Chapter 23: Thunder Encounter

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In the next day, Ash and the group bid farewell to Solati and they are now heading to the Power Plant. Brock says, "The Power Plant is a little far away from here, how are you going to get there?"

"Don't worry about it." Ash says. "Professor Cerise have given us the teleportation device so that we can teleport to wherever we want."

Alice says, "And since our next destination is Saffron City, it is the best place to go."

"Wait, you haven't faced the Saffron City Gym yet?" Brock asks with a shivering tone. Alice says, "Ash has told me the story about how you guys were turned into dolls, I was shivering at the fact at first when I heard the story."

"But if I need to beat 16 gyms, I will need to go there and besides, I already have 11 badges, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?"

"That is true." Brock sighs as they teleport themselves to the Power Plant. As they get there, Brock asks, "So what Pokemon are you going to find here?"

"You'll know." Ash says as they enter the factory like place, and then they see multiple giant balls, and when Eevee walks closer to it, it gets shocked and paralyzed."

"Oh, no! Eevee!" Alice yells as she picks the Pokemon up. Ash says, "There they are. Electrode are the Pokemon that we need to capture."

Brock says, "So how are you going to capture them?"

"With this Pokemon of course." Ash says as he sends out Golem, and the two of them use Rollout at each other. "And see how they go..." Alice says.

"Both of them are equal in power, that is for sure." Brock says. But eventually, Electrode is about to use Explosion, and Ash yells, "No you won't. Go Pokeball!" Ash quickly tosses the Pokeball and capture the Pokemon, it shakes for a while and then it breaks out. "Damn it, we missed."

Alice says, "Let me do it." Alice throws another Pokeball, and then it is successfully captured. "Good, I really don't want it to use explosion or else we are going to find another one."

Brock says, "The timing sure is important, and you really are good at the timing, Ash."

"I know, I have been training with it back with Go." Ash says, but then they hear a sound and then they rush out of the power plant, they see that the sky is changing and Brock says, "It seems like it is going to rain."

"Wait, I think it is not the case..." Ash says as they look up in the clouds, they see a yellow bird like Pokemon are flying towards them. "Wait, isn't that the Legendary Pokemon Zapdos?" Brock asks.

"What is it doing here?" Alice asks, "And it seems like it is going towards us..."

Zapdos lands in front of Ash and then it says, "You have finally come, I have been waiting for you."

"You have been waiting for me? Why is that?" Ash asks, and the other two are confused.

"Father told us that you are in a quest of capturing all of us, and since you have been a legend in the Hall of Origins, we three birds have been waiting for you in the respective locations so that you will come."

"Okay..." Ash says, and the other two are shocked at the revelation. "So let me guess, before I capture you, you want a battle? Just like Mew, right?"

The Pokemon nods and Ash says, "Golem, we will need your help again."

Golem is surprised that he is about to fight a Legendary Pokemon, but it shows its determination as Zapdos starts off with Drill Peck, but with the rock-hard body, it doesn't seem to be effective.

Brock says, "If fighting against a Zapdos, Ground, and Rock Type like Golem is really the best choice."

"But Zapdos is a Legendary Pokemon, it won't be going down this easily." Alice says.

Golem goes for the Stone Edge, and it manages to hit the Pokemon, but a Roost causes it to regain its health. It growls and then the rain appears, and then it goes for a Thunder, causing the Pokemon to get some damage.

"How is that even possible? I thought that Ground Type is immune to Electric Type..." Alice says.

"It was just like the first time when Ash battled me in my brother's gym." Brock says, "The water advantage causes the Pokemon to get weakened and the Electric may be able to get to the body."

But Golem is not going to give up as it goes for the Smack Down, which causes the Zapdos to fall down to the ground, Ash says, "Now it is our chance, Earthquake!"

Golem uses the Super effective Ground Type move, and eventually, Zapdos gets tired, Ash also uses the Cherish Ball and captures the Pokemon.

"Wow...I caught a Zapdos..." Ash says as he looks at the Cherish Ball in his hand, Alice says, "So this is your second Legendary Pokemon that you captured..."

Brock asks, "Wait, Ash has another Legendary Pokemon?"

Ash says, "Remember Mew and Mewtwo? Brock? They were captured and Mew is a Mythical instead of a Legendary Pokemon."

Brock is surprised and he says, "I thought that you trying to capture all the Pokemon is just a joke, but after capturing that Zapdos, I think that you are crazy now..."

"I know." Ash says as they teleport themselves to the Safari Zone.

"So why are we in this Safari Zone?" Alice asks Ash, and Ash says, "We are here to capture one of the Pokemon that we need to fill in my Pokedex. That is, Exeggcute."

"Exeggcute? Are you sure this is the place you find them?" Brock asks.

"According to the Rotom Dex, it is." Ash says, "Brock, Alice, can you stay here and wait for me? Alice's arm is still hurt and the Safari Zone is a place where we can't use any Pokemon to battle, so it will be dangerous."

"Okay, Ash." Brock says, and Alice adds, "Promise me that you are going to be careful."

"I will." Ash says as he enters the place, Brock turns to Alice and asks, "Ash really cares deeply for you, that is for sure."

"Of course, he deeply cares for me, I also care for him as well." Alice says. "But why did you talk about it?"

Brock says, "As you can see, I have traveled with Ash for four years, and he was actually dense to knowing females' feelings for him, as he only cares about the Pokemon training in the past."

"Really?" Alice asks, Brock laughs, "Seeing Ash right now, I can understand why you find my words unbelievable."

"Yeah." Alice says. "As you can see, I met Ash when we were five years old. I was lost in the woods and I was scared, but I know for sure that singing helps me get better, and it is when I found Ash."

"He must have been attracted by your voice, yesterday, Mr. Solati said that your voice is pretty good, I wonder how long have you been learning to sing?" Brock asks.

"Well, I was taken some lessons since I was four, due to the fact that I had a perfect pitch, so I have been learning a lot of music lessons." Alice says.

"Have you thought of trying to please Ash with your music?" Brock asks, and Alice blushes and says, "I mean...I am not sure, I don't know if Ash knows how to sing as well, I haven't heard him singing yesterday even though Mr. Solati asks him to do it..."

"Well, maybe he has a secret voice, only that he didn't want to admit it." Brock says.

"Admit what?" They turn around and see Ash with an Exeggutor and a Lickitung behind him. "I am sure that you are not going to take my girlfriend, right? Brock?"

"Of course not, what kind of person am I if I do that to you?" Brock asks with a small laugh. "We are just talking about your voice, we want to know if you can sing."

"Sing a song? Oh, you are talking about the time when Mr. Solati asks me if I can sing...well, I can sing, but I just don't feel like it yesterday."

"Why not?" Alice asks, and Ash says, "Believe me, I have a hard childhood that is caused by Gary Oak, he and his gang would mock me that singing is for girls despite my protests."

"Gary did that?" Brock asks as Ash says, "Don't worry, he changed a lot during these years, I am sure that he might forget about it. But I was afraid, so I would only sing when I was alone."

Alice says, "Well we be able to hear your voice in person? For me, please?"

Ash looks into Alice's Rockruff-eyes, and he sighs, "Maybe for another time, I needed some practice."

Brock finally notices the Exeggutor and the Lickitung and he says, "So I guess you caught this Exeggutor and the Lickitung?"

Ash says, "I found Exeggcute who only has 5 eggs, so I find their final egg, which is beside a Leaf Stone. And Lickitung helps me with finding the egg." Ash recalls the happy Exeggutor and says, "Now we should head back to the Lavender Town."

"That place again?" Alice is a little scared and says, "Why?"

"You'll see." Ash says as they go to the town with the teleportation device.

Once they are back in Lavender Town, Ash tells them that they are going inside the Pokemon Tower, much to the two's surprise. "Don't tell me that the Pokemon we need to capture is another Ghost Type..."

"No, it is not a Ghost Type, but the location for the Pokemon is this place." Ash says, much to their surprise.

"What kind of Pokemon will be in this tower that is not a Ghost Type?" Brock asks, and then they hear a voice, "That will be Cubone."

They turn around and see Reina. "I see you are back in this town."

"Reina, good to see you again." Ash and Alice greet the gym leader, and Brock tries to flirt with him, only to be dragged away by Croagunk. "I almost forgot about this Pokemon..." Ash says while sweatdropping.

Reina says, "So are you perhaps going into the tower to find Cubone?"

Ash says, "Of course." Alice asks, "But I have a question, why are Cubones mainly inside the Pokemon Tower?"

"Cubone are Pokemon that wear the mask of their mothers' skulls. They majorly come to the place because this is where a lot of Marowak bury their bodies." Reina says. "And there are also some Marowak here as well."

As they head to the upper floors, they were scared by some Ghost Type Pokemon, but they also notice some crying Cubone and Marowak. Ash notices one of the Marowak looking at them curiously and he asks, "Are you here to pray for your mother?"

The Pokemon nods and he shows them the gravestone of the Marowak. Brock asks, "But why a lot of Marowak were killed?"

"Because their skulls are rare items that can be sold for high prices." Reina shakes her head, "Poachers come here to kill some Marowak so that they can be rich."

"That is not nice." Alice says as she pets the Marowak, and the Marowak decide to join the two humans as he thinks that they are nice. So Ash and Alice capture them in the end.

After capturing the Pokemon, they leave the tower and bid farewell to Reina as they head west to Saffron City.

Here is a new chapter, and this time Ash and Alice capture 4 new Pokemon, with one being the Legendary Pokemon Zapdos, the next chapter will be the Saffron Gym battle and the Fighting Dojo. I hope you like this chapter.

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