Intermission chat 1

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An: hello everyone I hope you all are having a wonderful time because today I gonna be hosting a intermission show with special guests and characters but there might mostly be two or less judging from all of you the wonderful readers vote of these characters coming here in the Radio Television Station or RTS for short. *i smile at the screen of the reader sitting on a chair behind a desk* Now will we get a warm welcome to two people; the first is a favorite of everyone most fourth wall breaker character who sadly must wear a different suit because of copyright but has accepted to join us in this intermission. Now give a clap for Wade or know as Deadpool! *i smile as lights hit a chair in red to reveal Deadpool*

Dp: What's up my sexy and lovely fans *he wave at the screen then blow it a kiss*

An: now now Wade control yourself we have one more guess before we start with some questions from the readers who ask in the comments

Dp: alright but if he doesn't show I gonna sh*t on his chair *Dp look confused as why he couldn't say a curse word*

An: you probably asking why you can't say the entire word of a curse word well thanks to the developers magic we afraid we have to censor certain letters in case we get banned 

Dp: well dang but that alright man I know those people who want to keep the young minds all pure and all but seriously back in the days kids used to watch adult episodes in cartoons like cow and chicken! *he wave his hands in the sky* like they couldn't do any worst since kids gonna find it in one way or another.

An: yes yes I know and thank you for your comment but it like devilartimis YouTube channel he sometimes censor part of a letter to not get reply by the YouTube developers. Anyway now welcome our second guest who have two movies and a entire series, give him a clap for The Mask (not the host) himself!

*music begin to play as the doors bust open to reveal a man in a green mask as he sing his song*

(Warning video or song does not belong to me it belong to it rightful owners)

*He gave a random man in the crowd a bunch of cigars like the one in the video and light all of them before he run and sit on his green chair then the cigars explore like in the video*

TM: Smokey! *Wade and myself clap along with the crowd minus the man who face is burnt* thank you thank you, you are a honest crowd and viewers including our wonderful Host!

An: *i pull out a nuclear missile launcher as both the guest jump from their and hide behind their chair* try flattering me again and I won't hesitate to release hell *i aim the launcher at The Mask who just throw a thumbs up for understanding my warning* good *i put the launcher away as the two guests took a peak to see if it clear and when it was they both sat on their chairs*

Dp: do you always carry a launcher? *he sweat a bit in fear*

An: only if people try to flatter me to add characters or say anything mean to me unless they try hitting on a woman then I used this *i pull out a flying pan*

Dp: um excuse but how can *he stop talking when I snap my finger to summon a character in front of the crowd*

Motoyasu: um where *before he could reply I teleport behind him and knock him out using the pan which work as I snap my fingers to send him back before teleport back on my chair*

An: *i smirk hiding my pan while looking at Dp who jaw is open while TM laugh his butt off* now you know.

Dp: uh flying pans who knew (a movie and tv series reference)

An: now then if you two look and everyone look at the board behind me I gonna reveal a few clips if you are interested of seeing these clips during the story *everyone look at the board behind me* role the clips!

Clip one:

*Many people wince at that while a few laugh*

Clip two:

*some cheer while others wince*

Clip three:

*many people laugh at this remembering this*

Clip four:

*many people look impressive while others roll their eyes*

Clip five:

*some people wince as they could image being hit there with a female using a heel*

An: now the last one I advise to all men to be prepared for this one because even I feel sorry the man

Clip six: brutal

*every men cover their areas as every women eyes shot wide while I sigh and shiver with fear as I look at Wade and TM who have their jaws open wide while covering their area before looking at me in shock*

Dp: remind us never to do what that guy did *shaking in fear as TM agree with him*

An: noted but I let the readers vote in the mid time what do you two think of the clips and ask what is your favorite?

Dp: mm it tough but it between three of them; the first, second and last one even though it brutal it is impressive.

TM: I am also find three of them interested; the third, fourth and last one although the fifth is a animation with the smurfs it is funny.

An: I don't have a favorite since five of them involving women with a defensive attack while the fourth is a ninja in the art of kungfu.

Dp: so should we go to the questions that a few people have or would ask you about?

An: now we can *i clear my voice* this question stated "can you think of doing a humiliation situation with Vult in front of the public" my answer is a maybe but I am planning of doing something so evil so inhuman that not even other writers could thought of.

Dp: oh whoever this Vult character is I bet he won't except what you are plotting

TM: yeah and judging from your insanely smile it probably safe to assume you won't be merciful to him

An: damn right I do but I will probably do it since public humiliation is funny and world watching however I may do it to another character villain who think women are just tools for men pleasure

Dp: well f#ck those characters are even worst than me and I am a big perv to se#y women with juicy *he got hit on the check by a pan before he could finish*

TM: ahahahahah you got that coming bastard at less I controlled myself while looking at se#y women *he smirk at a anger Deadpool who mumbled to himself*

An: now here are a question and a reply from yours truly myself  "what about the secondary characters who sided with the villains" and what I am planning is something a little different than turning the fifty men into female bimbos

Dp and TM: Nani! What the h#ll is wrong with you!

An: simple it to give the few orcs pleasure time to themselves when they side with the main character.

Dp: are you going to do that to men who get left behind when they were about to r#pe the women? *he sweat a bit*

An: no not all the times I may be merciful to them but it depends of what really differ them from the men who only want s#x

TM: true plus it should teach those men a lesson and a punishment

An: indeed *i look at Deadpool who try to get a look at a female character #ss behind the board* Wolverine! Wade here is trying to steal your girl Laura p#nties!

Dp look at me in terror as a man wearing a jacket burst into the room through the door and run towards Dp who jump off his chair and getting chase by Logan as the crowd, TM and myself are laughing at the entertainment.

An: well viewers and readers *laugh* we hope you enjoy this intermission and please send in questions here in the comments below *laugh* if you want these intermission to happen along side the bios, allies, enemies and more.

Logan: come back here you piece of sh*t because I gonna stick your own head up in your #ss!

Dp: ahh i didn't try to do it i was frame!

An: *laugh* so see you all

An/TM: in the next Intermission!

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