Chapter 20

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~~~your POV~~~ bells ring~~~
The bell rang and we all all got up and started to walk to class. We all talk and are next class was history and the teacher name was Dr. Girl. But when we were walking to class Ella had to come. I hated that girl.
"What do you want Ella." Laurnce said
"O I wanted to fight (N/A) after school." Ella said shooting her grayish-blue eyes at me
"Ok. I will." I said
"But (N/A) what are yo-." Nicole was cut off by me
"I know I may not beat her but promis me. If I go down take me to the naurse or the doctor." I said
"Ok (N/A)." Nicole said
"So you going to fight me loser." Ella said
"Yes and here a head up you are what you say." I said "guys can we go in the class room now."
"Yes we can." Aph said. We left Ella to her evil deeds and we went to class. Everyone filled the room and are teacher interduce her self
"Hello class. My name is Dr. Girl. But call me doctor for short." Dr. Girl said
"Hiiiiiiii Dr. Girl." My friend and I said. Dr. Girl smile at us got to the lesson plan
"So I'm going to teach you this history of magics and witchcraft." Dr. Girl said
"Awesome." Nicole and I yelled
"Wow you guys love doing stuff." Laurnce said
"We do." Nicole & I said
"So we are going to read chapter 1 of the magic from the history book." Dr. Girl said. I wazs up my hand to ask a question.
"Yes (N/A)." Dr. Girl said whil passing out the book
"If I can. Can I bring a book home and read up ahead and do a project on this." I ask
"Yes you can." Dr. Girl said. After that Ella was staring at me with her grayish-blue eyes. When we were reading to are self. I read all the chapter to the subject we are learning. I just loved this history of magic. That why I freck out when dr. Girl said history of magic.
"Dr. Girl I finish the book. What can I do." I ask. When I said that everyone look at me "like you never saw a girl the read all the chapter to her favorite kind of history
"You can work on the project. You wanted to do." Dr. Girl said
"Ok and if you can't tell. I just love this history." I said
"I can tell." Dr. Girl said. I got up from my seat and went to the computer. I started to reacher more about the guy or girl who discover magick and witchcraft. I was on a website. That was telling more of this history.
The website said "the gender to the boy or girl was a girl. The girl name was lady...IREAN."
"O my goodness. Yayayayayayayaya. I can't beleiv lady Irean in the founder." I thought to my self. Then I felt a hand on my head and shoulder. I turn around and it was Kawaii~chan, Dante, and levin. I guess they saw me fangirling over here
"Hey guys." I said scratching back on my head
"Is (N/A)~chan ok. Kawaii~Chan is asking." Kawaii~Chan ask
"Yes Kawaii~Chan I'm fine. I'm just looking stuff up." I said
"If (N/A)~chan said so. Kawaii~Chan will be ok." Kawaii~Chan said
"What were you fangirling about." Dante ask
"Yeah (N/A)." Levin said
"You have to wait. It for my project." I said.
"Ok. We go back and you can do your research." They said and walking away. When they all walk away. I went back on the computer and I read more about Lady Irean. Then again someone had to come and it was Ella.
"What do you want Ella. I'm reaching." I said not turning around
"How did you know it was me." Ella said
"Hello you are mean and not my friends." I said reading more
"O my goodness can't believe that lady Irean in the founder. But it say something about her but can't see it." I througt
"Ok how cares. Cya loser." Ella said walking away. I did not hear her. I was space out on reading.
"Their are people that the hair and eyes change color on their mood. They are mostly like to have 2 power. 1 that they can use when ever. The other on a mood." The website said. I kept reading and reading to dr. Girl came to see what I'm doing.
"Hey (N/A). I can tell that you are so happy about this history." Dr. Girl said taking a seat by me
"I am. I was away interested in magick. I have magick but don't use it that often." I said
"That really cool. When do you think you going to present the project." Dr. Girl ask
"I think in 5 days or a week. I do want to ask my friend Unifishy about magick too." I said
"Ok. You can take as much time as you want and if you have a question and it about something. You can ask me." Dr. Girl said
"Ok and thank you for letting me do this project dr. Girl." I said
"It no problem." Dr. Girl said and getting up. When she got up and walk away. I got up and walk to Garroth.
"Hey babe." Garroth said
"Hey. Is their a way to send Unifishy a letter." I ask
"Yeah. I call reven and he will come and send the letter you wrote." Garroth said
"Awesome. Thank you sweetie." I said kissing his cheek. I saw him blushed. I giggle.
"(N/A) what was that about." Aph and levin ask
"O I'm going to send a letter to Unifishy." I said with a sparkle In my eye. When I said Unifishy name levin blushed.
"Levin are you blushing." Aph teased
"N-n-no." Levin studder
"I'm naming you the studder prince." I said
"Really way." Levin whinned
"Yes really. I'm going to sit down and work on the letter." I said walking to my desk and got out paper and pencil
"Ok. Come on levin." Aph said grabbing levin hand. When they left I started to write my letter
~~~letter is down~~~
I was done writing my letter. I look at the time on the computer and it was amost time for the next bell ring and when the next bell rings. IT LUNCH. I walk over to Garroth. He was talking to everyone.
"Hey guys." I said
"Hey (N/A)." Aph said
"You finally done doing your reacher and done writing your boring letter to Unifishy." Laurnce said
"1 magick history is the best type of history. 2 I was writing my letter for help." I said
"Ok." Laurnce said
"Anywho what did you learn." Nicole ask
"You people have to wait. The next time you ask. I'm going to get mad." I said
"Ok (N/A)." Nicole said. I was going to say something but the bell rang.
"TIME FOR LUNCH." I yelled "and bye dr. Girl." We walk out the class room at went to lunch.
So awesomeness. The next chapter is Unifishy POV. Unifishy will go see Lucinda again and the picture above is Ella. That femal dog aka the b word
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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