Chapter 9: Halfway training

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An: in this chapter we gonna go see the process of you the readers training then you will receive your vehicles and transportation aka spaceship. Oh and I gonna add in the next chapter what is your powers are for both the male and female readers.

Location: Fortress

Inside the throne room is Cherno talking to Savo who is suggesting a few ideas and advices while Cherno is listening but not long did the door open causing the two to look at the door to see (male reader) and (female reader) walking towards Cherno. Once the two are in front of the throne (FR) spoke "we have be making a lot of process in our training Cherno and since we be making process our teachers gave us a month for ourselves" she said. Cherno smile as Savo left the room "that excellent news but I think it time for you two to make a name for yourselves since we need to keep your identity a secret" he said. Both readers think about it and gave Cary their nicknames which is The Dark Knight (male) and The Light Maiden (female) which Cary improves and impress with their nicknames.

Cherno then stand up "follow me I think it time for you two to receive your gifts from Mind" he said and guide both readers to the hanger where Mind is waiting "ah I see our friends from that bloody chaotic world they call home have arrive" Mind said. Cherno roll his eyes before standing beside Mind as both readers look at them in confusion "I know we are friends and all but might I ask why are you giving us gifts, no offense Mind but I feel like you have a lot to explain" Dark Knight said.

Mind chuckle "simple I want to give you gifts since your world government sounds a lot similar to my home which is why both myself and Cherno discuss of giving you two gifts to allow you to travel with him" he said. That surprise both readers as they stare at Cherno who smile "that is the truth and" before he continues a alarm went off making the four confused until a monitor appears on Mind arm. His eyes widen as he look at Cherno with a serious look "Sir it seems we just detected a portal opening in the atmosphere not far from here and the energy we are detecting coming out from it is a similar energy from the two here" he said. Both readers eyes shot widen as Cherno eyes became serious "it seems your home is endangered we will head there immediately but first equipped up comrades as we are heading to your home" he said.

Both readers nod and head walk with Mind who is showing them their gifts while Cherno immediately equip his armor and jump into the sky teleporting himself to his ship and took off before stopping in front of the portal which is swirling in a way different color.

Cherno waited until another ship appears beside his own making him turn to see the readers ship before he nod and took off into the portal with the readers flying beside him as Mind back on the planet launch a pod right into the portal gathering data from the portal. But somewhere inside a familiar void is the antagonist who is smirking at the readers and Cherno heading towards the world. The main antagonist laugh sinisterly as the main antagonist plan is going smoothly for the MA is the one who cause the portal to appear but the portal emits a different energy since MA didn't want any one but one to know of his appearance.

The screen turn black as red eyes is show in the darkness.

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