Union chapter 1:

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3rd person POV 

At the city know as Dostin is a school called Union Verse Academy is every future generation of heroes where everything is quite peaceful without any villains attacking for a while. But suddenly a explosion current outside the school entrance which cause the students and stuffs to head outside the school to see what happened. However to their shock it turns out to be a attack from a unknown knight with a army of unknown creatures that is destroying the nearby buildings. "Come on out from your school Union! And meet your fate!" The man yell revealing himself as Amzi as the creatures kept destroying the buildings while Union is completely surprise. However one idiot was enraged and immediately blast towards the enemy which reveal to be Bakugou who try to use his explosive quirk but Amzi immediately nullified the quirk making Bakugou to be knock out by Amzi fist.

 "He can do what you can Easerhead!" A female student shout but Amzi laugh before slamming his blade onto Bakugou leg making him scream before Amzi kicking the boy into a wall. The heroes and the students all try to attack the creatures and Amzi but one by one they fall to which is a surprise to the civilians as they are witnesses this. However only the bullies and hatred people were injured the most while the others were just knockout yet as they were being defeated one idiot try to use his boast and cannon to finish the job. "Pathetic" Amzi said and slash the blast into dust which shock everyone but Amzi then grab issei by the neck before knocking the perv out then throw him to a wall while continue his attack on every hero and student.

Mid while in space  

Cherno and the two readers ships came out from the portal but inside Cherno ship is himself talking to the readers through holograms "Alright where is this academy you two came from?" He ask. Once Cherno type the name of the city he immediately became speechless at the scene "it seems your so call Union isn't so mighty facing against this new enemy" he said making both readers to be speechless. "We need to save our friends and teachers" The Light Maiden said "agreed" the Dark Knight said as Cherno then equip his armor before all three of them teleport on top of a building near the academy. As they witness the destruction of the nearby buildings Cherno notice a smoke far from Union "hey do you two have any idea what over there?" He ask to which both readers look at where the smoke is coming from. The Light Maiden gasp "that is where Atlas is at!" She said making Cherno nod as he came up with a plan "you two go save any civilians while I go save your cruel academy" he said. Both readers nod as they summon their bikes and begin rescuing civilians while Cherno jump from building to building heading towards Union Academy.

With Atlas

At the hq of Atlas is a war scene where soldiers are dying and machines are destroying by a army of monsters and animals which are being lead by the Andra who is quickly and silently kill any hero. "What are these abominations" a soldier yell trying to kill a monster but the bullet just bounce off before the soldier was kill by same monster while Andra kill a quirk hero and a angel then a knight and a mage. "Pathetic these so called heroes are nothing more but pests who is purely corrupt" she thought before sensing coldness in the air to which she turn to see a woman walking towards her. "It seems you are the one leading this attack" the woman said making Andra stare at the woman "why do you seek death?" She ask to which the woman smile "no but I will bring you or die trying" she said. Andra smirk "before we fight mage tell me your name" Andra said "the name Ur" the woman said before summoning ice all over her hands starting the fight.

With Union

At the academy is a bunch of wounded and injured heroes and students all at the entrance with Amzi in front of Ochako who is on the ground breathing hard as she try to beat him but failed while her friends are all try standing but it seems they are exhausted. "Pathetic! You say your the so call heroes of this world but all I see is nothing except failures who show anything but a true hero! And so far only a handful of you are following in that path while the rest are just a waste to be called a hero!" Amzi yell. He raise his blade over Ochako head who is terrified of Amzi glare "an as punishment I will show you how we deal with those who haven't learn a lesson!" He said before rising his blade up. "Ochako!" Her friends and her parents yell as she accepts her fate but it never did as she hear a sound of a person smashing into a wall to which she look up to see a new man in armor appears stood in front of her.

A few seconds earlier for Everyone POV:

As they watch Amzi about to end Ochako life a mysterious man knock Amzi right into a wall which surprise everyone as they see the man spoke "take that you oversized a##!" He said as he stood in front of Ochako.

3rd person POV:

Cherno stood there in front of Ochako before looking at her and lifting her up with ease but before she could speak Cherno pull out a bean and fling it into her mouth which she shallow and suddenly she is now completely heal. "How" she try to ask but couldn't as she was given a bag by Cherno who look at her "give those beans to your friends and make them shallow as I have a foe to defeat" he said. However as soon as Ochako run and help her friends Amzi laugh catching everyone attention as everyone minus Cherno gasp as they see Amzi standing up from the rumble and popping his bones. "Not bad I suppose for someone as mighty as you Cegus" Amzi said making Cherno narrow his eyes at Amzi "I suppose you are with this so called Smith I heard about as of late?" Cherno said. However Amzi laugh before staring at Cherno "no as that Smith work for someone else I afraid but myself however let just say I work for a ancient being who know about you" he said. Cherno eyes glare at Amzi "Anyway I think I best be going but not before leaving a gift for those heroes" Amzi said then he snap his fingers before vanishing but when he did vanish the ground shake.

With Atlas.

At the battle the army is very close to Atlas entrance with a group remain as last defense while the battle between the assassin and mage is nearly at the end with Ur exhaustion and Andra still standing but she got cuts and bruises. However the ground shake to which Andra sigh "it seems my companion have met Cegus at Union sorry to cut this close but we must leave" Andra said before vanishing into the darkness while the army of monsters and creatures all vanish. The remaining Atlas soldiers cheer before falling to the ground exhausted from pushing to their limits while Ur look at the direction of Union.

With the Readers.

As the readers rescued the last civilian the ground shake to which they look at each other before looking at Union "it seems Cegus need our help" Light Maiden said "agree" Dark Knight said before the two took off on their bikes and ride towards Union.

With Union

At the academy the ground in front of Union crack until a explosion from the ground knock everyone but Cherno back a few inches but once the dust settles a shadow cast over the academy and to their horrors the shadow turns out to be the 666 beast know as Trihexa. The beast roar as it start to charge it blast however as everyone is completely terrified Cherno just smirk behind his mask. 

Cherno POV:

"Mm it seems there an aura that is emitted from the beast however this aura is completely different as it isn't malevolent but rather sorrow and loneliness" I thought before I close my eyes and focus. Suddenly I heard a female voice "please I don't want to be alone" she said to which I open my mind eyes and I stare at a woman hugging her knees crying inside a void "hey" I said which cause the woman to look at me. She became scared "who are you?" She ask in a scared tone "I am Cherno and I don't know why but tell me your story of why you are here" I ask to which surprise her. She then explain how she was treated as a outcast all because of how she was given off an aura that can rival the gods to which I related to as I fought a god but what she say next just tick me off. She explains that because of her aura the gods decided to prison her in a void with no friends or a exit but not before abusing her to the point of true suffering to which is completely unacceptable. Once she is finished I calm down a little before speaking "then I guess it high time you have your freedom" I said smirking to which surprise her as I offer her my none existence hand. After a few minutes of thinking she nod and accepted my hand to which I focus causing a reaction to the void being shattered setting her free.

Back in reality I open my eyes to see the beast stop before turning to stone then the wind blow causing the stone to be dust and blew with the wind while in the beast place is the same woman from the void. However not long did I heard a noise to which myself turn to see the world military revealing themselves before the man in a white suit that stood in front of the military command a halt. Once the small army stop he look at Union "what happened?" He ask a man with weird glasses who explains while everyone else is staring at me and the woman however I have notice that some people are looking at the creatures who is sitting. Once the man with glasses finishes the man nod before looking at me and I can already tell that he only want a unbeatable army. "Thank you for stopping this threat Cegus but now let us deal with that beast so that" he try to finish if I haven't stop him "yeah no I don't think so jerk" I said to which shock everyone. "Excuse me? If you haven't" he try to speak calmly but again I didn't let him "that you're the military and enforcers of the laws? Yeah my answer is the same you a##ho##" I said to which the man got a little frustrated. 

But the man with glasses then spoke "then let us" he try to say but I interrupted him "to be part of your academy? Yeah no I don't want to join Union nor any allies you have as I don't want to be part of anything involving a##ho##s who think they are superior" I said. That shock everyone but before they could reply my friends (the readers) finally arrived to which their appearance surprise everyone. "I see you save the civilians" I said to which they nod "yeah but what happened Cegus?" The Light Maiden ask to which I point to the unconscious woman who was the 666 beast. However one person have to shout "hey! Why are you with that loser when you can have a good time with a real man!" A man said to which I turn to see a man with a group of women behind him. From his appearance I can tell he is the jerk Riser to which I rolled my eyes as I can already tell that the women are being force to be his peerage "as if I would be with the life of a pig!" The Light Maiden said. I chuckle as Riser and everyone shock face however Riser grit his teeth "no s*** talk to me like that!" He shout and try to attack the Light Maiden if he didn't get kick into the wall by the Dark Knight. That surprise everyone while I smirk but I can already tell that Riser person won't stop to which I proven right as Riser came out from the rumble. "You're gonna regret that!" He shout but not before being throw right at a woman with red hair making the two slam onto the ground to which everyone is shock but myself as they all look at me holding out my hand. 

"That what you get for insulting and threatening my friends" I said but I notice the woman slowly waking up to which the man gave a order to the soldiers to arrest the woman yet they couldn't if I didn't teleport her to my spaceship. Yet it didn't go unnoticed "you help a wanted criminal escape!" The man yell but I glare at him making him scared and slowly back away "Who are you freak!" He said to which I chuckle darkly which cause everyone but (the readers) to stare at me "I am Overlord Cegus" I said shocking everyone.

3rd person POV:

At a unknown meeting room is a shadowy group watching a live video of Cegus to which surprise them but one "so you're were telling the truth" a woman with pure white skin said to which reveal as Salem looking at a man in a business suit who chuckle. "As always I almost completely correct" he said as he reveal himself.

"So explains why Cegus is so important" a woman holding a fan said as she reveals to be Glass (shield hero) "well you got to admit he is quite talented" a man with a cross on his face said to be reveal as Scar (full metal brotherhood) who look at Glass. "He might be the one to end the corruption of the government" a man in a white suit said as he is reveals as shogo (Psycho Pass) "hehe and he have that deadly vibe~" a young woman smile as she reveals to be Junko. Each villain reveal themselves as either anti heroes or just villains with a justification motivation of true justice but the man leading is known by Adel Justin.

An: above is 2500 words.

Adel is the founder of this group as he have see the corruption of this government to the point where he decided to form a rebel group that seek justice and order although Salem and others like herself are seems as villains Adel heard her side of the story of the huntsmen and herself. And like herself there are others who have be mistreated as villains which help Adel prove his point of the government corruption. And now there is a worthy one who can help their cause against the corruption government.

At the dwarf planet Pluto is a base that seems to just mysterious appears but inside the base is Amzi and Andra who is looking at a man who is wearing some sort of clothes that seems different. "Hello General Suhail Butler" Andra said while Amzi just stare at the General.

"So I suppose you successfully done the master task?" He said making Amzi smirk "indeed but my question is why are you here" he said making GSB (for short) chuckle "you two are required but I were requested to be here and gather some information" he said. Both Amzi and Andra nod before leaving however when they left GSB look at the window staring at the world "oh I can't wait to see the juicy details this world have to offer" he said as his eyes turn purple as the screen turn black.

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