Intermission chat 2

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An: welcome back to the intermission show everyone! *everyone in the back grounds claps* now on your RTS we will have four guests this time as two of them you already met while the other two you all have heard so let give it up for our two returning guests Deadpool and the Mask everyone!

*Lights hit on Deadpool and Mask but while Mask is happy Deadpool is crossing his arms in a upset way*

Dp: I know this is just a show but like seriously why bring me back! I already got myself in trouble by Logan I don't need another mutant trying to kill me! *he threw his hands up*

TM: I don't mind coming back since you are wacko An *he smile until he got scared by An holding a pan* 

An: do you want me to use this?

TM: Nope!

An: *hides it* good now then let welcome our third guest who is know as the clown who can bend himself from reality and he is know as the mastermind behind the chaos heart let give him a warm welcome for Dimentio!

*lights came on as a figure appears in front of a chair with different colors that match the figure colors*

Dim: thank you An! And I hope you didn't get upset with me bringing you to watch the show with me and the others *he make a sad face*

An: *chuckles* nope but I were disappointed that you didn't give me a heads up so you must write me a full paragraph of your mistake and correct it after this because I don't want to get her involve.

Dim: *sweats a little* Nope! She doesn't need to be here mr An sir! *sits on the chair*

*both TM and DP look at each other confused*

An: *clears throat* now then our fourth guest is something of an deity of madness and came from the nightmare realm so let introduce our final guest for today! Let give a warm welcome to Bill Cipher!

*music begin to play as a figure with an yellow suit and a triangle eye patch appears playing on the piano while singing*

*once he done he appears on a yellow hovering chair* 

BC: hello everyone! *he tip his hat as everyone in the background cheer*

An: what a performance Mr Cipher but remember you are a guest so don't scare or make everyone insane *pull out a spray bottle* or I will use this btw this liquid inside is a special liquid I create to make you feel like you are being erase but it won't so don't make me use it

BC: *sweats* hehe understood An I will behave

An: *hides the bottle* now then today we gonna have a surprise guest by the end of the show as a special event for the series Overlord of Negativity Worlds so let see the questions that the wonderful readers have for us!

*pulls out an box and start to shake it then stop before reaching in and search for a few minutes then he pull out a comment*

An: This is from the reader and a fellow writer name Elemental_Avenger who comment "It's official, you're the first and probably only person to add the women from Kuroinu 2. Keep up the good work." well thank you and you are probably the first one to mention that I add the females characters from Kuroinu 1 and 2 minus the brother but he gonna be mention. But what do you four think of  his comment? *look at the four guests*

DP: eh it alright I am quite surprise by the fact that you add female babes from both series Kuroinu.

TM: mm I disagree with DP here because although the reader/writer must know that you just add nearly all the characters from the series minus that kid brother so you got a great knowledge of your characters mr reader

Dim: I like that the fact you the first to add the females from both series who are in a large time gap so I am quite surprised that the reader didn't mention that.

BC: I just love the way you make the villains minus one to suffer in terrible punishment for their treatment of women so I am surprise the reader didn't mention your ideas so if readers does comment I sure they love how you make the main villain of that series to suffer in the most brutal way you thought of An.

An: well then reader/writer you sure got them really talking about you and your comment so I thank you for that now we gonna go to the next comment.

*An done the same thing and then pull out a comment*

An: this comment belongs to a reader name GhostlyPresence2501 who ask "Thea and Wilma won't be in the harem .. ?" well then mr reader I will but the reason I don't create a list involving Neva or Kiber with an harem is because I am creating both genders of companies and newly friends so I am sorry if you want to have a list. However let ask our guests of your comment.

DP: dang An you sure know how to pick them so I am surprise you don't just knot them up! *he got hit by the head by a pan* ow okay sorry! But I like your mention kid good job

TM: eh as long as the kid doesn't make a demand of a list he is a alright kid

Dim: he sure is bold to think you didn't forget to the women who have fallen in love with the main star Cherno so I give them a 90/100 for their comment.

BC: mm he is alright but like I am getting sad that people don't comment about the characters who help Cherno or cheer for him *pout a little*

An: haha well maybe they comment once we get more people but at the moment we only have these wonderful readers who have be reading the story like crazy however we came to the last comment so let see who is the lucky duck

*After a few seconds An pull out a comment*

An: alright let see who the lucky duck is DracoType00 who is both a reader and a writer with one story so congratulations my friend as you get your comment read and so let see what you wrote "Aw so cute now she can live a happy life" he comment. So i guess you are correct my friend because she does can get a happy life but that ain't all for the puppy will not die! But what do you four think?

DP: ...

TM: ...

Dim: ...

BC: ...

An: um fellas? *widen eyes and quickly put on a headset* viewers! Be warned because these four are about to yell their minds out!

All four: SON OF A BIT-

*timeskip brought to you by the developers of RTS as the four guests were causing many torture to the kids from Lucy timeline*

An: Now then *looks at the four guests who is relaxing on the chairs as steam were coming from their bodies* let try this again what is your  four opinions on the reader/writer comment?

DP: you are right about the girl cuteness kid and giving her a new family as the boys and that family of hers are selfless no for nothing bastards!

TM: yeah I mean you are right of responding with that question because even villains themselves would never go that low!

Dim: Yeah! Those kids and her parents got what they deserved once we were finish! I mean the boys killing a puppy! That is inhuman!

BC: Seriously does kids like those do that to girls! And what about her parents! I mean come on you don't do that to a girl that age so reader I gonna say this. You are a great help to gave us the comment because we done that kid and puppy a favor!

An: *sigh* anyway because of their um sudden outburst the developers have to censor the scene including their language using a clip so I hope you all enjoy that clip. But now we are reaching the end of our show however before we end the episode we are gonna be hosting a celebration by the special guest who is the most wild partying girl who may join Cherno harem along with the other females from that series. Let give a warm welcome to our special guest miss Pinkie Pie!

*canons fire as the entire room became a party room as a woman with pink hair while wearing a cute dress enter the room*

PP: hello! Did someone mention a party! *she jumps as she turn to face An and got pump*

An: *chuckle a little* yes because it is the celebration of the Overlord of Negativity Worlds 3.2k views, 71 votes and 28 chapters so this calls in a celebration party! Hit the music! Napstablook!

*lights came on to a dj table with a human version of napstablook*

NB: alright *spoke in a gentle and soft tone before playing the music*

*everyone stare to celebrate as DP is drinking, TM is partying while pinkie and BC dance on the dance floor as Dim is singing leaving An to chuckle as he face the scene* thank you wonderful viewer and readers of enjoying the book and the intermissions so far but like always have a wonderful time. Oh and like the last intermission.

Everyone: see you all! In the next Intermission!

Everyone celebrate as the scene end with a outro.

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