Prologue part 2 Empire and Conquest (RW)

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It be eight years since his training begun and now after eight years he became the overlord of the forces of Negus and in his first step is to claim forts and towns along with gathering people who is willing to join while slaughtered royals who are truly evil to people and creatures.

(Cherno POV)

It has be eight years since I train to be the overlord and now today is our first step of claiming land started with the kingdom Winterredge since the royal fortified that place and under the rule of the Copper family which claim ownership of the kingdom. Before though I should check myself to see if I am all gear up to give the speech to everyone. I walk to a mirror then look at myself to see if I am all set.

After a few seconds I smile and start to head out to meet everyone in the town square but once I set outside my room I bump into someone who was outside as I look to see my sister who look quite wonderful in the dress of a maid since she does love helping around the house.

"Eep! I so sorry Cherno I was waiting for you to come out before I clean your room" she spoke in a soft voice.

I smile and put my hand on her shoulder softly "It alright plus I put everything away so that way all you need to do is dust" I said. She blush a little and smile as I remove my hand and went towards the dinner room where my nun mother is cooking.

She standing in front of the oven waiting for the cook bread to finish as I smile and stand at the end of the table "hello nun mother" I spoke softly as she turn her head a little and smile at me.

"Hi dear I hope you hungry because I am baking your favorite" she said in a motherly and lovely tone. I smile as I was hug from behind knowing the one person who hug me.

"Hi sis nice to see you too" I say. I turn around to look at the Mary my adopted sister who smile at me.

"Hi big bro I hope you didn't forget about your meeting with everyone" she spoke in a joyful tone as she let go of me before sitting next to the table.

"I didn't sis after all I am gonna be the overlord today so I must remember the events that be planned" I say taking a sit. After a few minutes Sarah (the nun mother) finish cooking the bread and set it in front of me and Mary but before we could eat we thank the lord for this breakfast then we eat for ten minutes. Once we were finished I got up and kiss Sarah on the cheek then kiss Mary on the cheek too "I see you and the others at the gathering" I say then left. Once I got outside I look at the house to remember all eight years of my best life.

I chuckle a little then head to town square where everyone is waiting. After a few minutes of walking I got there with ten minutes to spare but I cannot stall so I went inside the grand hall where my friends and allies are waiting. When I enter the hall I dunked a beer cup being throw as I look at Dave who is drunken like mad.

"Heyyyy Cherno *hic* I sorry *hic* bro as *hic* you see I am *hic* drunk at the *hic* moment. *hic* ohh~ is that a massive mountain woman" he said before passing out.

Many of the men laughed while the women sigh. "Sorry you had to see that Cherno" a familiar voice spoke which cause me to look at Gab sitting next to the entrance on a barrel.

I chuckle a little "it fine Gab, he does that at a basic time" I spoke as I walk to the bar counter. When I got there I sit down on a stool and order my usual which is Club soda with a splash of cranberry juice. Daisy the four arm bartender smile and gave me drink while Frank the muscle man lift Dave the barbarian and carry him to a chair where Frank set Dave on the chair. After ten minutes I finish my drink and wipe my mouth a bit before I got up and head to the stairs but before I do I look at everyone who is staring at me "Everyone outside I gotta give a speech to everyone that the age of the assholes will end" I spoke in a tone filled with venom. Everyone smile and head outside to gather around while I smile and head upside to the balcony however when I got there Savo was waiting for me at the door.

"So the time has come for you to become the successor of your father" he spoke in dragon tongue which I chuckle.

"Yes and once we claim this world the next phase will commence" I spoke in dragon tongue. Savo smile and open the door for me then I walk outside to the balcony where everyone is looking at me as I stand there on the balcony near the railing. I inhaled then exhale before speaking with a determined voice.

"Welcome everyone to the gathering! All of you have be working hard to live a peaceful life here for 18 years but now that time of hard work will finally pay off!" I say in a loud voice as everyone smile. "For too long as those people who think they are high and mighty to everyone else! While they live a luxury life everyone else live a miserable and stressful life! But now we will all change that!" I spoke with a tone of a strong and powerful free will. "Today is the day to claim our once and free land from those who stole them from us! No longer will we hide nor wait for today is the day we strike against those who cause us suffer and pain! For we will create our own world, where everyone is equal and treated like a equal! Now it is the time to rise from our ashes and rebuild this world! Today is the age of Exemption!" I finish as everyone cheer, roar, and clap for my speech. I smile and look at the rising star over the mountains. Cherno mind: "watch out royals we are coming!" I smirk.

(3rd person POV of Winterredge)

The Cooper family who is inside a large manor is gather around the dinner room chatting among themselves as two maids who have burns on their hands and feet gave the head of the family a plate of food.

"Fufu those pests in the dumps are getting nothing but scraps" the head of the family said as he brush his bronze hair away from his gray eyes as he chuckle then fix his copper colored royal suit.

"Indeed my beloved Quaint even the once Murky family old servants are getting nothing but scraps" the wife of the head said as she giggle while her raven hair swing a little behind her copper colored dress. The rest of the family laugh at the suffering of the poor while the maids look sad at the people outside of the manor. However their laughter stop as a soldier burst into the room sweating under the armor.

"My lord there is a emergency!" The male soldier said as Quaint roll his eyes.

"If it those pest in the dumps causing a demand to lower the taxes or trying to fight back then punished them to learn their place" he spoke then took a sip of tea.

"No it outside the town there is a massive army attacking us!" The solider said.

Quaint spit his tea out as he look shock along with his family "well why did you informed us instead of defending your royals!?" A young copper yell.

"Because they have broken in and gathering the citizens to their cause leading by a man wearing armor that is superior to us!" The soldier said. The entire copper family got enraged and head to the balcony to see who is leading this army. However when they got there they saw the entire kingdom being a warfare all the copper members look frightened as the man who is leading the attack is wearing a armor that is sending a vibe of fear to everyone that is attacking him.

"Tell all the soldiers to guard this manor with their life! And to let the pests to die!" Quaint yell at the soldier who salute and ran to inform the others. The copper family then head back inside to gather their stuff and started to leave this place to inform the Emperor of this. However when they were about to head out to the entrance of the manor the door blast open revealing the man behind this attack.

???: "so you are the copper family who is in charge of Winterredge?" The man spoke in a sinister and enraged tone.

"Who ever you are I order you to surrender!" A male of the copper family said pointing at the stranger who chuckled.

Lord Cegus: "sorry but you don't control me you pig for I am Lord Cegus leader of the forces of Negus!" He spoke in a tone of terror causing the copper family to be frightened.

Without thinking Quaint run to a door trying to escape however before he could reach there a butch of different knights block his escape along with the other escape routes leaving the copper family to be surrounded. "W-h-o do you think you are you trash!" Quaint yell at Cegus who laugh demonically.

"Simple I am the bringer of freedom" he spoke in a venom tone before slaughtering many of the copper family within minutes leaving only the young children and women including Quaint who is beaten up badly.

"Wait maybe we can strike a deal? I can give you one of my daughter in exchange for my escape mm?" He said coughing up blood as his daughters look at him in shock.

"You think I am a man who want to rape women? You are nothing but a heartless bastard who deserves nothing more but to suffer!" Cegus yell grabbing Quaint by the throat before slamming him on a wall causing the manor to shake a little. He let go as Quaint is unconscious as two knights grab Quaint and carry him outside as Cegus look at the remaining copper family. "You have two options: one you choose a chance to redeem yourself by changing yourselves or two being judge by the people of Winterredge who have many ideas of what to do to you, choose wisely" Cegus said. After a few minutes the remaining family choose the first option which lead to them changing into peasants clothing in a private room which Cegus smirk behind his helmet as he can imagine them being given the same treatment like the rest of everyone.

A hour later everyone in Winterredge and Negus gather around the entrance to the copper manor as Cegus is in front of the door with two knights behind him but in front of the crowd of Winterredge is Quaint chain and starting to wake up to get frightened with shock and fear in front of the citizens. "Citizens of Winterredge what is your judgement for the man who brought nothing but suffering and sickness to you!?" Cegus spoke in a loud tone.

Many of the citizens whispered to each other as they stare at Quaint before nodding and yell in unison "Punishment!" causing Quaint to become pale.

"Men bring this monster of Winterredge to where the citizens want him to go" Cegus told the two knights who nod then grab Quaint arms as they bring him to a pillory on a wooden stage where the citizens are gather. Many citizens started to punch, kick, slap but one elderly woman got behind him and kick his nuts causing him to cross his eyes. Many men cover their nuts as Quaint got unconscious again as his eyes is in the back of his head.

Outside of Winterredge is a mystery woman who is wearing a lightweight armor while on a horse "it seems that there is a war against the royals is coming i better inform this to them before I wait along with the others to join this Cegus cause" she spoke in a seductive tone before riding towards a far distance of where the Emperor palace is located.

Back in Winterredge a few hours later at the manor where it being rebuilt into a fort is the gathering of the captain of the remaining cooper knights and a few citizens along with Cegus and a few generals.

(Cherno POV)

"Why should we be near this killer!" A man wearing a lightweight clothes spoke pointing at the captain of the copper knights.

"I agree why should we have to follow a low dirt bag" captain spoke with venom.

I sigh and slam my fist on the table causing the two men to stop and stare at me. "Simple I want you captain to become a new captain of Winterredge with the remaining knights and a few willing people to protect while the citizens choose a new leader to run this kingdom with equal and fairness" I spoke in a calming voice. The captain and a few civilians sigh before the captain and a man wearing a lightweight clothing sit on a chair away from each other as they stare at me. "Now before we continue I want both of your names before I reveal my real name" I spoke causing both the men to look confused before nodding.

"I am sir Wight captain to the copper knights" the captain spoke.

"And I am Waylay the respective of the peasants of Winterredge" the man spoke as I smile and remove my helmet to show them my face as they are shock to see my eyes, face, and hair.

"I am Cherno overlord of the Negus forces and with that say I want to rename the copper knights into a name that is suitable for the people of Winterredge" I spoke looking at Wight who is looking at his fellow soldiers before turning to face me.

"I will only accept under three cautions that is reasonable and fair" Wight said.

I sigh "which is?" I ask.

The captain then took a deep breath and told us the cautions. "First we want to build a new area where we can train those that want to rebuild this new squad of knights, second we need to follow at less a ex member of the copper family who had treated me and my men with respect, and finally is you and this ex copper to give us the name no more no less" Wight said.

I look at him as I am a little surprised that he wasn't asking nothing that involves greed or selfishness but the three demands are very reasonable and fair.

"Mm i agree with your terms but I want to make a similar demands to his but different" Waylay said surprising both myself and the captain then I nod softly.

Waylay then continues "first we want to rebuild our homes since we lost nearly everything to the copper family, second we want to have a fair leader who doesn't treat us like pests and outcast, finally we want to have a little plot of a land to grow a lot of food and animals to live a life without war" he finished. I look at both Waylay and Wight as they have similar goals yet in different point of view as I thought of a idea Susie, the warrior lizard woman whispered softly to me.

"While we were rebuilding the manor we discovered a torment room where several people were imprison and one of them is a female copper who is the youngest sister to Quaint who try to rebel yet got caught along with those who sided with her" she spoke as I nod.

"Gentlemen I believe I found someone who filled both your terms" I spoke and smile as the two men look at me which I explain to them about what I planned.

(3rd person POV)

After a entire few days the entire kingdom of Winterredge is fully rebuilt and now lead by a woman called Amalda who had once be a copper but became disowned by her family so now as the new head of her own family called The slither family as she have skills like a snake and her tone is venomous. Within those days the copper knights had be rename as the Winter knights who have similar design as their old armor but in a material of enforce iron and carry steel swords. After everything has be rebuilt the forces of Negus has many places to go starting with three nearby forts and ten villages which they claim easily because the forces of the royals had be retreating to the main capital to fortified the kingdom. Yet it is causing quite the surprise to the head royals as they were enraged by this war. Which the Emperor call a meeting of all the royals to discuss this which is happening now in the throne room of the main castle.

"This is dumb and enraged!" The head of the golden family yell as they look at the rest of the heads of royalty. "We lost three heads from the copper, bronze and iron families! And now the citizens of those areas have be joining this freak called Cegus!" He finished slamming his fist against a pillar.

"I agree so why have our forces being called back which they are the weakest and dumbest against this Overlord" the head of the silver family spoke while the remaining head families remain silence.

"Silence!" A booming voice yell at the heads of the gold and silver families who silence and stare at the Emperor as he is staring at the two head families as he stroke his pet head.

"We must defend our main fort with the strongest while we weaken the enemy by sending the weakness after all those freaks and pests will fell when we send the three generals of our main forces" he spoke in a sinister tone as he smirk behind his mask. Many the head families agree with him while a few figures in the shadows make a face of disgust "i even will let my son to get the honor of killing the leader Cegus" he smirk softly as the head families chuckle softly at the supposed victory goes to them.

"Indeed father after all this freak of a lord will beg for mercy as I have him at his knees before cutting his head clean off" a young yet cold tone spoke as everyone look at a man in his 20s standing near a pillar.

"Fetus, It about time you came here form your small fort!" The Emperor yell as his son sigh with venom.

"It a tower father after all I do own it while my other two siblings are living here with you" Fetus spoke as he stare at his father.

"Even so you must be prepared for the final battle against this nature of freaks and outcast because they have no room for our empire!" He spoke as he slam his fist on the forearm.

"Yes father" Fetus spoke as he bow and head to a door and close it before heading toward the training ground as the meeting reach it end. But at the same time in a dark room under the castle is where many shadowy figures stood around a small pool of water where images of what happened be foretold.

"So it seems our father and brother had a short chat dear brother" a female voice spoke as it came from a purple cloak figure who look at a dark red cloak who smirk.

"Indeed but it is all for nothing for our father and brother will meet their end by his hands dear sister after all we are the rebellion of shadows" a male voice spoke from the dark red cloak figure. The rest of the cloak figures nod as they vanished from the room as the pool reveal Cherno on a throne surrounded by darkness as Cherno smile at the view of the reader.

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