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An: here we will see what is your powers and skills for both genders. Oh and I decide to add theme songs for both genders but a little heads up the female version is a female theme song while the male is version is a male theme song so hope you all ain't upset about your theme songs.

Male reader:

Theme song:


Shadow Howl: can release a sound wave of pure darkness against enemies knocking them out.

Darkness. (Look up the game darkness powers as it will give you all the run downs of the powers names)

Shade: can summon a shadowy raven that can paralyze any flesh foe.

Wild: can summon a pack of undead hyenas to devour any flesh or metal foe.

Wither gun: can summon a shotgun infused with darkness and special ammo.

Decay gun: can summon a revolver infused with shadows and special ammo.

Fist of Dark: your fists infused with darkness and shadows that is so powerful it is a half of All might quirk.

Shade Bolts: lighting bolts infused with darkness that can strike any flesh and metal foes.

Female reader:

Theme song:


Bright shout: can release a scream sound wave of pure light against enemies knocking them out.

Light: (I haven't found any source for female readers powers so here an example: image every light magic and power wield by a single woman)

Shine: can summon a bright owl to blind and confuses any foe.

Alter: can summon a pheasant to heal any allies and civilians.

Saints: can summon a orb infused with light and healing to the readers.

Radiant: can summon a aura to infused the reader and weapon with light and protection.

Blade of Celestial: your sword infused with divine light that is powerful that it is stronger than fate excalibur.

Divine Bolt: lighting bolts infused with Celestine and light that can strike any foe.


An: yes both readers get a theme song together and combine their powers but at the moment they can only combine one power.

Both theme song:

Combine power:

Divine Shade Bolt: a combine of both infused darkness and light that increase the lighting bolts and can disintegration any dangerous foe.

An: so yeah that all I got at the moment because your training is still going but at the moment both genders can go into a scale battle like a boss or villain but not a massive boss or deadly villain at the moment. However I am open to your suggestions of what kind of power or magic you want but it have to be darkness for male and light for female since you need balance between the two forces. Anyway I gonna do chapter ten before doing the Union chapters as I am looking forward to your response and reaction to the chapters.

Suggestions for male and female readers characters powers and magic:

Male darkness wielder:

Female light wielder:

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