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Today I'm going to continue my ongoing monthly series of learning how the months got their names.  I'm pretty sure I already know August is named after Augustus Caesar, just as July was named after Julius Caesar.  But maybe there's some other info I don't know so I'm going to go look it up right now.  Be back with the juicy deets in a moment.

All right, so here's what I learned.  Yep, it's named after good old Auggie Caesar.  What we now call August was originally called Sextilis, which literally meant "sixth month" because by the reckoning of the old calendar it was the sixth month of the year.  Julius Caesar adjusted the calendar to something very similar to what we use today and as he changed the name of the previous fifth month to honor himself, his successor also chose to name a month after himself.  Apparently August was meant to only have 30 days, but Augustus Caesar borrowed a day from February, leaving it with just 28 days so that August could have 31 days just like July.  That's interesting stuff I never knew before.  

All right, until next time, this has been "Learning About the Months with Wuckster."

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