Prologue part 1: rise of evil (RW)

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18 years ago in a kingdom call Winterredge which is a terrible place for children and many people who ain't cruel however the people who control this kingdom is royals that are spoiled like greedy pigs. However during a party of the royals a cloaked figure with a basket is running towards a orphanage when that figure got there it look around before placing the basket on the ground in front of the door. Then the figure knock on the door which then ran away as a nun open the door. She look confused until she looked down and gasp then she picked up the basket which contain a newborn boy. She look around seeing who left this newborn but sigh as she knows who left their child would be here to get adopted. After a few seconds she bring both herself and the newborn insides as a beginning of change would soon begin.                                         

A year has passed and the boy name Cherno was slowly getting big as the nun smile at the boy until the door open as a couple enter the orphanage as they send a bad vibe to the nun however after a second the couple stand in front of the nun. They explain to her that they want the year old boy she is nursing as they want a second son. The nun sigh as she look at Cherno who look confused as she sadden and gave him to the miss who hold him a little rough than the nun. The couple left the orphanage with Cherno as the nun started to cry as she knew he would be in a lot of pain. She pray for you as she knew she can't say no to those who have authorization to her. When the couple got to their house which is a small mansion they gave the baby to a five year old girl maid. The maid look confused until Cherno started to sniff as she look saddened and started to raise him like a little brother. Oh course that didn't stop the adopted parents of their true goal, to get the pleasure of abusing the newborn. However at the orphanage the nun who stopped crying started to look outside the window to see a four year old girl in the alleyway. The nun quickly got outside and check on the poor girl who look thin like a stick. Without thinking she took pick up the girl and carry her inside which was too easy meaning the poor girl has been empty for a few months. So she took care of the poor girl and raise her like her own daughter which she doesn't mind as long as she help the girl like she wish for Cherno.

Nine years has passed and Cherno who is now ten, the maid (fourteen) including the nun daughter (thirteen) had survived a long rough journey mostly Cherno who be abused and neglect by nearly the entire kingdom except a few. One of them is Mary Murky who is the newest member of the murky family but she is the most nicest girl anyone has met. She might be five year old but at less she doesn't abuse anyone. However Cherno is a mess up with him having a rough time growing up with two abuse parents and a older brother who torment him. Yet that doesn't broke Cherno free will for his heart and mind is strong and determined to keep on living even though some people don't care for him. Yet today is his tenth birthday which means he get to watch the anniversary of the Harvest Bell which is where everyone who isn't royals get to celebrate around the bell tower. Which is also when the royals celebrated their time ten years ago during this time. At first dawn Cherno woke up and look outside to see the Harvest Bell begins which got him to get full energy.

Cherno mind: Yes! Today is the day I get to see and spend a whole day with my nun mother who found me! *Cherno pump his fist as he is full of excitement*

Cherno turn around and stripped everything down then put on his other clothes which is a barbarian outfit that is wear during winter time yet he find it fitting. He ran out from his room and head outside as he ran to where the orphanage was at. When he got there he is out of breath only to catch his breath again as he look at the door nervously. He shake the nervous and knock on the door. He wait a few minutes before it open to reveal a thirteen year old girl nun who is blushing a bit when she look who is at the door. Before he ask her name was a older nun who look like she is in her 20s stand beside the younger nun.

 "hello young man may I ask why did you came here?" The older nun ask looking at him with curious.

Cherno: "I am Cherno and I am wondering if you are the one who once raise a newborn boy?" He look at her with curious eyes.

"Cherno? Is that really you?" The older nun ask as she is trying to fight her tears.

"Yes it is nun mother" He said with a smile behind his mask as the older nun hug him crying softly.

After a few hours the two nuns and Cherno was inside the orphanage chatting a little until they heard a scream outside causing them to bolt to the door to see the Harvest Bell being destroyed by these weird creatures. As everyone is running away Cherno saw his (maid) sister and the five year old girl was running away from a goblin and imp which cause Cherno blood start to boiled as he ran to his two sisters. The goblin and imp stare at a Cherno as he unleash a battle cry and suddenly a club made out of darkness appears and he swing the club right at the goblin and imp which cause them to scream as they turn into red dust once the club hit them. Cherno look at his sisters who look at him in tears of joy as Cherno realizes that if they were here then. Before he could figure it out many royals are being slaughtered by the creatures causing him to grab his sisters hands and lead them to the orphanage. The two nuns look horrified at the chaos until they snap back to reality as Cherno has grab their arms and lead all four females away from the chaos as the creatures slaughtered more royals and catching the poor. As the five escape into the forest they were being follow by a strange creature who have intelligence compared to the others. After what seem like hours they stop inside a cave as they rest there Cherno look at the entrance and walk there to stand so that there were no ambushed in case they were going out there. All four females look at each other asking each other who they were and how they know Cherno but before they could answer a noise sudden appear causing the four to look frightened as Cherno stood his ground.

???: "My my I am curious as to how you were able to defeat my bredren so easy" a mysterious childish voice say from the bushes.

Cherno: "Show yourself you killer!" He say in a Bloodlust and anger tone looking for the mysterious figure with his club ready.

??? Mind: "mm he sure have a familiar tone" the figure think before speaking again "you see I ain't here to attack you but rather here to chat if you are interested of hearing me out" the mysterious figure say.

Cherno mind: "i guess it worth listening since that figure hasn't attack yet but first" he think before speaking "Alright but come in front of me so that I can see if I can trust you" he spoke in a tone of confidence and determination.

The mysterious figure chuckle before stepping into the light right in front of Cherno sight which cause him to look confused at the figure appearance.

Gab: "I glad we can talk like gentlemen instead of savages but before you ask what I am allow me to introduce myself I am Gab and you sir have intrigued me and those who lead this attack" the male goblin said.

Cherno look at him for a few seconds before relaxing a little "Alright you and I will talk but any funny business and I will not show you any mercy" Cherno say taking a sit on the ground looking at Gab. Gab then sit down as well as he and Cherno look at each other. Mid while the four females look at Cherno and Gab as they were confused yet curious how this will play out.

Gab: "Now the reason why you intrigue me is because you remind me of a old friend before he was murder by these outsiders calling themselves heroes rather in reality they are not" he said making a fist in anger at remembering those memories which cause Cherno to look at and sigh.

Cherno: "who ever he was I hope him a better life" he said looking at Gab as Gab look at Cherno smiling.

"Now correct me if I wrong but I didn't catch your name young man could you please tell me your name?" Gab ask curious.

Cherno chuckle before answering "Cherno is my name and that all I know because I was at the orphanage before ... those two took me away from my nun mother and done unspeakable things to me" he said looking at the ground a bit as a sinister aura filled the air around him causing Gab to look both shock and intrigue even more.

Gab: "I am sorry if you went to hell but might I ask do you and your female family want to live with the forces of the Negus?" He ask looking at Cherno who look surprise at him.

"You sure? I mean me and my sisters and nun mother are like outsiders to your species?" He ask.

Gab look shock and started to laugh like a sheep which surprise Cherno and the females "sorry but our kind welcome outsiders no matter what species they are hell I know a few dwarfs and elves that is living with us along with a few humans" Gab said smiling as he look at Cherno.

All five of them look shock and surprise even more until they snap out of the shock and surprise to stare at Gab "Well okay but when we get there could I meet the other leaders who is in charge because I am curious as a wet hog during a stormy day" Cherno said.

Gab laugh again as he look at Cherno with a smile again "sure as long as you don't mind going face to face against all of the leaders since they are not a joke once gather together" Gab say looking at Cherno who cross his arms and smirk behind his mask.

The group head towards the mountain where they enter a simple and peaceful village entrance which is sorta empty.

When they enter the town the streets were started to get crowded with all kind of species including the people who was kidnapped by the Harv Bell. The four females look in wonders as all humans and species alike are getting along. While they were sight seeing Cherno chuckle a little as he and Gab lead them towards a building far from the entrance.

"So how did this place became to be Gab?" Cherno ask looking at the goblin.

Gab look at him with a smile "all of us use to follow under one banner and one man before we became groups of different species. For you see our lord who has a good goal to unite the world under one name with leaders of each species. Yet sadly the royals who had greed and selfishness decided to ban together and called forth people from other worlds to fight against our lord. We lost against them and ever since then royals became the top of the chain because of they elect a leader who think royals are above everyone even their own species" Gab said sighing.

Cherno look at Gab with rage "that is bull no one isn't above anyone else just because they have power and money! It should be everyone who are equal to each other even though they are different we are still living beings! So what if they disagree on the idea of your lord thought. You and everyone here have rights and freedom!" Cherno yell a bit causing everyone to look at him with shock and surprise so was the four females. Gab look at him with a face who remember the same similar speech Cherno made. Slowly everyone starting to clap and cheer for Cherno speech. Cherno look surprise at everyone looking at him with joy for his speech and thoughts which cause a feeling of proud in Cherno heart. Everyone stop cheering and smile as they started to spend the day with joy and determination.

After a few minutes of walking the group enter a building where the outside is old yet the inside is new and rebuilt.

Cherno and Gab enter a room while the four females sit on chairs waiting for him to returns. Inside the room is a meeting room where several creatures and a few people sit as they stare at Cherno and Gab.

???: "Gab why did you called us here with a stranger?" A male orc said

???: "yeah I agree with Max here I am curious to why a young man is here" a female white said.

???: "..." two figures stare at Cherno as they reveal to be a cloaked figure and a wizard.

???: "hey why are you two silence all of a sudden?" A female dragon hybrid look at the two figures.

???: "It because that young man have a similar and familiar aura to our lord but it full power lies dormant inside of him isn't that right Draco?" The wizard say looking at the cloak figure.

Draco: "Yes he does yet we do not have the answer unless we find our old and ancient friend Savo, Rick" the cloak figure spoke looking at the wizard.

Before anyone could ask a new figure enter the room as a few people gasped which cause Gab and Cherno to look at the new person.

(Image him having blue eyes and five fingers along with a cloak covering his body)

Savo: "Ah so the time of evil has return it seems mm?" (Ps he have a voice mixture of gnarl and master yoda) he spoke in a calm and joyful tone.

Gab: "hello Savo it be a while hasn't it" he spoke in a hint of venom as Savo chuckle softly looking at Gab.

"Why isn't it Gab my half nephew" Savo spoke in a happy tone while Gab look away with anger.

"I ain't your half nephew old man since you dishonor the family name" Gab said gridding his teeth a little. Savo hit Gab head with a staff which cause him to rub his head.

Savo: "even so I am the eldest who change yet still the advisor to the overlord" he spoke looking at Gab before turning towards Cherno. "Allow me to introduce myself Youngblood I am Savo the gnarled advisor and hive overseer of the minions" Savo spoke towards Cherno.

Cherno: "I am Cherno and could you explain what you meant by Youngblood?" He ask as everyone look at him in curious.

Savo chuckle before he spoke in a different language "dout iejir ui dahakoan" (your blood is dragonkin)

Cherno: "dahakoan svabol batobot?" spoke in dragon tongue shocking everyone except Savo who smile.

Savo spoke again "coi ui vi xanalre batobot ergriff darastrixi shilta renthisj persvek" which confused everyone except for Cherno. After a few minutes of talking in dragon tongue they shake hands then face everyone. "It seems we have found our new overlord" Savo said.

Everyone in the room look surprise except for Draco and Rick who smile "Alright but before that we should train you to lead us all in a battle against the massive royals army who ruled your father castle" Rick said. Everyone look at each other then agree to name Cherno the new overlord of the Negus forces.

And so he train with many masters of different species which each have a lesson for Cherno to master and learn these new abilities along with studying how to rule a Empire that will soon come to be. Each master is different for they teach him from magic to combat and finally is defensive against all which is a challenge that fills Cherno determination.

He train for eight years along with his sisters and nun mother who want to teach him all about everything for families and how to take care of those who seem as both love and friendship.

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