Chapter 21

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~~~Unifishy POV~~~ arrive at Lucinda's house~~~
We arrive at Lucinda house. I took out my lasso and snowdrop cam out.
"Lucinda I need your help!" I yelled. I heard foot step come down
"Unifishy you are back. I missed you." Lucinda said and hug me.
"I did to." I said hugging her back. She Brock the hug
"Why did you come." Lucinda ask
"I need help to fix my crystal heart." I said
"Ok. But today going to be your last and I'm going to show you how." Lucinda said
"Ok." I said. We went in side and of cores snowdrop came. Lucinda showed me how to fix the crystal hear. We talk after she fix my crystal heart.
"So Unifishy how school." Lucinda ask
"O school. It.... great.... I guess." I said
"What happen."Lucinda said
"Ok I tell you. Their this girl name Ella. She this bi-" I was cut off by Lucinda
"Ella... Ella... ELLA. Does she have long blond hair with grayish-clue eyes." Lucinda yelled. I saw that snowdrop ran behind me. When Lucinda yelled.
"Yes why." I ask
"Ella is a spy. Who working for Zane." Lucinda said
"What do you mean." I said
"I mean Lucinda is a spy. Who spying on you guys." Lucinda said and grabbing her crystal heart "crystal heart show me Ella." It should Ella talking to Zane throw a amulet.
"This is bad. THIS IS BAD." Lucinda said
"Calm down Lucinda." I said with fear in my vocie
"I try." Lucinda said. I was going to say something. But I felt a present of... Reaven. I ran downstairs to see reaven. (Let say Garroth sent the letter ok ok)
"Unifishy I got a letter for you." Reaven said
"Ok. Can I see it." I ask
"Yes you can." Reaven said and took out the letter. I grabbed the letter and read it
~~~read letter~~~
~Dear Unifishy
So school had became boring with out you. All of us want you to come back. But anyhow we have a project for art and I love project. The project theam is magic. So we decide to draw you and Kawaii~Chan using magick and witchcraft. Is that ok and a other thing is. In history we are learning about magick history. I love to learn about this history. Are teacher dr. Girl she pretty awesome. But I ask can I do a project on this and she said yes. I hope you come back before I'm done doing my reach
~from (N/A)
~~~done reading letter~~~
When I read the letter. I cry. I wrote a letter back and gave it to reaven. When I gave reaven the letter he flew off. To give the letter to (N/A). I ran upstairs to ask Lucinda somethings.
"Lucinda can I stay over for the night. I will leave in the morning." I ask
"Ok and Unifishy put this in your bag befor we both forget." Lucinda said hadding me my crystal hear.
"Ok." I said and putting the crystal hear in my bag. After that we talk and biggerworth and snowdrop played together. It was so cute
So finally right. Umm this going to be the last update today. Next chapter will be yours POV and I'm losing idea
Bye fishy
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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