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♔ ♔ ♔

      In that very moment, all Rosé could do was compare Daejung to Tom. It was a terrible thing for a girl to do to two guys who like her, especially when she was somewhat dating one of them and worked with the other. She may feel like the most horrible person on Earth for doing so, but at the end of the day it was almost natural for her to compare the two different men.

      For one, Daejung is much more aggressive with his kisses. He's more dominant which is strange for Rosé who always shared said dominance with Tom. When it came to Tom and their kisses it was always unpredictable, then again they weren't exactly a thing and usually their kisses came when one of them had something to prove or confirm.

      Whether it was their feelings or their intent, it always seemed like a kiss answered everything. But the only thing it hasn't answered was their relationship status: were they even together, or were they so helpless and unsure that they can't even figure it out themselves?

      Tom felt like he was falling into a never ending hole, the fear of falling running through his veins, the anxiety he felt as he anticipated to make contact with the ground, only for it to not happen. Everything was rushing so quickly, but the only time everything seemed to slow down was when he made eye contact with Rosé. She was speechless, unable to collect her words, but her eyes couldn't explain what had just happened.

      Daejung wasn't a bad guy, Tom knew that. Well, other than the fact that he's well aware that he and Rosé are kind of a thing and he still kissed her, that was the only thing that made him an utter dick. But he couldn't blame him. After all, Rosé Cha had this way with others that moved them, made them fall in love with her. It was almost like another Seth O'Connor case, but at the time Tom wasn't even sure about his feelings for her.

      It was almost as if the universe was punishing him for not returning her feelings earlier on. What if he had caught on before she left for South Korea? Would things be less complicated than they are now? Would she have met Daejung?

      Tom shook his head, almost as if he was still in disbelief. He shrugged his shoulders before he turned around, "Sorry for disturbing, but Jon needs you on set, Rosie. Something about a quick change in the script."

      "Oh, um, I'll be there in a second." Rosé looked at Daejung apologetically before she chased after Tom who had walked ahead. She didn't bother calling out his name knowing that if they brought attention to themselves there would be rumors on set, something they most definitely didn't need after filming Captain America: Civil War.

      She knew that what Tom had just witnessed must've torn him inside. She felt the same way whenever she saw he and Camille together, so she could easily relate to what he's feeling right now.

      Everything was so complicated that it frustrated her.

      They weren't the same Rosie Girl or Tommy Boy anymore, and that bothered her.

      The young screenwriter glanced over to his side nervously, her bottom lip in between her teeth as she fiddled with the rings on her fingers. "Are we still going for dinner tonight with Haz and Sora?" she asked him in a small voice. They were fine this morning, almost perfect. And for something like this to occur worried Rosé, mainly because she couldn't predict what was going to happen now.

      Tom shook his head hesitantly before he reached his trailer. His back faced her, his hand on the door handle. "Sorry, I made plans with Jacob," he lied as he opened the door to his trailer. He glanced over his shoulder and gave his best friend a small smile. "But I'll meet you tomorrow for breakfast if I can, yeah?"

      "Tom, I'm sorry I — "

      "It's okay, Rosie. It's not like we're official or anything. You need time still, and I understand. If you can wait for almost two decades for me, I can wait a longer for your feelings to be sorted. I understand, so don't worry."

      "That's not what I meant — "

      Tom turned around and held her by the shoulders, his touch hesitant, but gentle. He chuckled at the concerned expression on her face before leaning forward and pressing a kiss on her forehead. When he pulled away he placed one hand on her head, his thumb rubbing out the worry lines between her eyebrows.

      "Stop being so cute and worried," he muttered as he continued to massage away her wrinkles. "I'm not the type of guy to get all pouty. Am I upset? Yes, but I know that you wouldn't hurt me like that on purpose, you're not that type of person to do that. I can wait, I'm not going to run away. I like you, Roseanne. It's as simple as that. It'll take a lot to drive me away."

      Rosé leaned into his touch with her eyes closed. She couldn't help but smile as Tom's lips pressed against her forehead once more. "I don't want to mess this up," she whispered to him. "I like you, ever since we were kids. And now that you actually like me back, I don't want to ruin what we have."

      "No one can take that away from us, Rosie. No matter what, whether we're dating or still just friends, we'll always be Rosie and Tommy. Nothing can change that."

      "This almost feels like a dream, this is too good to be real."

      Tom hummed into her hair as he hugged her, the steps he was standing on gave him a few extra inches. He smiled at her words as she hesitantly wrapped her arms around his waist, almost as if she didn't want to intrude on him.

      "How so?"

      "I've dreamt about this for so long, and now it's actually happening."

      "You say it almost as if me liking you was impossible."

      "Are you kidding me? You're freaking Tom Holland, you can have any girl you want."

      "And you're Rosé Cha. I just hope that I'm the guy you want in the end."

♔ ♔ ♔

      Sora Han has found herself being the peace maker in almost any awkward and harsh situation. First example, she was the one who spent time with Daejung during his time in Atlanta, mainly because Rosé had to work and because of the awkward kiss. Another would be to pass messages along the Cha twins so they wouldn't have to see each other. Of course, her lovely boyfriend didn't mind, he too was an assistant of some sorts.

      And now here she is in a small Thai restaurant with Harrison on her left, and Rosé sitting in front of her. Her fellow Korean poking at her pad thai rather than devouring it like she usually does.

      "So he took it okay? He wasn't ready to punch Daejung or something?" Harrison questioned as Rosé finished her story on what had happened earlier on the day. The blond male fell back into his seat with a shocked expression on his face, almost as if he couldn't believe what had happened. "Dammit! Why didn't he tell me anything?"

      Sora gave her boyfriend a sympathetic look before placing her hand over his in an attempt to comfort him. "It's okay. I am sure it's because he's confused, that's all. But he's a good guy, he would not hurt people without any reason."

      "A guy wants to take his girl away."

      "That's not good enough to get Tom mad. He's very calm and mature," Sora reasoned with Harrison. She returned her attention back to Rosé who looked at them with envious eyes. "How about your brother? Have you talked to him yet?"

      Rosé scoffed, "Please, Noah's avoiding me as if I'm the plague. I highly doubt he wants to share the same hotel floor with me, much less talk to me."

      "Maybe you should try to understand him better," Harrison suggested as he pointed his fork at Rosé. "Noah may be outgoing, but he's also a very hidden guy. Try to find out why he wants you to join his company so badly."

      "Haz, I haven't had a proper conversation with him in months. We'll get better soon, maybe, I don't actually know honestly."

      "Maybe he wanted you to join because he thinks that you'll receive better treatment in his company," suggested Sora. She smiled sadly before she lowered her gaze onto her half full plate. "I mean, that was why I left Venus to join LACUNA."

      It was still a scandal that Sora refused to resign her contract with her family's company. Of course, people think that she didn't actually refuse and that she was kicked out by her own family. That was far from the truth.

      The youngest Cha twin shook her head. "Nah. Noah's protective yes, but he never steps into my business unlike I ask him to. He knows I can take care of myself. I just . . . I just want to know why he's so bipolar lately."

      "Then ask him. For your sake and his."

      And so she did.

      Rosé sat across from Noah, the two in the hotel's café that was conveniently opened for 24 hours. The screenwriter had just gotten back from dinner with Harrison and Sora, the couple opted to go out for desserts, but Rosé politely declined knowing that she had an early shoot to attend and that she promised to eat breakfast with Laura Harrier. She had caught Noah in the café buying his dinner; two cream cheese bagels, one black coffee, and a small fruit salad. Her brother was never one for heavy meals for dinner. Right after Noah had spotted her he was ready to make way to the elevator, but his younger sister was faster and stopped him before he could enter.

      Now here they are sitting in awkward silence not knowing what to say or do. Despite the café being empty, they couldn't get their tension out into the open.

      They were so close, and in the span of a few months their relationship got so distant that Rosé  could hardly recognize them. It's funny how when they were little and people would used to be pick up Noah she'd cry and demand that they give him back to her, fearing that they were going to take him away.

      It was always her biggest fear that Noah would be apart from her. And now her biggest nightmare came to life as Noah distanced himself. However, it seemed as though everything came with good reason.

      But after hearing the truth, after hearing what he had to say, Rosé was at a loss of words.

      "You're joking," Rosé choked out as she lifted her head, her gaze removed from her lap and now onto her twin. Her eyes blurred with tears as she felt her chest tightened. "You're pulling my leg, aren't you? This isn't actually happening."

      Noah nodded gravely as he tried to give her a small smile, but his lips trembled as he did so. "Hey, it was my choice."

      "You're stupid! That's why mum and dad moved us to Britain, so you wouldn't have to!"

      Clara, their oldest sister, was born in Busan, South Korea. A few years later the twins were born in their native country as well. However, South Korea law states that men need to serve two years of military service. However, because they moved and lived in another country it means that they have dual citizenship in Australia and South Korea. And when they're 22 the twins have to decide whether or not to renounce their Korean citizenship or to keep their Australian citizenship.

      The twins have always said that they were going to keep their Australian citizenship, the two never really having a reason to live in Busan once more. But Noah kept the secret of his company from his family and Rosé soon received work from her home country. Now her father and step mother are living in Seoul, South Korea. 

      Noah has already made his decision.

      "You won't be alone on this," he told her softly. He cocked his head and gave her one of his mischievous smiles in an attempt to comfort her. "I'll only be gone for two years, and I'll have my holiday visits and what not. I probably should've planned a bit better for LACUNA if I was going to go enlist anyways. But that's why I needed you here, I need someone to take over the company. Look, I majored in business and you have a decent understanding of what to do. Plus, it's not like I'm going to make you run everything, you'll have help. I hired someone to be the CEO, but you would've handled the details regarding the artists such as Max and Mint and Sora."

      "You should've told me that you were going to enlist," hissed Rosé. "You're leaving me, you asshole."

      "I'm sorry. But, I think I need this. Look, things haven't been going well for me," Noah admitted. "I can't say that I'm ecstatic that Sora and Harrison are going out. And mum's meeting this lad that I'm not fond of. And you're living in between Australia and Seoul, I can barely see you as it is. I think that I need something to get a new perspective on life, you know?"

      "Seth's the philosophical one."

      "Ah, really? I thought he was just the pretty face with no brain."

      "That'd be you, Noah."

      "See, you won't be sad forever. So, will you help me?"

      " . . . "

♔ ♔ ♔


I know I haven't updated in a month, I'm sorry! I've been having writer's block and lacked the motivation to update this. But I was rereading Blurred Lines and I kind of fell in love with Tosé again, so here's the chapter!

Dedicated to starfragment! Because Catie is such a sweet pea, and she's trash for Rosé

Much Love Guys.

( written: january 26, 2018 )
( published: january 26, 2018 )

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