Chapter 21: Stories and Captures

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Due to the fact that Alice is now handicapped because of the bike fall accident, Brock has joined in the journey as the three of them are heading towards Neon Town, which has the Normal Type Gym.

Right now they are near the ocean. Ash asks, "So Alice, do you have a Pokemon that you want to capture next?"

"Of course I do." Alice says with a smile, "Since I like Ice Types the most, why don't we try to capture another new Ice Type Pokemon?"

Brock says, "I heard that there are some Shellders living in the ocean, and if you have a Water Stone, you can have it evolve into a Cloyster, which is both Water and Ice Type."

"Or maybe we can just find a Cloyster in the sea." Ash says as he points at the Cloyster which is closed, meaning that it is taking a nap.

"It is taking a nap, how are you going to capture it?" Brock asks, and Ash takes out a Pokeball, and he says, "With his guy of course. Gengar, I choose you."

As the Pokemon appears, it starts to do some scary faces to scare Alice, but Ash says, "Don't do that, Gengar, I want you to use Nightmare on that Cloyster if you may."

Gengar just giggles a little before doing his own trick to get the Cloyster awake, then it is not happy as it tries to Clamp at the Pokemon, but Gengar manages to dodge the attack as it goes for the Shadow Ball.

"That's the same Gengar Ash used to battle in the Masters 8 tournament." Brock notes.

"The same one that is capable of Gigantamax." Alice says, "Though it did almost give me a heart attack after what he did."

"Now finish it with the Dream Eater." Ash says as Gengar goes straight into the Cloyster, who was being Hypnotized in the previous turn. And then Ash takes out the Pokeball and captures the Pokemon.

"Now that is a capture that I want." Ash says as he recalls his Pokemon. Gengar just gives him another scare and Ash just being baffled at the sight. "Okay, Gengar, you do know that it isn't going to scare me."

"So Ash, I forgot to ask you, is this the same Haunter that you got from Sabrina?" Brock asks, "As I recalled you captured a Haunter back then in the Lavender Town."

"Oh, well, it is not." Ash says, "This Gengar is one of my captures when I was being Professor Cerise's assistant. I am sure you want a full story about how we met, right?"

As the two nods, they decide to have a small camp near the ocean as Ash starts his story.

"As you can see... before the house becomes Professor Cerise's Lab, it was actually a trainer's house, and the Gengar was belonged to the trainer." Ash says. "But things aren't getting that good as the trainer tells him that he will be back as he leaves the house, since that day, he hasn't returned for him."

Brock says, "Wait...doesn't it sounds like your Charizard? His trainer also tells him that he would come back, but he actually abandoned it..."

"Yes, because of the promise, he would try to scare those who tried to move into the house so that the trainer will be back. But when Professor Cerise and his assistants move into the house, let's say that Gengar's tricks of scaring aren't going to work on him."

"Then what did it do?" Alice asks in confusion.

"Let's see..." Ash is looking at Rotom phone for the Pokedex, and he says, "It hides in shadows. It is said that if Gengar is hiding, it cools the area by nearly 10 degrees F. That is what the Pokedex is saying. And one day, it decides to hide in my shadow, and then I start to feel some bad stuff happening around me."

"What kind of bad stuff?" Alice asks.

"Let's see...there is one time when I somehow fall off the chair and I wasn't even shaking it, and when I tried to add some pepper to my food, it doesn't appear and when I shake it again, it ruined the food instead..."

"Oh my god, sounds like you were having a bad day." Brock says.

"Yeah, and just when I accidentally step into a hole in the ground, I know that I have been cursed by Gengar, so I decide to leave the lab as soon as possible, and that is when I bump into Gengar's former trainer. He reveals that he abandoned the Gengar because of the fact that it brings bad luck."

"But Gengar is not the disaster Pokemon, that is Absol." Alice says.

"Right, and Gengar, who was hiding in my shadow, hears everything and he is going on a rampage, he scared the former trainer and then run away. I tried to reach out to the Pokemon, and as you can tell, Team Rocket tries to ruin everything again."

"Why am I not surprised?" Brock says, "They always chase you before you disband the team."

"Yeah. And after sending them flying again, I passed out because of the chill. Gengar repays me by giving me a lot of apples to make me better, and that is when it decides to join in my team."

"That sounds very interesting." Brock says, but then he starts to feel chills again and Ash sighs, "Gengar, stop giving chills to Brock."

Gengar floats out of Brock's shadow as he laughs a little, and the others also laugh at the prank that he did.

As they continue forward, they notice something sparkling in front of them. Alice asks, "What is that?"

"I don't know... it seems like some sort of crystalized rocks..." Ash says as he tries to touch the surfaces, but the move accidentally causes the rocks to be moving, and it turns out to be a Crystal Onix.

"Is that a Crystal Onix?" Brock gasps in surprise.

"No way! What is it doing here?" Ash says in shock.

The Onix notices the three humans and roars, he is trying to attack by using Flash Cannon, but Ash has Pikachu use Iron Tail to reflect it. Alice also sends out Cloyster, having it use Icicle Spear, damaging it.

"Now that's our chance." Ash throws a Pokeball and immediately captures the Onix. Alice asks, "Are you sure we can just capture the Onix like that?"

"Maybe we can get to learn about this one's story." Ash says.

After sending it out, they learn from the Onix that he was born like that and he was cast away from the other Onix. The three trainers feel terrible as Ash wanted to release him, but Onix sees that Ash and Alice are different from any trainers that he knows, so he decides to tag along.

When they are walking on the road once more, Ash, Pikachu, and Brock suddenly falls down as they are asleep. "Ash? Pikachu? Brock? What's wrong?"

Eevee also tries to wake up the others, but in vain, it is then Alice notices a Pokemon in front of them, and the Pokemon is no other than the Hypno, the Hypnosis Pokemon.

"Oh no, what should we do?" Alice says, knowing her wound is what causes her not able to get the Pokeball from her pocket, but Eevee uses Baddy Bad on the Hypno, causing it to be damaged.

"Eevee? You want to battle for me?" Eevee nods as Alice says, "Okay, use Iron Tail on Hypno."

Before Eevee can attack, they see that Hypno is not feeling well as Alice quickly stops the attack.

"What's wrong? Hypno?" Alice asks, and he just feels pain as he can't say anything. Alice checks out the Pokedex with one hand and she says, "I see, so you are hungry and you want to eat the dreams as food, right?"

Hypno nods and Alice adds, "And you must have eaten a bad dream. I don't know whose dream is a bad dream, but don't worry." She pets the Pokemon, causing him to look at her.

At the same time, Eevee manages to get the medicine from Alice's backpack and gives it to Hypno, causing it to feel better.

"You are an interesting Pokemon, do you want to join my team?" Alice asks, and Hypno is confused, but then it nods, since she helps her, which means that she is a nice human.

"Okay, wait for a second, Eevee, can you help me throw the Pokeball?" Alice asks. Eevee nods and then she throws the Pokeball at the Hypno, eventually capturing the Pokemon.

"Good, we have another new Pokemon." Alice says as she starts to wake up the three sleeping beings.

After waking up, Ash asks, "What happened? Why are we sleeping on the road?"

Alice says, "Don't worry, you were put to sleep by Hypno's Hypnosis."

"If that's the case, where is the Hypno?" Brock asks.

"I caught it, he just wants to feast on some dreams since he is hungry, but he somehow ate a bad dream and it had a tummy ache. So I healed him and he joins our team."

"Okay, that is really weird, but it is understandable." Ash says with a laugh and the others also laugh with him as well.

And then they stop at the road since a trainer challenges them to a battle, he is using a Ninetales as Ash decides to use one of his older Pokemon, a Kingler.

"Go, Kingler, use Razor Shell!" Ash says as the Crab Pokemon just slams the attack at the Ninetales.

"Don't give up, Ninetales, use Confuse Ray." The trainer yells as Ninetales uses the attack to make Kingler confused. Ash is now frustrated as Brock says, "This is not good if Kingler gets the confusion..."

"But knowing Ash, he might find a way to continue winning." Alice says as Pikachu and Eevee are still cheering them on.

"Kingler, if you can hear me, use Bubble Beam in the air." Ash says, as Kingler shoots out the bubbles and then uses them to make it focused.

"You can do that?" The trainer is shocked, and then Ash says, "Now finish it with Guillotine."

The attack goes straight through Ninetales and it faints instantly. The trainer sighs as he recalls his Pokemon, he says, "As expected from the famous Ash Ketchum, I lost so badly."

"Don't be sad, just don't give up every battle that you lost, and you will become the same as me in the future." Ash says, and the trainer just smiles and thanks Ash for the advice.

After he leaves, Alice says, "Well done, Ash. You and Kingler are awesome today."

"Thanks, Alice." Ash says.

Brock says, "You know, Ash, you usually don't use Kingler that often when we were traveling in Kanto together for the first time, what makes you change?"

Before Ash can answer, Alice asks, "So Kingler is one of the Pokemon that you had when you just started your journey?"

"Yeah." Ash says. "At that time I still have a carry limit, so when I captured a Krabby at the beach, it just sent straight to Professor Oak's Lab. And I admit I didn't use him a lot when we are traveling, and for one time it manages to evolve into Kingler is in the Indigo League, when I was having my first match."

"That sure is some old memories." Brock comments.

"I use it often after I beat the Hulbury Gym Leader in the Galar Region since the Gym Leader is Nessa, who specializes in Water Types." Ash says.

"I have heard of her, she is so beautiful and she is also a model..." Ash and Alice are annoyed at Brock's perverted attitude as they pull his arm, causing him to get back to his senses.

"Now where are we...and Nessa says to me that Kingler is one of the Water Type Pokemon that is capable of Gigantamaxing, so I decide to train it much more so that I can have some Gigantamax Pokemon to use, the other ones being Charizard, Gengar, and Pikachu."

"Sounds like you sure have a lot of Gigantamax Pokemon." Brock says, still in pain as after Ash and Alice pull his ears.

"Of course, and it is thanks to Pikachu that I managed to beat the so-called undefeatable Champion who was also the No.1 in the World Coronation Series." Ash says as Pikachu blushes in embarrassment.

"I see." Alice laughs as they continue to travel on their journey to Neon Town.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, I decided to have Ash mention the past when he met Gengar and Kingler, as they are the next ones that need to be captured according to the Pokedex number. And in the next chapter, it will be Ash's Neon Gym Battle, the Neon Town's Gym Leader is going to be using Normal Types, so we should see how the battle will go. I hope you like this chapter.

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