Chapter 17: Helping an old friend

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After what happened in Celadon City, the two of them are now getting closer than usual, and now they are on the road as they are passing a nearby ocean. They see a lot of Tentacool and Tentacruel nearby. Alice asks, "Why is there a lot of Tentacool and Tentacruel? Somehow I feel like something is very awful here..."

"Don't worry, they are not going to harm you if I am here." Ash says. "I must say that they are just come out and hunt for some prey. Just like nature."

"If you say so..." Alice sighs as they walk towards the river, and they see a Tentacruel swimming towards them, it raises a tentacle as it wants to shake hands with Alice, but Alice asks, "Is it poisonous?"

Ash says, "Usually they are. But I can tell that this Tentacruel wants to be friends with you."

"Is that true?" Alice asks the Tentacruel, who nods back, and then she shakes hands and she sighs in relief. "Usually the tentacles on Tentacruel are poisonous, as they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey. But I think it is not going to do that to us." Ash says with a smile.

"That's a relief." Alice sighs. Then she asks, "Though I wonder how many tentacles there are in its body?"

"Well, according to the Pokedex, there are a total of 80 tentacles." Ash says, "That sure is a lot." They decide to send out Water Type Pokemon to play with the Tentacruel, there are Blastoise, Golduck, and Poliwrath. But the other Pokemon notice them as they treat them as prey as they start to attack. But with the help of the Tentacruel, the others immediately calm down.

"From the looks of it, you must be the leader?" Ash asks the Pokemon, who nods back and he calls one Tentacruel, telling him how to lead a team and then he decides to join Ash's group.

"Really? You want to come with us?" Ash asks and the Pokemon nods, then he takes out the Pokeball and immediately captures the Tentacruel. Ash says, "But you know, this is the first time I see a friendly Tentacruel."

"Yeah, maybe we really are special after all." Alice says as they laugh, they then decide to recall their Water Type Pokemon and they leave the sea area to capture some more Pokemon.

"So what should we capture next?" Alice asks as Ash is checking his Pokedex. Ash says, "Well, I think we haven't caught a Golem yet. So I was thinking of finding a cave to capture a wild Golem?"

"I don't think it is that easy..." Alice says with a sweat drop.

"Yeah." Ash sighs, then they manage to find a nearby cave and they head inside. After finding a lot of Zubats and Digletts, they finally find a Pokemon that looks just like a rock. "Well, I think we find a Geodude."

"So should we capture it and train it into a Golem?" Alice asks.

"Of course." Ash says, "But first." He sends out Victreebel, and much to his surprise, it tries to bite Ash, but Ash manages to call her to stop it, then it uses Razor Leaf and it hits the Geodude.

"Ash? What are you thinking? You could have one shot the Pokemon." Alice says in horror.

"Don't worry, this Pokemon has the ability known as Sturdy. It won't be knocked out that easily." Ash says as he takes out the Pokeball, capturing the Pokemon in the end.

"Now we just need to train him until it evolves into Graveler." Ash says as he sends the Pokemon back out, at first the Geodude is angry that the trainer just caught him without letting him fight back, but after hearing that he is helping him to evolve, he agrees to train.

With the help of Arcanine, Pidgeot, and Venomoth, they manage to train Geodude with a lot of moves, eventually, it is able to learn Bulldoze and Smack Down. In the end, it manages to glow white, much to the delight of everyone, and it has become a Graveler.

"Now that he has become a Graveler, how are we going to make it a Golem?"

Ash says, "Well, it is easy. We just need to do the same thing as Alakazam and Machamp. We are going to have a mock trade to have him evolve." This causes the other Pokemon to be surprised, and Graveler is quite a little nervous.

With the help of Alakazam and Machamp, who Teleport them back to the Pokemon Center and ease the Graveler's nerves, they manage to do the mock trade, and eventually, Graveler manages to evolve into a Golem.

"Good, now it is a Golem." Ash says with a smile.

"It sure looks very strong, maybe even stronger than Brock or Forest's." Alice says.

"Yeah. And I am sure that we have a new Rock Type Pokemon that we can train." Ash smiles once more as they use Teleport to get back to where their camp was.

As they continue forward, they see a lot of Tauros running by as they quickly dodge the path, Alice asks, "What is going on here?"

"I don't know, and I am sure that they aren't my Tauros." Ash says.

"I am sorry." Just then, they see a girl riding a Rapidash and another Shiny Rapidash rushing toward the two. "Are you two okay? Did our Tauros stomped on you?"

"No, we managed to escape on time." Ash says, then he starts to recognize the girl in front of him. "Hey, aren't you Lara Laramie?"

The girl is surprised that the boy knows her, but when her own Rapidash nuzzles at Ash, she recognizes him. "Well if it isn't the famous Ash Ketchum, long time no see."

"Yeah, and it is good to see you again, Rapidash." Ash says.

Alice is confused at what happened in front of her, and Ash says, "Oh, I almost forgot, Alice, this is Lara Laramie, she and her family own the Laramie Ranch, which is a protected zone for the Pokemon such as the Tauros that you have seen. And Lara, this is my girlfriend, Alice."

Lara says, "Well, I thought you would be with that orange-haired girl, what's her name again? Never mind that, it is nice to meet you."

"Same here." Alice says as they shake hands. "Aren't you getting burned after riding on that Pokemon for so long?"

Lara smiles as she jumps down from the Pokemon, "Don't worry, Rapidash won't be able to hurt me." Don't you think so? Ash?"

Ash sweat drops and he says, "Believe me, I got burned a lot of times. Don't ask me about that."

"But you did earn his trust in the end, that is why you could help me with the race." Lara says.

"What race?" Alice asks, Ash then tells her about how Team Rocket broke her bones and she couldn't attend the race the next day, and how she asks Ash to ride Ponyta and how it evolves into a Rapidash in the end.

"So what are you doing here instead of at the ranch?" Ash asks the girl, and she says, "I was chasing the Tauros, and speaking of which, maybe you two can help us get those Tauros back?"

Ash and Alice decide to help out as they decide to ride on Arcanine to chase the Pokemon, but the Shiny Rapidash wants Alice to ride on it, so Alice decides to ride on the Rapidash instead as they chase the Tauros. After a while, they manage to stop the Tauros and they feel tired.

"Thank sure is hard to capture." Ash says.

"Yeah..." Alice sighs. Lara says, "Well, thank you guys for helping me out, right now I will take them back to our ranch."

But much to their surprise, the shiny Rapidash doesn't want to leave Ash and Alice, and Lara says, "Well, it seems like this girl likes you."

"Really?" Ash asks in surprise. "But isn't it the Pokemon from your ranch?"

Lara says, "Well, I just met her a week ago, when she was abused by trainers who tried to capture Pokemon in our restricted area, so my Rapidash and Arcanine chase them off as we decide to have her become one of our Pokemon. But with the trauma, it doesn't open to us that easily."

"I see." Alice says. "So now that it opens to us, which means that it trusts us?"

"If you may, I will like you two to take care of it." Lara says. Ash and Alice agree to take her as they capture it in a Pokeball. After that, they bid farewell to Lara as she is going to bring the Tauros back to the ranch.

"That sure was a great experience." Alice says.

"Yeah." Ash says as they decide to ride on the Rapidash as they decide to head to the next area.

As they are now at the sea again, this time they see the Slowpokes having their tails underwater. Alice asks, "What are those Slowpokes doing?"

Ash says, "Maybe they are fishing. I know for sure that Slowpoke's tails are sweet and chewy, and when other Pokemon bite the Pokemon, they won't be able to realize it until a long time."

"That is why they are slow." Alice says with a little giggle. Ash says, "But trust me, when this Pokemon has its Galarian Form, let's say that it is faster and it is hard to catch."

"Sounds like you have experience..." Alice says as she notices that a Shellder bites the tail of one Slowpoke, and it evolves into a Slowbro. "Now that is something that I hadn't expected. How did that Slowpoke just evolve into Slowbro like that?"

"Believe me, Professor Oak and Professor Cerise had asked me to investigate it. And trust me, you don't want to be bitten by the Shellder that has become a part of the Slowbro or a Slowking."

"Why is that?" Alice asks, and Ash says, "Because you would be like...I want to become a Slowpoke master, I will lead the Slowpoke to their evolution!... Something like that."

Alice giggles at the way Ash does those words, Ash says, "Jokes aside, I know why Shellder bites the tail of the Slowpoke to make it a Slowbro. Shellder helps Slowpoke to balance on two legs instead of four, freeing its hands so it can use Mega Punch, and Shellder gains land transportation on Slowpoke's tail."

"That sure is a good thing to know, but I heard that in Galar, the Shellder isn't biting the tail, but the hand instead, right?" Alice asks.

"Yes, it becomes a Poison Type instead of the Water Type in Galar." Ash says. Then they decide to ask Slowbro if he wants to come with them, but Slowbro is having a slow conversation and it causes the two to be tired. In the end, it takes them a lot of minutes to have him captured by a Pokeball.

"Remind me that I am not going to ask a Slowbro for anything again..." Alice says, "That was tiring."

"Yeah, I think we really should get to Gringey City now." Ash says.

Once they arrive at Gringey City, Pikachu is greeted by a Magneton. Ash asks, "Wait, you're the same Magneton that we met a lot of years ago, right?"

The Magneton nods as it floats around Ash and Alice. Alice asks, "So what's the story?"

"Oh, back then Pikachu has a fever, and it approaches him a lot as a Magnemite." Ash says while turning to the Magneton. "I suppose you want to come with us?"

The Magneton nods and Ash throws a Pokeball, capturing him.

Here is a new chapter, and this time Ash and Alice manage to capture 5 new Pokemon. And if you want to know when Ash is going to catch a Slowking, I can tell you that he will capture it after he gets to Johto. The next chapter will be about the Gym battle in Gringey City, in which I will reveal that the type of the Gym is Steel Type.

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