Chapter 18

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~~~Garroth POV~~~
When I saw Unifishy got on broomy and fly away. I knew where she going. Everyone was in shock what happen.
"O poor Unifishy." Ella said
"What did you do to her." I yelled
"Garroth nothing." Ella said with a smirk
"I know you did something tell me." I yelled
"Garroth calm down." (N/A) said putting a hand on my shoulder
"I can't I won't. I will not lose her again. Ella tell me what did you do." I said
"I said I did no-." Ella was cut of by a girl with pastel purple hair
"Hi I'm Nikki and Ella did do something." Nikki said
"Nikki shut up now." Ella yelled
"No Ella. I'm telling them." Nikki yelled back
"Nikki please tell us." Levin and Aph said
"Ok. This what happen." Nikki said
~~~Nikki tell what happen~~~
When Nikki told us that. I ran outside. I herd (N/A) ask where am I going. I told her to find Unifishy. After that I ran home got food and water for the trip. I put on the shoe that Unifishy made for me.
"Unifishy I'm going to find you." I thought to my self. I ran out of the house and ran where broomy left blue sparkles. That mean Unifishy was really sad.
~~~at Unifishy caves~~~
I was running so much. But did not give up. After awail I saw the cave we away went to. When we were little kid. I walk in and saw Unifishy with her broom and crystal heart.
"Hey sis." I said
"Ahh." *drobs crystal heart* Unifishy yelled
"I'm so sorry Unifishy." I said running up to pick up the crystal heart
"Don't worry I can fix it." Unifishy said and picking up the pieces
"Ok." I said
"Why did you come Garroth." Unifishy said coldly
"I came because I love you as a sis and I don't want to lose you again." I said
~~~Unifishy POV~~~
When Garroth said those word. I ran up to him and hug him.
"Garroth *sniffle*." I said
"What sis." He said
"Why did Ella called me ugly and she punch me." I said
"I know Nikki told me what happen. But what was the dream you had." Garroth said in a consind tone
"Ok it was like." I said
~~~tells dream~~~
"That why I ran and got broomy." I said treaing up
"Ok but don't let Ella make you think that we are betending." Garroth said
"Ok. Garroth I take you home and I come back here for I can fix my crystal heart." I said
"Ok. Let's go." Garroth said.
"Broomy come here." I yelled and broomy came. Garroth and I went on broomy like old times.
"Broomy take us back." I whisper.
I drop Garroth at home and I saw everyone come running up to me. But I flew up a little bit.
"Unifishy~chan what you doing." Kawaii~chan ask
"I don't want to be here right now sorry." I said
"Why not." Levin ask
"I just don't." I said
"Guys let her be she not in the best mood." Garroth said
"Ok Unifishy hope you come back." Aph said
"I will I'm just going to be gone for a while." I said looking down
"Ok." Aph said
"O Garroth i may have to go to okasis." I said looking at everyone
"Why Unifishy." (N/A) ask
"For reson that I can't discuss and don't worry I will be hiding how I look." I said
"Ok. If you do go be careful." Garroth said
"I will." I said
"Broomy take me to the place." I whisper. When we were flying back I reamber I needed to see Lucinda to fix the crystal heart.
~~~at cave~~~
When I arrive at my cave. I pack clothes, food, my broken crystal heart, and potion.
"Broomy take me to Lucinda." I said and broomy took me their. When I was flying I saw a cute baby artic fox with a broken leg.
"Broomy land." I said. Broomy land and I ran to the baby Artic fox.
"Are you ok." I said awhil looking at the fox leg. The fox gave a soft whimper when I touch where it was broken.
"It going to be ok. I heal you." I said in a quiet voice. I went throw my backbag trying to find my healing potions.
"Found it now I just need water." I said. I went back to my bag and found a water bottle. I mix the water in the healing potion for the bay fox will drink it.
"Drink up." I said. The fox drank all of the water and I felt where the fox hurt it leg. The fox did not give a whimper.
"Do you want to be my pet." I ask. The fox look at me and lick me and I took that as a yes.
"I'm going to name you snowdrop." I said. I went though my bag again to find the golden lasso
"Don't worry it going to be for only a little awhile." I said. Snowdrop shook her head and I put her in the lasso. I went back on broomy and told broomy to go to Lucinda's.
So awesomeness is born. I have a baby fox now and everyone is worry abut me. Next chapter going to be your POV
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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