Chapter 17

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~~~Unifishy POV~~~bell rings~~~
After the bell rang I turn off the PS2 and started to walk to are other class. My freind talk about the classes. I did not care about that. Then I herd people talk about me like I was a goast. I herd a lot of people she a witch. I could not take it anymore I yelled.
"HEY FRIKEN STUPID PEOPLE STOP TALKING ABOUT ME." I yelled. Then a girl walked up to me.
"Hia ugly witch my Name is Ella." Ella said. I just look at her and gave her a glear to step off. But my friends came in.
"Why you so mean." Nicole said
"Becuase you guys are hagging out with ugly witch here and you guys look nice." Ellis said in a mean tone. I had to do something. But I did not know what.
"Hey Ella you are what you say." Laurnce said
"No I'm not I'm nice and cute." Ella say in a meanish tone.
"Can you just leave us alone." I said
"Ah no *push Unifishy*." Ella said. I got up and just look at her.
"What was that for." I said
"Nothing. Bu bye." Ella said walking away
"Are you ok Unifishy." (N/A) said
"Yeah let just go to are next class." I said
"Ok. Let's go." Dante said. We walk to class with silence. Are next class was... ART. Art was my favorite. It took me out of realty.
~~~in class~~~
We got in the class room. I sat by myself. The teacher was talking and interduce her self. I just zoomed out and drew. When I was drawing I thought to myself "I just wanted to go here and be with my bro. But of cores people wanted to bully me like at my other school." *tears come down and rips away tear.* I felt someone was looking over me. So I look up and saw it was Ella.
"What do you want Ella." I said looking down at my paper
"I just wanted to say that nobody like you. Your friends are just betending to be your friends." Ella smirk
"That that not true." I said
"Are you sure. Then why didn't they come sit by you." Ella said
"Garroth now me and when I get mad I need time alone." I said
"Ok ugly witch." She said walking back to her seat. I got up to ask the teacher can I go to the restroom.
"Yes you can Unifishy." May said. I walk out of the class room and going to the close restroom by the room. When I was walking the halls to find a restroom. I felt someone following me. I turn around and saw Ella and a a girl with pastel purple  hair.
"What do you want Ella." I said
"Nothing but I wanted to do this *punch Unifishy*." Ella said. I passes out
"Why did you do that Ella. I thought we were going on a walk." ??? Said with a frown
"I lied. Now come on Nikki." Ella said
"Ok Ella. I'm coming." Nikki said. I work up and I felt pain in my left cheek *rubs cheek*. I sat on the floor for a long time and cry. Then I saw a person. That was with Ella.
"What do you want." I said in a meanish tone
"I did not now that Ella was going to punch you." Nikki said
"Ok can I just be alone and if the teacher ask you where I am. Tell her you don't know." I said looking at the floor "and tell Garroth to come please."
"Ok.,I will tell them that." Nikky said walking away. After a few minutes after Nikki left. I saw Garroth and Kawaii~chan coming. I was shock to see that kawaii~chan came.
"What happen Unifishy~Chan." Kawaii~Chan said putting her hand on my cheek to see how bad it was
"Ouch." I yelled
"What happen Unifishy." Garroth said
"Ella happen." I muble
"What Unifishy." Garroth said with scard in his eyes
"Nothing. I promis." I lied
"Ok Kawaii~chan will be help up unfishy~chan." Kawaii~Chan said helping me up
"Thank kawaii~chan helping Unifishy up. I will go back to the class room and tell them the Unifishy is ok." Garroth said walking back
"Ok Garroth~kun." Kawaii~chan said. When we were walking back I felt dizzy and I told kawaii~chan I feel dizzy.
"Is Unifishy~chan ok." Kawaii~Chan said with a consernd tone
"Yeah yeah Kawaii-." I passes out and had a dream
I was in the hallway walking to my locker. Then when I open my locker it closed and it was Ella who closed it. I glared at her. Then my friends came and walk behind her.
"Guys why are you behind her." I ask
"Duh becuase they are my friends not your." Ella said
"What!" I said. When Ella said that it felt like I was shot 20 time.
"Yeah. Reamber when I told you they were betending to be your friends. I was telling the truth." Ella smirk. I could not believe it. So I called broomy and get on
"What are you doing stupid. You going to fall." Garroth yelled
"Broomy take me away." I whisper. But when I herd Garroth said that. I felt like I lose my favorite sibling. *flys in to the air*
"Guys don't let her get away." Ella scream.
"Ok mam." They said. I flew in the air with broomy and all my ex friends try catching me. Then I saw that Dante had a bow and arrow. *dante shot arrow*. I felt pain in my leg. I look at my leg and their a arrow in it. I was losing so much blood. That I could not heal it. Then everything around me gone black and I fell off of broomy. I was falling. I could not done anything. So I accepted my fate to die. I hit the ground and died.
~~~end of dream~~~
"AHHHHHHH." I yelled. I saw that everyone was around me and I saw Ella.
"Unifishy what happen." (N/A) ask
"Nothing." I said in a mean tone
"What worng Unifishy." Garroth ask
"Nothing. Let me be alone and you can hang out with Ella. Your best friend in the enter world." I yelled.
"What do you mean." Nicole said
"Let me be." I said "broomy I need you. You can get out!"
"Unifishy what are doing." Garroth said
"I'm going where I aways go." I said. Broomy came and I got on.
"Broomy take me their." I whisper.
~~~at the place~~~
Broomy took me to the cave. Where I go when I get mad. But I know Garroth will come to find me. *starts to cry*
"Broomy thank you for you help." I said. Broomy put a little sparkle out that means he saying thank you. After a few minutes of talking to myself. I decided i wanted to work on my witchcraft. All night I stayed their. Then I took out my crystal heart. I made to tell me what happening
"Crystal heart tell me what Garroth and everyone is doing." I said. It show that Garroth was coming here to talk to me.
Dang Ella is a female dog. So next chapter going to be awesome ok. Umm o yeah thank for 800+ in side story and madness from the cast of MCD.
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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