Chapter 6: Three Lovers reunions and a song of the past.

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(3rd person POV)

Location: dark room

Inside the room is where a few people gather, one of them is Smith who is smiling as he stare at a few people who are his allies and rivals but only five of them spoke "so Smith why do you want us here?" Runyon said. "Indeed we are busy with our roles!" King Aric said as he slam his fist on the table causing Rayo to roll his eyes as Hart sigh "just control yourself King Aric the sooner we keep this a less temper free zone the faster you return to your world" he said. King Aric scowl a little but remain calm as Cybercrime chuckle "so Smith why did you brought us here?" He ask as Smith chuckle. He pull out a briefcase and open it revealing several orbs all which is empty but in the center is the shadow orb belonging to Edwin vampire form "I am making a deal where all of you can get your own personal hive dimension in exchange for your help of building the army our lord need" Smith said. Many of them look at each other before looking at Smith "so you want us to speed up our process?" A man with a robotic parts said "yes but in a way that all you need to do is create your own different species that can be use by talking to certain people with what make them the villains or rather their deepest personal belonging" Smith said. All of them thought about it but one of them spoke "so what about this Cegus guy and the people from that world which they call Union" a female wearing a special dress ask.

Smith smile "it funny you mention it because our lord want Cegus to continue doing what he is doing as he will deal with the Union since we all know how they are easily corrupt they are as they are selfish, greedy, and cruel people who care nothing but themselves, power, and frame" he said. A man wearing a suit chuckle "it true because I be there and so far only 75% of the population is corrupt while 25% isn't so that means we have a high chance of victory as some 'villains' and 'heroes' can be easily be uses as test subjects" the man said. "Indeed but we must be careful as we can fail if we don't work together and gather allies before the invasion of all the Multiverse" Smith said. Everyone laugh evilly while in the office of Brisha is him looking at a portrait of a family of a woman with golden hair as she is smiling which Brisha sigh at then he close his eyes.

(Flashbacks: Brisha POV)

I laugh with the young blonde woman as she smile and kiss my cheek "we see each other again right?" She ask as I sigh "I don't know but I do know this you and I will never be apart" I said as she hug me then I hug back. We both stop and she left but after a week passes she return only she is crying which I comfort her "hey what wrong?" I ask as she lay her head on my chest "I I am pregnant with our daughter" she said I am happy. But I cannot say the same for her "then why aren't you crying with joy?" I ask "because I am being force to marry to a man who doesn't love me but rather for my golden hair" she said. I am enrage "then we run away to my home" I said as she shake her head "it doesn't matter where we go because he is the god ()" she said which surprise me. "Mm then we go to the one person who can help us" I said confusing her until I bring her with me to a dimension where my old friend is at and once I explain it to my friend then he allow me and my dear to stay.

Timeskip to a few years

It be a long time since my friend gave me his dimension and when he did I heard the grave news of his passing which I cannot blame as he were getting old like me but I am glad that both myself and my dear along with our three children are safe. But like always not everyone get their ending as both myself and my dear were discovered by () who have never gave up on having my dear. However I fought for my dear against () but I fail and was about to be kill if it wasn't for my dear beg him to spare me which he did but the price was he kill our son who were just nine months old! Both of us cry as we lost the son we only had however as () take my dear away I went to the top of the tower and look at at my dear crying while I stand at the tower balcony but suddenly I felt like pouring my feelings into a song.

An: listen to the song cover if you all want to understand the feeling he felt.

Once I finish singing I look at the sky and cry "I wish both myself and my dear can live until we meet each other again along with our family" I said and head to my chambers.

(End of flashback)

"Like my wish both of us became immortal until my wish is fulfill" I said before singing the word "Forevermore" and hide the photo then I left carrying my staff as my heart is filled with pain.

Location: Neva

(3rd person POV)

At the fortress chamber where Cherno and his wife Freyja slept from their pleasure night were getting dress "so my beloved husband what do you have plans~" Freyja ask smiling as Cherno chuckle. "I am thinking of hosting a grand celebration for my friend as Grand king since he and his sister were so busy with fixing the newly form of the chains of power that they didn't have a celebration" he said. Freyja smile and kiss his cheek "it sound delightful beloved husband" she said as Cherno smirk and kiss her cheek "it does and we both definitely need it along with everyone else since Matthew and his two friends ruin our picnic" he said. Freyja nod "yeah and I bet he didn't expect you to be powerful and more skill than he was" she said clinching her fist but Cherno calm her down. "No he didn't but after the attack he done to our daughter he nor anyone who think they are superior above anyone else is hereby an enemy of Neva and the allies" he said. Freyja smile and hug him "at less he is getting the justice he deserves" she said as Cherno hug her "well let him try to return because he will feel the wrath of a father, a husband, and a savior because he will be severely broken once I finish with him next time" he said.

Both of them kiss on the lips before leaving the chamber all dress as they inform everyone which they begin the decorating of the celebration for the grand king while they sent the invites to the grand king and his sister. However while they are busy three women in three different locations had reach their destination in three places: Kikka at the tavern which the bartender own, Artem at the cafe which Dove own and finally is Charlie who is riding a horse from the port towards the fortress where the party is being held.

(Kikka POV)

"Mm I admit this Cegus guy sure does know what he is doing but so far I haven't see Nightly" I thought as I took a sip while looking around the tavern own by this kind and generous bartender as I am in the unknown growing village. "Hey there lass" a mysterious man spoke beside me as I look to where the voice belong and it belong to a young man smiling at me with a duel blade on his back. "Hi? I sorry but who are you?" I ask as the man chuckle "I am just a traveler who is traveling by and thought I can chat with this Overlord man as I be hearing about" he said as I raise my brow. "Overlord? Do you meant Cegus?" I said as the man snap his finger at me "yeah! Do you know him?" He ask as I giggle "no but you are in the right place because his fortress is literally on the mountains overseeing the entire village" I said. His face was priceless as he his jaw drop like he never saw a mega fortress before but I won't lie either as I never see the fortress that were in story tales.

"Well I be Thor bread I gotta admit that fortress is so huge that I thought it was just for tourists attractions" he said which cause me to look confuse "you're not from Neva ain't you?" I ask looking at him. He chuckle nervously but sigh "no but I ain't lying about me being a traveler as I have came from a world where it literally chaos with no justice so I left as soon as I heard about the fella name Cegus trying to restore order" he said. I smile and giggle as he is right about Cegus "so what is your name traveler because I will tell you a heads up the last three outsiders who call themselves as 'gods' has became the enemies of Neva" I said. He look at me in shock "seriously? May I ask what were their purpose?" He ask as I explain as best as I could because even I only heard. Once I done explaining he laugh which surprise me "serve that bastard to say that Cegus ain't a hero nor savior because I heard great things about Cegus that I think that Matthew bastard deserves what he got" he said.

"Where did you got this information from?" I ask as he smile "from a um Captain Harlock I believe but anyway lass I am Manny and could I ask your name miss?" He ask as I giggle before holding out my hand "I am Kikka" I said.

(Artem POV)

"I sat at a cafe which i gonna admit sure is quite amazing as I never see anything like this beside my home" I thought taking a sip of coffee which taste delicious but as I drink someone sat beside me. I look to the left to see a demoness wearing ... quite the dress then this demoness look at me with a look "listen woman I ain't gonna question your fashion taste as this is what I wear" she said. "Ah sorry about my rudeness I forgot about the mind reading gift that certain demoness process" I said as the demoness smirk "well I admit you sure know how to make a demoness feel happy again" she said. "Well I learn while going on certain jobs" I said as the demoness smile and giggle "same but I was imprison as I am an 'class S' demon from what Hadie describes me as even though I was frame by a jerk of a angel" she said.

I look at her with a serious stare "I cannot believe that just because someone who goes to that so call 'heaven' is a liar" I said as she smile at me in a happy tone "well guess you the second who say that" she said. I raise my brow "second?" I ask as she laugh and wipe a blood tear from her eye "yeah he the Overlord Cegus" she said which surprise me "do you know him?" I ask which caught her attention. "Well yeah haven't you heard that the reason I am no longer imprison is because I am now working under Cegus since Hadie thought a class 'S' demon should work with his partner and son in law" she said. I look at her surprise "son in law?" I ask as she smile and nod "yeah Hadie daughter Freyja is the first childhood who met Cegus when he was just born" she said. I felt a little bad for Cegus as he probably didn't get to spent a childhood with Freyja like me and Savage Wolf "May I ask do you know why Cegus and Freyja never have a childhood?" I ask.

She thought about it and try to remember but suddenly she snap her fingers "yeah it because of his father who were killed by the 'heroes' when they were summon by royals" she said which cause me to be shock. I grid my teeth as I remember the story of how Neva was a wonderful place under a graceful man but he was murder by the empire so call saviors! Which end with everyone who isn't royal or noble to suffer a missable life. "Well I hope you don't mind introducing yourself as I want to know the demoness to tell me about this information" I ask with a fake smile. She smirk "I am Rubella" she said as she hold out her hand "I am Artem" I said shaking her hand.

(Charlie POV)

I stop my horse Lady in front of the unnamed village where the fortress belonging to Cegus stood on top of the mountains which oversees the entire land which I gonna admit is quite the sight but "I wonder if you here War Boy?" I thought. "Hello miss?" A male voice spoke which I look at my left to see a kind man wearing clothes like a stables male wear "yes sir?" I ask looking at him "I can keep her safe inside the stables if you are visiting" he ask. I look at him for a few seconds but I smile knowing that Lady will be safe in his hands "alright but how much do I own you?" I ask which cause the man to laugh confusing me. "Miss haven't you heard? This village doesn't do taxes yet since we haven't elect a mayor but thanks to Cegus he told us that first timers are allow free payments for a month unless the people who isn't new is only given the people a fair amount of money like copper, iron or silver as gold is to pricey and rare to be spent" he said. I am speechless as I thought that the Cegus guy will be a little of kinder than the empire but now I am just surprised that Cegus must be a saint to everyone.

"Well can I ask if it alright if I give you five cooper in case?" I ask as the man nod "that is a fine amount since we don't know what will happen since some people who haven't agree with Cegus is trying everything they can to make him dethroned" he said. I look worrisome "and have these people done it yet?" I ask as the man laugh "they try over ten times and so far they are either banished or be killed by Cegus himself since these people are just the remains of the old empire they served" he said. I smile and got off Lady then I gave him Lady lead and five copper coins "thank you" I said as he chuckle a bit "no problem as long as you don't go try and kill Cegus then you are a friend to the village" he said. I walk toward the village as the man guide Lady to the stable while I walk around the village I notice that everyone is both new and friendly even to other species and tribes which I find surprising. However I stop myself when I bump into someone "oh sorry about that" I said and look in front of me to see a woman wearing a cloak "oh it alright dear just be careful next time" she said. I smile and left but I felt as if I know that woman from somewhere but I shake it away as I continue exploring the village.

(Mysterious woman)

"Hehe guess our boy have really find him selves some lovers huh dear" I said looking at  the sky before vanishing into the darkness.

(Charlie POV)

I walk a few more minutes until I heard music being play which caught myself and four people who walk towards the music to see everyone there cheering for a parade involving the Grand king, his sister, the jury and the council on a float being pull by ten horses. "Hey" a male voice spoke causing me to look towards the voice to see a male with a duel blade beside a woman wearing a revealing dress. "Um hi?" I said as the man chuckle "I am Manny, and do you want to introduce yourself miss?" he said looking at the revealing woman who giggle "I am Kikka" she said. "Well it nice to meet you" before I could finish another voice but a female spoke "mm hello there" the female voice said which cause the three of us to look at a demoness and a ... another woman wearing a latex dress I think. "Um hi?" I said as the demoness giggle while the latex woman roll her eyes with a smirk "I am Rubella and this here woman in latex is Artem" the demoness said. Artem look at the demoness "I thought I told you about not introducing me when you say you won't" Artem said as Rubella giggle "oh come on dear you need to meet new people" she said.

All three of us laugh a little at Artem neutrality face while Rubella is a smiling woman "well then I am Charlie and why is there" I ask but couldn't finish as the float reach the path leading towards the fortress. All five of us look at where everyone else is looking to see a man carrying a girl on his shoulder and a woman holding his arm walking down and stopping in front of the float where the Grand king and his sister is on.

(3rd person POV)

"Greetings friends" Cherno said to Tut and Emile who smiles at Cherno, Lucy and Freyja while the three women in the crowd look at Cherno who is wearing a marvelous suit but the three ain't looking at his suit but rather his face.

(The second one is what Cherno is currently wearing but after a while switch to the first)

"Greetings to you too" Tut said with a smile as both himself, his sister and the people on the float got off the float and stand in front of Cherno, Freyja and Lucy as everyone shake their hands "it must be boring coming here" Cherno joke. Everyone laugh a little "Indeed it was" a old man said as his eyes sparkle with joy as Cherno nod his head "I do hope you all enjoy yourselves to this celebration in the honor of the Grand king Tut" Cherno said. Everyone agree and with that they head towards the fortress while Cherno and his family stay and look at the crowd who is looking at them "I hope you all enjoy that parade because there gonna be more soon" Cherno said smiling.

(Kikka/Artem/Charlie POV)

All three women eyes widen as they all have flashbacks of that same smile which cause them to make the dots and spoke in unison "Nightly/Savage Wolf/War Boy!" They said which cause the three women to look at each other while Rubella and Manny look confuse. "You know him!" All three women yell catching the attention of everyone "Yes! He save me! When we were children!" All three women said. Everyone look at them confuse until "um ladies excuse me but who save you three if you three don't mind me asking?" Cherno spoke catching the attention of everyone as they look at him. The three women blush as they realize the scene and yell out "We were save by you! Cherno!" They scream causing everyone minus Cherno, Freyja and Lucy, to look surprise "um what?" Cherno ask. The three women then yell in unison "it us 'Nightly/Savage Wolf/ War Boy' the young and frightened girls you save/met!" They said which make Cherno eyes widen in realization. "Mother of Neva! It is you three!" He said with a smile as he call out the three women nicknames "Bloodnight! Huntress! Stardust!" He yell which cause the women to blush heavy while Freyja smile and giggle as Lucy look confuse with everyone else.

Timeskip to one hour

(3rd person POV)

Inside Cherno chamber is Cherno himself with Freyja, Kikka, Artem, and Charlie as Cherno had remove his cape and let Lucy play with his two young lovers from Kuroinu and Taimanin while himself and the four women is inside his chamber. "How is it possible!" The three women yell while Cherno is red as Freyja smile "we all thought you were kidnapped!" the three women yell as they have tears in their eyes. Cherno felt bad and before the three women spoke he grab all three and hug them which cause them to hug him back and cry on his shoulders "I explain what happen" he said. All three calm down and listen to everything Cherno explains which last for another hour as he try his best to summarize his story which he did but once he finish he was surprise by all three women tackling him and kiss him one at a time. Once they done Cherno is speechless as the three women look at him with a blush "we love you so badly when we met you that we didn't knew at the time" they said. Cherno who snap out from his speechless that he smile and chuckle which confused the three women "I didn't know either but now that you three along with my wife we could" he said but couldn't find the right word.

"Actually I am kinda wondering if we can be given titles since Freyja is your wife I want to be your mistress" Kikka said. "And I want to be your Luna wolf" Artem said as Charlie blush "I want to be your High queen" she said as Freyja smile "and I be your main wife which means I oversights the other four wives and their groups" she said. Cherno look at her "wait four?" He ask as Freyja nod her head "a Overlord can have more than one wife and lovers but the maximum is five wives but I am curious if you want to create a system to keep your lovers in balance as you need a group leader that can maintain the other lovers" she said. Cherno thought about it and sigh "alright but that only means you three are gonna be my three wives" he said as all three women smile and kiss him again.

An: okay so I got this idea where it basically a chain of command but instead of commands it basically a chain of lovers where the main wife aka Freyja is the overseer of Charlie (Norse), Artem (Abnormal/huntresses), Kikka (mistresses/thieves/yandere), and future wife Inari (furries/anthro/monster/hybrid). All these four wives are gonna be in charge and keep taps of all the other lovers that Cherno bring back to his fortress. Ps I doubt anyone could do what I did so yeah oh and there gonna be lemons in the next chapter that will involve Cherno wives as I gonna skip this um 😐 whatever it call involving five people (four women and one man). Because I gonna add the Serena and the transformers along with the humans to be part of Cherno harem in this chapter.

Timeskip of Cherno and his four wives enjoying their pleasure time in all sorts of excitement ways.

After the night of Cherno and his four wives, he decide to visit Serena and the others as she the one that let the female cybertronian and their female friends while his wives rest but unknowingly he were about to receive an harem.

Location: Serena place.

When Cherno got there he notice that the building is much larger than he remember but he thought it was because of the space needs for the women that were living with Serena as they try to settle in.

However as soon as he knock on the door he was pull in by Serena herself as she hug him while he is a blushing mess because Serena isn't wearing anything but a sexy lingerie as she look quite the view to look at.

"Sorry Cherno but me and the others were thinking and talking for a while and came to a understanding of being part of your harem but we gonna live here since it will be part of the cyber group" she said. Cherno look around and is a blushing mess as he is seeing every cybertronian and female humans wearing a sexy and loving lingeries which leads to the door closes and the pleasure have just begun.

Timeskip to a lot of moaning slapping and even a few poses from the cybertronians.

Cherno and all his newly harem rest on the huge bed as all them are filled and leak out his seed from their holes but only Serena is kissing him "mm I hope you don't mind me being in charge of my group as they need someone to lead them" she ask. He smile and kiss her cheek "sure as you were the first I met at the tower when we went and gone on an adventure to go see your father" he said as they went to sleep.

Location: ???

(??? POV)

I look at a image in front of me showing several different people in different places but I smile cruelty as everything is going to plan "so Cherno have begun his conquest of order, Brisha has allow his empire to expand and spread corruption, the two readers begun their training, the outcast characters are having a meeting and the so call 'gods' are doing nothing but their jobs unknowingly about the events" I spoke. I turn to the viewers and those reading this "I know you are questioning who I am and how I know this well I will tell you all this" I said and wave my hand over the image changing it to a image of a few characters which came from different stories and games. "I'm the main antagonist of this story and these are gonna be my pawns as they fight both you, the readers and Cherno while my allies are being resurrected, setting free, and gather to meet me" I said. I smirk evilly before punching the screen causing the fourth wall to break like a mirror

"for i ain't a joke like those villains in cartoons that allow the heroes to win, No for I am far than those fake antagonists that let the heroes win! Because I am the grandmaster behind the people who seek their purpose of getting what creation could never give. Which is why I won't let you readers the satisfaction of my master plan! So until then enjoy this chapter and like the Author say stay tune for Overlord of Negativity Worlds" I said with a smirk as the shatter screen turn dark.

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