Chapter 24

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~~~unifishy POV~~~ the next morning~~~
It was morning and Lucinda was still asleep. I left a note for her that said thank you for letting me stay here and yeah. I grabbed my my bag and put snowdrop in the golden lassos. I went out side and saw the bootifulness of the wood. I called for broomy and it took is home.
~~~arrived at home~~~
I arrived home and everyone was at school.
"What new." I said out loud. I walk inside and look at the time. It was 2 o'clock. So they will be home soon. So I made food for them and it only took about 30 minutes to make rice and meat. It was only 2:30. So I decided to pull a prank on them. While I was waited for them to come home. I started to think about levin. "He cute, nice, awesome, and freindly. I just want to ask him out. But I can't." I said to my self. Then I heard the door opening and I was hiding under table~chan. The door open and everyone came in and went straight to the eating room and saw the food
"Garroth someone Brock in to are house and made food for us." (N/A)
"I'm just going to eat." Nicole said sitting in a seat
"Me too.." Levin said sitting across of Nicole. Everyone say down and ate the food. So I crawled out under the table and walk ov r to the kitchen.
"Hey guys miss me." I said sitting on the island
"Hey Uni- UNIFISHY YOIR HOME." Aph said
"Give this fish a hug." I said having my arm open. Everyone cam over and gave me a hug. But I was so happy to see garroth. After a while the hug broke and I saw garroth was the only one not in the hug. I walk over to him and gave him my hug
"I miss you garroth." I said
"I did too." Garroth said. I sat down at the island talking to them while they were eating. Then their was yips going off.
"What that sound." Dantes said
"Yeah. Unifishy it coming from you. What is it." Laurnce said
"O yeah that's my pet arctic fox name snowdrop." I said taking out my golden lassos and letting snowdrop out. Snowdrop ran around the house for a little. Then came back to me
"O my gosh snowdrop is so dang adurble." (N/A) said getting up to snowdrop. Snowdrop move back some because she was scared of  new people at first sight.
"Snowdrop don't be scrad. This is (N/A) and my friends. They won't hurt you I promis." I said. Snowdrop nod her head ok and (N/A) let snowdrop smell her hand. Snowdrop started to lick (N/A) hand. Garroth look at me in a surprise face and everything. But I did not mind. Then I saw levin looking at me with his blond hair in his face.
"So do you guys like snowdrop." I said
"Yessss she reminds me of roxy. But more sweeter." (N/A) said
"Hey at least roxy stayed beside me." Nicole said
"Then were is she." Dante said
"In a golden lassos." Nicole said taking roxy out
"O yeah that reminds me to take out are Pegasus Nicole." (N/A) said taking out two golden lassos and the Pegasus came out of the Pegasus. Nicole and (N/A) led them to the backwards and I spawn in some hay with witchcraft.
"Wow that's take up half of my energy." I said sitting back down. Snowdrop and roxy played together. And everyone was talking. But I stayed out. Then levin came and sit by me. My heart started to pound against my chest. I had feelings for him. But he was sitting beside me.
"So unifishy what happen when you were gone." Levin said
"Hmm let se-." I was cut off by snowdrop nibbling on my show. I laugh alittle. Even levin laugh. This was a sign that she was hungry. I got off the island and gave snowdrop some food. I got back on the island and forgot that levin was still up their.
"So what happen on the trip." Levin ask. I told him what happen and everything. Them I remember I had my crystal heart in back bag. I got up and ran to my back bag and took out a box with my crystal heart inside. I sat beside levin and showed him my crystal heart.
"What does it do." Levin said
"It like a crystal ball. I mostly use it for dicoration." I said
"That's cool." Levin said. "WAIT DID LEVIN SAY THIS IS COOL." I thought. Then Aph and garroth came behind me and scrad the poop out of me. When I got scrad I jumped up and landed on levin lap and my crystal heart went flying. Garroth and Aph did a hive face and Aph cought my crystal heart. Me and Levin were blushing all type of red. Aph, (N/A), kawaii~chan, and Nicole was taking pictures and fangirling. I was looking in to levin dark blue eyes and levin was looking in to my brown eyes. Garroth, laurnce, and Dante try to calm down Aph, (N/A), Nicole, and kawaii~chan. levin and I kept looking at each other eyes
"JUST KISS HER." All the girls said. I blushed so hard it was not funny. Then I felt lips on my lips and it was levin. All the girls fangirl. I Brock the kiss and got off the island and ran outside. Levin ran after me. I was sitting at the tree in front of the house. I had tear in my eyes and levin sat beside me.
"Unifishy what happen." Levin said
"I-it just I-i di-" I was cut off by levin
"You did not see that coming." Levin said. I shock my head yes and a tear came down my face.
"Now stop crying." Levin said wripping a tear off my face.
"Thanks levin." I said smileing. I hug him and he hug back. I just wanted this hug last. But hugs never last a lifetime. I Brock the hug and me and levin talk, laugh, and joke.
"Hey unifishy question." Levin said
"What levin." I said playing drawing in the dirt. He grabbed my hand.
"I like you unifishy. If you do-." I cut levin off with a kiss. I Brock the kiss and look behind me and their was Aph and (N/A) fangirling. Levin and I just blushed and laugh.
"Levin does that make us a thing." I ask
"Yes." Levin said. I had joy all over my face and (N/A) and Aph finted. I look back and Garroth had the face of shame. I got up and open the door that went to the house. I walked over to Garroth.
"Garroth why do you have the face of shame." I ask
"It just that you have a boyfriend now and you are only 15." Garroth said
"Really Garroth that's what brothing you." I ask
"Fine it was when you left and I did not want to lose you again and I thought somethings bad will happen to you." Garroth said
"Ok and Garroth about Ella." I said
"What about Ella"
"She working for Zane. She trying to figure out what is (N/A) and Nicole weakness and she will tell Zane that. That when Zane comes in and try to hurt us." I said
"Ok. We still don't know what Nicole other power is." Garroth said
"I know. But it will take time." I said "now what is these projects I hear about." At that Aph, kawaii~chan, Nicole, and (N/A) took me to the room and we started on the projects
I TRICK YOU FISHY. How you may ask. When this book got 4K fishy. I said I'm going to do something to this book in 2-5 months and in a comment someone said
"what are you going to do to this book." Fishy ask
"I may remove it." I said. I'm mean to you guys I'm really am. But this book is coming back
Bye fishy 🦄
From one and only unifishy 🐠

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