Chapter 16: Celadon Gym Battle

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Once they arrived at Celadon City, Ash and Alice are looking around and Alice says, "Wow, this city sure is big...I mean there is a Department Store, a Game Corner, and there is even a giant mansion over there."

"I know. Celadon City sure is a big city, but the Game Corner was, in fact, the past hideout for Team Rocket." Ash says, much to her surprise. "How did they use the Game Corner to become their hideout? That isn't nice."

"I know." Ash says as he notices the perfume shop, he frowns a little and Alice notices it, "Ash? What's wrong?"

"I remember the last time I went there, things aren't in a good way." Ash frowns a little, and Pikachu understands what he is saying. But Ash glares at him and says, "And I am still angry about you because of that."

"What is that about?" Alice asks. "You have never been angry at Pikachu, why this time?"

"You see...when we come to this perfume shop, I mean...their smells are one of the best as my Mom sometimes buys perfumes here. But the last time I came here with Brock and Misty, I kind of disliked them."

"Why is that? You did say that their smells are the best." Alice asks in confusion.

"At that time, I was immature and I wanted to quickly beat Gary at his own game by having my fifth badge...but Misty and Brock refused to leave, and Brock is just acting weird because this store is full of girls. I've never seen Brock like that before, he suddenly becomes like a zombie and it scares me."

"A zombie? You mean Brock acts like a zombie just because of this place?" Alice feels a little terrified. "I know that he is a lover boy who likes to flirt, but isn't that a little too much?"

" I wanted to provoke him by telling him that the perfumes might cause him to be like that, but in the end, I was banned from entering both the store and the gym." Ash says.

"Wait, seriously?" Alice asks. "If you are banned, then why are you in this store?"

"Because something happened that I was able to get full access to the gym again." Ash smiles a little and he takes a perfume, "This one is not so bad. My mother used to purchase this one, it is made of berries and it smells good."

Alice tries it out and she smiles, "You are right, this perfume sure is special. I think I want to buy it myself as well."

After purchasing the perfumes, Ash notices that the workers have changed. But then again, the last time he challenged this gym is about a lot of years ago, and he recently came with Goh and Chloe for the flower arrangement class, so it wouldn't be surprising that Erika has changed the workers.

Once they finished purchasing the perfumes, Alice says, "Ash, you haven't told me what happened when you last come here..."

Ash says, "Well, to me, it is embarrassing...I really don't want to talk about it."

"Not to me? I am really hurt..." Alice gives a fake pout, and Ash says, "I am sorry, Alice. But after hearing this, I might break your heart as well."

This causes her to be surprised, "How would it break my heart after you say it? It should be that you broke my heart for not saying it."

Ash is now panicking at the tone Alice gives her, and now they are at the Celadon Gym, they hear a voice, "Well if it isn't Ashley huh?"

Ash flinches as he notices Erika and his group of ladies standing there. Ash acts cool and says, "Ms. Erika, it sure has been a while."

"Likewise, who knows that you have been challenging the Gyms again after you become quite famous around. So you aren't going to disguise yourself as a girl again?" Erika teases as Ash blushes, "Not in front of my girlfriend..."

Alice asks, "Disguise as a girl? Is that why you didn't want to tell me about it? Because I would be disgusted by the fact and even try to break up with you? Is that what you think?"

Ash frowns a little and says, "Yeah." This causes Alice to have a little heartbreak. But Ash continues, "Since I was banned from entering the gym, I decided to disguise myself as a girl in order to get into the gym. Eventually, Pikachu ruined my disguise and it is a good thing that Ms. Erika agrees to have a battle with me."

Erika says, "You don't need to worry about banning entries again, Ash." This causes them to look at her in surprise, "After all that happened back then, we start to think that it is not appropriate to ban trainers from getting their badge just because they insult something that they dislike."

Ash says, "I wonder the workers in the perfume shop have changed..."

"So are you here for the Gym Battle?" Erika smirks, "Just because you saved my gym last time doesn't mean I am going to hold back on you."

"Of course I want you to give it all out, it will be satisfactory for my eighth badge." Ash says as they go to the field, Alice is confused and she asks one of the girls, "What did she mean Ash saved her Gym?"

The worker says, "The last time Ash came here, Team Rocket set fire to our gym in order to steal our perfumes, we managed to get out, but except for Ms. Erika's Gloom. Ash is the one that rushes inside and saves the Pokemon."

"Wow..." Alice says, now feeling bad for saying those words to Ash, so she decides to change the topic by looking around. She sees that the place is full of plants and says, "Wow, this place looks beautiful."

"Why thank you, I maintained it so I can gather some ingredients for the perfume." Erika says to Alice.

"No wonder your perfume is great." Ash says, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "But you said that you dislike them the last time we met."

Ash sighs and says, "I was immature back then, as you can see, I had a childhood friend who has been getting on my nerves when I heard that he has one more gym badge than me, I just feel angry and hasty...which is why I wanted to get the Gym Badge as fast as I can. But my travel companions wanted to check out the perfume, and one of them only cares about the girls here. So I wanted to provoke them by giving negative comments, but it didn't work well in the end."

"I see... I am glad that you didn't dislike our perfumes." Erika gives a smile. "Here is my first Pokemon, Tangela."

Ash said, "Okay, Victreebel, I chose you!"

When the two Pokemon appear, the battle starts. Tangela starts up with Growth to raise attacks, then it uses Vine Whip on Victreebel. Victreebel dodges and used Sunny Day, then uses Solar Beam. Tangela is hit, but it is not very effective. It then uses Leech Seed on Victreebel, starting to drain his energy, Victreebel used Poison Powder on Tangela, causing him to get poisoned, then followed by a super effective Venoshock, which caught Tangela off guard and fainted.

"You are very good, Ash. Here is my second Pokemon, Victreebel!"

As Ash wants to continue using Victreebel, but Erika's Victreebel shot a Weather ball and hurt him badly, then it fainted due to the Leech Seed.

"You did a great job, take a good rest." Ash says as he recalls his Pokemon.

Ash uses Alakazam next, Victreebel starts off with Toxic, which poisons Alakazam, but Alakazam uses Psycho Cut and damages it, then Victreebel tries to use Infestation to wrap Alakazam, but it makes a mistake since Alakazam uses Psychic to send it to the air and slams it to the ground, followed by a Future Sight from the beginning of the battle to make Victreebel faint.

"You raised your Alakazam well, but here is my final Pokemon. Vileplume."

Ash notices the Pokemon and says, "I see your Gloom evolved." But just as he smells the stench, he quickly takes out the perfume, "It is a good thing I bought this for this occasion.

Alice says, "Wow...I know that we have a Vileplume in our team, but how come hers has that smell?"

One of the workers says, "When it was the Gloom, it has the hidden ability known as Stench, but after it evolves, it has Effect Spore as its ability, but the smell's still there."

"Usually the Vileplume's evolution line's ability is Chlorophyll." Another worker adds.

"Return, Alakazam. Go, Butterfree!" Ash sends out the pink Butterfree, while the male Butterfree just watches from the stands with Alice.

Butterfree starts with Silver Wind and hurts Vileplume, Vileplume tries to put her to sleep using Sleep Powder but fails due to Safeguard. Vileplume uses Sludge Bomb, Butterfree flies high to dodge it, then it uses Confusion to give Vileplume much damage. Erika is frustrated that she can't use static effects, she tells Vileplume to use Solar Beam, but Butterfree blocks it with Air Slash, then it uses Quiver Dance to make Vileplume confused, then finishes it off with another Silver Wind.

"Vileplume is unable to battle, Butterfree wins, which means the victory goes to Ash!"

Ash cheers with Bitterfree flying around her, along with the male Butterfree who also dances with her. Erika smiles and says, "Well done, I can see why you are this strong."

She walks up to Ash and says, "So do you still have the Rainbow Badge I gave you last time?"

Ash nods and says, "I had all my previous badges." Then he takes out the Rainbow Badge, while Erika changes it so that Ash can use it again.

"Well done, Ash. You won again." Alice smiles at Ash, who smiles back, "Yeah. Thanks, Alice."

After bidding farewell to the Gym, Ash and Alice are now alone and Alice decides to talk about it, "Ash...I..."

Ash beats her to it and says, "I am sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to hide the truth from you. I just don't want you to think that I am a freak who likes to act like a woman...I just don't want this truth to break your heart..."

Alice is surprised that Ash is thinking of himself like that, and she says, "No, Ash. I should be the one that apologizes, I shouldn't try to force you to tell the truth that you dislike to reveal...and I am sorry to say those mean words to you as well..."

The two of them share a hug and a kiss for a while, after that, Ash asks, "So now we are good again?"

Alice says, "Of course, I don't want to hold this grudge anymore."

After the two of them get along again, they decide to take a rest at the Pokemon Center and think of which gym they should go to next.

Here is a new chapter, in this chapter, I have made some changes to the anime plot. First, Ash in my story doesn't hate perfumes, as his mother likes to use them since he was little and he likes them. The reason why he gives out negative comments is because of Gary's taunting. In the previous episode, Ash heard from Professor Oak that Gary already had 5 badges, and Ash doesn't want to lose to him. And second, I decide to add a little awkward scene in this story because people like Ash might be afraid of disguising themselves as a girl so Alice will change her opinions. So I decided to write about that. I hope you like this chapter.

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