Taimanin Chapter 3: Tournament, Death, and deals

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An: okay so this chapter is have death in the title because the time for Ryuji will finally met his end including his father while the deals involved with Edwin and Smith so let start.

(3rd person POV)

Location: Edwin office

Inside the office is Edwin who just read the attack on the secure brothel and the death of Real he sorta is glad that both opponents who were in his way were now out of his way however there still the Taimanin, the UFS, and Cegus but they can wait as Edwin is planning a big tournament. He pull out a remote and press it then a screen appears as it reveals two cages one with a young girl with a unique power while the other is an Taimanin who he be saving once he find a source for cloning. He smirk evilly until Oboro came into the room "Black, there seems to be a group of four men and a woman who requested a meeting for you" she said which cause Edwin look confused but he push the button again hiding the screen. "Send them in" he said as Oboro bow before leaving and within a few minutes the group came in which reveals as Kete, Polar, Shigeru and Muneichi along with Ryuji who is behind the four. "Ah so what can I do for you three" Edwin said pointing at Muneichi, Shigeru, and Ryuji ignoring Polar and Kete "actually they want us to come here" Shigeru said pointing at Polar and Kete. Edwin got a little mad at the new people who ain't from here "thank you Shigeru I glad you see how we can be an enemy if we aren't treated with equality since you already know what happened again if it does" Kete said. Edwin look confuse "ah forgive me mr Black I have a power that can stop anyone to get horny, get hard, and even stop their minds from having any lust" Kete said.

Edwin eyes widen as he look at her as she is telling the truth since all the things she just said is effecting him "how is that possible?" He ask which Kete giggle "because my boss want to meet you after your tournament since he were given a task of meeting with you because of your vampiric powers" she said. Edwin eyes widen in surprise "how does he know about that" he said as Polar talk "because he was given information about you from his and my lord who is beyond anything you have face" Polar said. "Mm let say I believe you why does he want with me" Edwin said as Kete smirk and move out the way with Polar which Shigeru and Muneichi did so so that Edwin can face Ryuji. Edwin eyes widen as he witness Ryuji turning into a demonic wolf "I were given this transformation but i am still trying to control it as without mastering it I will be burn by sunlight" Ryuji said returning to his normal self. Edwin look at Kete who look at him "don't worry your is gonna be different because you will receive a different version that match your desire" she said. Edwin eyes widen as he smirk liking the idea of having his own transformation that is much more to his liking "so what do I do to meet this boss of your miss Kete?" Edwin said as she smile.

She hold out a contract and a quill then give it to Edwin "sign this and once the tournament is finish you got to wait until midnight at a location that my boss will send you since you have to meet him in private" she said. Edwin smirk then he sign the contract with his own blood but once he sign the contract both the contract, quill, Kete and Polar vanish surprises the men "so why are you three here?" Edwin said. "I gonna get this Cegus attention and tell him about the tournament you are hosting" Muneichi said "then we have my son and your allies fight him at once while the other fighters fight gogo" Shigeru said. "Since it seems this Overlord be on our thorn for so long why not work together to kill this Cegus and then we well rule the Tokyo kingdom!" Ryuji said. Edwin thought about it and smile sinisterly as it sound too good to just reject "alright but we add a little spice by telling the fighters to attack Cegus instead since I want him dead badly as he has be ruining my plans" Edwin said. All four men laugh evilly as clouds start to form around Tokyo.

Location: Prisoners Cages

In a room is two cages where in one of them is a little girl wearing a set of weird clothes while in the other is a woman wearing a mask and a similar hair but the woman starting to wake and spot the little girl who is crying. "Hey little one are you alright?" The woman ask which surprise the little girl who is scared "yes but I am terrified" she said as the woman sigh "hey do you want to tell each other names since we are trap" the woman ask. The little girl nod her head for yes "okay I am Oboro kokawa" the woman said looking at the woman "I am Lucy and I don't know why but I was separate from my mom and dad" she said. Oboro (K) felt sorry for Lucy as she must have been kidnapped when her parents were kill "hey can you explain how you got here Lucy?" she said. Lucy look down sadly "I don't know how but I was with my parents when suddenly this mysterious man name Nebulous grab me then um he say teleportation when he brought me here" Lucy said. Oboro widen her eyes as she never thought of teleportation can be real "well then Lucy I can tell you that I were kidnapped and somehow be knock out for I don't know how long but I can tell you that we will be save" she said. Lucy smile a little as she yawn and sleep which Oboro smile but she is worry "why kidnapped this child Black?" She thought as she look at the ceiling.

Location: Cafe

Inside the cafe is Cherno wearing his adventure clothes as he is enjoying his usual but someone enter the cafe which Cherno look up to see a fat man wearing a blue business suit however he seems to be looking for someone. But not long he spot Cherno which he smile and walk towards him but he was stop by two male employees "ah sorry gentlemen but I must speak with that man" he said but the employees just stare. "Sorry but we don't want someone who work for their slaver brother to chat with our friend and protector" the first employee said as Muneichi widen his eyes in fear. "Please I just want to tell him about the" Muneichi spoke only to be stop by Cherno "tournament? Which you, Ryuji, his father, and Edwin plan to have me be killed by Ryuji and Edwin allies along with the fighters?" He said. Muneichi is completely shock to how did Cherno know "how do you know Cegus?" Muneichi said completely terrified as the manger lock the door and close the blinds. "Simple" Cherno stand up and walk towards Muneichi but stop right in front of Muneichi as the two employees walk away and guard all the exits with the other employees while everyone who were there eating their meals watch as they were excited for the show. "Because a friend who were hired by the world government is an old pal of mine" Cherno smirk as a man wearing a coat stand up from his table and stand beside Cherno "hello ex chief of public civilization affairs" the man said.

Muneichi eyes widen as he look frightened "ex?" He said as the man nod "you no longer chief because of your connections to the crime organization between demons and humans so I afraid you are hereby under arrest but not by me rather by my friend here as you and your 'brother' has kidnapped women for too long" the man said. Muneichi try defending himself "but at less I don't kill like he does! Why does he get to arrest me!" He said as the man chuckle confusing Muneichi "because I were given the role as lord to the distinct you are currently in" Cherno said. Muneichi eyes widen "impossible! Only I and the members of" Muneichi said but was stop "actually he were given the title by the world government who want me as the head of Tokyo chief of civil affairs" the man said. Muneichi look at the man "just who are you!" He said as the man chuckle softly "the name is Quill" the man respond before he punch Muneichi in the stomach causing Muneichi to slam against the table injuring his back. "Ahhh! You son of a bastard!" Muneichi yell holding his injury back but Cherno lift Muneichi by grabbing his neck which cause Muneichi to choke a little. "You think you just received your punishment? No I got some ladies who is just itching to get payback for the many women you and your brother cause so right now we are being recording live for my lovers at home" Cherno said.

He force Muneichi to look at a camera which cause Muneichi to be panic but before he could beg his legs were suddenly bent in the wrong direction causing Muneichi to cry as Cherno bent all Muneichi bones into all sort of directions. After a few minutes Muneichi entire body is all shatter but he is still alive "w h y" he ask in a mess up tone which Cherno chuckle before lifting him up and aim it at the camera again. "Because it time for the age of corruption to end and the new dawn of order to begin" Cherno said before snapping Muneichi neck ending his life and his suffering. Cherno took a breather before looking at Quill who is sitting on a chair doing work which Cherno chuckle "even though you are the chief you still have work to finish" he said which Quill smirk. "Well old friend if it wasn't for you saving me at a young age then I wouldn't find the portal that led me here" he said chuckling while the employees clean up the mess that Cherno cause. "Anyway sorry if I cause the mess manger" Cherno said looking at a man wearing a master chef who just wave it like it was nothing "please you save my cafe and my employees along with my most familiar customers so it nothing as long as you promise to bring us to this world of yours since we are tired of being here" the manger said. Cherno chuckle "I try and hey maybe I eat at your dinner that you always dream about once you get there" he said as the manger laugh. "Perhaps but I am getting old young one so I may be gone by the time you finish with your goal or perhaps more like a dream as you say about my own" the manger said which Cherno sigh.

Location: District downtown

It be a few hours since Cherno left the cafe and headed towards the tournament but as he try looking for it he stop at a abandoned station saying a word entrance which he walk in to just see a large group of men, demons, and orcs all around the close gate. Cherno smile knowing that this the place but he need to find someone who can help him get inside but as he continue to walk into the crowd he bump into a dark orc with a eye completely out of his socket. "Hey watch it bud!" The dark orc said but Cherno smile "hey by any chance are you looking for a person to give you the betting money?" Cherno said. That caught the dark orc attention "go on?" He said as Cherno smirk knowing that this orc can be a worthy ally for Tokyo once he conquer this world "you see I am know by a name that strike fear into any creature even bosses but now I am looking for a good time to fight in a battle royale" Cherno said. The orc smile as he can tell that Cherno is true to his word "alright but what about the prizes?" The orc said "if it any money related you keep 75 while I keep 25" he said which surprise the orc. "Alright kid I like your thinking so allow me to introduce myself I am Zokuto, a free slaver so I am interested if I can work for you as long as you can sweeten the profit" the orc said. Cherno thought about it and got an idea "alright but you must swear on the code of the orcs you will keep your words and must listen to anything I ask you to do in exchange for your time as the head of the newly brothel" Cherno said. Zokuto eyes widen as he smirk he like this man as a worthy boss "alright I swear on the blood of my species the orc to these terms" he said as both Cherno and Zokuto shake hands sealing the deal.

Both of them went to where challengers are sign in and once Zokuto sign Cherno aka "Cegus" into the tournament Zokuto left to join the people who sign challengers into the battle while Cherno walk towards the challengers waiting room. But in a big viewing room is Edwin, Shigeru and powerful lords who are interested in the fighting rather than revenge as they don't know about Edwin and Shigeru plot. In the center of the battle royale is the announcer who just gave a speech about the prizes and wagers but once he done all the fighters including three famous women, Oboro, Saya, and Ryuji who is wearing a mask enter the arena. All the fighters gather around like a circle waiting until the announcer ring the bell causing all the fighters to fight as the crowd roar in excitement. Inside the dust storm fight is the three women; Power Lady, Snake Lady, and Fukumen along with Oboro, Saya, and Ryuji as all six of them try to find Cherno but as they seem to have a rough time. Until they heard screams of all the other fighters are being kill one by one which cause them to get into the center of the battle as the dust settles but once it does everyone is completely horrified minus the lords at the scene. All around the six fighters is a hundred fighters which is just piles of bones, blood, and many disgusting things which cause the three famous women look at Oboro. "You say we will be facing a powerful man not a monster!" They said but instead of a scare tone their tones are that of a lustrous woman wanting to be rough and uses like a punching doll. "Mistress are you sure we can fight this monster?" Saya said with a hint of worry which Oboro roll her eyes "the six of us can kill him easily so don't get cold feet!" Oboro said. Ryuji look around trying to spot Cherno but it wasn't long because "I am surprise you six couldn't see me" a familiar voice spoke causing all six fighters to look at a man wearing a armor that sends all six of them shivers.

Everyone is speechless at the scene while in the viewing room is the lords all cheering as they look at Edwin "well done Black! This might be your most interesting tournament we ever see! Who would think that Cegus will enter the tournament!" A demon lord said. Both Edwin and Shigeru look at them in surprise "wait how do you know about Cegus?" Shigeru said as all of the lords look at him. "You haven't heard? That is Hadie partner and son in law" another demon lord spoke which cause Shigeru to get up and immediately ran out the room in fear as he gonna try to save his son. Edwin on the other hand is enrage at this new information "hang on how do you know?" He ask as the lords laugh "because of lord Nebulous who basically the most powerful demon lord who can receive glimpses of the future most times" a orc lord said. Edwin eyes widen as he stare at the fight before grinding his teeth "well gentlemen I think it time for the monster Gogo to enter" he said. All the lords cheer as they want to see the story of Cherno power is true which confused Edwin but he push a button which cause the ground towards the entrance/exit of the arena opens.

Back at the arena is the six fighters well three as the three famous women were beaten within an hour by Cherno who is currently fighting Oboro, Saya, and Ryuji who is skill and fast compare to the three famous women. Cherno smirk but he stop as he notice the ground opening by the entrance which a monster size orc came out from and charge at Cherno who dodge as the monster is heading toward the three unconscious women. Cherno spot the path Gogo is charging at which cause Cherno to teleport all the three famous women to his manor while he deal with the three fighters and the newcomer. "Enough with this game! I gonna kill you here and now!" Ryuji said as he smirk along with Oboro as the moon turn red which cause a boast to Ryuji and Oboro who change into powerful demonic versions of themselves but Ryuji he use this chance to transform. The werewolf Ryuji is emitted a newly power aura that make Saya completely scared as Cherno smirk before looking at the monster Gogo "Yield!" He shouts which confused many people but everyone minus the lords and Cherno is shock at the scene before them. Gogo backing away from Cherno and kneel before him which anger Oboro "you son of a bastard!" She screams and try to kill Cherno only to be knock out by Cherno who hit Oboro nervous system by the neck. As soon as she were on the ground Cherno then knock Saya out too but he then look at Gogo who is shivering in fear "lift those two women" Cherno said as Gogo nod and lift Oboro and Saya.

Cherno then teleport the three to the manor as he face against Ryuji who charge at him but Cherno dodge and kick Ryuji side causing him to howl and growl at Cherno before jumping up and try to slam against Cherno. Everyone gasp as Shigeru is horrified at the scene. Ryuji stop moving as his heart is out of his chest from his back which is holding by Cherno hand as Cherno pierce Ryuji chest where his heart is at. "This is the end Ryuji" Cherno said then crush Ryuji heart causing Ryuji to return to normal as he fell to the ground then a shadow orb came out from Ryuji body and vanish. However Cherno quickly grab a punch which is own by Shigeru who is in his demon form but Cherno smirk and throw Shigeru right at a wall which Shigeru crashes into, revealing the two cages where Lucy and Oboro (K) is at. Edwin got enrage and call in his soldiers to stop Cherno but Cherno already free the two but he kill Shigeru by stomping onto Shigeru chest piercing his chest and destroying Shigeru heart. Then Cherno teleport himself and the two at the manor which was just in time as Edwin guards and soldiers were at the room while Edwin left the viewing room. However at the wagers seats is Zokuto who is receiving all the money that the other wagers bet which Zokuto is crying tears of pure joy "my friend I thank you!" Zokuto said in his head. "Mm so that was Cegus" the female slaver name Dahlia said "I wonder if he is better than Real was before his demise" Dahlia said then she walk up to Zokuto then both herself and Zokuto chat.

Location: Manor

After a hour has pass since Cherno return the five women who work for Edwin are in the dungeon where they are tied to the walls by titanium chains however as they started to wake up Cherno slash water on the five women face waking them up fully. "Hello ladies" he said as he walk and sat on a chair as the dungeon they were in is completely box in with walls make out of titanium. "What do you want you son of a bastard!" Oboro yell as the other four women just stare at Cherno who cross his arms "alright you brainwash clone you keep talking and I won't hesitate of letting my newest pet Nabelius have his way with you!" Cherno said. Oboro eyes widen while the four women look at her in shock "No! I am the real Oboro I live to serve Black!" Oboro yell. Cherno sigh and put his hand on his chin looking at Oboro as the four women thought of their situation "what about us four?" Saya said which Cherno smirk "you can either stay here with her or you can join my harem since I find you four interesting but the clone here is brainwashed so you can witness what I can do instead of my pet Nabelius" he said. The four women look at each other before the three famous women smile and turn to face Cherno "we be your lovers if you can ravages us" Power Lady said. Saya look at the floor with a blush as Cherno smile and stand up walking towards Saya but stop in front of her before kneeling down to her level and lift her chin up. Saya blush at Cherno close face but she was surprise by Cherno removing his mask to show her his real face which cause Saya heart to pound with intense love "do you want to have a pleasure with someone who can make you feel amazing?" He ask.

Saya nod her head which Cherno chuckle a little before kissing her on the lips which cause her to be completely shock but she close her eyes and melt into the kiss for five minutes before they stop. Cherno pull away with a smile as he turn to face the other three women and gave them the same treatment he gave to Saya for every five minutes but once he finish he turn to face Oboro who is angry at the four women betrayal. "Mm I hope you three don't mind joining me of freeing the clone brainwashed" he ask looking at the three women who smirk and nod their heads which Cherno smile. He snap his fingers and suddenly a bed appears then he walk and grab Oboro hair but he free her from the wall then throw her at the bed which she lands on top as the chains appears and tied Oboro to the bed. "You won't be able to make me moan you bastard!" Oboro yell as Cherno chuckle before he free the four women and allow Saya to sit on the chair while he gave the three women each a gift.

Lemon starts

Cherno remove his clothes and reveal his beast which cause all five women to gasp but they find his rod attractive minus Oboro as she just look away but sometimes take a peak "hehe so Saya do you want the honors of getting Oboro ready while you three get me ready while enjoying your meals" Cherno said. All three women smile and immediately removed their clothes before getting on their knees and start to lick, suck and stroke Cherno rod which he groan while Saya rip Oboro suit right off then eat her entrance off. Oboro blush as she is feeling pleasure from her entrance which should be impossible "mm~ Oboro you taste yummy" Saya said with hearts in her eyes as she continues. Mid while Cherno is banging inside of a moaning Kaliya as the other two women is licking and sucking on Cherno balls and rod while they lick Kaliya then Cherno suddenly slam into her womb and fill her up.

He pull out and let Kaliya recover as he stare at Oboro who is ready as Saya walk towards Kaliya and clean her entrance while Cherno got on top of Oboro with the other two women beside Oboro who have straps on connected to their entrance. "You won't be able to break me!" Oboro yell only to be smack by Cherno "shut up you heartless clone! You belong to me!" he said surprising the two women as they smile before all three take positions. Oboro sat on Fukumen lap while Cherno is in front of her and for Power Lady she is facing Oboro face then without warning all three shove at the same time causing Oboro to cry as all three went full speed.

They keep going for an hour as Oboro mind is slowly changing until after an hour they all pull out until their tips were all that remains then they slam at once causing Oboro to widen her eyes as her mind is completely shatter and is replaced by Cherno and his lovers. All three filled her up well mostly Cherno but once they finish they pull away and let Oboro fell on to the bed with her face making a ahegao. "Thank you master Cherno~" she said as Cherno smirk before went on and gave the other two women pleasure while Kaliya is using her own to have her pleasure with Saya who is an moaning mess.

Lemon end.

All five women slept with Cherno in the center unknowingly that his clones brought in Sakura and Murasaki into the room and lay them beside the real Cherno as the clones and the two women were having their own fun.

Location: on top of a building.

(Edwin Black POV)

"Cegus will pay for what he cause me but thanks to this soon deal I will kill him personally and perhaps claim the women he stole from me" I thought but as soon as it reach midnight the sky suddenly turn dark. I look around to see that everything is frozen in time making me look around until I spot a man wearing a suit appear from the darkness "I suppose your mr Smith?" I ask as the man chuckle. "Indeed I am but first tell me what is your desire?" Smith ask as I thought about it. After a few seconds I spoke "it the desire for me wanting Asagi and keep her as my own" I said as Smith smile sinisterly and offer me a handshake "then let seal the deal me Black" Smith said as I shake his hand. Flames appear around our handshake then once Smith remove his hand I felt incredibly pain and fire inside my body as I grew a thirst for revenge and lust.

(3rd person POV)

Smith vanish as soon as Black starts to feel the pain and fire then he roar into the sky "Cegus your time of being Overlord is Over!" Black laugh evilly as time resume but as time resume Kiryuu left his laboratory with everything he have. He smirk evilly before pressing a button which cause the empty laboratory to blow up then Kiryuu walk and got into a vehicle which driver and passenger is none other than Zokuto and Dahlia. "So where did this Nebulous fella want us to meet with Cherno?" Zokuto ask as Kiryuu look at a map he were given "to the forest located at the ruins of a castle" he said. Zokuto nod and drive all three to the manor unknowingly being spy by Nebulous "mm soon Cherno you and myself will met and once we do I cannot wait to serve you" he said before vanishing into the darkness.

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