order me old man!" Matthew yell only to be slap by a whip "that isn't how you respect your uncle son, young man!" A woman wearing a suit spoke as she stand beside Hadie as Matthew eyes suddenly became frighten. "Aunt Stacy" he said as his aunt gave him the stare "you ungrateful brat I should have teach you manners when you were anger but now you became an spoiled and rotten #sshole!" Stacy yell.

Matthew gulp as Stacy look at Cherno "I am so sorry if my sister son cause you trouble Cegus" she said "just make sure he stay away from anyone who I know since he hurt my daughter by slapping her cheek causing an scratch" Cherno said. Stacy eyes turn white and she stare at her nephew "you are gonna be punished once we get to my new house which you no longer own!" She said. Matthew eyes widen and before he could speak Stacy slash at Matthew cheek "and don't talk back to Cegus since he is more powerful than you brat" she said as both herself and Matthew teleport to the house while Hadie sigh "I bring his friends to their parents to discuss their punishment" Hadie said teleporting both himself, Ennis and Dug away. Cherno sigh and wave his hand to clean the stage and area before looking at the crowd "well done everyone and thank you" he said with a smile. Everyone cheer as they return to their lives while Cherno teleport to his chamber and fell on it drained from his attacks on Matthew "geez can't that brat take a hint that Freyja isn't his prize" he said. But a knock on the door make him sigh "enter" he said as the door open to reveal his wife Freyja who is wearing an lingerie which Cherno blush heavy.

"Do you want to continue where we left off from our heh honeymoon~" she said as Cherno smirk "from the stress against that bastard hell yeah hon come here" he said pulling Freyja towards him as the two spent the rest of the day with pleasure and love. But unknowingly someone on a ship is looking through a spying glass to spot the land Neva as this person is a female who is smiling. "It good to be home" she said as she reveals to be Charlie "but it seems that things have change so what did you do War Boy~" she said with a smile as she continues to sail towards the land. Mid while at a ruins where a woman is looking at a screen before smiling "Guess it time to reveal myself and maybe I get to meet you again Savage Wolf~" the woman said as she is reveal to be Artem. At Winterredge is a woman getting everything ready for her most dangerous thief of all time "mm~ I wonder if I get to meet you again Nightly~" she said as she reveals to be Kikka as she put away her mask.

An: btw this is a profile picture update of Charlie so hope you all don't mind the update as this photo match a similar theme with the woman I be looking for so hope you all enjoy this chapter as it won't be the last time you all see Matthew nor his friends. Ps what do you all thought of Matthew punishment for hurting Cherno daughter and saying lies about Cherno? And if you all do like the punishment then you gonna enjoy the next one involving Matthew and maybe his brother but in a different senecio. But like always stay tune for more of Overlord of Negativity Worlds.

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