Chp.9 Beach Day With Senpai

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Days pass by, and It was now summer, and yet it's summer break for the students as well, they can now finally relax and enjoy their real off Freon school, as for (YN) he was in his room, laying on his bed as he was eating a chocolate ice cream while watching TV...

(YN): Ah, this is refreshing. Laying down, eating ice cream watching TV, and having an air conditioners I think me, this is what o call my summer break.

Until suddenly, his phone started to rang as he checks who was calling him, and yet, it was Nagatoro as he can see her contact name on it...

(YN): Nagatoro? Wonder what she wants?

He then answers...

(YN): Yo.

Nagatoro: Hey Senpai! Let me guess, your wasting your summer watching TV and eating some ice cream, aren't you?

(YN): What the?! Are you spying on me?! Do you put cameras on my room?!

Nagatoro: Hehe! You're so funny Senpai! Come on, I know your laying your butt on your bed and doing nothing on your summer break, you gotta do at least something.

(YN): Hm.

Nagatoro: Well anyways, let's go to the beach!

(YN): Beach??

Nagatoro: Yeah! Meet me at the benches under the tree when you're coming over! Let me know, by Senpai!

She hangs up...

(YN): Eh...??? *sighs* summer break will be okay I guess, knowing Nagatoro is going for be bugging me some few times and hanging out with her...but...going to the beach? Heh, sounds fun, I'll get ready.


Minutes later, (YN) was packing some clothes for him, and some spare socks and boxers as well as he got everything ready and exits his house, then he goes walking down to the destination to meet Nagatoro, and yet he finds her..

Nagatoro: Senpai! Over here!

Gamo: Wow, Paisen really showed up.

Yoshi: He did!

(YN) Mind: Oh for the love of...great, Nagatoro's friends are here...just great.

And so, (YN) not only was going to the beach with Nagatoro, but going with Gamo and Yoshi as well...the four were already walking there way already to the beach...

Gamo: You know Paisen, you're the last person I'd expect to see on the summer beach.

Yoshi: Out of the place!

(YN): Shut up.

Nagatoro: Well, not really.

(YN): Hm?

Nagatoro: Senpai would be like those things scuttling around the rocks. Sea lice!

Gamo/Yoshi: Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!

(YN): 💢

Gamo: Hear that? Sea Louse Pasien!

Yoshi: Sea Louse Senpai!

(YN): Haha, real funny...

Nagatoro: Oh wait, my bad, Sea Louse are groups, unlike loners like you Senpai, so you'll be...a loner lice louse!

Gamo/Yoshi: Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!

Nagatoro: Loner Louse!

Gamo: Loner Louse!

Yoshi: Loner Louse!

(YN) Mind: *sighs* well they seem excited going to the beach...can't argue with that at all.

Minutes go by as the four have soon arrive to the beach, no clouds at all, bright sun, the ocean is perfect, no waves at all, and finding the perfect spot to be at...and so (YN) started to putting the beach umbrellas and some blankets and a chair underneath the umbrella for shade...

(YN): Okay, all set.

Gamo: Hehe, hey Pasin, look over here.

(YN): Eh?


(YN): ....What am I looking at?

Gamo: Oh come on now Paisen, don't act like this is too much ogling for a virgins like you? Hehe.

Yoshi: Ogling!


(YN): Oh shut up will ya?!

(YN) turns around...

Yoshi: Boo!

(YN): Not you too damn it! Nrgh, okay look I'll be back, I'm gonna get some drinks.

Gamo: Sure thing! Bring me one as well.

Ysohi: Me too!

Before (YN) could even leave to get some drinks, Nagatoro calls for him...

Nagatoro: Senpai!

(YN): *Oh great* What is it now Naga-

As he turns around, he stood speechless all the sudden to see Nagatoro in her own bikini...

Nagatoro: *blushing* S-Something for me as well.

(YN) stood quiet and suddenly blushed a little seeing Nagatoro...

(YN): Right...I'll get you one as well.


Later on, (YN) have already bought drinks for them as Gamo, Yoshi and Nagatoro were getting ready to dive in to the ocean...

Gamo: Alright, let's swim!

Yoshi: Swim! Swim!

Nagatoro: Heh Senpai, let's swim!

(YN): Nah, I'm good. Ima chill here.

Nagatoro/Gamo/Yoshi: HA?!?

(YN) sat down on his own chair, aroma behind his head and relaxing under the umbrella...

Nagatoro/Gamo/Yoshi: Yup, he's definitely...a loner sea louse.

And so, Nagatoro, Gamo and Yoshi decided to swim without (YN). The three decided to swim race for a bit, as Nagatoro was beating Yoshi and Gamo on the race knowing she's in the swimming club. After some bit of swimming, Nagatoro was seeing (YN) still sitting down the chair, relaxing...

Gamo: Hehe, still being a loner sea louse?

Nagatoro: Hmm.

Gamo: Heh, well let's go.

Nagatoro: Eh??

Gamo: Let's try convincing him to come and swim with us. It won't be fun without him.

Yoshi: Yeah!

Nagatoro blushes as she then replies...

Nagatoro: ...Y-Yeah, sure..

And so, the three got out from the ocean as they walked over to (YN), soon they all got informer of him as (YN) notices...

(YN): Hm? What's up?

Gamo: Come on Paisen, let's swim!

Yoshi: Let's swim!

(YN): Mmmmm. Nah,

Gamo: Oh come on, it's no fun if you're not in there with us!

Yoshi: No fun!

(YN): Sorry, but I only came to relax, not to swim, so yeah.

And before he even goes to relax again...

Nagatoro: Senpai...

(YN) hears Nagatoro calling him, he soon realizes the face Nagatoro was giving him, she was shy, blushing, twiddling her hands as she was looking away as she says to (YN)...

Nagatoro: It's no fun...if you're not with us...especially me.

After that, (YN) blushes a little, as he turns his head around, and then sighs as he got up, then he took off his shorts as he already had his swimsuit shorts on already and yet taking off his shirt...afterwards, he walks towards Nagatoro, gets in front of her...Nagatoro was blushing a lot when (YN) was close to her, and yet he's showing his body to her, his swimsuit on and his upper body as well..

Nagatoro Mind: S-So close!!!

(YN) soon grabbed Nagatoro's hand and walks towards the ocean as he says..

(YN): Come on, Nagatoro...let's go have some fun.

Nagatoro blushes more...and smiles as well as she played along and goes swimming with (YN)...

Gamo: Hehe, for a Paisen like him, he sure does have a body.

Yoshi: Good body!

Gamo: Heh, come on Yoshi! Let's go in!

Yoshi: Yeah!

And so, the four started to enjoy swimming on ocean, splashing water at each other, especially for Nagatoro and (YN), the two were enjoying the time of their life in the beach, later on went to a small restaurant to eat some soba, afterwards head back to the beach and and play some volleyball, as Nagatoro and (YN) were a team against Gamo and Yoshi and beat them several times, and were happy about it as well...
And so the day goes by as it was already sunset, (YN) goes back to his chair and rests for a bit before leaving...

(YN): Oh man, so tired.

Then he sees the girls still playing...

(YN): Seems like they still have energy...especially Nagatoro of course. Hehe...that girl is something.

Later on, the all decided to leave already knowing it was about to get dark any minute, so they packed their stuffs, got change and head to their homes. As they all did, (YN) arrive to his as he showered and put on some sleeping clothes and he was sitting down on his little table and seem to be drawing while he was talking with Nagatoro on the phone...

Nagatoro: So Senpai, did you get sunburn?

(YN): Nah, I put some sunscreen on before coming to the beach, so I was good. What about you?

Nagatoro: Yup, before entering the water.

(YN): Heh, that's good.

Nagatoro: So what did you think? Wasn't it fun to go to the beach on summer break?

And as we can see the drawing he's doing, it was a drawing of Nagatoro, having fun in the beach, with the sunset as well, smiling and enjoying her day today...

(YN): Heh, yeah, it was pretty fun...*But...with was...really fun*


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