Kuroinu chapter 2: Allies, champion, and two more lovers.

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(3rd person POV)

As the sun rise the light emitting from the window of an bedroom a dark elf slowly woke up from a pleasure night but when she fully open her eyes she stare at a man who is getting his clothes on which she blush a little then spoke "so did you enjoy your pleasant night my love?" she said as she is reveal to be Olga who is cover up in the blanket. Cherno smirk before turning around and lean towards her and kiss her forehead as she giggle a little "I am getting myself ready to check if they return and report then maybe we can continue at my bedroom if you don't mind having a share room with the other girls in this room" he said. She giggle a little before kissing his cheek "no I don't mind after all you be kind and sweet to us when we were in danger" she said. He chuckled before heading towards the door but stop in front of it "I maybe kind, sweet and caring but I also evil, sinister and a little insane" he said opening the door and walk out the room then he close it before heading towards the throne room.

(Olga POV)

I smile as I rub my belly as I am curious if he have impregnate me last night compare to the other girls but now I need to get myself dress and wake them up.

(30 minutes later/3rd person POV)

Inside the throne room sat Cherno as he is staring at Vyllia and his other three friends who are kneeling in front of him. Beside his right side is Olga and the other three elves as they are wearing dresses that look fantastic on them. At the moment Cherno is thinking about what his friends report to him which is good and bad. "So it seems that the Dogs have be going to villages, gathering a few men who are poisoned with the thought of a promise empire, killing other men who don't join while raping the women including killing the ones that fight back, and now they are gathering a army to attack this alliance forts to enslave the women as tools!" He said in a venomous tone. "It seems that way sir" they reply at the same time while Cherno is pinching his nose in anger but he stop as Olga put her hand on his shoulder which relax him a little then he sigh. 

(Vyllia POV)

"That son of a bitch! She took my future lover virginity before I could!" She thought to herself "Well if she think he can make her his queen then I will personally fight her since that role is taken not by me but by someone who is have a worthy womb to carry to pure son of the next overlord" she finish in her head as her eyes is staring right at the dark elf.

(Wendy POV)

"It seems that Vyllia is getting jealous with the dark elf who I can probably say have enjoy herself along with the other three dark elves judging from their legs are shaking a little from their last night pleasure so I gotta admit it must had be interesting getting bang by Cherno~man who must have enough love to create a harem which I don't mind joining since I have a feeling he gonna have a queen who he knew as a child" She thought to herself while staring at Cherno.

(3rd person POV)

"Oh before I forgot sir I found a few coffins and a statue with a aura in them meaning they can help you build a army here instead of bringing your army from our land" Vyllia spoke which caught Cherno attention. "Well then bring them in since I want to see them myself" he spoke in a happy tone as Vyllia nod before standing up and clap her hands which summon chains from the darkness and pull out four coffins but also a statue of a woman into Cherno view  who look at them. "Mm I can tell you are correct Vyllia but only four of them have a powerful aura that isn't from here yet the statue is pulsing with demonic energy meaning she can summon a few demons but the male kind i fear however that can be resolved with a simple lesson to summon succubus instead" he spoke. He stand up and walk to the first coffin on the left then he hold out his hand and whisper a enchantment. When he was done the coffin suddenly crumble and in it place is a dark figure until it is reveal by the light.

It pop it neck and then stare at Cherno before kneeling in front of him as a knight do to their king "hello my lord I am Gzmarl, general of the stone knights who were once know by all before my imprisonments against a crime I didn't do" he spoke in a tone of hatred at the end. "I am Cherno general but you tell the knights to call me Cegus" Cherno spoke as Gzmarl look at him "it must be a way to cover your real name during a time of war my lord?" He ask as Cherno nod his head. He then walk to the next coffin and chat in a different enchantment then Gzmarl coffin and when he finish the coffin suddenly became smoke and in it place is a strange figure until it reveal itself in the light.

It look around confused until it spot Cherno then kneel before him "greetings my lord I am Sum, general of the ashes army" he spoke as Cherno just nod and went pass the statue to the third coffin before he begin to chat. After he finish the coffin suddenly became a pile of bones which turn into a skeleton man wearing a cloak.

It look right at Cherno then it smile "thank you for releasing me my lord I am Er creator of the shades" he spoke in a rattling tone then finally Cherno walk to the last  coffin before chatting for the fourth time. When he finish the coffin just open as a figure walk out revealing into the light.

"Mm hello I am Cur general of the battle warriors legionnaires and it we'll be my honor to lead them once again" he spoke and kneel before Cherno who smile and look at all four new allies "you four will be in one squad lending your armies under my name alias  Cegus while you four are really under the name Cherno and for your squad name" he spoke stopping. All four stare at him until he spoke again "The Nighters: four commanders of a four way army with one thing in common, darkness" he said. All four look at each other and nod loving the name as Cherno went to the statue and look at it before smashing his fist at the bottom of the figure causing the castle to shake for a few seconds before stopping. Everyone was surprise at the force Cherno punch cause but within a second the statue shatter like ice as in it statue place is a woman who look demonic. "Mm~ *yawn* that must be a good nap" the woman said as she look around confused until her eyes widen and look at Cherno who is staring at her eyes "oh~ thank you for waking me up handsome~" she said with a giggle. Cherno roll his eyes as he smirk behind his mask and hold his hand out to her "oh~ a gentleman I never thought I would meet someone like you" She said accepting his hand as he bring her down from the stone bottom. Once she was down she let go of his hand then walk toward Olga who is getting little jealous and upset that a demonic woman is trying to help herself to Cherno. "Hehe my word darling you sure are a beauty to look" the woman said surprising Olga and the other dark elves but before she could reply the woman stop at the stairs facing the throne and wait there.

(Cherno POV)

 I walk to the throne and sat on it with my hand on my helmet cheek looking at the demonic woman who look a sight to behold but I ain't interested in her body but rather just her eyes and lips that caught my eyes. I snap back to reality and ask the woman this "may I ask the name of the woman who is standing in front of me and what would you do if you have a chance to summon succubus demons instead of just summoning males?" I spoke. "Hehe~ I am Radomira dark one and I would use them to help you in your conquest if that is your goal of doing on this land" she spoke.

I smile behind my helmet "good answer and yes that is my goal also you can call me Cherno when we aren't in battle or facing a enemy but if we are call me Cegus instead Radomira" I said as she smile and nod before I gave her a rune infuse with a spell for her to absorb to summon her succubus groups.

(Radomira POV)

When I receive the rune I felt magic coming from it and I decided to absorb the magic inside after I did that I felt a knowledge of a spell involving a summoning of a succubus and I smile a bit and summon three succubus.

(3rd person POV)

Everyone except for Cherno was shock to see Radomira summon three succubus as they look quite beautiful and sexy but thankfully no orcs or imps are in the room or else they would enjoy themselves to the female demons being drain of their seed. "Mm good work Radomira but now it time to gather the armies before we go invade this land" Cherno said as the people in the room clap softly.

After a hour of gathering and summoning everyone is outside in the courtyard as they wait for Cherno (or Cegus to them) as they are waiting for his speech and in the courtyard is ten thousand dark elves, ten thousand undead, fifty impregnate bimbos, a hundred orcs, a hundred imps, fifty succubus, and fifty demons all there waiting. Everyone stare at the balcony as Cherno walk out and stand at the railing facing the army before him "today my fellow warriors and ladies we will claim this land under the barrier of Cegus but along the way we will kill all who stand before us!" He said as everyone started to chat and yell "Bring death to the rapers! To the abusers!" they said. "No longer will the men that treat women of all species as prizes for they will suffer by our hands!" He said as they yell again "yeah! Torment them for their crimes!"they said. "This so call Sex empire lead by Vult the mutt will suffer by my hands while his allies will face punishment but the soldiers who rape the innocent will face something far worse then death itself!" He continues. The army started to chat the same three word sentence "say the word" (ten times) "for the future of this land will have it order and justice it deserves" he said as they chat again. "Now it time to go to WAR!" He yell the last word as he finishes before the army roar "Wwwwwwaaaaarrrrrr!" they yell as Cherno smile behind his mask and head inside to join his allies, his harem, and friends at the ground.

He reach their within minutes as they all gear up and ready to go but before they could Cherno pull out a whistle flute and blow into it which confused them until he stop and suddenly there were running horses headed towards them which the horses stop right in front of Cherno.

They got on the horses and ride out of the castle and into the forest with the half of their army marching behind them as they left with; a thousand dark elves, nine thousand undead, fifty orcs, fifty imps, and fifty between succubus and demons. They ride and march for a few minutes until they arrive at a village completely destroy and turned into a ruin state which fuel the hatred in Cherno heart against Vult and his dogs more like mutts in his mind. However they stop as they saw a few people coming out of the ruins as they were probably at less a hundred people who are made out of; nine male teenagers, twenty elders (ten males and ten females), twenty injure men, twenty emotionless women and thirty children (fifteen girls and fifteen boys with all of them are 10 or younger), however a sudden noise cause everyone to look at a ruin shed where that noise came from. A figure came out of the ruin shed as it is a young woman with poor clothing as if her clothes was burnt while her skin seem fine. Cherno got off his horse then walk in a slow and calm pace towards the woman who look scared shaking with fear.

(Cherno POV)

I walk toward the frightened woman in a pace that doesn't make me seem scary to the unknown woman but when I got close up to her it reveal she have a hand mark on her wrist meaning someone was trying to pull her somewhere outside the shed but didn't. "Hey it alright" I spoke in a soft and whisper tone that starting to calm her a bit "explain what happened to you" I spoke again. She look unsure until she took a deep and relaxing breath before spoking "i was living with my mom in a house deep in the forest but close by when sudden these men with a wolf symbol on their shoulders try to catch me and my mother until a man grab my wrist and squeeze it hard as I cry a little as he try to grab my breasts but my mother killed him using a knife to stab him in the throat. When he let go of my wrist my mother was killed by a man who look like a thief using a sword to stab her right in the chest but before she died she throw me a danger which I caught it and told me one word 'survive' then she drop to the floor lifeless. Without a thought I ran out side towards the town where blazes are happening to the buildings but what shock me is the man behind this was that no forgiving Vult man as he is making many men to become his dogs while the rest try fighting ending in a result of them either being injured or killed by monsters. I hide inside the shelf but I notice my dress starting to smoke which lead to me getting rid of them and found poor clothing before hiding in the cellar that was in the shed" she said.

I blink my eyes a few times before I grind my teeth together softly "tell me your name miss?" I ask as she took a short breather before answering "my name is Ella" she said before I offer  her a handshake which she accept. "I am Cegus but 'call me Cherno instead I don't want them to know about my real name' okay?" I said in a whisper which she just nod. We stop shaking hands then I look back at my allies, my loves and my friends before telling Er to give the people some food and water then treat the injured. "Um excuse me dark lord I am wondering why are you helping us instead of enslaving us?" A young man who is wearing leather armor ask me. "Because I want to rule the land with order and justice that also means sparing the innocent but punish the corruption and unhuman people" I spoke surprising the man. "Now I know this might sound weird but would you like to help your fellow villagers and other villages to form under the banner of Cegus" I said. He accepted this and explain that he is doing this to save those who weren't broken by this sex empire which I smile and hand him a gem which confused him until I explain to put it on his chest and press the gem. He did just as I ask and suddenly he is now wearing a armor and carrying weapons on his hip.

He smile at his armor and thank me for the gift which I say "no problem" to him then he salutes but notice that the young woman look at the ground "hey do you want to join us as we go to the fort where it will soon be attack?" I ask. She look at me in surprise then she thought for a moment "I thought about it and agree to join you but how can I join if I cannot defend my home" she said. I smirk then told her this "I can let the two females who is my friends to train you when we are closer to the fort as the soldiers can set up the tents when we get in a clearing spot to set up camp?" I said. She smile at what I say and hug me for a sec which I reply by patting her back then she let go but before she went to the two females I ask for her knife which she did and waited as I use magic to remold the blade and handle into a dagger. I gave it back as she look confused until I explain that the dagger can change into a special weapon that will only active by her hand only. Before she ask I gave her a glove which she put it on then I ask her to press the gem on the glove and when she did she was cover in light until she is now wearing an armor that fit her perfectly.

"Thank you oh and I am Scarlet" she said smiling before walking to the two females but when she left, i then whisper "I know you are there" I said as a figure gasp softly and quietly that I heard that. After a second the female came out from the shadows so that only I can see her and when she reveal herself I am curious towards her ears.

"I am Kohaku and how did you know I was hiding?" she ask in a nervous tone which I chuckle a little then I reply "I heard a faint walking as if you were trying to move within the darkness and I could sense your presence" I said. She blush a little then look at me "so what are you gonna capture me because I was spying on you in the darkness?" she said. I chuckle a little before replying "no but I want you to join us since I can tell you are quite the spy" I said causing her to look surprise. After a few seconds she answer "I will join you if you promise me to treat me with love since I never receive that when I was young" she said. "Alright but here" I throw her a cloak which she catch it and look confused and stare at me "I gotta need you to hide yourself among the elves since they have a few assassins wearing this cloak so you blend in perfectly" I said. She nod and wear it then walk away into the darkness and join among the dark elves while I walk back to my horse and got on it.

(3rd person POV)

After a hour of helping the villagers the army lending by Cherno continue towards the fort while Steven (the young man who join) went to other villages to gather an army to fight however the emotionless young women were sent to the fort to try to get their emotions back from a friend of Cherno. A few minutes of walking and the army stop in a opening with enough room to set a camp and it is near the fort where the attack is supposed to start soon. The undead built the tents including the private tents; for Cherno for himself, the four dark elves, Radomira and Kohaku, then finally is Cherno friends tent including the champion Scarlet who was train by Vyllia and Wendy within two hours which she learn a lot from them and is a great sword woman thanks to them. But in the tent where Radomira and Kohaku is at they were whispering to each other involving Cherno and a pleasure time. They smile and starting to get themselves ready for Cherno.

(Radomira POV)

We walk towards the tent where Cherno private chamber is but we stop in front of two guards who look at us.

They look at us as I remember that Cherno call them Blood Paladins but I smile and giggle a little "Don't worry we were call here by Cherno himself to keep him company" I said as they look at each other.

(Blood Paladins conversation)

"Believe what she said bro?" The first one ask "eh I say we let them since they don't have weapons on them to kill our lord, bro so I say fuck it and let them in" the second one said.

(Radomira POV)

The two guards look at us then let us by as I am curious to what they were doing looking at each other but I ignored it and walk in with Kohaku who is quite nervous. I couldn't blame her since we are gonna please Cherno who aura is so sinister that anyone who isn't from this world could be on their knees and pry to a false god but I can since I sense it when I first woke up from my stone imprisonment and my word I was a fucking mess at the sight of Cherno aura. He has so much aura that I don't think anyone could match his sinister aura. But I stop thinking as we enter Cherno private room and we are shock to see him without his armor and instead wearing simple clothes. And I must be having a nosebleed at the sight of his face.

(Cherno POV)

I turn around to see who enter my room and is surprise to see both Radomira and Kohaku here wearing dresses that cover up most of their skin but instead of grabbing them and kiss them I instead ask them this "why are you two in my room ladies" I said. After a few seconds Kohaku was the one to spoke up "it because we want to thank you for being so kind towards us that we thought of thanking you" she said. "And what a better way of thanking? We gonna give you a pleasure time if you don't mind that is~" Radomira said as Kohaku is blushing hard as Radomira lick her lips a little as I chuckle softly. "Alright sure I do it if you two don't mind being part of my harem" I said as they look at each other and nod as they did something I didn't expect they kiss each other passionately that even I was gonna admit they look so lovely and sexy kissing each other. They stop as they pull away with a trail of saliva connecting their lips then drop to the floor as they look at me "we don't~" they said "then let start" I said smiling.

Lemon start

I sat on the bed edge as Radomira and Kohaku are on their knees in front of me as they are pulling down my shorts and when they did my cock hit Radomira on the cheek as it surprise both of them while Radomira rub her cheek a little. "My word" Radomira said as Kohaku just stare before going close to my rod and giving it a sniff which cause her eyes to widen and starting to lick my cock rod in a aggressive yet loving way as I groan. "Ahh~ you have the scent of a alpha Cherno please let me do the honor of pleasing you~" Kohaku said as her breathing is heavy as if she is in heat. Radomira smile and strip down before stripping down Kohaku and grabbing her breasts causing her to moan while she lick my length "hehe guess you even have a beast scent to even cause foxes to go into submission my king~" Radomira said. They starting to make out as Kohaku stroke my cock which cause me to groan a little then they stop and grab their breasts before putting my cock between them as I feel their big soft breasts which cause me to groan again. They start to rub my cock between their breasts as Kohaku starting to suck on my cock tip while Radomira smirk and force Kohaku to slam my cock half way in her mouth causing her to gag a little before she relax a bit and started to sucked my cock. Then Kohaku pull out before Radomira took her place and slam her head on my cock which enter halfway into her mouth before she starts to gag a little but she relaxes into it as she suck my cock causing me to groan.

They repeat this until I grab their heads as Radomira pull away before I slam both their lips on my cock tip and thrust between their breasts as if I am fuckfacing them until I slam and unleash a lot of cum into their mouths as half shot out from under their lips while the other half enter their mouths giving them a meal. I release my grip as I stop shooting my load as both the women shallow my loads then they pant a little before smiling "I hope you don't mind if we take charge for the next position" Radomira said. I smirk and agree as they told me to lay on the bed then Radomira got on top my mouth as Kohaku is above my cock with her pussy all dripping wetness. I grab Radomira hip and starting to eat her pussy which cause her to moan while Kohaku went slow and sit on my cock which cause her to moan hard and loud as my cock is fully inside of her. They starting to make out while Kohaku ride my cock as I eat Radomira pussy like a wild beast which they moan together while grabbing each other breasts and squeeze them a little as they make out a lot. This went on for a while until we all came together me filling Kohaku womb as they squirts together with Radomira on my mouth and Kohaku covering my cock. We stop as Radomira and Kohaku got off of me but before they could speak I grab both of them and pin them on the bed with Radomira on the bed and Kohaku on top of her as they face each other before I grind my cock between their pussies causing them to moan. I then slam my cock in Radomira pussy causing her to scream in joy as her virginity has be taken by me then I thrust hard and fast before switching to Kohaku pussy which cause her to scream in joy too as I thrust hard and fast.

After a while of me switching between them I slam into Kohaku pussy filling her up before filling Radomira up too as they pant and try to take a little breather but I am full of energy and get them into a jackhammer position with both of them having their asses in the air. Then I slam my cock into their asses starting with Radomira who eyes rolled back into her head as she stick her tongue out as she enjoyed this while I slam in her ass repeatedly then I did the same with Kohaku who tail is wagging like crazy. After a few slamming and switching I slam into Radomira ass then filling her ass up before I switch to Kohaku ass and filled her ass up causing them to pant like crazy again but we continue after a small breather.

(3rd person POV)

After two hours of the Blood Paladins were guarding the tent until they heard loud noises from Radomira, Kohaku, and Cherno as the two Paladins stare at each other thinking one thing "Ohh lala" as they turn to face in front as they hear the girls screaming this "AHH! YES! FUCK US! Cherno, Make us your fucking lovers!" The two hear as they roll their nonexistent eyes while smirking nonexistent.

Inside the bedroom is Radomira and Kohaku on their knees and hands on the bed as Cherno is fucking their pussies and asses between switching as the two women while their faces are making ahegao looks with their tongues out and their eyes rolling back into their head. After a few more slamming and pounding Cherno slam his cock deep in Radomira pussy then filled her up. Then he did the same to Kohaku before slamming his cock into her ass filling her ass up then he did the same to Radomira ass filling her up too. He then lay on the bed panting as both the women lay beside him as they kiss his cheeks before passing out then so did Cherno but unknowingly he mark them the same with the dark elves.

Lemon end

Location: Mercenary Camp

(??? POV)

"So let me get this straight you the so call leader of this army want me to kill this guy who is so powerful that you ran away from this guy leaving your men there to die?" I said looking at Vult as he and myself sat in a tent. "Yes and oh course here is half of the payment" he said throwing five small bags of gold in front of me as I stare at the bags "fine but if this Cegus guy isn't anything you say I will personally kill you" I said before grabbing the bags and hiding them in my coat then head out of the tent as Vult smile to himself. "What a pussy but no matter I see if this guy is the real deal and if he is I might tell my boss about him since he does sound like the kind of man my boss would be partner with" I thought to myself as I spot a man heading inside Vult tent.

I stop and went into the shadows to listen to what the two talking about "so Hicks what did the they say about helping us" Vult said talking to the man Hicks "they agree and sign the letters stating them helping us" Hicks said.  Vult smirk evilly as he laugh a little "good and even though we lost a fort we will claim the other forts" he said as Hicks smirk and left then I left too in the shadows heading towards the fort where the princesses is at. "These assholes have no idea of how wrong they are since they are gonna fail to this Cegus overlord but judging from Vult tone this Cegus have sinister plans for Vult and his men including his allies" I thought to myself as I laugh insanely as I enter a dark portal that I summoned.

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