FoEaD Chapter 3: gathering and target worlds.

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Summary: Cherno who have gather a lot more lovers for his harem while claiming the land. However he and his companions be having a rough time beating the Oulos bats and wolves while killing the world enemies. Right now he is relaxing with his lovers in a castle but as they rest he cannot help but sense as if something will happen.

Location: Abnus throne room

Inside the throne room is Abnus sitting on the throne as she twirl her hands around a shadow mist while she stare at it while her pet is sitting beside her as he stare at Squad one whose are waiting near an column. Suddenly the door open catching everyone attention as they see Newton walking towards the throne with the other members of the six "my Queen I have finish the first batch of our allies but I need to let the machine to cool down or else it might overload" Newton said. They took their places beside the throne then once everyone is settle Newton begin to call out the first batch of their allies which is twenty in total as each one is unique in their own way. All twenty stand in front of the throne and kneel before Abnus who is smiling "we are here to serve our master and his lovers who we will follow commands" all twenty said in unison. "Good work Newton you never seems to disappoint like always" Abnus smile as Newton chuckle evilly while the twenty allies stand up and sat on benches in front of the throne "Ah but that ain't all my queen for I also have create an batch of soldiers" Newton said. He hold his cane out and swing it like an summoning "come forth Yupinae" Newton said causing a dark red substance to appears only for it to make foot soldiers.

The foot soldiers name Yupinae all kneel before Abnus who smile at the soldiers "well done again Newton you are quite the genius to come up with foot soldiers ahead of plotting" Abnus said. Newton chuckle again as the foot soldiers all stood up and march towards the exits to secure the entire fortress "so what do you all say about sending an ally to a world?" Abnus said looking at everyone. They all thought and nod their heads which Abnus smile about and done the chat to summon a screen again but this time it have two boxes on the screen instead which have a question mark in the boxes like a game show.

(Ignore the vs and focus on the two boxes instead)

Abnus smile and swing her scepter which cause the blue box question mark to spin downward very fast which makes everyone stare at the screen instantly as they are wondering the same question but soon the spin went slower. After a few seconds the box reveals a world (Freaks 2018) which cause everyone to smile at this world but once again Abnus swing her scepter which cause the question mark to spin downward inside the red box. Everyone wait patiently for the spins to stop and like last time it went slower until finally it stop which cause the box to reveal the first ally to go to that world then everyone smirk at the first ally to go which is.

"Vexx Mock" Abnus said which cause that male to stand up and smile evilly before walking towards her but stop as soon as he is in front of the steps before he kneel to Abnus "I won't disappoint you" he said. Abnus smirk and rises her scepter then she aim her scepter right at Vexx causing a lighting bolt to come out of her scepter and strike Vexx who vanish right as soon as the bolt strike him. Abnus lift her scepter up before she swing it causing the screen to change to where Vexx is located which is in front of a mountain however when he got close to the mountain an squad came out from the surrounding area. The agents all aim their weapons at him "freeze! You're are hereby an unknown deity that must be under arrest and be used to be studied" an agent spoke. Vexx chuckle then he laugh causing the agents to look at him confuse but as soon as he stop laughing he suddenly appears in front of the agent that spoke freaking out all the other agents. "You really think you can imprison me!" Vexx said then without hesitation he kill the agent in one attack which was using his claws to slice the agent into a pile of meat.

All the other agents got terrified and was about to shot if their hands wasn't slice off from their arms causing all of them to scream before being killed by Vexx who once finish lick his claws clean. He chuckle before he aim his hand at the mountain "boom" Vexx said and unleash a blast at the mountain causing a bright light that destroy the entire mountain but it only kill all the agents leaving only the abnormal alive. All the abnormal look confused until Vexx appears before all of them "I am Vexx and i here to kidnapped all of you and everyone who is abnormal" he said and snap his fingers. A mist cover the entire area causing everyone minus Vexx to be knock out like a bug however as soon as all of them are knock out he wave his hand to remove the mist then he look at the screen. "Newton i give you abnormal people" he said which cause Newton to smirk and pull out a remote then he push it causing a portal to open to where Vexx is at which Vexx look at the portal. He smile as the foot soldiers come out of the portal with pods which they use as a transport to bring all the abnormal to the location where Newton hidden testing cells are located. As soon as the last one enter the portal it closes which cause Vexx to fly away from that area and head towards all other locations where abnormal are located including the abnormal family of four well three as the mother was already capture.

Vexx captures the three family members who were easily be capture however when they were at the testing cells Vexx heard a knock which he smirk before blasting the door open knocking out the agent. Vexx smirk as he can sense the sins from the agent which he pick the agent up before he imprison the agent into a pod similar to the one Newton uses but different "I think I gonna enjoy myself by using this agent to be my private torture pet" he said. He send the agent back to the fortress but in a mysterious chamber of some kind then he begin to continue his capturing of abnormal.

Within three hours every abnormal is in Newton testing cells which leaves everyone else for Vexx final task "I think I gonna enjoy this" he said pulling out a mysterious device then begin to push in a few buttons with alien symbols on the buttons. After a few more pressing buttons the device starts humming which Vexx smirk then he drop the device on the ground causing the device to expand and hook itself to the soil. He soon fly into the sky where a mysterious portal open which he fly into and appears back into the throne room where he watch the rest of what about to happen with everyone else. A few seconds later the device ding causing a blast wave that begins to cover the entire world causing a reaction to every adult and teenagers to scream and hold their heads while children and babies were instantly teleport. At the city below the fortress is where every children and babies appear but inside a tower where the babies are being raise as the children themselves were wipe of their memories of who their parents were.

Back at the world the entire landscape mutant into a living nightmare where the screaming humans begin to mutant into horrifying monsters with no intelligent but some of the monsters did gain intelligence. Soon the entire world has be reborn into a planet of new life where the monsters rule the world in a survival way however the animals and all fossils along with anything that the world doesn't need were teleport towards the fortress many locations. Everyone inside the throne room laugh evilly at the world conditions "looks like the so call humans are no longer themselves!" An ally spoke laughing as everyone agrees with spoke ally while that ally slap their knee. After a few seconds everyone calm down before looking at Vexx who is smiling at his success that he proud of "well done Vexx but what happened to that agent you capture?" Arlo ask. He smirk "I simply sent her to the chamber where I gonna torture her" he replied which some of them rolled their eyes as they already knew that "but also because I want to see if she will survive my challenge" he finishes.

That surprise the ones who knew about his torture but his challenge they never had any chance to see what he meant by his challenge in the past "Now then if you all don't mind I gotta enjoy my prey" he said vanishing into a swarm of bats. When he vanish Abnus smile and caught everyone attention by speaking "alright now then shall we continue? After all we can get four more before we take a break" Abnus said. Everyone thought about it and agree that after four more they can take a break which Abnus is glad everyone is on board and so she done the same thing to the box spinners. The next world is reveal (Land of the Dead 2005) and the next ally to goes to that world is.

"Heavy daddy" Abnus said as the man stand up then walk until he stand in front of Abnus who aim her scepter and done the same thing that happened to Vexx which leads to her doing the same thing to show everyone the screen of where Heavy is at. Heavy who is currently in front of a stop zombie horde leads by Big Daddy who look at Heavy with curiosity but to everyone surprise Heavy spoke. "Hello fellow undead" Heavy said which surprise Big Daddy "you are one of us?" He ask as Heavy chuckle "not quite I am alive but also dead so think of me as an advance zombie" Heavy said. "Alright but please step aside" BD said as Heavy smirk behind his mask "you are going to a place to avenge our fellow kind" Heavy ask which BD reply by a nod "okay but do you want to see them suffer instead" Heavy said. BD thought about it and nod "good because from what my intel told me I can help you and this horde get your avenge by bringing you and everyone here to where you can trap the humans from their own defense blocking their way" Heavy said.

BD thought about it and agrees which Heavy smile and teleport everyone to where they are supposed to be at which BD and his fellow zombies starts to show at the window catching everyone attention and starts to run.

Everyone in the throne room all got popcorn and start to watch the scene which unfolded on the screen while Heavy starts to head towards the garage with BD who starts to head there and surprise Paul Kaufman. However as the other guy try to run he was instantly teleport to a holding cell by Heavy who told BD about his plan involving Paul Kaufman which cause Paul to be teleport to another holding cell. BD then starts to filled the car with gasoline but as soon as BD left Heavy trip over the pipe which starts to spread gasoline on the floor unknowingly about the zombie behind him. Heavy turn around in time to dodge the zombie jumping in front of the car along with the two bags full of money that Heavy throw at the zombie but suddenly a rolling flame canister cause a explosion killing the zombie and destroying the money. Heavy look at BD who shrug "give a warning next time geez" Heavy said as BD walk away which Heavy follow to see the many zombies having a feast while turning other humans into zombies.

Heavy roll his eyes until he spot a armored truck with missile launchers on top which cause Heavy to look at the crowd "BD!" Heavy yell catching BD attention which cause him to spot the missiles launchers too. Without a thought Heavy teleport every zombie at that spot minus him to a dome far from the fortress as he witnesses the missiles hit the area where the zombie horde was at "dang humans" Heavy said as he, BD and the remaining zombies walk away. They both got far until BD stop and look at the armored truck which cause Heavy to look at the same armored truck. Both a human couple and BD stare at each other until the couple let the zombies go which Heavy smile behind his mask as both him, BD and the remaining zombies heads towards the relocation spot to build a post. "Guess even some humans tell that some zombies are peaceful but the price is an hunger" Heavy said as BD nod his head "anyway I gonna bring back the horde so that you and everyone else can live in your newly home" Heavy said.

Heavy lead the zombie crowd with BD behind him towards a isolated town which is far from any human civilization which he brought the zombies from the dome to the isolation town which he put a dome that is a mountain too. Once the dome and everyone is isolated Heavy drop a device that became a food source for the zombies that everyone minus BD starts to eat "anyway great to meet you man until next time" Heavy said teleporting back to the throne room. Heavy sigh and walk towards the exit "oh I hope you spare that man I teleport to your cell Newton but the other guy you can use to refill the tank once it empty" Heavy said leaving the room. The box spin again and a different world is chosen (3 from hell) and the ally going is.

"Ryroria" Abnus said which cause a few allies to shiver as the woman stand up "I think I gonna enjoy this world" Ryroria said before teleporting to the world by Abnus then everyone look at the screen where the demoness is at. She stand in a blood pool as the demoness bathe in it "mm~ definitely someone or multiple people are like me~" she said and begin to walk outside while she leave a trail of blood. When she stand outside three people stood there with a coffin burning behind the three "well would you look at that fellas we got ourselves a guest" the woman said. "Mm you sure we didn't summon Santa Muerte?" The old man said as Ryroria laugh catching the three to look at her "I don't think we did" the young man said "no no i not lady of the holy death" she said. That make the three look surprise "no but i here to see who causes these many death and I guess it you three which I find quite interesting as I kill those in a way that isn't inhuman" she said. The three people look at each other smiling "by any chance do you want us to work for you" the woman said "hehe sorta think of this as a commonly partnership between you three and myself" Ryroria said.

"So what would you do if we partner with you?" The old man said "I would make this area a outpost for my allies and my master who may be interested of meeting you three but at the moment he can't" she said. "And why can't we meet your master?" The young man said "think of him as your weapons he have a limited amount of time to chat but he is recovering from his return" she said. The three look at each other then nod "alright we join the partnership but what would happen to us if you make this an outpost?" The woman ask as the demoness giggle "why you three will be in charge of this outpost" Ryroria said. The three cheer "Alright! Let get a party started" the old man said as all three people went inside the church while Ryroria look around the town. "Let remodel this place" she said and snap her fingers cause every dead body to be wither and dry up of all their flesh and blood which surrounds Ryroria then she hug her body before swinging her arms out. All the blood went everywhere causing the ground and sky to turn a hellish color while the buildings themselves turn into remodel buildings that look like they are a western Mexico hellish theme.

After a few seconds the entire town became a hellish Mexico western town with the church becoming a town hall with a mysterious symbol in the place where the cross where "now this is much better" Ryroria said. The three people came out to be speechless as they stare at the newly reborn town "sorry about the new looks partners but it doesn't feel homey to me" she said. The three people cheer "Hell yeah! This is a good taste! We gonna love running this outpost" all three of them said in unison which make Ryroria giggle "well then until we meet again Hellish Partners" she said before returning to the throne room. When she returns she begin to walk towards the exit but she stop and turn to face Newton "do call me if you need my assistance" she said leaving. They start again and the fourth world is reveal (Ghosts of Mars) then the next ally to go to that world is.

"General Max Macneil" Abnus said which cause the man to stand and walk towards Abnus but stop in front of her then he was teleport to the world however Abnus eyes start to get heavy however she kept them open. The screen shows GMM in center of a tribes people who wield weapons at him but he show no fear nor any flinching "are you all done trying to scare me?" He said. A man try to charge but he was kill by GMM who hold out his hand straight where the man try to kill him which cause many of the people to step away but before any of them could try to kill him he yell. "ENOUGH!" GMM said causing the people to be terrified of him "Now then I want you all to stay here and let me kill the people you're all trying to kill so if anyone of you try to even attack me there will be hell to pay" GMM said.

He left the terrified people as he heads to where the crewmen is located at and once he got there he start to kill many people (the ones who dies minus the savages in the movie) however he couldn't kill the remaining people who escaped on their train. He walk away towards the area where the savages are at as he walk away an explosion happen in the background which makes GMM a action star walking towards the camera with an explosion happening in the background. When he returns he saw all the savages bow to him which he smirk and hold out his hand which contains a head which makes the savages cheer "I will be your new leader! And those who follow out of place will be torture!" He yell. The savages all cheer again and begin to bow again while he slam the head onto a spike which make the savages go wild in excitement "now then let fortified this new outpost" he said. He hold his fist into the sky then slam his fist onto the ground causing a reaction to spread a mysterious substance that starts to effect the buildings into a silvery color. Every building and the ground itself became a fortified outpost with walls and guards towers however that haven't change as the savages became newly soldiers with their minds wiped and is wearing advanced armor that matches their old design.

He stand up and smile at his outpost fit to serve a general "Now then my soldiers guard this outpost until my return!" He order as the savage soldiers salute and begin to split up into different teams. He then return to the throne room where he heads towards the exit but stop in front of it before turning his head to look at Amzi "I hope you didn't gone soft Amzi" he said and left. Amzi smirk behind his mask as he hold out his hand then clenched it into a fist "I haven't because I ain't the weak nor the useless out of our lord servants" he said as he put his arm down as Abnus spin the box for the final world. After a few seconds the box have reveal the final world (Hardware 1990) and the last ally to go to that world is.

"Robotic Earl" Abnus said as the figure stand and walk to Abnus who then teleport him to that world where he already got the robot army there under his control and set up a outpost while driving back the enemy from the outpost. Once he have a steady outpost with the army all organized into a military force he return back to the throne room in minutes to spare which surprise Squad one but everyone else roll their eyes as they see him do this before.

"Now that we got five worlds it time we take a break from that since it did make me tired already so all of you are allow to explore or continue doing what you were precious doing and I go to the chamber and rest" Abnus said. She yawn and wave her scepter to teleport herself to her bed where she pass out from overuse her magic however in the throne room every ally left along with Newton and Amzi. Once they left it was almost an empty throne room minus Squad one, the remaining six members and Arlo as they just relax in the throne room however someone caught the attention of Zillah who ready her spear. "Reveal yourself!" She said causing everyone to be on guard but a slow claps cause them to look at a column where a mysterious man in the darkness is clapping his hands. The mysterious figure smirk and start to walk towards the orb where the MA is recovering in "i were summon by MA himself and believe me I am just full of surprises" the mysterious man said in a weird way. "Why though?" Zillah said as the man chuckle in an insane way "because he need someone who can be able to transfer from reality to dignity" the man said. "Just who are you?" She ask in a anger tone as the man laugh insanely before staring at Zillah with eyes that is hypnotizing way "I am know by many names but you can call me ()" the man said.

To be continue.

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