FoEaD Chapter 4: unjustified and a song of the old days.

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Summary: Cherno has gather every women (who are in the link). However as he finishes setting up a system for the world a massive Oulos Beast appears starting to attack a village which leads to Cherno going up against the beast.

Location: Abnus throne room

An hour later Abnus, Newton and Amzi return to the throne room with everyone else as they stare at the man who is smiling evilly "so tell us how did you get here without anyone noticing you" Abnus said in an anger tone. The man chuckle softly before revealing himself as Vincent Afton brother of William Afton.

"It simple I have an friend who help me and believe me he and I are very similar yet different" Vincent said then suddenly his body shake crazy and now in his place is a rabbit with hypnotic eyes.

"Gally geez it so nice to meet you all fine gentlemen and ladies~" the rabbit said and bow "and you are?" Amzi ask as the rabbit chuckle "why I your best pal Glitch glitchtrap~" the rabbit said with a smile. Suddenly he shake and in his place is Vincent again "sorry about that he and I are like the two people who are know as Vemon but different as he and I switch places in a zone we call the cybermindspace" Vincent said. "Alright Vincent but that doesn't explain your two reason of coming here" Abnus said gripping her scepter tightly "Ah but that is where you're wrong your highness" Vincent said. Then Vincent switch places with Glitchtrap who spoke "it because your husband gave us a role as a spy," Vincent then came back then continues "an engineer/mechanic" then Glitchtrap switch back to finish "and a hacker" Glitchtrap said. Everyone, minus Vincent and Glitchtrap, is completely dizzy to try and understand their switch places however after a few seconds they snap back to reality "okay so you basically the leader of Squad two" Tremor said. Vincent chuckle a little "you could say that but We the first person/glitch to show so that why MA sent us here to introduce myself and help you out with anything that needs our assistance" Vincent said.

Vincent chuckle then vanish into a pixel teleport which surprise everyone "mm that new" Abnus said as everyone else agree but to where Vincent went is in a purple and green room where he sat on the chair facing an computer. Glitchtrap appears on the screen as both Vincent and Glitchtrap smile at each other "show time" they said in unison and suddenly music filled the room.

As soon as they finish they laugh evilly as the scene change to a void where a mysterious mist reveals itself as it have similar eyes to MA but this time the eyes are staring at a mirror where Abnus is in her room. Through the mirror is Abnus in front of a window staring at the dark sky unknowingly about her lover spying her "I wish things were different my love *sigh* but like she always said 'we cannot control how life goes' which is true" Abnus said. She look down to see many troopers on patrol which she smile as it bring back some memories of hers which reveals a much better time. Music begin to play as both herself and MA begin to sing.


Three children a boy and two girls playing around in the same castleyard but the entire castle and sky were beautiful. The youngest is Abnus, the oldest is the other girl and the eldest is the boy who have a similar smile. The scene change to where the three are now ten years old who are having a party with a lot of people including some ten years olds who have different skin, hair color, hairstyles, eyes, and clothing. They are all gather around a ten year old Abnus who is blowing out a cake while her two friends who were with her since childhood are the closest to help her pass out the slices of cake. The scene change to when all three are 18 who are in a wedding room with both Abnus and the other girl in brides dresses while the male is wearing a suit. The it change to where all three stand at the aisle in front of the castle entrance where the three were web while their entire friends and families are there as we see that all their friends are primordials. It change again but this time it when Abnus and the other woman are on their knees crying over their husband who have a deep stab wound right where his heart is as a sword cover in blood is over where Abnus is. We see a man grabbing the woman arm who cry more as the man have a smile on his face however as he drag the woman away the dying man touch Abnus cheek and wipe tears away. We see him mouth something that make Abnus nod her head before the man smile then dies however when he die Abnus stand up holding her necklace before ripping it off. That cause the man and the crying woman to stare at her as Abnus eyes grow in pure hatred towards the man as she hold the gemstone up as a powerful aura cover the gem that turn the necklace and the gem itself into the scepter. That surprise the man who is shock but he was blasted by a powerful shot that came from an enraged Abnus holding the scepter. The man and Abnus fought but right as soon as Abnus was losing the dead man body suddenly burst out a wave that caused the man to be severely injured to the point of him coughing out a lot of blood. Before the man die he cast the woman into a portal to where she will be imprison while he unleashes a curse that cause the castle and the entire world to become as the state as it is today. Abnus and everyone, minus the die man and the dying man, else were turn into objects however when that happens the dying man became several orbs and were separated into different directions. The scene change to a portrait with Abnus, the woman, and the die man all are teenagers who are smiling at the screen.

(Ignore the faces and hairstyles but focus on the three figures in that pose)

Flashback end.

We see that Abnus is crying then she went to her bed where she lay on and cry herself to sleep however with the MA who is looking down suddenly got enraged and begin to unleash many thunderbolts throughout the void. "I will have our revenge dears for what he cause us! But for now let welcome myself back to them" he said before coming out of globe where the six members, Amzi, and Squad one is at. Everyone inside the throne room is surprise by MA mist form appearance "my master" Amzi said kneeling before the dark mist "don't be surprise my servant, Abnus friends, and Squad one for I will be here for a short moment" MA said. Everyone look at him in confusion until he begin to laugh evilly as the scene change to the moment where the wedding happened but it was frozen in time as music filled the entire throne room where MA begin to sing with Arlo, Zillah, Amzi, and Newton singing after him but also a mysterious woman voice that no one except for the readers could hear.

(Ignore the bubbles words along count bleck and replace Count bleck with "Main Antagonist" as the name will be reveal in a later date oh and I gonna do a revision of this song in a later date with Lord Birsha)

As soon as the song end MA spoke "We will destroy what he have caused us and believe me we will have the revenge we seek! So say I!" MA said before returning to the globe as everyone else nod.

Location: laboratory

After a hour since the musical we are inside the laboratory where Newton is at but he is spending his time with his wife "I hope you enjoy your meal hon" he said and after a few minutes he chuckle. "Yeah but thankful you are immune to anything because of your imperfect form however I finally finish what I was working on and now we have a tracker to find the perfect body" he said pulling out a device. After a few seconds he chuckle "it actually simple my dear since you say that" he said and pressing a button that turn the device online which show a few holographic screens.

"Now my dear let see who is the lucky woman to be your perfect form" he said and begin to touch a few screens and once he press a green button the screens became one massive screen that begin to search for a similar dna match to his wife's own. Outside on a forgotten house roof is a satellite dish that suddenly turn on and unleash an searching wave to the dark sky which is searching throughout the entire Multiverse. Back to Newton who is staring at the screen as the dna scanner continues to search until it found a match which he smile until he saw the description of what world the woman is living in. His eyes is full with rage as this world have a unjustified system which cause him to write down the coordinations before he look at his wife as he shut down the tracker. "Dear I hope you don't mind seeing through the eyes of an old friend from the monitor because your beloveds husband has to inform everyone of this world that need us to conquer as a source of inhuman sins" he said.

Three hours later Newton is back in the throne room with a female friend along with everyone else who is confused at Newton rage but once Abnus got there Newton open up a holographic screen of the world (Changeling 'film') where he found the woman to be his wife perfect form. They are horrified and disgusted with how this world run but the one who is enrage more than Newton is Abnus who is gripping her scepter as she is remembering how her adult life was "so that why you brought your and your wife  friend here" Amzi said pointing  at say woman.

"That right I brought Nyoka and her pet Slither" Newton said with venom as Nyoka stroke her large snake head "oh course I won't say no as I am bisexual so I want to help my friends with their issue at the moment" she said. "Alright but I hope you know what you're doing because I see the information and there too many enforcers to handle" Abnus said with worried but Nyoka giggle with a hissing tone. "That why I gonna bring my children" she said as she reveals a small bag on her hip that is moving "I don't even want to know how you got so many children in that bag" Amzi said. With that Nyoka smile and she vanish into a portal that opens behind her then it closes once she vanish into the portal however everyone all stare at the screen that Abnus summon to watch how Nyoka will perform. 

We see her in front of a mental house as she is in human form as she walk inside which is the day that Christine gain a friend "um excuse me miss?" Nyoka (human) said. The woman at the desk look at her in confusion "could I help you?" The woman at the desk ask looking at her strange "I am looking for my auntie Christine Collins about her son case" Nyoka ask. "Um sorry no visitor" she was stop by a man name dr. Steele "um excuse me but what do you mean by her son case?" He ask with sarcasm as he thinks this girl is just telling lies. "Oh you haven't heard? I am making a case against the imposter Arthur Hutchens aka my so call fake cousin you accuse as my auntie son when he isn't" she said in a calm and serious tone. "I afraid he is" he try to speak but couldn't as Nyoka reveal a photo of both Christine and the real Walter "Walter? I don't think so" she said. "Nurses sedate this delusional girl" he said but as soon as he say that everyone screams which confused him until he face the true form of Nyoka which cause him to back away in fear. "You men are really just dumb" she said then she open her bag which cause anthro snakes to come out as they start to gather every male nurses including the doctors while they imprison the female nurses.

However they have gather all the women who are victims and gave them clothes but for doctor Steele he were sent to the holding cell beside Paul holding cell but once the victims have newly clothes the snakes started to invade Los Angeles. With the hospital as the main outpost it will be the nest for the snakes invasion as they enslaved the corrupt police and any people who want to treat women as unimportant. Within a few hours the entire land of Los Angeles is now a fortified land under the rule of Los Angeles however as they continue to expand their territory Nyoka have bring the women, the children and a couple of men who isn't rude to where the town below Abnus is located at. But she brought both Christine and her real son who is confused at the moment back to the throne room while their friends were at the town being protected by guards who are knights wearing a armor of some kind.

Nyoka told them that their friends are being protected by the knights call Nellurot who are like the guards of the empty town that lost many people who die in a war long forgotten but now they are rebuilding the world. As both mother and son starts to calm down they arrive at the throne room which cause Christine to be holding her son in a motherly way "may I ask just who are you aliens?" She ask in a protective tone. Newton smile as he nod his head thinking she is the one to perform the final form however he is worried about her son as he will have no one to live and loves which got him an idea. "Don't worry miss your friends and family are safe but if you don't mind I have to go and do something real quick so in the mean time why don't you chat with Nyoka and her friends while you two wait" he said.

Christine look at him trying to determine if she can trust his words but after a moment she sigh knowing that she and her son might as well get use to this new life "fine but if you try and do something to my son I will" she try to finish but was stop by Newton holding up his hands. "Woah there we maybe evil but we ain't savages that I can swear to you as I know about a mother who love their own son deeply as I lost my son a long time ago and my wife is ... in a bad caution that she cannot move without help" he said. Christine felt bad for him which make her relax a little "Alright take me and Walter to your friends miss Nyoka" she said which Nyoka nod her head and guide them to a room where small inhuman children are playing with plastic toys. Newton sigh as he felt bad for what he about to do but he need her to perform the final form which leads him back to his laboratory and starts to work on something that might solve both solutions.

After hours of Newton in the laboratory he finally finishes the solutions to the family and his own which he return to where the family are located at which is the family daycare room which is a family of any species can enjoy themselves as they allow their children to play or chat. He brought both Christine and Walter to where his laboratory is but he have to blindfolded them as it his secret laboratory. When they finally arrived he reveals them a coverup machine which he allows them to remove their blindfolded but when he reveals them the uncover machine both of them have different reactions. The mother is horrified at the replica of her that is realistic but the eyes are close but the son is confused at his mother twin sister "Now I know you are terrified but allow me why there two of you" he said. However he have gave Walter a device that have games for children which cause Walter to be amazed at the games there are and start to practice on the device while Newton and Christine talk. Newton explains that he need her body to perform his wife final form which he say that it will terrified her if he show her but once Christine understands, Newton continues. He explains that the replica of her is a empty shell of Christine other lives from other timelines but once he perfect the replica of her he can transfer Christine soul, emotions, and conscience into the replica where she can spend the rest of her lives with her son but he also told her that the replica will age and die too.

When he explains everything to Christine she thought about his solution to which both herself and him are happy having family on one hand but the other is that he also have created a replica to which make it weird to her and felt inhuman. However on the latter she does get to spent the remaining lifetime with her son instead of the timeline where she will die without finding her son at a old age. She sigh and accept the transfer which Newton hug her as he is filled with joy but after a realization he let go and apologize ten times of getting into her personal space which she find funny. Afterwards Christine sat on the chair close to her replica and Newton set everything up by putting a helmet onto Christine head and after everything is ready he spoke to her "thank you so much for helping me miss Christine it be horrible not having to hug, kiss, or even enjoy a personal time with the love of your life so thank you but are you ready to begin?" He ask. Christine sigh "yes I am doctor Newton" she said with a smile which Newton nod and pull down a switch which cause Christine head to drop down as if she became lifeless but not long did the replica gasp.

The replica of Christine look around moving her hands as she find herself inside the glass chamber to which it open thanks to Newton and helping her get out of the chamber "why am I so hungry all of a sudden" she ask. Newton laugh a little "it because your new body hasn't be feed since it creation" Newton said and gave her a hamburger which she immediately grab and devour the entire thing. She smile and rub her belly a little "mm that sure was a meal" she said and she cover her mouth as she burb a little "oh pardon me" she said with a giggle as she look at her new body which she is wearing a 1910s dress. "Um why the dress?" She ask as Newton rub his neck a little "it was the only dress I could find as it wasn't ruin" he said as Christine rise her brow up a little.

(... the dress is 1910s from France so to anyone that know the era I give you a thumbs up for your knowledge)

Christine look at her dress more and smile "I mean it not fashion to my time but it sure is comfortable" she said before she look at her son who is asleep on a couch with the device on the table. She look at Newton with confusion "how did my son passes out?" She ask as Newton look at where Walter were at then he snort a little "guess his brain ain't used to high technology" he said. She giggle before heading towards Walter and picking him up, holding him as she tears up a little "at less he isn't dead because of those authorities who are selfish" she said with a venomous tone. Newton nod his head in agreement "yeah like seriously I read your world information and discover that 25% of it law enforcement is just selfishness greedy men in your timeline while others aren't the same" he said. She sigh and walk towards the exit where Nace is standing by holding blindfolds "I guess you and your friends are more kinder than I thought so I thankful you save my son and myself from the enforcers" she said. Newton nod his head "your welcome" he said as Nace expands and help put the blindfolds on Christine and Walter then once the two are blindfolded Nace guid them out of the laboratory leaving Newton and Christine original body behind.

He look at the original body and smile "don't worry my love we will finally have a proper reunion soon isn't that right Christine Mildred" he said then he lift Christine lifeless body and carry the body in bridal style to the room where his wife is at. Once inside Newton starts to works on the perfect form as we exit the room from the door that closes as we zoom out into outside to where the town is at which is starting to become alive with lights and laughter.

An: alright next chapter gonna be it as will be quite the chapter involving many new characters that hasn't be seen yet. Oh! And you all didn't except the twist names did ya? If you didn't I wish I could see your reactions to that both Christine from the film and Newton wife have the same first name *laugh* like seriously I didn't thought about it until boom! At the last minute it hit me to write a twist involving both the original film and the husband and wife moment heck I even write down that he had a son who die. But the explanation to his wife currents form is a dark one as his wife and son were caught up in the war when a scientist uses a bomb to get his so call justice against Newton who have gain the title of genius. However what the scientist didn't thought of was Newton family who was waiting on his return but when he was running late the bomb went off. That cause him to run towards his home to find his ten year old son completely gone to where the explosion came from but his wife who were severally injury that it cause Newton to completely done a emergency examination to save his wife life. He kept his wife alive for an entire hour until he successfully done the impossible which were evolving his wife but because of the rush she became incomplete. When he try to figure out what went wrong he discovered that he is missing pure newly dna that matches his wife which leads to him building the device. However it wasn't finished by the time of the death of the MA and the man curse which leads to him sealing his laboratory which is proof to anything but he was outside when he was hit by the curse which cause him to become a plague mask.

Newton: now you knew what happened but I was unable to find the scientist who want to kill me all because of a dumb title.

DP: actually it was *stops talking when he saw An holding out a acid sprayer*

An: try to be a spoiler again Deadpool and I will not hesitate of spraying you in Dip which can destroy any cartoons which is around your department Dp so be careful of when to be involved in a chapter alright? *with a killer smile that can even frighten the bravest of the brave*

Dp: *gulp* sure thing An just give me a call if you need fourth wall breaking *runs and went through a wall like a cartoonishly way*

An: *nod and blow the gun before putting it away in a western cowboy way* anyway I gonna reveal the man behind the death of Newton son soon but be warm it gonna be a shocker including the man who kill MA and separate the wife from MA and Abnus so stay tune for Overlord of the Negativity Worlds.

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