Chapter 12: Vermilion Gym Battle

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Ash and Alice arrive at Professor Cerise's Lab, they have greeted Professor Cerise, and research assistants Chrysa and Ren. Cerise says, "Well it sure has been nice to see you again, Ash. How are you doing?"

"I am doing great, thanks, Professor." Ash says, and then he introduces Alice to them, and they are surprised to learn that Ash gets himself a girlfriend. "By the way, are Chloe and Goh here?" Ash asks.

"Sad to say they haven't come back from their journey yet." Cerise says, "So what are you two doing?"

Alice says, "Well, Ash gets himself a challenge once he heads back to Pallet Town, and the one that gives him the challenge is no other than Mr. Goodshow, the Chairman of the PLA. He decides to give Ash a challenge in order to have him become the first Pokemon Master of the world."

"Is that so, that sounds interesting." Cerise says. "What kind of challenge if I may ask?"

After showing him the list, Cerise is very surprised at the challenges, which are very tough and hard. Ash says, "And you see, Professor, I already have five badges and two ribbons, I know it sounds very intriguing, but at first Mr. Goodshow wants me to only record the data of all the Pokemon, but Arceus has to change it so that I am going to capture all the Pokemon in the world."

"That sounds like what Goh will do." Cerise laughs a little. "So I assume that you are not here for a long stay, right? You are heading towards the Vermilion City Gym to battle Lt. Surge, right?"

"That's right." Ash says. "But now that I think of it, Professor, can I ask you something?"

"And what is it?" Professor asks. Ash says, "When we met Go and Chloe back at the Viridian City, we heard that you have been working on the portable teleporter, is it possible that we can have one?"

Cerise thinks for a second and he says, "Usually I won't try to hand out this machine to the others, but since you were once a research assistant of mine, I think maybe I can help you with it."

"You mean it?" Alice asks in surprise as he nods, "Why of course, after all, you have been quite a talk after being the first one to beat the Undefeatable Champion Leon and the fact that you are also the one that destroys every criminal group in the regions."

"Thanks a lot, Professor." Ash says, Cerise says, "But however, it is still in the testing stage, I say how about you battle the Gym Leader first, once you are finished, then you can head back to my lab and get it?"

"Sure, Professor." Ash says as they bid farewell to the Professor and his research assistants as they head to Vermilion City.

"Hey Ash, look at that ship!" Alice points at the harbor in the distance as they see a luxurious cruise in front of them. Ash says, "Is that the S.S Anne? I thought that it sank when I last ride one."

"Well, it seems like it is newly built." Alice says. "As much as we want to ride on it, but we have a Gym Battle to go."

"Yeah, you're right." Ash says as they go towards the gym, once they get inside, they see Lt. Surge finish battling an opponent. The opponent sadly looks at his fallen Pokemon and quickly rushes it to the Pokemon Center.

"Well, what do we have here? If it isn't Ash himself." Lt. Surge greets the boy and Ash says, "Lt. Surge, it sure has been a while."

After shaking hands, he says, "I have heard from my substitute Visquez that you have beaten her in a battle, you sure have been doing well, huh?"

"Yeah." Ash says, "The reason I am here is to challenge the gym again, I want to enter the league once more and this time I am not going to hold back as well."

"I see, I like your motivation, but ever since the last time we met, I have been improving myself as well. Don't you think this will be an easy match for you." Lt. Surge says.

After the referee states the battle rules, which is a Three on three, he sends out Electrode first while Ash sends out Parasect. "Sending out a Grass Type, eh? But that is not going to stop me, use Sonic Boom."

The attack immediately lowers 20 HP from the Parasect, Ash says, "That is why I am going to use Spore."

"I don't think so, use Electric Terrain." Surge says as the Pokemon emits electricity, causing the Spore's effect to end immediately. Alice says, "Electric Terrain prevents Sleep...which is not good for Parasect..." She turns to Electrode and says, "But I don't know that Electrode can use Electric Terrain as well..."

"If that's the case, use X-Scissors." Ash yells as the attack hits Electrode, Surge yells, "Gyro Ball."

Electrode starts to spin around and knocks the Parasect into the wall, but in the end, Parasect manages to get back up and it uses Poison Powder, causing Electrode to get paralyzed.

"Now time for the finish, use Explosion!" Ash widens his eyes and yells, "Parasect! Get out of there quick!" But it is too late, Parasect gets blasted by the attack, and eventually, both Pokemon have swirls on their eyes and Ash just grits his teeth.

"A draw...and I think this is the first time Ash lost a Pokemon in the Gym Battle..." Alice says. Lt. Surge says, "Not anyone can make me force my hand with the suicide move, but on a battlefield, you have to expect anything."

"Okay." Ash nods. And Surge's next Pokemon, much to Ash's surprise, is a Pikachu. "A Pikachu?" Ash asks in confusion.

"Indeed. Ever since I lost to you before, I learned that my Raichu has been too early to evolve, so I decide to raise my own Pikachu in order to train its speed."

"I see, if that's the case, I am going to use Dugtrio." Dugtrio appears on the field and Surge says, "I see you are using a Ground Type, but can it keep up with the speed? Use Quick Attack!"

Dugtrio is immediately hit by the attack and Alice mutters, "So fast..."

"Yeah. Dugtrio, use Mud Bomb!" Ash yells, but the attack misses as Pikachu manages to dodge it. "Use Earthquake!" Ash yells, and the attack hits the Pikachu.

"Not bad. But let's try out Grass Knot." Surge says, and the Grass attack hits the Pokemon hard enough to send it into the wall. "Dugtrio, hang in there and use Tri Attack."

The attack causes Pikachu to get frozen, much to Surge's surprise. "This is not good, Pikachu, thwart out fast and then use Double Kick."

"Don't let it out, use Sand Tomb!" Ash yells, but things aren't going on his way as Pikachu has already thwarted out of the ice, and then the Sand Tomb barely hits it. "Use Quick Attack again."

When Pikachu is charging at the Dugtrio, Ash says, "Dig, now!"

Dugtrio hides underground and it causes Pikachu to stop the attack, in the end, the surprise attack knocks Pikachu into the air, and with the Mud Bomb, Pikachu faints in the end.

"That was some nice strategy here." Lt. Surge says. "But playing time is over, my final Pokemon is going to be Raichu."

As the Pokemon appears, Ash recalls Dugtrio and sends out Pikachu, wanting him to have a rematch.

Pikachu starts with Quick Attack, which hits Raichu. Raichu uses Slam on Pikachu, causing him to crash into a wall, Pikachu gets up and uses Thunderbolt, while Raichu also uses a Thunderbolt back. Due to Raichu being stronger, Pikachu is hit. Lt Surge then lets Raichu use Iron Tail, Ash calls out to Pikachu in worry, but Pikachu dodges the attack using his speed. Then Pikachu starts to use Agility, running around in circles which causes Raichu to get dizzy, then ends it with a Dig attack.

"Raichu is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner, which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!"

"Well, Ash. It sure has been a while to see your Pikachu doing well. I assume you have your old Thunder Badge, right?"

Ash gives the badge to Lt. Surge, and then he switches it into a new one to Ash, who accepts it with thanks. Alice also gives Ash a hug and she says, "You did it, Ash. That is quite a battle you have there."

"Thanks, Alice." Ash says. "And thanks for cheering me on as well."

After bidding farewell to Lt. Surge, they head back to Professor Cerise's Lab, and they are surprised to see Goh and Chloe back at the lab as well. "Goh, Chloe, it is great to see you again."

"Same here, Ash, Alice. How are you two been?" Goh asks. Ash says, "We just got our sixth badge. Things are doing well, how about you two?"

Chloe says, "Goh was getting a little overboard when it comes to catching Pokemon. We sometimes get lost due to this guy."

"Hey, at least I manage to catch a lot of useful Pokemon." Goh retorts back. "And all of it is for catching Mew."

Alice says, "Speaking of which, Goh. You won't believe it, but we actually are able to catch Mew."

"For real?" Goh asks in surprise, "Show me! Please!"

Ash takes out the Pokeball that contains Mew, and Mew just starts to fly around Ash. Goh asks, "Where did you catch one? I want to have one and that was my dream!"

Ash says, "Well, I found her in the Tree of Beginning in the Rota Kingdom. But I suggest not to get close to that place as there are some white cell-like things that act like the defense mechanism and you would be devoured once you are inside."

Goh groans, "Man...but I really want to have a Mew." Ash turns to Mew, who giggles a little at how interesting Goh is, and then she creates a copy and Ash says, "Goh, Mew is going to give you a chance to let you capture her."

"Really?" Goh's eyes widen and Ash says, "Legendary and Mythical Pokemon are able to duplicate themselves so that nature will still be balanced."

While Goh tries to capture the Mew, Chloe asks Alice, "So how are you and Ash doing?"

Alice says, "Well, we do get to sleep together, but we aren't at that imitate level yet. What about you and Goh?"

"Goh is a little helpless, but I have been trying to teach him about it..." Chloe says.

After Goh manages to capture Mew after tossing a lot of balls, Goh says, "That sure is hard..."

Ash says, "Goh, a Legendary or a Mythical Pokemon only has a capture rate of 0.4 when it is full health and the fact that you use only Pokeballs. It is no wonder you couldn't capture it on your first try."

"Then how did you catch it?" Goh asks with a little confusion. "You have to make it into one health, and then use different kinds of Pokeballs such as Timer Balls or Ultra Balls. It will increase the catch rate."

"I see, I'll keep that in mind." Goh says, after Cerise comes, he gives the four of them the portable teleporter that he made for their journeys, they thank the Professor and Goh asks, "So Ash, Alice, where you are going next?"

"Well, we are going to Lavender Town, as I heard that there is a new gym in that town." Ash says.

"I see, it sure is far away from here if you ask me." Chloe says. "But with the teleporter, it should be easy for you."

"I think so." After that, they bid farewell to the others as the couple continues their route to the town.

Here is a new chapter, and the reason I give Ash and Alice a teleporter is the fact that it will be easier to capture some Pokemon that they wanted. I hope you like this chapter.

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