Chapter 25: The End

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I need a picture of me and levin. I have brown hair and brown eyes, wareing a pastel pink tank top, short pants, and grey high tops. Send the pictures to my email. [email protected]. Make sure when you send it you put "it for your wattpad" then I will know it for someone from wattpad not some creep

~~~your POV~~~ week has pass~~~
Me and Unifishy got a A on are magik & witchcraft project. Then for are art project. The girl team got a A and the boys team had a B. So we made the boy made food and clean the house. Unifishy almost throw up because how bad the food tast. And the house was attacy clean. After they cook and clean we talk for a while.
"So you boys suck at making food and the house is clean." Unifishy said
"Wow Unifishy wow. You make sooooooooooooooooo happy when you said are food suck" laurnce said
"I know. So what are we going to do about Nicole powers." Unifishy ask
"I don't know." I said "Nicole did you get your other power yet."
"No. Ugh I wish o can just get it." Nicole said
"I know you want your powers. But give it time." I said. Then their was a loud boom outside.
"Garroth that sound like dad." Unifishy said
"I know." Garroth said. Then their was a third boom that sound like are dad
"Nicole it is dad too." I said
"I know we need to get out side." Nicole said
"Ok then let's go outside." Laurnce and Dante said. We all went outside and Dante, laurnce, levin, and Garroth had their sword out. I wonder why Garroth, laurnce, Dante, and levin had a sword. Unifishy called her broom and got on it. Aph, Nicole, kawaii~chan, and I got ready too.
"Well well well is it the stupid son and stupid sister." Unifishy and Garroth dad said
"WE ARE NOT STUPID YOU ARE." Unifishy yelled
"Let see about that." Their dad said. They shot arrow a arrow close to Unifishy. But the miss.
"SCHOOL NOW." Unifishy yelled. So Unifishy rode to the school. While I teleported me, Garroth, levin, Aph, Nicole, Laurnce, Dante, and Kawaii~Chan to school. We meat up with Unifishy in the cafeteria.
"What the plan." Garroth ask
"I don't have one. For the first time I don't have one." Unifishy said "NOOO SNOWDROP IS AT HOME WITH ROXY."
"Unifishy calm down Roxy follow are secnt. So Roxy and snow should come here." Nicole said
"Ok ok." Unifishy said
"Wait Unifishy you don't have a plan." Garroth said
"No I don't. All I have is run or fig-." Unifishy was cut off my a loud boom "their here."
"We fight." Dante said
"Ok. Unifishy get your witchcraft ready. Dante, laurnce, Garroth, and I will get are sword ready. Aph do you have your sword still." Levin said.
"Never leave home without it." Aph said running to her locker
"What can Nicole~chan and kawaii~chan can do." Kawaii~chan said
"Kawaii~chan do you still have a maid." Levin said
"Kawaii~chan always have one." Kawaii~chan said calling a maid
"Ok I have a extra sword and the maid can fight right." Levin said
"Yes levin~Kun." Kawaii~Chan said. Levin gave Kawaii~chan the sword. So she can give the maid the sword
"I have my komback skills. So I used that." Nicole said
"Ok." Levin said. Aph come running back with her purple sword
"It powerful." Aph said
"My witchcraft is ready. All I need is snowdrop. She give me my power. That I need." Unifishy said. Snowdrop and Roxy came running in with happiness
"Ok that cover all of th-." Dante and Garroth was it off. By a loud boom and took half of the school.
"Levin now." Unifishy said
"Now." Levin said. We all ran outside. But not Unifishy. We were fighting so much people. I got some cut by swords. Then my dad said somethings
"Hey butts. WHY DONT YOU FORGET ABOUT THIS AND DIE." are dad said. My eyes and hair for bloody red. Flames start to form from my hands
"Say that again." I said
"I said die." Are dad said. I shot a fire ball at him. But he missed. Then Nicole she got ragin mad. I saw ice forming around her. Then she shot a ice arrow at him. But he missed. Then me and Unifishy saw arrows going straight at levin and Garroth. Unifishy jumped in front of levin and I jumped in Garroth. Unifishy and me got shot and that was the end of are life

~~~Garroth POV~~~
I saw my sister and my girlfriend get killed right in front of my eyes. I lost my sister. All these years she was not dead. Now she is. I saw levin tearing up. Then Nicole was mad. She shot ice arrows a her dad. She was ready to shot a arrow. But I stop her
"I get him." I said. Nicole shock her head ok. So I gripped on my sword tightly and walk up to my dad
"Because I knew they will jump in front of you guys and take their life away." My dad said. I got mad and stab him. I kept my sword their and left
"Let go." I said. We all left home. We arrived home. I ran upstairs and cried.
~~~week later~~~Nicole POV~~~
Everyone sad. I have not felt sadness sencie are mom died. I wish I can tell her. Dad killed mom but it was to late. Levin just got her and she left. Garroth lost her sister and girlfriend. Now we are living in a village called waterdrop.
This is the end of this book. PLEASE DONT HATEZ BECAUSE I KILLED YOU AND ME. I got plans and their going to be a squal. Now I love you all. I'm going to do major editing to this book and this all happen in a month
Bye fishy 🦄
From one and only unifishy 🐠

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