Chapter 22: Neon Town Gym Battle

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Once Ash, Alice, and Brock arrive at Neon Town, they notice that a lot of people there are still working even though it is almost nighttime. Alice asks, "What's with this town? It seems like everyone is still working even though it might be the closed hours?"

"Neon Town is different from the other towns, it was once known as the City that Never Sleeps." Ash says, "Because of it, they work all night and it causes a lot of people to have insomnia, and their attitudes will be bad as well."

Brock says, "Yeah, that wasn't a bad experience, when we come to the town for the first time, people are treating us badly, and we really don't like this place at all."

"But what happened? Right now people here are now friendly..." Alice asks.

"About that, I am not sure what happened, maybe we can ask a person." Ash says as he notices a person on the stage. "Excuse me, can I ask what you are doing?"

The man looks at them and he says, "Oh, you guys must be travelers, right? As you can see, this is an alarm clock stage. It is one of the works that I made."

"Alarm clock stage?" Alice asks in confusion.

"You're right, the purpose of the stage is that after 11 o'clock, we will have a group of Jigglypuff and other Pokemon who is able to learn to Sing to make people fall asleep no matter if their work is finished or not." The man says. "And where are my manners, I am Solati, I am a vocal teacher."

After they introduce themselves, Solati says, "So you are the famous Ash Ketchum, I have heard of you. It is nice to meet you."

"Same here." Ash says. "So what makes you think about this plan to make everyone asleep?"

"How about we talk about this somewhere else?" Solati says as they go to what seems to be an empty music classroom, and it brings Alice some memories of the past.

"So this is what your classroom looks like?" Brock says, "And that must be the stage as well?"

"You're right." Solati says. "Before I arrive in this town, I met a lot of people who are rude to me, and Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy told me that the reason they are like this is because of their insomnia. So I ask them if they have any ideas to stop the mess, and Nurse Joy told me a lot of years ago, a group of three use a Jigglypuff to make everyone asleep, and that is the only time when everyone is not being rude."

Ash and Brock widen their eyes and Ash says, "Oh right, how could I forget about that..."

Alice asks, "You know something? Ash?" Alice asks, and Brock says, "Well, when we are here, we found the Jigglypuff who can't sing, so we tried to teach her how to sing, and it causes everyone in the town to fall asleep."

"Oh, so it is you guys. I am glad to know about it." Solati says. "Anyways, after hearing the news, I decide to have my choir also set up the singing Pokemon to make a stage every 11 o'clock, that way people will hear the lullaby and fall asleep, they won't be able to be angry."

"But won't this cause accidents as well?" Alice asks, "I mean...what if someone is at a construction site and when your Pokemon sing it? Won't the people who fall asleep get injured?"

"That is why before this work, we have Officer Jenny to do the announcement, not even those rude people want to be arrested or injured after all." Solati says. "Anyways, Ash. You come to this town means that you are here for the Gym battle, right?"

"Do you know the Gym Leader?" Ash asks, "No, I should ask more specifically, are you perhaps the Gym Leader?"

"You're right. This Choir room is not only my classroom, it is also where the Gym Battle is." Solati says as he presses the button, then the stage is moving backward and then the battlefield appears.

"Wow..." The three people are in awe at the sight, and Solati says, "Now are you prepared? Since we are going to have a great battle."

"Okay, what are the rules?" Ash asks as the three of them go to their respective positions.

"We will have a four-on-four double battle." Solati says, "And my first two Pokemon will be these two. He takes out the Pokeballs and sends out Kangaskhan and Chansey. Ash says, "A Kangaskhan and a Chansey...both of them are Normal Type, if that's the case, I choose you, Gengar, Hypno."

As the two Pokemon appear, Solati says, "Ah, those two Pokemon are also good at using Hypnosis. But that is not going to scare me, you'll have the first move."

"Thanks, Gengar, use Dark Pulse, Hypno, Psychic attack."

The two Pokemon fire their attacks at the Kangaskhan and Chansey, and Solati says, "Kangaskhan, Sucker Punch on the Gengar, Chansey, Disarming Voice!"

As Kangaskhan swiftly hits Gengar, Alice says, "That's gotta be hurt..."

"Sucker Punch is a move that hits if the target is preparing a move, and it is a Dark Type move, so it works well on both of them." Brock says.

After being hit by the Disarming Voice, Ash says, "Let's change our tactics, Gengar, Sludge Bomb."

Gengar fires the poison move at Kangaskhan, causing it to get poisoned. "Good." Ash says.

"Chansey can use Copycat to send back the attack, you know." Solati says as Ash widens his eyes, seeing Hypno being blasted by the attack and it becomes poisoned.

"Hypno, don't let the Poison affect you, use Hypnosis, Gengar, you are going to do the same!"

As the two Pokemon hit both Pokemon, only Chansey is affected since Kangaskhan is still poisoned. Solati is a little surprised, but then he says, "Don't you worry, I have tricks on my sleeves, Sleep Talk."

As the Pokemon is now moving, Ash groans and says, "Sleep Talk?"

"Now use Heal Pulse on Kangaskhan." Chansey is starting to recover the HP of Kangaskhan.

"Gengar, Hypno, we are going to end this. Gengar, Brick Break on Kangaskhan, Hypno, Wake-Up Slap on Chansey!" Ash yells.

Solati widens his eyes as the Wake-Up Slap hits Chansey, causing it to faint in the end. As for Kangaskhan, he is hit by the attack, but it is still standing.

"So that is one down for Solati." Alice says. "But he still has two more Pokemon."

Brock says, "This sure is something that Ash needs to worry about."

The third Pokemon Solati sends out is a Ditto, much to Ash's surprise that it takes the form of Gengar, and then it uses the Shadow Ball attack to knock out the Hypno. Ash says, "So Ditto has become Gengar...if that's the case...I am going to use this Pokemon. Persian."

As the cat Pokemon appears, it looks at the Gengar and Kangaskhan as it just gets ready. "Persian, Power Gem on the Kangaskhan."

Persian uses the move, and eventually, Kangaskhan is also down.

"Well, that went better than I expected, but here is my final Pokemon." Solati sends out a Jigglypuff, and Ash knows about this Pokemon. It uses Sing again, and this time it hits Gengar.

"Now let me use one of your Gengar's moves. Dream Eater." The move is super effective as it knocks out Gengar, forcing Ash to send out his next Pokemon, which is Kingler.

"Now this is the first time I see Ash lose two Pokemon in a Gym battle..." Alice says with worry.

"But he is still going to win this." Brock says.

Kingler is using the Metal Claw as it slashes at Jigglypuff, causing it to be in pain, but Jigglypuff gets back up and uses Double Slap on Kingler. Persian uses Shadow Claw on Gengar, and it is super effective, but Gengar uses Dark Pulse to send it back.

"This is no good. Kingler, use your Guillotine!" Ash says, and Solati widens his eyes as he sees that his Jigglypuff was knocked out.

"Guillotine, that is such a powerful move." Solati says. "But I still have my Ditto. Use Sludge Bomb!"

"Mud Bomb!" Ash yells as both bomb attacks clash with each other and then they are countered. Ash says, "Persian, use Feint Attack!"

The move hits Gengar and it is now in pain, and Ash says, "Finish it with Hydro Pump!" Ash yells as the attack causes the Pokemon to faint.

Solati sees how his Pokemon are all down, he says, "Well, you are the Champion level after all. Thank you for a nice battle."

"Thank you as well, your Pokemon are very tough as well." Ash says as they shake hands. Solati takes out a badge and says, "This is the Clef Badge, it is yours now."

Ash looks at the badge, it is made of G-Clef and F-Clef, he thanks the vocal teacher as he puts his 11th badge away.

"You did it, Ash." Alice says, she wants to hug Ash for winning the battle, but she can't, because of her injuries.

"Thanks, Alice." Ash says. Brock adds, "Indeed, you always never seem to amaze me more."

As they laugh a while, Solati says, "By the way, since you are here, why don't you come with me so that we can see how the Alarm Clock Stage works?"

The three of them are curious and they decide to stay at the town to see how the place works.

Once they get to the place at 10:50, Solati has Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Jynx, Chansey, and other Pokemon who are able to learn to Sing on the stage. Ash, Alice, and Brock are also given earplugs as Ash asks, "What are we going to do with this?"

"Just wear it, or else you will be falling asleep on the cold road and you won't want it, right?" Solati asks.

"I know what you mean, if I have to choose between the warm soft bed and the cold hard road, I definitely choose the warm soft bed." Brock says.

"Me too, especially since my arm is still yet to be recovered." Alice says. "I won't want to sleep on the road makes it worse." Alice sighs.

"Okay, now the time is about to start...and here it comes." Just then, they hear the move singing and they decide to look around. The people who are still working are now falling down to the ground asleep. Ash, Alice, and Brock are amazed at the sight.

Once the singing is finished, Ash says in a quiet voice, "I can't believe they just all sleep just like that..."

"Yeah, but we still have one more thing to do." Solati says as the Pokemon take out blankets to cover the sleeping passersby on the roads, "We don't want them to be sick the next morning because of what we did."

"I see. So they will give out the blankets, that is an amazing thing to do." Alice says.

"Now I guess you guys should go to bed as well?" Solati asks and the three of them are yawning, then they go to the Pokemon Center and they take a rest.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, as you can see, Neon Town is from the episode, The Song of Jigglypuff. I decide to make something so that the town's people will also get some rest in the town, and that is how I come up with the gym in this town. The next chapter will be Pokemon capturing but with a Legendary Pokemon that I am going to have Ash capture.

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