Chp.10 Summer Festival With Senpai Pt.1

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Couple weeks pass by and yet summer break was still going, but yet will end any time soon...(YN) was already enjoying his break so far, and yet knowing it was going well with Nagatoro day, he was walking down the street making his way home from the market as he started to notice people and kids dressing up in kimono outfits...

(YN) Mind: Hm? What's with the kimono outfits today? ...Oh yeah, today's the summer festival.

Suddenly, he started to have an image from someone, picturing Nagatoro in her own Kimono, and she telling him...

Nagatoro: Senpai, wanna come with me to the festival? I feel sorry for you if you go alone, hehe. So I feel like I have to invite you.

(YN) Mind: Hmm. I get the feeling Nagatoro is gonna make me go with her today. I don't really feel like going today anyways...

Later on, he arrive to his house as he was in his room, Playing a video game, Doom Eternal as he was blasting and shooting demons....but while playing...he was still thinking about the festival, and going with Nagatoro, and yet he feels like he's the only one being asked by Nagatoro to go out, and him not even once asking her to go out and hang he paused the video game and says..

(YN): You know....maybe I should be the invite her for once.  I mean...she's always asking me first, but then again..she's always with that annoying teasing bullshit, so no way.

So he goes back into gaming...and as minutes go by, he can hear the festival starting already...and yet no calls nor texts from her...and yet he feels...he feels like he just wanted to do it, ask Nagatoro to go with him to the festival, but before even doing that, he pauses the game, turns off both system and TV as he puts on his shoes and says...

(YN): Before I even do that...I wanna see how the festival is going.

And so he exits his house and makes his way to the festival....
Minutes later, he arrived as he sees a bunch of people enjoying the festival and eating foods, play carnival games as well...

(YN): Welp, I'm here. So far, is looking like everyone is enjoying it, so I'm gonna check if it's enjoying for me...and well...well-

Suddenly, he sees a girl passing by him, as he thought it would be Nagatoro, but wasn't...

(YN) Mind: ...What the?? Why did I thought it was her??? *sighs* maybe not today, I'll just get some rice cakes and leave.

Before he even leaves, his shoulder was then grabbed, as he turns around...and sees Gamo and Yoshi with their Kimono outfits..

Gamo: Paisen located!

Yoshi: Located!

(YN): Nope! Nope! I'm out!

He started running away from them...

Gamo: After him!

Yoshi: After him!

Gamo and Yoshi were chasing (YN) as they manage to catch him and yet take him in form to the entrance of the festival...

Gamo: Hehe, wasn't expecting you to come to the festival, Paisen.

Yoshi: Yeah, you loner louse!

Gamo: Wait, hold on, don't tell me you come down and think you've might bump into Hayacchi?

Yoshi: Good on you!

(YN): N-No! Nothing like that!

Gamo: Hehe, well too bad for you, she's doing stuff with her club right now.

(YN): Oh...I see. Well understandable, have a nice day you two cause I'm leaving-

Gamo and Yoshi grab his hands, stopping him from leaving...

Gamo: Oh come on Paisen, you might as well spend some time at the festival.

Yoshi: Come on!

(YN): No really, I do need to go home!

Gamo: Hey Yoshi, get the thing we won earlier at the raffle.

Yoshi: Roger!

Yoshi soon pulls out a red collar and puts it around (YN)'s neck and Gamo holding him with a rope...

Gamo: Got me a Paisen!

Yoshi: Got it!

(YN): Eh?!? Hey! Take this shit off my neck damn it!

Gamo: Haha! Nope, now hold still.

Gamo and Yoshi soon got close to (YN) and yet Gamo took a selfie with him...
Meanwhile, at a swimming park, inside the locker, Nagatoro was drying up alongside with a friend of her in her club...

Friend: Sorry for keeping you up this late.

Nagatoro: It's fine. I've been out of shape lately.

Friend: Oh yeah, isn't it the festival today? I know it's pretty late, but are you planning to go?

Nagatoro: Hmm.

She soon started to think about (YN), she blush and smiles as she replies...

Nagatoro: Hehe, I don't know.

Suddenly, she got a text message, it was from Gamo, she saw the text and it was a picture of her, Yoshi...and (YN) with his collar...and yet...his face turned to bitter...

Friend: Hey, you okay?

Nagatoro: ...Y-Yeah, I'm fine! Hey, I gotta go, see ya!

Friend: O-Okay, see ya, I'll call you for the next training.

Nagatoro: Yes!

Nagatoro grabbed her stuffs and rush outside and changes quickly...back at the festival...

(YN): Eh? You send it to Nagatoro??!

Gamo: Yup! I bet she's gonna rush over here and say "You're stealing my pet!" Haha!

Yoshi: Pet!

(YN): Oh shut up! And besides...she's not gonna come, you said she's busy with her club.....Eh? Why do I hear loud footsteps?

(YN) turn around, and yet to see Nagatoro running her way down..

Gamo: Hehe, here she comes!

(YN) Mind: She actually came....and why in a rush?

Nagatoro has arrived...

Gamo: Sup Hayacchi, say, weren't you suppose to be in your club?

Nagatoro: A-Actually It ended early! I was bored anyways a-and despise to come here, s-so here I am!

Nagatoro realizes the collar around (YN)'s neck...

Nagatoro: ... A collar? Hilarious...

Gamo: Hehe, I know right?

Yoshi: Hilarious!

(YN): Juts take it off will ya?!

Nagatoro: Looks fun...let me hold him-

Gamo: Nah.

Nagatoro: HUH?!?!!

Gamo: Hehe, if you want Paisen, you gotta fight for him!

Yoshi: Fight!

Nagatoro: 💢hehe! Alright then! I don't care about Senpai, but I accept your challenge!

(YN)/Yoshi: .....

Later on, the four entered back to the festival, and yet they are challenging against each other over (YN) of who will win for him...they were at the shooting gallery...

Gamo: Alright then, this how it goes for the challenge, the team with more of the better prizes wins.

Nagatoro: Okay! Senpai, don't you dare drag me down.

(YN): Eh? I'm playing too?

Gamo: Yeah, two on two. Now let's begin!

And so, Gamo started off first as she started shouting plastic bullets towards the prizes to knock them down and win them, their 12 bullets in the weapon as Gamo manage to shoot down 5 of them, and the rest barely moved...

Gamo: Aw what?! Only five?! Meh, that's good still.

Yoshi: Fair enough!

Nagatoro: Still, gotta aim it higher.

Then, Nagatoro stares at Senpai as she smiles and says to him...

Nagatoro: Hehe, didn't knew you would come to the festival, Senpai.

(YN): Hm? Oh...I just came to get some fresh air, that's all.

Nagatoro: Oh really? ...or maybe...were you actually...waiting for me to invite you?

(YN): ......No, of course not.

Nagatoro: Hehe.

And so, Nagatoro was next as she manage to hit the prizes...but didn't manage to knocked them down...and already ran out of her 12 plastic bullets...

Nagatoro: Huh?!? But-

Gamo: Haha! You didn't even manage to knock them down! We're taking the lead!

Yoshi: We're winning!

Nagatoro: H-Hmmmmmm!!!

(YN) soon can see Nagatoro's face, as he can tell she's upset...and feeling bad about losing the challenge...(YN) at first don't care about it...but when seeing Nagatoro like that...he soon got his weapon ready...

(YN): Step aside Nagatoro, my turn.

Nagatoro: Hm?

Gamo: Oh I gotta se this!

(YN) stood still, and was aiming the weapon towards the prizes, and yet started shooting them and manage to hit 12 prizes and knock them down like nothing...

Nagatoro Mind: S-So cool! *blushing*

Gamo: WAAAH?!? No way! How?!

Yoshi: How?!

(YN): Hehe, Two words; Doom Eternal.

Gamo: Hmph! Well you got lucky Paisen, the challenge isn't over yet! Come on, onto the next one!

Yoshi: Next one!

As Gamo and Yoshi rushes over to the next game, (YN) walks over to Nagatoro and yells her...

(YN): Oi, don't give up. You got me, so lest win this together, okay?

Nagatoro blushes as she smiles a bit as replies...

Nagatoro: O-Okay!

And so, both (YN) and Nagatoro alongside with Gamo and Yoshi started playing more carnival games...soon they began to win more prizes, and more wins, Gamo and Yoshi as well, but while their at it, Nagatoro and (YN) seem like they weren't focus on the challenge somehow...there were more..focus on how much fun they were having together...and yet being happy as well. And so  as minutes go by, the challenge ended as it seems that Gamo and Yoshi manage to win the challenge...

Gamo: Hehe! Seems like we got the more prizes!

Nagatoro: Hehe, no actually. Take a look at this big Gesopie stuff you I won.  We won by quality.

Gamo: Hm. Not enough to make the number quality, right Yoshi?

Yoshi: Hehe, although that Gesopie is a rare item...

Nagatoro: Here, you can have it. I know you be collecting these, haven't you?

Yoshi: Yay! Thank you Hayacchi! Thank you!

Gamo: Eh??! You bought her off!

Nagatoro: Yup! Which means...I get Senpai!!! Yay!!!

(YN): ...Can you take off this damn collar now?

Gamo: Hehe, sure, as I promise.

And so, Gamo takes off the collar off from (YN)'s neck, and he is now free...hehe...and soon Gamo and Yoshi were planning to leave home already...

Gamo: Well, we're out fo here. See ya you two. And don't get caught next time, Paisen!

Yoshi: See ya!

And so the two Nagatoro and (YN) were both alone, in the festival...still with people....soon (YN) looks at Nagatoro as he tells her...

(YN): ...Wanna look around since we're both here still?

Nagatoro: O-Oh! *blushing* S-Sure. Let's look around.


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